Interpretation of paronyms. The most complete dictionary of paronyms for the exam

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The secret to successfully passing the exam in the Russian language is high-quality preparation with a thorough study of each type of task that the graduate will encounter during the examination work.

Like last year, tickets will include a paronym task. The topic “paronymic pairs” is studied in the school course of the Russian language, but many students have time to thoroughly forget it by the time of the final exams, which is confirmed by the large number of mistakes made by graduates in task No. 5.

We will tell you what paronyms are, you need to know about such pairs in order to successfully pass the exam for 2019 graduates, and we will also help you understand the features of the topic and tell you where to find a list of words that FIPI experts use when compiling exam tickets.

The Russian language is unique and rather complex in its structure. Words that sound very similar can have radically different meanings, which makes it difficult for many foreigners to perceive speech.

Paronyms are words with the same root, similar in sound and belonging to the same part of speech, but at the same time having different meanings and used in different lexical constructions.

Paronyms can form:

  • couples (2 words);
  • rows (from 3 to 7 words).

Words that form paronymic pairs can be expressed not only by a noun, but also by other parts of speech (adverb, adjective or verb). The task of a graduate who wants to pass the exam well in 2019 is to know all the paronyms (a list of pairs and lines from KIMs, their meaning and application features).

Words included in paronymic pairs and series may differ in prefixes and suffixes, or even have a stem of a different nature. Semantically, two groups of paronyms are distinguished:

There is also a separate group of words that differ significantly in functional and stylistic fixation (live - live, work - work).

Dictionary of paronyms

The first thing to do in the process of preparing for the USE in 2019 is to study the dictionary of paronyms. It should be said right away that in the KIMs of the Unified State Examination of 2019, not all paronyms that exist in the Russian language will be found, but only a short list of 124 pairs and rows. At the same time, in the complete dictionary compiled by Russian linguists, there are 1100 pairs and rows, each of which contains 2-7 words. If desired, a complete dictionary with detailed descriptions of the meanings and features of use can be found on the Internet (for example, on

We bring to your attention a short glossary of paronyms, which will be useful to all graduates, because in 2019 the Russian language remains a mandatory subject of the exam.

How to remember paronyms

Many paronymic pairs and their semantic differences are well known to everyone who is a native speaker of the Russian language. But there are also words in the list, the interpretation of which can cause difficulties. You can work out these paronyms by opening the corresponding dictionary with explanations, but in order to save time when preparing for the USE 2019, teachers recommend using quick reference books.

We suggest you download one of these ready-made dictionaries, which will help you quickly remember all 124 pairs necessary to complete task No. 5 from the Unified State Exam tickets.

Dictionary of paronyms from FIPI

Subscription- the right to use something (or a document granting this right) for a certain period: a subscription to the pool.

Subscriber– a person or institution holding a subscription: a telephone network subscriber.

Destination- the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed (recipient).

Addresser- the person or organization sending the postal item (sender).

Artistic- pertaining to the artist; intended for the artist; peculiar to the artist, the artist, characteristic of him.

Artistic- Distinguished by artistry, artistic taste.

Poor- Possessing a very meager income, poor or indigent; deficient in something, meager; unfortunate, arousing compassion, pity.

Disastrous- full of disasters, deprivations.

Meek- not receiving, not giving an answer, a response to something; unable to object, contradict, very meek.

Irresponsible- not bearing or unaware of responsibility.

Marshy- abounding in swamps, swampy; swampy like a swamp.
Bolotny- related to the swamp, characteristic of it; intended for work in the swamp, movement in the swamp, etc.; living, growing in a swamp.

Grateful- feeling or experiencing gratitude.

thanksgiving- containing, containing gratitude, gratitude: a letter of thanks, a telegram.

Charitable- with the aim of providing material assistance to those in need.

Beneficial- useful, having a good effect.

Experienced- Seen and experienced a lot.
Former- currently not in any position.

former- past, past.

Reckless- done without thought or reasoning.
Beloved- beloved, dear.

boundless- huge, boundless, boundless.

inhale- each individual intake of air into the lungs, each individual inhalation: a deep breath.
Sigh- Strengthened inhalation and exhalation: a sigh escaped.

century- living, existing for centuries, for a very long time, unchanged, constant: centuries-old oaks, centuries-old forest; age-old traditions, customs;

Eternal- infinite in time, having neither beginning nor end, not ceasing to exist, indefinite, without term. - eternal human values,
eternal problems.

Great- surpassing any level, outstanding. Great composer, great musician.

Majestic- full of grandeur, solemn beauty, having large dimensions. A majestic building, a majestic monument.

Replenish- reimburse.

Supplement- to add new data to what others have said, to make it more complete by adding to something.

Top up- increase by adding something new to something existing

Hostile- full of hostility, hatred.

Hostile- pertaining to the enemy, the enemy, the enemy.

Benefit benefit, advantage.

profitability- availability of benefits; positivity that leaves a good impression.

extradition- issued money, goods.

recoil- the same as the coefficient of efficiency, benefit.

Broadcast- something that is given to someone; transfer process.

Distribution- to give something to many.

Pay- giving money to compensate for something.

Payment- a fee paid for something money. Payment is a monetary reward, compensation for something.

Payment– reimbursement: payment of tax

pay out- to pay a fee, to pay in full.

Pay- to give in return for something, to repay.

Pay- to pay for something. To repay - to do, to do something in response to someone's act.

pay- the same as paying

Grow- caring, to ensure the growth, development of someone or something, to nurture.

build up- to promote the growth of something, to lengthen; grow in any quantity; accumulate.

Grow- to give the opportunity to achieve in the growth of any size, size.

High- large in length or far located in the direction from bottom to top; exceeding the average level, average norm, significant; distinguished by value, honorable, important; sublime in content, very significant, solemn, not ordinary; very good in quality, excellent; about sounds: thin, sonorous, caused by vibrations of high frequency.

high-altitude– extending above a known limit; caused by high altitude; produced or used at high altitude (air); about architectural structures: very high, multi-storey.

Warranty- adjective to the noun guarantee. Containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee.

Guaranteed- participle from the verb guarantee. Secured.

Harmonic- related to tarmonia; based on the principles of harmony.

Harmonious- containing elements of harmony; having consistency, coherence, mutual correspondence of different qualities of objects, phenomena, parts of the whole

Clay- made of clay. Clay pot.

Clayey- containing clay. Clay soil.

one year old- at the age of one year; lain, lasted a year.

Annual- related to the whole year; resulting by the end of the year, as a result for the year; calculated for a year. Annual - for a period of one year, one-year.

Pride- self-esteem, self-esteem, a sense of satisfaction from success; an overly high opinion of oneself.

Pride- excessive pride.

Humanism- the progressive movement of the Renaissance; attitude towards people, imbued with love for a person and concern for his welfare.

Humanity- a property based on the meaning of the adjective humane.

Humanistic- an adjective to the nouns humanism and humanist.

Humanitarian- addressed to the human person, to the rights and interests of a person; relating to the social sciences that study man and his culture.

Humane- humane, philanthropic, imbued with love for a person, respect for the individual.

Binary– based on counting by twos (pairs): binary system.

Double- twice as large: double portion; double care; consisting of two pieces, parts: double lining; double bottom.

Dual- leaning in one direction and the other; contradictory: ambivalent attitude, opinion, feeling, behavior.

twofold- having two kinds, two forms, two meanings.

double– something made double.

doubled- enlarged, doubled.

Effective- capable of influencing, active: effective help.

Valid- real, authentic; valid: ticket, real life.

current- performing actions, being in action.

Businesslike- sensible, serious, enterprising: a businesslike worker; businesslike look; businesslike walk.

Business- related to official activities, work: business conversation, meeting.

efficient- capable of serious work: efficient worker,; serious, noteworthy: a practical project.

Delyachesky- which is based on narrow practicality, losing sight of the social side of the matter.

Democratic- containing elements of democracy, democracy, simple, relating to the people.

Democratic- based on the principles of democracy, realizing democracy, reflecting it, belonging to it. (Used in terminological phrases)

Dictation- written work, consisting in writing down the dictated text.
Diktat- a requirement, an instruction dictated by one strong side and imposed for unconditional fulfillment by another, weak side.

