Topic: “The image of Vasily Terkin in the work of Tvardovsky. The image of Vasily Terkin (School essays) What topic can I take about Vasily Terkin

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Vasily Terkin - the main character of the poem of the same name by Alexander Tvardovsky, a brave soldier from the Smolensk region. This is an ordinary guy from the people, who embodied the best features of a Russian soldier. He does not stand out in any way externally or in mental abilities, but during the battle he shows considerable courage and ingenuity. The image of Vasily Terkin can be attributed to a generalization. The author notes more than once that such a Terkin was in other companies, only under a different name. This image is close to ordinary soldiers, he is one of them.

In the poem "Vasily Terkin" the protagonist more than once rescues his comrades and boldly fights for his homeland. So, for example, when communication with the commander is lost, he swims across the river in the cold to report on the situation and receive further orders. And when an enemy plane is circling over the soldiers, he is the only one who decides to shoot from a rifle, thereby knocking out a bomber. In any situation, Terkin manifests himself as a hero, for which he is awarded an order. The author emphasizes the fact that even death could not defeat such a fighter.

In addition to courage and love for the motherland, Vasily more than once shows humanity and the breadth of his soul. On the way, he amuses everyone with jokes, plays the accordion, helps old people whose watches and saws are broken, and also maintains the morale of his comrades.

Over time, Terkin rises to the rank of officer, and participates in the liberation of his native village, and his surname becomes a household name. At the end of the poem, a German bathhouse is shown, in which Russian soldiers are steaming. That fighter, who has the most scars and awards, is called by fellow soldiers the real Terkin.

Vasily Terkin is the main character of the poem of the same name. In his image, the author put the features of the real Russian spirit and heroism. Even the surname makes sense: “grated kalach” is a person who has gone through many hardships, a real warrior. Vasily is a true fighter, which is clearly seen in his image.

A young man who, at the age of twenty-five, has already experienced “everything bad”, while retaining the desire to fight and fighting spirit. Each new test seems to harden him and make him more cheerful. Terkin is not just a soldier, the image of a peasant is read in him - a peasant, direct and honest, strong, skillful and generous.

At the same time, Vasily perceives military reality very realistically, without romanticizing it. He sees pain, death, hunger, he knows the measure of human hardships and troubles. But at the same time, Terkin does not lose heart, he believes in his innocence and defends his native land.

This helps the hero in any situation to maintain humanity and courage.

The image of Vasily Terkin is a bit reminiscent of folklore characters - ancient Russian heroes. He also combines militancy and heroism with innocence, even a touch of tomfoolery. At the same time, the description of the hero’s appearance is not at all heroic: he is both small in stature and light in body. And his character is not so wonderful and fabulous, he is a real person, with his weaknesses, ordinary. A real Russian soldier - that's what Vasily looks like in the eyes of his comrades.

In conditions of war, the character of the hero reveals love for his native land and a willingness to stand up for it. He "doesn't care about rain or snow" - Vasily is ready to rush into battle at any time and protect his homeland from enemies.

In addition to courage and patriotism, Terkin also personifies diligence, he is a real craftsman. And with a saw, he is easily controlled, and he knows how to fix watches. With his unpretentious jokes, the ability to maintain the morale of his comrades and his broad soul, the hero immediately wins the sympathy of readers. Yes, and the author in the work repeatedly expresses his personal opinion about Terkin through his characteristics: "Russian miracle man", "in war - a dashing soldier, at a party - a guest is not superfluous, at work - no matter where."

Through the image of Vasily Terkin, Tvardovsky showed the reader how brave, courageous a working Soviet person can be. If in calm times he is a joker and a worker, then during the war all his fighting qualities are exposed, and Terkin is ready to rush into battle for his homeland without hesitation. It was thanks to such a “miracle man” that our great country did not fall before the enemies, it survived, because there were not so few such “Terkins” in the war.

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You are currently reading an essay The image of Vasily Terkin

In the midst of the Great Patriotic War, when our entire country was defending our homeland, the first chapters of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", where a simple Russian soldier, "an ordinary guy" was bred in the image of the main character.

