The form in which they are. In the form in which they occur

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Russian-English translation AS THEY APPEAR

The isotopic composition of all elements as they occur in nature is constant.

Zimmerman M., Vedeneeva K.. Russian-English scientific and technical translator dictionary. Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators. 2012

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  • Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators

More meanings of the word and translation AS THEY APPEAR from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “IN THE FORM IN WHICH THEY APPEAR” in dictionaries.

  • TOM - m. volume
  • TOM - p.n. Thom
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  • THEY - pron pl., they
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  • TOM - Thomm
  • THEY - They
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  • THEY! - Them!
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  • MEETING – Encountered
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  • TOM - volume
  • THEY - they (obj. them)
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  • TOM - volume; first ~ volume one ave. from places. that volume
  • THEY
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  • THEY - They
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  • MEETING - Meet
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  • VIDE - Kind
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  • THEY - these
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  • TOM - m. volume
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  • THEY
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  • TOM - m. volume
  • THEY are places. (rd., vn. (n) them, dt. (n) them, tv. (n) them, etc. them) (them, etc. - after the sentence) ...
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  • THEY are places. ; personal ; 3rd person plural h.; birth/win. - (n) them; date - (n)im; creativity - (n) them; sentence P. …
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  • TOM - volume
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  • TOM - volume; first ~ volume one ave. from places. That
  • THEY are personal. places (rd., vn. them, them, dt. them, him, tv. them, them, etc. about them) they
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  • TOM – workcell
  • TOM - husband. volume volume: 1. volume 2. prp. of TOT
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They have existed in the form in which they are used today only since the end of the 18th century. Of course, some of their types - knives, forks, spoons - existed much earlier. However, they were not combined into complete sets until the fully set table became a form of expression of a civilized way of life and culture.


The starting material for the manufacture of knives, spoons and forks included in cutlery sets is usually stainless steel - this is the name of a steel alloy with a chromium content of at least 13%, which reliably protects culinary tools from the formation of rust, exposure to acids and alkalis. As the chromium content of an alloy increases, its corrosion resistance increases proportionally. Chromium creates an oxide film on the surface of the metal, invisible to the naked eye, which completely prevents the penetration of oxidizing agents deep into the material. Steel containing chromium and nickel, silver or gold are also used to make cutlery.

Cutlery made from steel containing chrome

This type of steel usually contains 13, 15 or 17 percent chromium in addition to iron and carbon. In documents it is usually designated as stainless.

Chrome-containing steel is characterized by a special shine. Thanks to this, it is ideal for the manufacture of high-quality cutlery, characterized by visual appeal, resistance to corrosion, and immunity to aromas and odors. Chromium-containing steels have good magnetic properties. Therefore, cutlery made from this material is excellent for restaurants, cafes and other food establishments where equipment with magnetic systems is used for washing dishes.

Cutlery made from steel containing chrome and nickel

Steel of this type, in addition to iron and carbon, usually contains no more than 18% chromium and from 8.5 to 10% nickel. After appropriate treatment, chromium-nickel steel acquires a warm, creamy hue. The addition of nickel to the steel alloy makes it resistant to even concentrated acids, while the presence of chromium in this alloy guarantees resistance to corrosion. Thanks to this, products made from chrome-nickel steel are quite suitable for washing in the dishwasher. The ease of processing and ductility of this steel open up wide opportunities for tableware manufacturers to create attractive product designs.


On the way from idea to finished cutlery, “raw” stainless steel undergoes multi-stage processing, giving it the desired shape, shine and ideal appearance. To obtain a high-quality spoon, fork or knife, the world's leading manufacturers use about thirty modern technological operations.

Forks and spoons

For example, spoons, forks and knives produced by the company are made from high-quality stainless steel containing 18% chromium and 10% nickel. Each product goes through several highly automated production stages:

  • blanks are stamped from metal sheets;
  • then they undergo rolling, which improves the mechanical qualities of the source material;
  • then the products are given their shape - spherical for spoons and teeth for forks;
  • then a handle is formed;
  • a corresponding pattern is created on the smooth surfaces of the products, after which they are polished;
  • Silver-plated cutlery undergoes additional processing by applying silver metallization to their surface.

How to determine the quality of cutlery?

The quality of cutlery largely depends on the raw materials used to make it. However, this is not the only criterion. Correctly selected technological parameters for processing products are also very important.

The main factors influencing the quality of products:

1. Quality of raw materials
You should pay attention to the material specified in the specification - the grade of steel used by the manufacturer.

2. Thickness of raw material
The metal thickness of high-quality cutlery should be at least 2.5 mm (spoons and forks).

3. Processing precision
The surface of a high-quality cutlery should be well polished or perfectly smooth matte without any visible or tactile irregularities, protrusions, or scratches. The edges should also not be jagged, rough or scratched. Apart from the tines of forks and knife blades, no other part of the cutlery should have sharp edges.

4. Corporate brand
High-quality cutlery is necessarily marked with the manufacturer's brand, confirming and guaranteeing the quality of its products.

These days, high-quality cutlery does not require labor-intensive care, since the vast majority of them can be washed in the dishwasher. This applies to both products made of chrome-containing and chromium-nickel steel, as well as silver-plated ones. However, in order for cutlery to serve as long as possible, several simple but important principles should be followed.

1. Requirements of the instructions for the dishwasher
The instructions for the dishwasher must be known and strictly followed. This concerns, first of all, the amount of powder, rinsing time and regular replenishment of products that protect the machine and dishes from salt deposits when using water of high hardness.

2. Washing without delay
Used cutlery should not remain dirty for a long time so that food debris does not enter into chemical reactions with the metal. The surface of cutlery left dirty for a long period of time may become dull and take on an unpleasant color. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them immediately after finishing a meal, when they are most easily removed.