Diploma student- a person awarded a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc.; student preparing graduation thesis.

Diplomat– An official engaged in diplomatic activities, work in the field of foreign relations; about a person acting subtly, skillfully.

Diplomatic- related to diplomacy, diplomat (diplomatic post).

Diplomatic- subtly calculated, evasive (diplomatic behavior).

Long- having a large length, length; longer than necessary; about the person: tall.; slowly stretching.

Long- long-term.

solid- benign, durable: good-quality goods, suit, house;

Kind- doing good, bringing good, close, noble: a kind person, character.

Confidential- showing confidence in someone, something: a confidential tone, voice, gesture, look.

Confiding- easily trusting; based on trust: gullible child, beast, disposition.

Rain associated with rain, caused by rain, bringing rain; designed to protect from rain.

Rainy- plentiful rain. Rainy season, year.

Dramatic- pertaining to drama about the singer's voice: strong, somewhat sharp in timbre, in contrast to the lyrical one.

Dramatic- containing elements of drama, tension, expressing strong, deep feelings, feelings; designed for effect, pompous.

Friendly- related to a friend, belonging to him, characterizing the relationship of friends.

Friendly- mutually benevolent, based on friendliness, expressing disposition (mainly about states, peoples and relations between them).

friendly- bound by friendship, mutual agreement, occurring simultaneously, in concert.

Unit- only one, the only one; separate, segregated, individual.

The only one- only one, such, besides which there is no other; exceptional. One - common, identical, one for all, possessing internal unity.

Desired- very expected, constituting the object of desire; dear, dear.

Desirable- necessary for something, corresponding to someone's desires, interests, expectations.

Hard- hard, rough (about the subject): hard tissue; strict, unconditional: rigidity of measures, character, games; hardness in the voice.

Cruel- pitiless, pitiless prone to cruelty.

Vital- relating to life: living conditions, contradictions; life experience, process, path; close to life, to reality: life image, story; important for life, socially necessary: ​​vital question.

worldly- ordinary, characteristic of everyday life: everyday chores, everyday life, little things.

Housing- adjective for the noun dwelling.

Residential- intended for housing.

to block- put up a fence, a fence, obscure, close.

fence- surround with a fence.

fence- protect, preserve.

fence off- to separate, putting a fence, a partition.

block off- divided by a partition, something blocking.

Underestimate- to make it lower than normal, necessary, to make it lower than necessary.

Downgrade- make it lower move to a lower, less responsible position.

reduce- make low, lower, lower height.

Pay- 1) pay a fee for something, 2) repay (answer). Usage examples: pay for purchases, for work, for services, for a ticket, for travel; to pay with good for good (note: after the word pay, a noun or pronoun is used in V. p. with the preposition for).

pay out- pay for something. Usage examples: pay a salary, pay interest on a debt, pay off a mortgage loan.

repay- to do something in response to someone's act, to take revenge. Usage examples: repay with ingratitude, repay evil for good, repay hospitality, repay with care and care.

Pay- pay for something. Usage examples: pay expenses, pay bills, pay for services.

Fill- take it entirely enter the required information into something.

Fill- to make full, busy, saturated with something.

overflow- overfill.

initiator- the one who conceives something, lays the foundation for something.

instigator- the one who incites to start, starts something unseemly.

Animal- adjective to the noun beast; inherent in the beast, peculiar to the beast; cruel, ferocious; overly strong.

Brutal- peculiar to the beast, bestial; cruel, ferocious, wild; very strong, extreme.

Sound- perceived by the ear, consisting of sounds.

Sonorous- making loud, clear sounds.

Visual- pertaining to vision intended for spectators; one that looks at something.

spectator- pertaining to the viewer, peculiar to him.

Inventive- resourceful, quick to invent, able to invent.

inventive pertaining to invention, to an inventor.

Informative- carrying information, saturated with information.

Informational- pertaining to information.

Information- informing; reporting on the state of affairs, events; information about the surrounding world and the processes taking place in it, perceived by a person or special devices.

Awareness- awareness, the degree of knowledge of information.

Ironic- related to irony as a stylistic device.

ironic- containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of ridicule.

Artful- skillful, well-versed in his work; skillfully, well done.

Artificial- not natural, unnatural, made like a real, natural, unnatural.

Executive- having as its task the execution of decisions, decrees, practically exercising control over something; diligent, accurate and well performing duties, assignments.

Performing- relating to the performer, to the performance of any artistic (musical, literary, dramatic) work.

original- initial, starting.

Outgoing- sent from the institution.

Rocky- rich in stone: soil.

Stone- made of stone.

Comfortable- providing comfort, peace of mind,

Comfortable- meeting all the requirements of comfort.

equestrian- associated with horses; operating with horses.

Horse- belonging to a horse, related to him, horse.

Stocky- body type (short, strong, muscular).

Root- original, primordial, permanent, main; concerning the very foundations, the roots of something, decisive, the most important; main, central, core.

Root- pertaining to the root of a plant; which is a root, consisting of a root, roots.

Bone- adjective to the noun bone; mined from bones.

Bone- made of bone, obtained from the bones of animals.

Colorful- bright, juicy. Coloring - participle from the verb to paint; containing paint, used for coloring.

Painted- treated with paint.

Varnished- varnished; polished, outwardly shiny, smooth.

Lacquer- adjective to the noun varnish; lacquered (made of leather, wood, papier-mâché or lacquered metal).

Ice- consisting of ice, ice; situated on the ice; occurring in the ice.

Ice- adjective to the noun ice; consisting of ice, covered with ice; very cold (cold as ice); extremely restrained, contemptuously cold, destroying.

Wooded- heavily wooded.

Forest- adjective to the noun forest; located in the forest, living, growing in the forest; covered with forests; relating to forestry.

personal- pertaining to personality.

Private- belonging to a certain person; belonging to the individual; affecting the interests of any person.

Microscopic- produced using a microscope; distinguishable, visible only under a microscope.

microscopic- very small in size, size, volume.

Frozen- frozen.

Freezer- intended for freezing.

Frosty- related to frost as a natural phenomenon.

put on- cover the body with clothes (i.e. put on oneself): put on a coat, hat; with the pretext "on" put on yourself and on someone: put a backpack on your back,
covered furniture.

Dress up- to cover someone with clothes: to dress a child.

Availability– presence, existence: to be present.

Availability- the amount of something at a given time; money available.

Reminder- words to remind.

Mention- words relating to someone, not spoken on purpose, but in passing.

Ignorant- a rude, ill-mannered person.

ignoramus- uneducated, ignorant person.

Intolerable- one that cannot be endured (unbearable cold).

Intolerant- one that cannot be tolerated: an intolerable situation, behavior; devoid of tolerance, not considering other people's opinions: an intolerant person; intolerant of others' success.

Impatient- not having the patience to wait for someone or something

Unsuccessful- accompanied by, ending in failure; unsatisfactory, not what it should be.

Unfortunate- haunted by misfortune.

accused- the one who is found guilty.

accusatory- containing an accusation, expressing condemnation.

snippet- a torn off, torn piece, separate, incoherent, disparate parts of something.

excerpt- a part isolated from a work, from a narrative.

embrace- concluding between outstretched hands, fingers, paws, etc., tightly press someone to yourself: the mother grabbed the child; the wrestler grabbed the opponent.

Reach- surround, compress; enclose within one's own limits, embrace, envelop: (covered) the neck.

Restrict- put in some kind of framework, boundaries, define some conditions.

delimit- separate, separate.

demarcate- to divide, denoting the boundaries; define exactly by separating one from the other.

Hail- an exclamation with which they call out, i.e. shouting, stop or call.

Response- response to a call, appeal; reflection, trace, vestige of something.

Organic- organism; characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms.

Organic- due to the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something.

Qualifying- an employee for the selection of someone, something: qualifying match, tournament; selection committee.

selective- selected, the best in quality: selected goods, flax, coal; obscene: selective abuse, abuse.

Deviation- rejection, rejection of something, abnormality, strangeness in behavior.

Evasion- moving to the side to avoid something; deviation from the direct direction.

Distinguish- establish a distinction, a boundary between something; stand out from others.