The writer himself recalled that the beginning of work on "Vasily Terkin" was accompanied by difficulties: it was not easy to find the required art form, to determine the composition, and it was especially difficult to choose a main character who would be understandable not only to the wartime reader, but would also remain modern for many years. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky found his hero - Vasily Terkin, whose image helped both the soldiers at the front and their wives and children in the rear, is also interesting to the modern reader. What made the literary image of Terkin so popular for so many years?

Any artistic image has not only individualistic, personal features, but also carries something collective, general, is a spokesman, a characteristic hero of its time. On the one hand, Vasily Terkin is unlike the rest of the soldiers in the company: he is a merry fellow, he is distinguished by a peculiar sense of humor, he is not afraid of danger, but at the same time, Tvardovsky, creating his hero, did not take any particular person as a model, therefore the writer got a collective image of a soldier, the defender of the Russian land, ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack:

However, what is there to think, brothers,

We must hurry to beat the German.

That's all Terkin in a nutshell

You have to report.

Terkin is brave, courageous, he is not afraid of bullets, enemy bombing, or ice water. In any situation, the hero knows how to stand up for himself and not let others down. Terkin is a friend to a fighter at a halt, a son to an old man and an old woman in a dilapidated hut, a brother to a young woman who sent all her loved ones to the front. The character of the hero is woven from dozens and hundreds of characters of ordinary Russian soldiers, endowed with universal human traits: kindness, respect for people, decency.

A.T. Tvardovsky endows his hero with a speaking surname -¦ Terkin, not without reason the most common phrase of the poem: “We will endure. Let's grind." The strength of the Russian spirit is such that a person can endure everything, can survive a lot, but this does not make him angrier, intolerant, but, on the contrary, seeks to help people, tries to make them believe in their own strength:

He sighed at the door

And said:

Let's go, father.

Savvy and resourceful Terkin not only in the war, during the battle, but also in everyday life. Thus, peaceful and military life merge into one. The hero, as it were, lives in the war, constantly dreaming of victory, of simple village work.

The writer Vasily Terkin calls differently in the poem, then he is an “ordinary guy”, with weaknesses inherent in any person, then a hero.

"Vasily Terkin" was written throughout the Great Patriotic War - from 1941 to 1945. But the idea for the work arose much earlier, during the Finnish campaign of 1939-1940. A hero named Vasily Terkin first appears in the poetic feuilletons of the Tvardov period of the Soviet-Finnish war. Some chapters, which later became part of the poem "Vasily Terkin", were created long before the work took shape in its final form ("On a Halt", "Accordion", "Crossing"). After the end of the Finnish war, work on "Vasily Terkin" became the main business of Tvardovsky. It was during the Great Patriotic War that the text known to us under this name was created.

The first chapters of the poem "Vasily Terkin" were published in the front press in 1942. In addition, starting from the same year, the poem was published in separate editions.


Traditionally, the genre of "Vasily Terkin" is usually referred to as a poem. Such a genre definition is quite natural, since this work combines the lyrical and epic principles.

However, the author himself called "Vasily Terkin" "A book about a fighter." Tvardovsky explained this as follows: “The genre designation of The Book about a Fighter, which I settled on, was not the result of a desire to simply avoid the designation “poem”, “story”, etc. This coincided with the decision to write not a poem, not a story or a novel in verse, that is, not something that has its legalized and, to a certain extent, obligatory plot, compositional and other features.

These signs did not come out of me, but something still came out, and I designated this something as the “Book about a fighter.”


« Crossing". There is a river crossing. The platoons are loaded onto the pontoons. Enemy fire breaks the crossing, but the first platoon managed to get over to the right bank. Those who remained on the left are waiting for dawn, not knowing what to do next. Terkin sails from the right bank (winter, icy water). He reports that the first platoon is able to ensure the crossing if it is supported by fire.

« two soldiers". In the hut - grandfather (old soldier) and grandmother. Terkin comes to them. He fixes old men's saws and watches. The hero guesses that the grandmother has hidden fat and persuades him to treat him. Grandfather asks Terkin: “Shall we beat the German?” He answers, already leaving, from the threshold: “We will beat you, father.”

« Duel". Terkin fights hand-to-hand with the German and wins. Returns from reconnaissance, leads with a "language".