Distinguish- to recognize, to distinguish between something.

difference- a sign that creates a difference between something.

Difference difference, dissimilarity between something.

Retentive- having a good memory: a memoryful person, a student.

Memorable- preserved in memory, unforgettable: memorable date, meeting, trip; commemorative year; serving to remember; reminders, memory book, commemorative badge.

endure- to endure a lot; endure, overcome.

endure- to endure a lot (hardships); be reworked and changed.

Purchasing- pertaining to the opportunity to buy.

Purchasing- pertaining to the buyer, belonging to him.

Popular- understandable, accessible, uncomplicated in presentation; widely known, public sympathy.

populist- appealing to the broad masses and promising them a quick and easy solution to acute social problems.

venerable- inspiring respect, deserving of it; big, significant.

Respectful- Respectful to someone, showing respect.

Practical– relating to the field of practice; necessary for practice; instilling skill, skills; relating to real needs.

Practical- experienced, well versed in life affairs; convenient, suitable for business, profitable, economical.

Provide- give at the disposal, use, provide an apartment, loan, credit, freedom, word, opportunity; to give the right, the opportunity to do: to give a case to be resolved, to dispute, to determine the price.

Introduce- deliver, present, report: submit a report, project; introduce: introduce a guest, lecturer; to nominate, to propose: to present for an award, for an order, for a title, for a prize; See also: cause, create: this presents no difficulty.

Representative- making a favorable impression (representative appearance), authoritative; respectful, important, imposing.

Executive- elective (representative body) related to representation, representative (representative expenses).

Recognized- is generally accepted.

Grateful- experiencing, expressing gratitude.

Productive- bringing positive results, creating any values ​​in the labor process, productive, fruitful.

Grocery- intended for food products, associated with the trade or storage of products.

Productive- bringing obvious results, creating some value, productive.

Industrial- related to production; engaged in production, involved in production.

Performance- an indicator of production efficiency that characterizes the output per unit of resources used, factors of production; quotient of dividing the volume of production by the value of the cost of resources for a given volume of production.

enlightening- an employee for education, spreading education.

educational- related to enlightenment, enlightener, characteristic of them.

journalistic- pertaining to journalism, to a publicist.

journalistic- touching on topical socio-political issues.

shy- fearful, frightened; expressing fear.

scared- one who is often frightened or who is very frightened.

Irritation- a state of excitement, agitation, a feeling of acute discontent, annoyance, a cell reaction to external influences.

Irritability- a property of the individual.

rhythmic- pertaining to rhythm, subordinate to it.

Rhythmic something that repeats at regular intervals.

Romantic- relating to romanticism as a direction in literature and art and as an artistic method; characteristic of romance; full of romance; emotionally elevated, attracting with its mystery.

Romantic- containing elements of romanticism, mystery, dreaminess.

Secretive- not inclined to share his thoughts, experiences, intentions with others, not frank.

Hidden- secret, not revealed explicitly.

Vocabulary- consisting of words; related to vocabulary.

Verbal- oral.

Resistance- counteraction to the onslaught, attack, impact.

Resistance- the ability to resist, the degree of resistance.

Neighboring- located near, next to someone, in the neighborhood.

Neighboring- pertaining to a neighbor, belonging to him.

Comparable- one that can be compared.

Comparative- establishing similarities or differences, comparative; based on comparison.

Stage- pertaining to the scene; associated with the theater, theatrical art, theatrical activity.

scenic- suitable for the stage, for theatrical performance, having the properties necessary for the stage.

Technical- related to technology, associated with it, with its scientific development; used in industry; relating to the maintenance of equipment of any production; acting only at the direction of the head, not responsible.

technical- possessing skill, high technology; performed with great skill, skill (in sports, art).

Lucky- happy; one who is lucky (lucky explorer).

Successful- successful (good day).

Humiliated- the one who was humiliated; expressing humiliation, showing humiliation.

Humiliating- offensive to someone's dignity, pride.

Actual- valid, corresponding to the facts; real.

Factual- corresponding to reality, facts, requirements of accuracy.

Predatory- characteristic of a predator, predatory .; mismanaged, unplanned, pursuing the goals of immediate profit, enrichment.

Predatory– about animals: eating animals; greedy, full of desire to take possession of someone, to capture something, and also expressing such a desire; like a predator.

Royal- related to the king, luxurious, rich belonging to him; pertaining to the political regime of a monarchy headed by a king.

Regal- distinguished by majesty, significance in scope.

Reigning- performing the duties of the king; the same as reigning (high) preeminent, superior to all in some respect.

Whole- all without exception, full: a whole piece, a glass; significant, large: a whole pile of papers; a range of questions; unharmed: all things are intact.

Whole- from one substance, piece, solid: one-piece slab; solid granite.

Holistic- possessing internal unity: theory.

Economic- relating to the economy, economic.

Economical- giving the opportunity to save something, profitable.

Economical- thrifty spending something, respecting the savings; requiring moderate expenses, promoting economy, modest in expenses.

Aesthetic- related to aesthetics (the science of beauty in art and in life, about the general laws of artistic creativity); associated with the creation and perception of beauty.

aesthetic- beautiful, graceful; containing elements of aesthetics.

Ethical- related to ethics (science, the object of study of which is morality); conforming to the requirements of morality.

Ethical– admissible from the point of view of the requirements of ethics (norms of behavior).

Effective- giving effect, effective.

Spectacular- producing an effect, impressive. an effective method, an effective solution, spectacular costumes.

Efficiency- efficiency, effectiveness.

Effectiveness- catchiness, the ability to impress.

The next step should be the solution of ready-made tasks. For this, both KIMs of past years and trial tasks of the USE in 2019 are suitable.

If you perceive information more easily, not just by reading the text, but by the case of the teacher, you can recommend watching numerous free online lessons that are easy to find on the net. Also on YouTube you can find a video analysis of tickets in other subjects, works and their brief overview for the 2019 OGE in literature and much other information useful for graduates.

We bring to your attention one of the lessons on paronyms:

FULL analysis of task 5 FOR exam-2018

In Russian

Test your strength: solve without delving into the theory!

Task Formulation:

WRONG chosen word.

1. Malyuta Skuratov, the favorite guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, was distinguished by a sharp mind, cruelty and PREDATORY glitter of eyes.

2. ICE the palace, built on the orders of Anna Ioannovna in St. Petersburg, became the venue for the clownish wedding.

3. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor describes UNSUCCESSFUL 1185 campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsy.

4. Mitrofan, the main character of Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", ¾ a classic example Ignorant in Russian literature

5. In 1957 the first ARTIFICIAL the satellite of the Earth, invented by Korolev, was launched into space.

Check yourself: find out the right one
the answer is on the next page!


*Explanation: predatory ¾ greedy exploiting others (about a person): predatory eye gleam, predatory official;

Predatory ¾ oppressive, robbing someone: predatory habits, predatory tendencies.

What is the secret to success in problem 5?

1. It is important to remember that paronyms¾ are words similar in sound, but having different lexical meaning: addresser ¾ addressee, put on ¾ put on, etc..

2. Members of paronymic pairs are in different words.

* For example, you need to determine in what meaning in a sentence instead of a word ETERNAL need to use CENTURY?

1) Petya Trofimov was called " ETERNAL student."

2) ETERNAL oak struck us with its beauty and grandeur.

3) Documents were prepared for archiving for ETERNAL storage.

4) Compassion and humanity are ETERNAL life values.

How to learn to distinguish paronyms?

1) Need formulate lexical meaning of each word, find synonyms:

· century ¾ living, existing for centuries, very long;

· Eternal ¾ endless in time, without beginning or end.

2) Compose with these paronyms phrases so that there is no doubt about the choice of the word:

· Age-old oak (oak living age), secular traditions (traditions that have been around for a very long time)

· Eternal values (unchanged), eternal student (constant), eternal storage (perpetual)

! Necessarily read information from "dictionary of paronyms" to be fully equipped for the exam !

THE MOST COMPLETE dictionary of paronyms for the exam

Be sure to remember a couple of the most popular paronyms!

Now try to solve problem number 5 again!

Task Formulation:

One of the suggestions below WRONG highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. write down chosen word.