« death and warrior". Terkin is seriously wounded and lies in the snow. Death comes to him and persuades him to submit to her. Turkin disagrees. People from the funeral team find him and carry him to the medical battalion.


Conventionally, the poem "Vasily Terkin" can be divided into three parts: the first tells about the beginning of the war, the second is dedicated to the middle, and the third - to the end of the war.

A feeling of bitterness and sorrow fills the first part, faith in victory - the second, the joy of the liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem.

This is explained by the fact that Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

This is due to the originality of the composition.

The poem is built as a chain of episodes from the military life of the protagonist, which do not always have a direct event connection with each other.

Each next chapter of the poem is a description of one front-line episode.

Not only individual chapters, but also periods, stanzas within chapters are distinguished by their completeness. This is due to the fact that the poem was printed in parts, which means that it should be available to the reader from "anywhere".

It is no coincidence that Tvardovsky's work begins and ends with lyrical digressions. An open conversation with the reader brings the work closer to the inner world, creates an atmosphere of common involvement in the events.

The poem ends with a dedication to the fallen.


The central theme of the work is the life of the people in the war.

Despite the humor that permeates the poem from beginning to end, Tvardovsky portrays the war as a severe and tragic test of the vitality of the people, country, every person:

The howl goes holy and right.

Mortal combat is not for glory.

For life on earth.

And put a pillar of water

Suddenly a projectile. Pontoons in a row

There were a lot of people there -

Our haircut guys...

And saw for the first time

It will not be forgotten:

people are warm and lively

Going down, down, down...

Tvardovsky shows the victories, but also the drama of the retreat of the Soviet army, the life of a soldier, the fear of death, all the hardships and bitterness of war.

The war in "Vasily Terkin" is primarily blood, pain and loss. Thus, the author describes the grief of a fighter who hurries to his newly liberated native village and finds out that he no longer has a home or relatives.

... homeless and rootless,

Back in the battalion

The soldier ate his cold soup

After all, and he cried.

On the edge of a dry ditch

With a bitter, childish trembling of the mouth,

I cried, sitting with a spoon in my right,

With bread in the left, - an orphan.

The fighters start talking not at all about “high” topics - for example, about the advantage of a boot over a felt boot. And they end their “war-work” not under the columns of the Reichstag, not at a festive parade, but where any suffering usually ends in Russia - in a bathhouse.

But in "Vasily Terkin" we are talking not only about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, which took millions of lives, but also about the war in general.

Philosophical problems of life and death, war and peace are raised here.

Tvardovsky comprehends the war through the prism of peace, through the image of eternal human values ​​that are destroyed by the war.

The writer affirms the greatness and value of life through the denial of war and the death that it brings.

The image of Vasily Terkin

In the center of the poem is the image of Terkin, uniting the composition of the work into a single whole. Terkin Vasily Ivanovich - the protagonist of the poem, an ordinary infantryman from Smolensk peasants. He embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the people as a whole.

Terkin tells young soldiers about the everyday life of the war with humor; says that he has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, was wounded.

The fate of the protagonist, an ordinary soldier, one of those who bore the brunt of the war on his shoulders, becomes the personification of the national fortitude, the will to live.

It is no coincidence that the hero's surname is consonant with the word "rub": Terkin is an experienced soldier, a participant in the war with Finland. In the Great Patriotic War, he participates from the first days: "in service since June, in battle since July."

Terkin is the embodiment of the Russian character. He is distinguished neither by outstanding mental abilities, nor by outward perfection:

Let's be frank:

Just a guy himself

He is ordinary.

However, the guy though where.

Guy like that

In each company there is always

Yes, and in every platoon.

The image of Vasily Terkin embodies the best features of the people: courage, courage, love of work, modesty, simplicity, sense of humor.

Cheerfulness and natural humor help Terkin cope with fear and defeat death itself. Turkin often risks his own life. For example, he crosses the river in icy water and establishes communication, ensuring a favorable outcome of the battle (“Crossing”).

When the frozen Terkin receives medical attention, he jokes:

Rubbed, rubbed...

Suddenly he says, as in a dream: -

Doctor, doctor, can't you

Should I warm up from the inside?