Task number 1.

1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which depend little on the water level of the year, should be EXPECT in April and May.

2. There is a proven method for cleaning short pile fur: dirty fur should be wiped with hot mashed potatoes, and then carefully shake off.

3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS causes the need to pay a subscription fee for the use of the line.

4. The new company was registered under beautiful, SOUND name.

5. Under it HARD everything looked out of place.

Task number 2.

1. To prepare a marinade for fish baked in coals, you need SHAKE OFF seeds from four to five cardamom pods, add a pinch of saffron and grind them in a mortar and salt.

2. The girl with a sharp movement threw back her bangs from her forehead and unexpectedly calmly and CONFIDENTLY looked Alexis in the eyes.

3. ISSUE skates are made if the visitor of the rink has a passport or any other document that can be left as a pledge.

4. Analysts say that in the coming year, the securities market can EXPECT significant changes.

5. CHOOSE one direction or another, navigate strictly by compass.

Check yourself!

  • 16. Determine the place of stress in the following nouns. In which of them is the stress fixed (that is, it always falls on the same syllable)?
  • 20. Put the correct stress in the verbs.
  • 21. Form the past tense forms of reflexive verbs and place stress in them.
  • 22. Place the stress in verb forms, indicate the possible options for the correct placement of the stress.
  • Lexical norms
  • Lexical compatibility. Stable combinations of words (phraseological units)
  • Tasks
  • 7. Find words with a figurative meaning in the text. Are these figurative meanings common language or individual author's?
  • 4. Pay attention to how paronyms differ in terms of morphemic composition: prefixes, suffixes, roots?
  • Phraseology
  • 9. Due to what is the antonymy of phraseological units created? Is it related to their composition?
  • 10. What can be said about the component composition of phraseological units with the meaning "to deceive" and their stylistic coloring?
  • Morphological norms Noun
  • Topic I. Genus category
  • 2. Form the singular form. Note the variations.
  • 3. Make phrases with the following nouns.
  • 4. Determine the gender of the following indeclinable nouns. Name the rule you followed.
  • 5. Abbreviate past tense verbs.
  • 6. Choose a definition for the following compound nouns.
  • Topic 2. Category of case. Noun declension
  • 1. Read the following quote from K.S. Gorbachevich "Norms of the Modern Russian Literary Language". Draw your own conclusions.
  • 2. Having familiarized yourself with the following quote and the material of dictionaries, draw a conclusion about the use of forms in -s (-s). And -a (-i).
  • 3. Form the genitive plural form of the following nouns. Note the variations.
  • 4. To complete the following task, you need to remember the rules for declining anthroponyms:
  • 5. To complete the next task, repeat the rules for declining toponyms.
  • Topic 3. Adjective
  • 2. Form short forms. Put emphasis. Sample execution:
  • 3. Form a simple comparative degree. State the reason for the absence of the named form.
  • 5. Remember the spelling of n and nn in short participles and adjectives.
  • Topic 4. Numeral name
  • 1. Before completing the task, repeat the following rules:
  • 2. Write down the numbers in words.
  • 3. Choose the options that can be used in official business and colloquial speech:
  • 4. Fill in the table according to the proposed sample:
  • 5. Choose the right option
  • Topic 5. Pronoun
  • 1. Before you start the exercise, read the following recommendations:
  • 2. Put a suitable definitive pronoun in place of the gap (any, everyone, any).
  • 3. Determine the semantic difference in the given combinations with indefinite pronouns.
  • 5. Illustrate the rules in the right column with examples in the left column.
  • 6. In the combinations below, replace the nouns or pronouns 1, 2 persons with the personal pronoun 3 persons.
  • Topic 6. The verb and its forms
  • 2. Complete the task according to the proposed model:
  • 3. Form a 1 l shape. Unit H. From the following verbs.
  • 10. Form the real past participles from the following verbs.
  • Written business communication style (Official business style, business, official documentary, administrative, legislative, official clerical, clerical, business literature)
  • Tasks
  • 1. Familiarize yourself with the given fragments of texts and determine their stylistic affiliation. What allowed you to find the right solution?
  • 2. Pay attention to the presence of a heading in the contract between the travel company and the client. Explain the need for rubrication.
  • 3. Specify the meaning and stylistic coloring of words using any Explanatory Dictionary:
  • Personal documents
  • Administrative documents.
  • Administrative and organizational documents
  • Rubrication rules
  • Information and reference documents. References and memos
  • memo
  • memorandum
  • Business letters
  • Ethical and communication standards
  • Tasks
  • 2. Establish a correspondence between the statement and the genre. Make a conclusion about the need to choose the mood of the verb when expressing the appropriate intentions.
  • 3. Using the verbs to pass, leave, give in, visit, formulate a request, order, demand, invitation.
  • Concise Dictionary of Accents
  • Brief Dictionary of Foreign Words
  • Brief Dictionary of Paronyms
  • Literature
  • Brief Dictionary of Paronyms

    SUBSCRIPTION - SUBSCRIBERsubscription - a document granting the right to service, use something, as well as the very right to do so: a library loan; subscription to the theater; concert subscription.

    Subscriber - the one who uses the subscription: the subscriber of the library, the telephone network, the subscriber does not answer, the neat subscriber.

    ADDRESSER - ADDRESSERdestination - the recipient of the correspondence; addressee - mail sender.

    Anecdotal - Anecdotalanecdotal - based on an anecdote: an anecdotal tale; anecdotal - ridiculous: an anecdotal case.

    ARTISTIC - ARTISTICartistic - inherent in the artist: artistic talent, number; artistic - skillful, virtuoso: artistic performance, artistic work.

    ARCHAIC - ARCHAICarchaic - peculiar to antiquity: archaic look, archaic speech, archaic work; archaic - out of use: archaic work, custom, appearance, costume.

    WEEKDAY - WEEKDAYweekday - non-holiday: weekday, weekday time; everyday - everyday, everyday: everyday work, clothes, furnishings, everyday worries.

    STRAYER - STRAYERvagabond - pertaining to a vagabond; belonging to, characteristic of a tramp: a tramp appearance, character, disposition; wandering - constantly moving from place to place, wandering: itinerant musician, nature, troupe, hunter.

    INHALE - INHALEinhale - take in with breath: inhale fresh air, oxygen, smoke, the smell of flowers. In a figurative sense: to breathe strength into a comrade ; take a breath - take a breath: take a breath with relief after running.

    MILITARY - MILITARY warlike - possessing a military spirit, brave: warlike (th, -th, -th) people, nomads, country, tribes, state ; and also: characteristic of a warrior, resolute, ready for a collision: belligerent posture, belligerent attacks, belligerent character, tone, argument. Militant - active, irreconcilable: militant atheist, humanist, philistine, idealism, materialism.

    UGLY - UGLYugly - very bad, vile; disgusting: nasty person, deed, nasty lie, cigar, weather;

    squeamish - full of disgust, disgust for someone - or something: a disgusting gesture, a look, a disgusting feeling.

    WARRANTY - GUARANTEEDwarranty - containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee: warranty (th, -th, -th) repair, workshop, insurance, term, obligation, passport, securities.

    Guaranteed - supported by law, order: guaranteed rights, old age, future , guaranteed payment; and also: secured - in combination with the words: income, earnings, rest.

    HARMONIC - HARMONIOUSharmonic - related to harmony: harmonic series, harmonic vibrations; harmonious - euphonious, slender: harmonious personality, melody.

    HEROISM - HEROIC - HEROICITYheroism - heroic spirit, the mode of action inherent in the hero: labor heroism, heroism of the people, female heroism, heroism of partisans; heroics - heroic content, heroic side in activity, events: heroics of struggle, labor, life, everyday life, era, time; heroism - heroic behavior: show heroism, soldier heroism, true heroism, show off heroism. HYPERBOLIC - HYPERBOLIChyperbolic - containing hyperbole: hyperbolic image, style, language; hyperbolic - extremely exaggerated: hyperbolic recall, hyperbolic comparison.

    HYPOTHESIS - HYPOTHETICITYhypothesis - scientific assumption, not yet proven: put forward a hypothesis, scientific hypothesis, hypothesis failure, fantastic hypothesis, hypothesis about the origin of life; hypothetical - hypothetical: hypothetical judgment, version, statement, theory.

    MAIN- TITLEmain - the most important, main: main conclusion, result, main role, part; title - related to the title: capital (capital) letter, title page, title role (the role of the character whose name the play is named: the title role in Hamlet; but: the main role in "Dowry").

    ANGRY - ANGRYangry - prone to anger, quick-tempered: angry (th, th) person, boss, nature, character, being; angry - engulfed in anger: about any person in a state of anger, also: caused by anger, expressing anger: an angry look, tone, response.

    PROUD - PROUDproud - expressing his own superiority and dignity, arrogant: proud posture, gait, smile, woman, soul. Proud - full of self-respect: a proud person, character, appearance.

    PRIDE - Pride pride - self-esteem, self-respect: a sense of pride, national pride, full of pride, girlish pride. Pride - exorbitant pride: exorbitant, cursed pride, the pride of an upstart, a youth.

    GIFT - GIFTdonated - received as a gift: a gift item, a gift horse. Darovoy - received for nothing, free of charge: free travel, labor, carpenter, bread, performance, ticket.

    ENGINEENGINEengine - a machine that converts any type of energy into mechanical, setting something in motion: a steam engine, an internal combustion engine, a rocket engine , as well as: a force that promotes growth, development (figurative meaning): labor is the engine of science and culture, the engine of progress, a powerful engine.

    mover (special) - a device that provides movement (aircraft propeller, car wheel): car, ship, powerful propulsion.

    DOUBLE - DUAL double - twice as much: double portion, double care, double price, also: consisting of two items, parts: double lining, double bottom, double last name, and also: dual, two-faced: double politics, tactics, game.

    Dual - leaning in one direction and the other, contradictory: an ambivalent attitude, opinion, feeling, behavior.

    BUSINESS - BUSINESS - BUSINESS businesslike - sensible, serious, enterprising: a businesslike worker, a businesslike look, a businesslike gait. Business - related to official activities, work: business (th, -th, -th) conversation, meeting, language, considerations, secret, qualities, documents. efficient - capable of serious work, efficient worker, owner, small, and also: serious, noteworthy: a good project, a good research, a suggestion.

    DEFECTIVE - DEFECTIVE defective - having a physical or mental disability: a handicapped child. Defective - damaged, with a defect: a defective product, a defective copy of the book.

    DYNAMIC - DYNAMICdynamics - a branch of mechanics that studies the laws of motion of bodies: gas dynamics, rigid body dynamics, lectures on dynamics , also: the course of development, changes in some phenomenon: the dynamics of the budget, process, as well as: movement, action, development: the dynamics of the plot, events . Dynamism - saturation with movement, action: the dynamism of the dance, the acting, storytelling, dialogue, rhythm.

    DIPLOMATIC - DIPLOMATIC diplomatic - pertaining to diplomacy and to a diplomat: diplomatic (th, -th, ye) representative, relations, service, corps, etiquette, immunity, scandal, and also: subtly calculated, dexterous, evasive: a diplomatic answer, an act, a step, a move. Diplomatic - the same as diplomatic in the second meaning: diplomatic response, deed, step, and also: careful, gentle, polite: a diplomatic person.

    DEMOCRATIC - DEMOCRATICdemocratic - based on democracy: democratic union, camp, democratic party, democratic state; democratic - characteristic of a democrat: democratic act, democratic views.

    DYNAMIC - DYNAMICdynamic - related to dynamics: dynamic impact, dynamic load; dynamic - full of movement, events: dynamic pace, dynamic era.

    LONG - LONGlong - having a great length, as well as long: a long report, a tail, a long night; long - long-term, long-lasting: long vacation, period of time, long negotiations, searches, long silence, absence.

    GOOD - GOOD solid - benign, durable: good-quality goods, suit, house; with high rates: good harvest, dinner. Kind - doing good, bringing good, close, noble: a kind person, character, look, deed, friend.

    TRUST - TRUSTconfidential - showing confidence in someone - something: a confidential tone, voice, gesture, trusting - easily trusting; based on trust: gullible child, beast, disposition, look, gesture, tone.

    DRAMATIC - DRAMATICdramatic - related to drama: drama circle, actor, dramatic work; dramatic - full of drama: a dramatic case, a dramatic situation.

    FRIENDLY - FRIENDLYfriendly - pertaining to friends: friendly advice, friendly meeting, friendly relations; friendly - based on friendship: friendly people, friendly politics.

    SINGLE - SINGLE - SINGLE unit - only one, only, separate: an isolated case, episode, walk.

    The only one - only one: only son, friend, object, day, fact , theater. United - common, united: a single impulse, front, plan, as well as in negative constructions - one: not a single word.

    DESIRED - DESIREDdesired - dear, dear: a welcome guest, a welcome meeting; desirable – desired: desired result, visit.

    LIFE - LIFEvital - pertaining to To life: living conditions, contradictions, life experience, process, path, See also: close to life, to reality: life image, story, life scenery, and also: important for life, socially necessary: ​​vital question, vital necessity, vital interests.

    worldly - ordinary, characteristic of everyday life: everyday chores, everyday life, little things.

    Rogue - Rogueroguish - prone To cheating: a cheating person, and also: characteristic of a swindler, picaresque: swindling look, laughter. scam - pertaining to the manifestation of fraud: a fraudulent (th, -th) trick, business, machination, trick.

    PROTECTIVE - PROTECTIVEdefensive - With possessing protection: defensive speech. Protective - h protecting from something: protective armor, mask; and also - khaki: protective fabric, tunic.

    BORROW - LOANtake - to borrow: I borrowed one hundred rubles from him. Incorrect: Borrow me a hundred roubles. borrow - to lend: Lend me a hundred rubles. Wrong: I borrowed a hundred rubles from him.

    EVIL - EVILwicked - cruel, fierce, ferocious, angry: an evil person, intent; malicious - inveterate: a malicious truant, defaulter.

    IDEALISTIC - IDEALISTICidealistic - related to idealism as a philosophical direction: idealistic philosophy, essence. idealistic - dreamy, idealizing reality: an idealistic person, a young man.

    INDIANS - INDIANS - HINDUSIndians - Native Americans; Indians - the name of the population of India; Hindus - Followers of Hinduism.

    EXECUTIVE - EXECUTIVEexecutive - related to execution: the executive body, Committee; executive power, as well as diligent: executive worker, secretary. Performing - related To performance of a work of art (music, literature, theatre): performing style, composition, performance skills.

    CAMPAIGN - COMPANYcampaign - set of activities: winter campaign, sowing campaign; company - a group of persons, an association: a company of friends, a steel company.

    TRAVELER - TRAVELERseconded (about a person): seconded specialist; business trip (about papers, money, documents): travel certificate.

    COMIC - COMICcomic (about comedy): comic story, comic opera; comical - funny: comical look, gesture. CONSTRUCTION - DESIGN constructive - pertaining to the construction of something: a structural diagram, a detail, design changes, and also: fruitful: constructive criticism, constructive suggestion, constructive plan. Design pertaining to the designer, associated with the design: design office, room, solution, design project, tool, design error.

    KOREA - KOREANloin - pork or veal smoked brisket; Korean - Korean woman.

    ROOTS - ROOTSroots - soup roots, etc. (carrots, parsley, etc.); roots - the underground part of the plant, the concept in mathematics: oak roots, square root.

    CRITICAL - CRITICALcritical - containing criticism, turning point: critical review, analysis, age, critical situation; critical - critical: critical approach, mind.

    ICE - ICEice: ice sports palace, cover, ice road, path, track; ice - frozen, frosty, icy, cold: ice house, congestion, ice hummocks, icicles; trans. ice voice.

    PERSON - PERSONALITYface - body part: ruddy face, familiar face; trans. individual, legal entity; personality - a person as a carrier of any properties: a creative person, a bright person.

    LOGICAL - LOGICALlogical - related to logic: logical connection of phenomena, logical category, logical thinking; logical - correct: logical act, answer, logical reasoning, proof.

    MAXIMALIST - MAXIMUM maximalist - showing excessive extremeness: maximalist demands, slogans, moods, antics. Maximum - largest, highest: maximum volume, size, maximum quantity, tension, attention.