Vasily Terkin is shown not only as a soldier, he is also a jack of all trades. In harsh military conditions, he did not lose his taste for peaceful work: he knows how to fix watches and sharpen an old saw (“Two Soldiers”). In addition, Terkin is also a master at playing the harmonica.

In a word, Terkin, the one who

A dashing soldier in the war

At the party, the guest is not superfluous,

At work, anywhere.

The prototype of Vasily Terkin was the entire Russian people.

It is no coincidence that in the chapter "Torkin - Terkin" we meet another fighter with the same surname and the same name, and he is also a hero.

Terkin speaks of himself in the plural, thus showing that he is a collective image.

Perhaps the most terrifying passage in The Book of the Fighter is the Death and the Warrior chapter. It tells about how death came to the hero, who "was lying unselected". Death persuaded him to surrender to her, but Terkin courageously refused, although it cost him a lot of effort. Death does not want to lose its prey so easily and does not leave the wounded. Finally, when Terkin began to lose strength, he set a condition for Death:

I'm not the worst and I'm not the best

That I will die in the war.

But at the end of it, listen

Will you give me a day off?

Will you give me the last day,

On the holiday of world glory,

Hear the victorious salute

What will be heard over Moscow?

From these words of the soldier it becomes clear that he is ready to part with his life, but to see the victory of his people. In a difficult struggle, the front-line brotherhood helps the protagonist. Even Death is surprised at this friendship and retreats.

Vasily Terkin is a generalized and at the same time deeply individualized image.

He is perceived as a completely real hero - dexterous, savvy, witty. Terkin is inseparable from the warring people.

The book is "inhabited" by many episodic persons: a grandfather, a soldier who fought during the First World War, and a grandmother, his wife, tankers in battle and on the march, a girl, a nurse in a hospital, a soldier's mother returning from captivity, a soldier who lost all his relatives , etc.

Almost all of these heroes are nameless, which, of course, is not accidental. This helps the author create a unified image of the Soviet people defending their land.

Vasya Terkin is a real hero. I know that he was and still is loved by many. It can be mistaken for a real person, and not for a fictional character. He still evokes sympathy, even admiration.

Not only did he manage to shoot down a German plane, while Vasya was in the infantry, which he adores ... He twisted the German with his bare hands. Although the fight scene shows how difficult it all was. The German is fat, sleek, strong. And Vasya has grown thin, tired. Of course, he jokingly asks for supplements from a local chef. And in general he gets it, but the cook is not very pleased - there are probably few products. And he even makes a remark to Terkin: “Why don’t you go to the fleet, such a glutton.” But Terkin, which is his remarkable quality, is not offended. He laughs it off, it's hard to hurt him.

But he (such a merry fellow) is experiencing negativity. For example, when his small homeland is belittled. This is when in the hospital the young hero was offended that Terkin mistook him for a fellow countryman. Why is Smolensk land worse?! And for her sake, Terkin is ready to perform feats. Il when a colleague laments that he has lost his pouch, Terkin freaks out in the end. He said to the bewildered once with a smile, twice with a joke, but he still does not let up. But it is clear that this was the last straw for the one who lost. He even complains that he lost his family, home, and now that pouch. But Terkin generously gives his own, saying, they say, the main thing is not to lose the Motherland. And what is needed for this? Cheer up, first of all!

That is, Vasily is an optimist, he is generous and courageous. He respects civilians: children, old people... By the way, the authorities too. Here he was talking about the general - how smart he should be. But this experience is also because when the soldier was still in the cradle, the future general was already at war.

I remember the scene with the awarding of the order. When they called Terkin to that same general, and the soldier’s things were wet - only washed. And Vasya is in no hurry to see the general, although he was given “two minutes” time, because it is impossible in wet pants. He understands that there are certain boundaries that cannot be violated.

While I see some pluses in Vasya. Laziness is also not about him. He would not be able to sit out in the rear or in the hospital when the war ... The only thing that would give me a headache from him. There are way too many jokes.

But in the terrible time of the war it was necessary, I think.

Option 2

Vasily Terkin is a collective image of a Russian soldier. Where did he come from? Soldiers from all fronts wrote to Tvardovsky and told their stories. It was some of them that formed the basis of the exploits of Terkin. Therefore, it is so recognizable, so popular. Yes, in the next company there, Vanya or Petya did exactly the same as Terkin.

A cheerful, resilient joker who knows how to make everything with his own hands.

He served in the "queen of the fields" - mother infantry, which marched all the way to Berlin across Europe. Vasily managed to shoot down a German plane. And in a hand-to-hand fight, he defeated a healthy Fritz. And when the cook asks for supplements, but it is not provided - there is not enough food, he grumbles and sends him to the fleet. The naval at that time were fed better than the infantry.

Turkin is a collective character, and each soldier recognized familiar features in him. Each chapter is a separate story about the next feat of Vasily. Tvardovsky wrote the poem not after the war, but during the fighting, in the intervals between battles. He was a front correspondent.

Terkin was as alive. He communicated with the soldiers on an equal footing, gave practical advice. The soldiers were looking forward to the release of each new chapter in the front-line newspaper. Terkin was a friend and comrade for everyone. He was one of them. If Terkin could do such a thing, then every soldier could do exactly that. The soldiers enjoyed reading about his exploits and adventures.

Tvardovsky specially invented his Terkin so that he would help the soldiers morally. Supported their fighting spirit. Terkin means "gritty".

Here it is melted down to the opposite shore under enemy fire. Alive, swam, and it was late autumn. The water in the river is cold. But it was necessary to personally deliver a report to someone, because. there was no connection.

The other messengers did not make it to shore. And Vasya swam. At stake was the life of many soldiers and officers who melted down from one shore to another and came under fire from the Nazis.

And for his feat does not require anything. You don't even need an order. He agrees to a medal. And the medal "For Courage" was considered a soldier's order. Well, another hundred grams of alcohol inside to keep warm. Why waste everything on skin? He also has the strength to joke around.

Composition Image of Vasily Terkin image with a description with examples and quotes from the text

Tvardovsky wrote his poem not after the war in the quiet of offices, but practically on it, in the intervals between hostilities. The chapter just written was immediately published in the front-line newspaper. And the soldiers were already waiting for her, everyone was interested in the further adventures of Terkin. Tvardovsky received hundreds of letters from all fronts from soldiers like Vasily Terkin.

They told him interesting stories about the exploits of their fellow soldiers. Some episodes Tvardovsky then "attributed" to his hero. That is why it turned out to be so recognizable and popular.

There was no real person with that name and surname. This image is collective. It contains all the best that is inherent in the Russian soldier. Therefore, everyone could recognize himself in it. Tvardovsky specially invented him so that in difficult times, like a living, real person, he would help the soldiers morally. Everyone was the best friend. Each company and platoon had its own Vasily Terkin.

Where did Tvardovsky get such a surname from? "Torkin" means a grated roll, beaten by life. A Russian person can endure everything, survive, grind, get used to everything.

From the poem, you can learn a little about the biography of Terkin. He comes from the Smolensk region, was a peasant. A good-natured Russian guy, easy to talk to, likes to tell all sorts of stories, a joker and a merry fellow. At the front from the first days of the war. Was injured.

Brave, courageous, fearless. At the right moment, he took command of the platoon. It was he who was sent across the river with a report that the platoon was entrenched on the opposite bank. Those who sent it understood that he had little chance of getting it. But he got there. Alone, swimming, in the icy November water.

Like all Russian peasants, Terkin is a jack of all trades. What he just didn’t do was fix the clock, sharpen the saw, and even play the harmonica. He must have been the first guy in the village. Modest "... why do I need an order, I agree to a medal ..."

He lay in the cold trenches under heavy fire from the Nazis. In the face of death, he did not get scared, but asked her for a respite for one day to see victory and salute. And death receded.

Initially, Tvardovsky planned Terkin as a feuilleton image in order to entertain the soldiers and raise their morale. But he did not notice how he himself fell in love with his hero, and decided to make his image real, not caricatured. To endow him with the best human traits - resourcefulness, courage, patriotism, humanism, a sense of military duty.

The author compares his favorite hero with the hero of Russian folk tales, a soldier who managed to cook soup from an axe. Those. he is resourceful and savvy, can find a way out of any seemingly hopeless situation. "Russian miracle man". On people like Terkin, all of Russia rests.

The poem is written in simple language, easy and long remembered.