    OILY - OILY oily - oiled, oiled, oiled: oiled pancake; oil paper, porridge, oily hands, lips, also - flattering, ingratiating: an oily smile; oily voice, and also - sensual, voluptuous: an oily look.

    Oil - pertaining to oil, consisting of oil: an oil stain, oil fumes, also - running on oil, with the help of oil: oil pump, oil lamp, and also - filled with paints ground in oil: oil painting, oil painting.

    METHODOLOGICAL - METHODOLOGICALmethodical - relating to methodology: methodological advice, methodological work, science; methodical - following the plan: methodical work, methodical influence.

    TO REMEMBER - TO REMEMBERput up - put up with a friend, with shortcomings; put up with - to submit: to come to terms with his character, to come to terms with the inevitability.

    WEAR - WEARput on (what, what on whom, what on what): put on a coat, glasses, a ring on a finger, a coat on a child, a suit on a mannequin; dress (whom): to dress a child, a sick person.

    Ignorant - Ignorantignoramus - ill-mannered, tactless; ignoramus - uneducated, ignorant.

    UNTOLERABLE - UNTOLERABLEintolerable - unbearable, unbearable, unbearable, unacceptable: unbearable cold, unbearable pain, resentment; intolerant - intolerant: intolerant person, intolerant relationship.

    WEIGHT - WEIGHTgive short weight : weight the buyer; hang around: hang pictures on the walls.

    EXCHANGE - EXCHANGEexchange : exchange shoes in the store, randomly exchange flip flops on the beach; exchange: exchange your item for someone else's in order to get the right or better one; iron. exchange the awl for soap.

    JUSTIFY (justify) - BASE (found)substantiate - back up with evidence: substantiate the point of view, hypothesis, claim. Found - to start, to establish: to establish

    city, museum, theater, and also - to build on the basis of something: to base views, conclusions, theory on something: on knowledge, assumption, misunderstanding, etc.

    DANGEROUS - DANGEROUS cautious - wary, distrustful: a fearful person, look, gesture. Dangerous - associated with risk: a dangerous task, a dangerous road, a lowland, and also: capable of causing harm: a dangerous enemy, a criminal, an animal, a conversation, a gesture.

    MASTER (master) - MASTER (master)master - fully master something by learning how to use it: to master production, profession, technology, also - perceive, remember: master the heritage past, material, theme, language, message , and also - to settle down, to include in household use: to master the desert, virgin lands, the site.

    Learn - to make it characteristic, familiar to oneself: to learn a new custom, views, habit, tone, also - having understood, remember as it should: to assimilate a book, lecture, theory, and also - having absorbed, process in oneself: to assimilate food, vitamins, fertilizer.

    SELECTIVE - SELECTIVEselective - selected, the best in quality: selected goods, flax, coal, and also - indecent: selected abuse, swearing. Qualifying - an employee for the selection of someone, something: qualifying match, tournament, selection committee.

    ORGANIC - ORGANICorganic - relating to the living world: organic chemistry, organic matter; organic - inseparable, natural: organic connection, integrity, organic fusion .

    MEMORY - MEMORYretentive - having a good memory: a memoryful person, a student. Memorable - preserved in memory, unforgettable: memorable date, meeting, travel, memorable year, as well as - serving for remembering, reminding: a memorial book, a commemorative badge.

    SIGNATURE - PAINTsignature - in the meaning of confirm, assure: put your signature, signatures on the petition; painting - painting on walls, ceilings, household items; action on the verb to paint: ancient Russian paintings, painting words according to tables.

    FIRE - FIRE fire - a flame that destroys something: a forest fire, and also (transl.): bright, violent manifestation, rapid and wide distribution: fire of feelings, fire of war. Conflagration - the place where the fire was.

    COVER (cover) - COVER (cover)cover by - put on top: cover the house with a roof, cover the child with a blanket, cover the head handkerchief. shelter - close from all sides, wrap up: cover with a blanket.

    HALF - HALF half - constituting half: half share, price. half-hearted - l looking for integrity, consistency, not completely decisive: a half-hearted person; half solution; half measure.

    POLITICAL - POLITICALpolitical - pertaining to politics: political issue, activist, political struggle; politic - diplomatic, prudent: a political person, a political act.

    PROVISION - SUBMISSIONproviding - provision of credit, funds, humanitarian aid; performance - presentation of documents, presentation (performance), presentation of something.

    PROBLEM - PROBLEMproblematic - conjectural: problematic option; problem - posing questions: a problematic issue, a problematic article.

    TECHNICAL - TECHNICALtechnical - related to technology: technical progress, technical conclusion; water; technical - skillful: technical actor, technical dance performance.

    REALISTIC - REALISTICrealistic - realist: realistic method, novel, realistic art; realistic - real: realistic goal, thought.

    NOTICEABLE - NOTICEABLE perceptive - observant, noticing everything: a quick-witted person, mind. conspicuous - the same as noticeable: noticeable appearance, thing, manner; remarkable person, scientist.

    RESOLUTION - RESOLUTION determination - courage, willingness to make and implement a decision: show determination, determination in the look, determination of a fighter, determination to help, firm determination. Determination - firmness, inflexibility: decisiveness of the look, deed, character; say with determination.

    HIDDEN - HIDDEN secretive - avoiding frankness, not talking about himself: a secretive person, character, and also - not revealing himself, secret: a secretive lifestyle, an enemy, a well-wisher.

    Hidden - not explicitly detectable, hidden: hidden meaning, hint, anger, hidden love, enmity, and also - outwardly invisible: hidden illness, temperament, hidden opportunities, reserves.

    DEATH - DEATH fatal - having death as its outcome: a fatal illness, a wound, also - extremely fierce, leading to complete defeat: inflict a mortal blow on the enemy, mortal struggle, also - extreme, ultimate: mortal horror, cold, mortal resentment, fatigue, and also - accompanying death : death agony. Mortal - pertaining to death (obsolete): the hour of death, on a deathbed, also - subject to death: all people are mortal, also - depriving of life: a death sentence, the death penalty, and also - very strong: deathly boredom, heat (colloquial) .

    CONSISTENCY - CONSISTENCY agreement - bringing into the right ratio, correspondence with something, discussion and development of a common opinion, obtaining consent: coordination of actions. Consistency - conformity, unity, mutual agreement, coherence: consistency of the issue, project, movements, efforts, consistency in work, in dance.

    THEME - THEME subject - subject, main content: the theme of the novel, report, film, conversation, dispute. Subject - a set of topics: topics of modern songs, scientific topics, literary topics, topics of the novel, symposium.

    TYPICAL - TYPICAL typical - possessing features characteristic of some type, characteristic: a typical scientist, a case; typical face. Typical - being a type, a sample: a standard form, a project, and also - corresponding to a certain type, a sample, a standard: a typical school, furniture, power plant.

    TOURIST - TOURISTtourist (what refers to tourism): a tourist cruise, a travel package, a travel agency; tourist (what applies to the tourist ): tourist tent, tourist equipment.

    ECCENTRIC ECCENTRIC eccentric - based on contrasts: an eccentric trick, a number in a circus program; eccentric - unusually peculiar, strange: an eccentric young man.

    FACT - FACTORfact - event, phenomenon, case, reality: state the facts, a historical fact, an outrageous fact, and also the presence of something: the fact of existence, struggle, victory, deceit, participation. Factor - moment, an essential circumstance in any process, phenomenon: take into account the time factor; important factor; surprise factor.

    PREDATORY - PREDATORY predatory - characteristic of a predator, predatory: predatory instinct; predatory lifestyle; predatory trade; predatory capital; and also - mismanagement, pursuing the goals of the immediate benefit: predatory deforestation; predatory fishing. Predatory - eating other animals: a predatory beast; predatory fish; and also - greedy, bloodthirsty, aggressive: predatory look, grin; predatory eyes; predatory nature.

    WHOLE - WHOLE whole - all without exception, full: a whole piece, a glass; also - significant, large: a whole pile of papers; a range of questions; a whole story came out; and also - unharmed: all things are intact. Whole - holistic: whole person, image, character; an integral worldview, feeling, also - one substance, a piece, solid: a solid slab, solid granite; and also - possessing internal unity: an integral piece of music.