Essay 4

Vasya Terkin, of course, is a well-known character and even beloved by everyone. However, I have a slightly different opinion.

I think he is a character, not a real hero. That is, it is clear that such a person does not exist, cannot actually exist. He is too cheerful, optimistic, so joyful ... He would, frankly, annoy me. I'm surprised no one hit him from the soldiers. That is, raising morale is, of course, good, but playing tricks when there is a war around ...

For example, in the scene with the lost pouch. A fighter who has lost an expensive thing is clearly not in the mood for jokes. From the outside it may seem that the pouch is nonsense. But it is clear that for a fighter this loss was the last straw, as they say. He held on when he lost his home, his family, but he held on with the last of his strength. And here is the pouch...

And our "hero" Vasya does not understand the suffering of a soldier. Laughing, mocking, shaming! To something he says that losing the Motherland is scary. But it is understandable, compared: the pouch and the Motherland.

So, Terkin is too positive. I'm not sure that such a person (with such dashing manners) could hold out on a real front.

But of course, Tvardovsky tried to put a lot of good qualities into his hero. And he boldly fights the Germans, and he cannot be kept in the hospital ... However, what unprecedented luck Vasily must still have in order to shoot down a German plane with a gun! It looks more like a soldier's bike! However, here he is Terkin - lucky. In fact, he was also lucky in hand-to-hand combat with the German, although the Fritz was well-fed and strong. It was lucky when our tankers picked him up in the wounded hut, took him to the doctor - they saved him.

I think that at that time the front-line needed such a hero. He is almost a hero, almost Ivan the Fool. He gives readers confidence in victory. The poet repeats through his lips that we will not lose in this war. Fortunately, these words have come true.

And yet, for me, this character is too simple. But that's just my personal opinion.

Option 5

Alexander Trofimovich Tvardovsky - the author of the unforgettable work "Vasily Terkin" Being himself in the thick of things, since he himself fought at the front and went through the whole war as a war correspondent, he talked a lot with soldiers, and he himself more than once got into various difficult situations. Everything that he describes in his book, he heard from ordinary fighters, foot soldiers. During the Great Patriotic War, the infantry played a crucial role in the history of the war, and mainly it was to her that the main merit in the victory belongs. So the main character of the author's story belonged to the infantry.

The image turned out to be collective and averaged. He is an ordinary guy who dreams of love, happiness, family and a peaceful life. One participant in the war wrote: The Germans loved, knew how and wanted to fight, but we fought out of necessity. Turki also fought out of necessity. A cruel enemy attacked his beloved land. His serene happy life on the collective farm was severely cut short by a formidable misfortune, and the war became work for him, like a hot suffering on the collective farm when the rains burst. The whole country turned into a single military camp, and even in the rear, the fascist could not sleep peacefully. Terkin endlessly loves his homeland, calling the earth "mother". His cheerfulness, courage and kindness permeate every chapter of the book. The cheerful and kind-hearted Terkin does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. Because his will to defeat the Nazis is very great in order to free mother earth from the damned invader. He is savvy, as he masterfully gets out of all the troubles in which the author puts him. In addition, he has a great sense of humor, which helps to endure the hardships and difficulties of the front with ease, tipsy, and, not least, helps the reader to follow the adventures of our hero with bated breath and worry about him.

At the front, all the soldiers were looking forward to the release of each new chapter about Terkin. They loved him as a brother and as a friend. And everyone found in themselves and in their comrades something from their favorite hero. The author is trying to show through his Terkin what the Russian people should be like. Only great courage, selflessness and kindness could lead the country to victory. And we won because the Russian engineers were more talented, the technologists were more brilliant, and our twelve- and fourteen-year-old boys, who got up to the machines instead of their fathers who had gone to the front, turned out to be more skillful and enduring than the overgrown German soldiers. And about each of them we can say that his name was Vasily Terkin. Soldiers fought and died not because their commanders sent them to their deaths, but because they fought for their homeland!!! This feat was, is and will always be, this is a feature of the Russian soldier - to sacrifice himself: the Brest fortress held out until November, everyone died for their homeland! And there are tens of thousands of such examples!

"Vasily Terkin" can be called the bestseller of that time. Glory to the Russian soldier!

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