    CYCLIC - CYCLICcyclical - With ending in cycles, completed periods: cyclical development, movement, and also - constituting a cycle, a complete circle, a system: a cyclic system of chronology; cyclic musical forms. cyclical - the same as cyclic in the first sense: cyclical development; and also - built on repetitive circles of operations, work: cyclic organization of work, cyclic schedule.

    HUMAN – HUMANhuman - pertaining to man: human society, human culture, human language ; also - inherent in man: human passions, feelings, aspirations, weaknesses, vices , and also - the same as human in meaning: expressing attention, sensitivity, care for people: human treatment, participation, human law.

    Humane - attentive, responsive, sensitive To other people: a human investigator, an examiner, a man, and also - expressing attention, sensitivity, care for people: humane law, humane attitude, participation.

    JOKE - JOKEplayful - prone to jokes: a joking person, tone, gesture, also having the character of a joke, fun: a playful conversation, a story. comic - jocular, jocular, amusing story, feuilleton.

    ECONOMIC – ECONOMIC – ECONOMICEconomic - related to the economy, economic: economic crisis, economic policy, geography. Economical - d giving the opportunity to save, profitable: economical machine, lamp, technology. Economical - thrifty: economical hostess, and also - promoting economy: an economical way of life.

    AESTHETIC - AESTHETICaesthetic - related to aesthetics: aesthetic taste, journal, aesthetic research;

    aesthetic - beautiful, graceful: aesthetic method, approach, aesthetic form.

    EFFICIENCY - EFFICIENCYefficiency - efficiency, effectiveness: the effectiveness of the method, performances, engine . Effectiveness - catchiness: showiness of a phrase, costume.

    CLEAR - CLEARexplicit - obvious, undisguised: a clear sign, enemy, deceit, obvious hostility; clear - distinct, well distinguishable: a distinct whisper, splash, distinct outlines, traces.


    a) preface;

    b) a list of conditional abbreviations;

    c) Russian alphabet;

    d) a dictionary corpus consisting of dictionary entries in which about

    1000 pairs of paronyms;

    e) an index of paronyms and paronymic nests included in the dictionary.

    The dictionary contains paronyms, which are presented in various layers of oral and book-written speech: artistic and literary, colloquial and everyday, social and journalistic, industrial and technical, scientific, etc.

    Paronyms, limited in their use, are provided with marks indicating the stylistic characteristics of the word (special, colloquial, polit., bot., etc.). These marks are given on the basis of the Dictionary of Modern

    Russian Literary Language" in 17 volumes, "Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. I. Ozhegov and "Dictionary of the Russian Language" in 4 volumes.

    Dictionary structure

    § 3. The corpus of the dictionary consists of dictionary entries built on the comparison of the components of the described lexical pairs of paronyms.

    § 4. Each pair of paronyms is considered in a separate dictionary entry. Articles are arranged in alphabetical order. Within each pair - the alphabetical principle of the arrangement of lexical units,


    Dictionary entry

    § 5. In the general title of the article, a lexical pair of paronyms is placed through two oblique lines with the designation of stresses and morphemes that distinguish them in bold, for example:



    § 6. In a number of paronyms, the consonance of the components of lexical pairs is affected by the alternation of sounds in the root.

    At the same time, the root, while remaining the same, can vary, change according to certain laws.

    This is due to the alternation of vowels (which is very rare: peck / / beak, fen / / fen) and to the alternation of consonants (which is very common and strictly defined). Variation of the root may or may not entail the use of different suffixes, for example: mountain//mountain |n'-n| .

    The dictionary includes paronyms with the following alternations of consonants in the root:

    |b-b'| : teeth//teeth |w-h| : ice cream//frosty

    |in'-in| : worms//hearts |m-n| : dark//shadow

    |d-zhd| : wander//wander |n-t| : remains//remains

    | railway | :ignorant//ignorant |s-sh| : resurrection//resurrection

    | in-ow | : heal//heal |t-h| : worker//worker

    |ml-m| : earth//earth |c-h| : (from root |k|): walnut//greek

    |pl-p| : sprinkle//sprinkle |h-w| : two-handed//two-handed

    |t-tl| : shine//lighten |to-h| : faceless//faceless

    In some cases, the alternation is accompanied by the presence of a fluent vowel |o|: malleable//forging, pipe//


    There are also paronymic pairs in the dictionary, in which one of the components contains the suffix -иj-:

    abstract, vacation, melody, heritage, economy, crocodile, etc.

    § 7. The * sign at the title indicates that the article deals with incomplete paronyms, for example:


    § 8. The sign ** at the title indicates that the article deals with partial paronyms, for example:


    § 9. Roman numerals in the title mean that the article deals with homonymous meanings

    words, for example:


    § 10. At the beginning of the article, a nest of paronyms is indicated, if any, for example:


    They make up a nest of pairs with paronyms artlessly // artlessly, artlessness // artlessness.

    § 12. The description of the paronymic pair component begins with a heading word in capital bold. Then the interpretation of the meaning of the word is given. If the word has several meanings, then they are separated by bold Arabic numerals (1. ... 2. ...), homonymous meanings are highlighted by bold Roman numerals (I. ... II. ...).

    § 13. In some cases, if the scope of the word is limited, a special note is given in parentheses: (colloquial), (high), (simple), (obsolete), (special), (music), (philos.), (chem.), etc.

    The mark is placed immediately after the heading word, before the interpretation, if the word has one meaning or if it refers to all meanings of the word. For example:

    TOOTHY (colloquial). 1. With strong, sharp, large teeth; with lots of teeth. 2. trans. Daring, sharp, caustic-mocking.

    If a restrictive label refers to only one of the meanings, it is given in parentheses after the interpretation of that meaning. For example:

    TOOTH. 1. Having teeth, with teeth (colloquial) ...

    If there are two marks in brackets, for example. (colloquial neglect.), (poet. obsolete), etc., then this means:

    colloquial with a disparaging connotation, poetic obsolete, etc. If two litters are connected by the union “and”, for example (obsolete and simple), then this means that in some contexts the word is used as

    archaism, while in others it gives speech a touch of vernacular.

    litter (figuratively) is always placed before the interpretation of the meaning to which it refers.

    In order to emphasize that the paronymic word in question (unlike the second component of the pair) is used in texts of a special or scientific nature, in some cases after interpretation

    the meaning of this word in parentheses is given clarification:

    ... (Used in phrases of a terminological nature.)

    § 14. Of the grammatical information, only those that help to reveal the meanings of paronyms are given. So, for example, a grammatical restrictive mark is given (only 3 lit.; only with animate noun;

    only with indifference. noun; only full. f.; only briefly. f.; adj. only). Litter is always located

    before interpreting the meaning to which it refers.

    § 15. Synonyms, antonyms of the lexemes under consideration are tied to interpretations, provided with stylistic marks, for example:

    ANTIPATHETIC. Containing elements of antipathy, causing, exciting hostility, disgust. Synonyms: unpleasant, repulsive. Antonym: cute.

    ADVENTURER. ... 2. A person prone to adventurism; unprincipled businessman. Synonyms: swindler, rogue (colloquial contempt.), rogue (simple).

    § 16. The illustrative material is presented in the form of typical phrases preceded by a heading word typed in bold lower case type. If the word is ambiguous, phrases are tied to their meanings using light Arabic numerals under brackets or light

    Roman numerals (in case of homonymy). The tilde (∼) in phrases replaces the heading word or its invariable part (however, in some cases, to facilitate perception, the words are expanded completely). ´

    The vertical bar (|) separates the invariant part of a word from the inflected part. For example:

    PhD student: talented, young, energetic, punctual ∼; ∼ university; work ∼а;

    report ∼а; ∼ explores, experiments.

    Turn white: 1) the face turns white from fear, from pain; nose turns white from frost; hair turns white with age;

    2) the sail turns white, the top of the mountain, snow, snow, birch, flower, dress, skin, gray hair; ∼ at sea, on the horizon, in the distance, in a flower bed, at dusk, in hair.

    Combustible: I ∼ gas; ∼th mass, liquid; ∼its substance, fossil; II ∼ie tears.

    § 17. After the badge

    followed by quotations from literary works, from periodicals and

    etc. with an indication of their source. Sometimes the author resorts to his own examples. In such cases

    all considered meanings of the word. The symbol - - - is used to indicate a gap in a quote. Explanations to the text are given in square brackets in the examples.

    20 § 18. Phraseological units, proverbs, sayings are placed after the icon 4. Litter (colloquial) is not put with phraseological units, since the vast majority of them belong to the colloquial style of speech.

    § 19. A similar description accompanies the second component of the pair.

    § 20. At the end of the article, in a number of cases, a comparison is given showing the semantic difference of word combinations, if each of the components of the pair (sometimes) is combined with the same word. For example, in the article SHAREHOLDER//SHAREHOLDER:

    Compare: share capital - capital based on shares; share capital - capital owned by a shareholder.

    § 21. At the end of the article (incomplete paronyms) there is a note. It contains the values

    which the components of the pairs act as synonyms, which indicates an incomplete delimitation of these paronyms. For example: in the article CIVIL//CIVIL:

    Note. In the meaning of “possessing consciousness of the dignity of a citizen, characteristic of a socially conscious citizen”, the words civil and civil continue to be synonymous: civil (civil) pathos, civil (civil) self-awareness.

    § 22. In a number of articles there are drawings illustrating phrases with the words under consideration.

    In the drawings, color highlights what semantically differs one paronym from another; for example, in the article

    BULBS//ONION Bulbs (tulips) and onion feathers are shown in brown.


    § 23. The index of paronyms and paronymic nests is a list of all those included in the dictionary

    paronymic pairs. To facilitate the search, all binomial groupings of words are arranged alphabetically,

    pages where you can get information about them. Nests in the index are given with a retract.

    Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the modern Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1994. - 455 p.

    The dictionary contains more than 200 paronymic series.

    Sample dictionary entry


    WEEKDAY,adj. Not festive, working. Weekday evening.Once, on a weekday, in the morning, my grandfather and I were raking snow in the yard. M. Gorky. Childhood.

    WEEKEND,adj.1. Not festive, working. Weekday evening.When he took a taxi to Tsvetnoy Boulevard and from there walked towards Petrovka, it was a weekday hour before noon with a chaotic and senseless crowd on the streets. Y. Bondarev. A game. 1a. Designed for everyday life. Everyday clothes. Everyday shoes.Yes, and to which of the literary brethren did he [the poet Belousov] sew simple everyday suits, jackets, fur coats, trousers at one time. N. Teleshov. Writer's Notes. 1b. Everyday, everyday. Everyday work. Everyday worries.A bridge between art and nature, and a bridge between art and everyday lifekey characteristics of Japanese culture. V. Ovchinnikov. Sakura branch. The most everyday concern was written on the faces of both. A. Chekhov. Lights. Most people do not bother choosing the most appropriate word in everyday, everyday speech. S. Marshak. Notes on skill.

    2. Peren. Monotonous; hopeless, joyless. Everyday life.From one ordinary, everyday environment, she would have to be carried away into another, the same or even more everyday. A. Chekhov. About love. His [Shakespeare's] life turns out to be deaf and mundane for such a name. B. Pasternak. Notes on translations of Shakespeare. And since this autumn, she has faded. Her life entered that everyday rut, from which she did not leave until the very end of her life. I. Bunin. Sukhodol.

    . Weekday. Weekday (-yah, -her, -th) day, time, hour, evenings, time ...

    Everyday. 1. Everyday (th, th, th) day, hour, time, time, morning, evening ...

    1a. Everyday (th, th, th) suit, clothes, shoes, shoes, scarf, dress ...

    1b. Everyday (th, th, th) work, work, business, occupation, worries, turnover, assignment, side (of something) ...

    2. Everyday (th, th, th) life, life, atmosphere, existence, atmosphere, voice, answer ...

    Be, become, become, be ... everyday. Something everyday, everyday

    ▲ Adjective weekday defines a very limited range of words denoting the concept of time.

    Adjective everyday in the 1st value (with shades 1a, 16) is combined with various groups of words, conc. and abstract, does not form phrases with odush. nouns. In the 2nd value. everyday defines only distraction. nouns. adjectives weekday And everyday in the 1st value in combination with nouns denoting the concepts of time, they form synonymous constructions: cf. weekday (hour)weekday (hour). More common are combinations with everyday.

    Vishnyakova O.V. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1984. - 352 p.

    The dictionary contains about 1,000 pairs of paronyms.

    Sample dictionary entry

    Krasnykh V.I. Explanatory dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language: 1,100 paronymic series: More than 2,600 paronyms. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003. - 589, p.

    Paronymic series in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order according to the first component of the series. The dictionary entry contains grammatical and stylistic characteristics of paronyms, as well as illustrations. The dictionary includes "Index of Paronymic Series" and "Auxiliary Index of Paronyms".

    Sample dictionary entries


    Know, owls.(know, nesov.). 1. Someone. To acquire knowledge, to get a true idea of ​​someone-smth.; to comprehend, to know completely. Learn the laws of nature and society. Know the essence of a phenomena. Know a friend in need. Know life. Know someone. soul.

    2. What. Experience, experience. Experience the joy of victory. Know the bitterness of defeat, retreat. Experience the happiness of motherhood. Know the betrayal of a loved one.

    To know, owls.(learn, nesov.) 1. What about what And with attachment Get some information, information about something. Find out the whole truth. Know someone. address. Find out the latest news. Find out about my brother's illness. Find out about the cost of a tour to Italy. She learned from the newspapers that the La Scala theater would soon come on tour. Find out when and where the Veterans Meeting will take place.

    2. someone And with attachment Experience, know, understand to the end. To know each other better. Experience the joy of motherhood. It's good to know someone. character. Know sorrow and need. Find out what true friendship is. Find out what the price of human life is.

    3. Someone. Detect in smth. acquaintance, smth. familiar; identify, recognize someone. according to some signs. Find out a former classmate in a passerby. Explore old places. Know someone. voice, handwriting Learn a popular tune. The boy easily recognized the new brand of car.

    4. Whom. Seeing someone for the first time; meeting someone for the first time. In Moscow, she met many new people. Everyone will soon recognize this person.


    tale,-A, husband.1. An epic work of oral folk art about the events of the past or present, in which the narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator. Tale of folk heroes. The story of the great battle. Ural tales. Northern Tales.

    2. The form of narration on behalf of the narrator in a literary work, as well as the literary work itself in this form. A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" is written in the manner of a tale. Tales of P. Bazhov.

    Saying,-I, cf. Story, tradition, clothed in literary form, written or oral. The legend of the Mamaev battle. The legend of Batu's invasion of the Russian land.

    Fairy tale,-And, female1. Narrative work of oral folk art about fictitious events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces; literary work of such content and form. Magic tales. Russian folk tales. Tales of the peoples of the world. household tales. Tale of the Frog Princess. Tale of Ivanushka the Fool. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A. Pushkin. Tales of G. Andersen. Write and tell stories.

    2. Usually pl.:fairy tales, fairy tales. Razg. Fiction, fiction. Don't tell me stories! All these are children's tales / I do not believe these women's tales!

    Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of paronyms and antonyms. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1995. - 512 p.

    "Dictionary of Paronyms" includes 3,000 units, "Dictionary of Antonyms" - more than 1,300 pairs of words. The dictionary also contains information about the phenomenon of paronymy in Russian, paronyms and antonyms.

    Sample dictionary entries


    Binary- based on counting in twos.

    Double- 1. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, objects; the same as double. 2. Twice as large, doubled. 3. Same as dual.

    Dual- 1. One that contains two different qualities, often contradictory; not concluding unity, contradictory. 2. Two-faced. 3. Concerning two, two; manifested in two forms, forms, etc.

    Double cue- appearing in two forms; double.


    Swatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.

    Matchmaker- a woman professionally engaged in the arrangement of marriages, matchmaking.


    inhale- take in, draw in when inhaling, inhaling air.

    exhale- push the air out of the lungs by breathing.

    son-in-law - TEST

    son-in-law- daughter's husband.

    father-in-law- Wife's father.

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