3. Do not overfill the dishwasher basket.
The jets of water in a dishwasher clean cutlery most effectively when they are placed loosely in the dishwasher basket rather than in a crowd.

How to choose the right cutlery

The standard set of cutlery consists of 24 items and includes:

  • 6 knives
  • 6 spoons
  • 6 forks
  • 6 teaspoons

The 30-piece sets also include 6 pie forks.

In addition, there are cutlery for special applications, such as cutlery for pizza, for spaghetti, for dessert, for jacket potatoes, for fish and specific seafood, children's cutlery, etc. The world's leading manufacturers of quality cutlery offer their customers and customers a wide selection of convenient and attractive products for various purposes that meet the highest standards of modern design and functionality.

They have existed in the form in which they are used today only since the end of the 18th century. Of course, some of their types - knives, forks, spoons - existed much earlier. However, they were not combined into complete sets until the fully set table became a form of expression of a civilized way of life and culture.


The starting material for the manufacture of knives, spoons and forks included in cutlery sets is usually stainless steel - this is the name of a steel alloy with a chromium content of at least 13%, which reliably protects culinary tools from the formation of rust, exposure to acids and alkalis. As the chromium content of an alloy increases, its corrosion resistance increases proportionally. Chromium creates an oxide film on the surface of the metal, invisible to the naked eye, which completely prevents the penetration of oxidizing agents deep into the material. Steel containing chromium and nickel, silver or gold are also used to make cutlery.

Cutlery made from steel containing chrome

This type of steel usually contains 13, 15 or 17 percent chromium in addition to iron and carbon. In documents it is usually designated as stainless.

Chrome-containing steel is characterized by a special shine. Thanks to this, it is ideal for the manufacture of high-quality cutlery, characterized by visual appeal, resistance to corrosion, and immunity to aromas and odors. Chromium-containing steels have good magnetic properties. Therefore, cutlery made from this material is excellent for restaurants, cafes and other food establishments where equipment with magnetic systems is used for washing dishes.

Cutlery made from steel containing chrome and nickel

Steel of this type, in addition to iron and carbon, usually contains no more than 18% chromium and from 8.5 to 10% nickel. After appropriate treatment, chromium-nickel steel acquires a warm, creamy hue. The addition of nickel to the steel alloy makes it resistant to even concentrated acids, while the presence of chromium in this alloy guarantees resistance to corrosion. Thanks to this, products made from chrome-nickel steel are quite suitable for washing in the dishwasher. The ease of processing and ductility of this steel open up wide opportunities for tableware manufacturers to create attractive product designs.


On the way from idea to finished cutlery, “raw” stainless steel undergoes multi-stage processing, giving it the desired shape, shine and ideal appearance. To obtain a high-quality spoon, fork or knife, the world's leading manufacturers use about thirty modern technological operations.

Forks and spoons

For example, spoons, forks and knives produced by the company are made from high-quality stainless steel containing 18% chromium and 10% nickel. Each product goes through several highly automated production stages:

  • blanks are stamped from metal sheets;
  • then they undergo rolling, which improves the mechanical qualities of the source material;
  • then the products are given their shape - spherical for spoons and teeth for forks;
  • then a handle is formed;
  • a corresponding pattern is created on the smooth surfaces of the products, after which they are polished;
  • Silver-plated cutlery undergoes additional processing by applying silver metallization to their surface.

How to determine the quality of cutlery?

The quality of cutlery largely depends on the raw materials used to make it. However, this is not the only criterion. Correctly selected technological parameters for processing products are also very important.

The main factors influencing the quality of products:

1. Quality of raw materials
You should pay attention to the material specified in the specification - the grade of steel used by the manufacturer.

2. Thickness of raw material
The metal thickness of high-quality cutlery should be at least 2.5 mm (spoons and forks).

3. Processing precision
The surface of a high-quality cutlery should be well polished or perfectly smooth matte without any visible or tactile irregularities, protrusions, or scratches. The edges should also not be jagged, rough or scratched. Apart from the tines of forks and knife blades, no other part of the cutlery should have sharp edges.

4. Corporate brand
High-quality cutlery is necessarily marked with the manufacturer's brand, confirming and guaranteeing the quality of its products.

These days, high-quality cutlery does not require labor-intensive care, since the vast majority of them can be washed in the dishwasher. This applies to both products made of chrome-containing and chromium-nickel steel, as well as silver-plated ones. However, in order for cutlery to serve as long as possible, several simple but important principles should be followed.

1. Requirements of the instructions for the dishwasher
The instructions for the dishwasher must be known and strictly followed. This concerns, first of all, the amount of powder, rinsing time and regular replenishment of products that protect the machine and dishes from salt deposits when using water of high hardness.

2. Washing without delay
Used cutlery should not remain dirty for a long time so that food debris does not enter into chemical reactions with the metal. The surface of cutlery left dirty for a long period of time may become dull and take on an unpleasant color. Therefore, it is recommended to wash them immediately after finishing a meal, when they are most easily removed.

3. Do not overfill the dishwasher basket.
The jets of water in a dishwasher clean cutlery most effectively when they are placed loosely in the dishwasher basket rather than in a crowd.

How to choose the right cutlery

The standard set of cutlery consists of 24 items and includes:

  • 6 knives
  • 6 spoons
  • 6 forks
  • 6 teaspoons

The 30-piece sets also include 6 pie forks.

In addition, there are cutlery for special applications, such as cutlery for pizza, for spaghetti, for dessert, for jacket potatoes, for fish and specific seafood, children's cutlery, etc. The world's leading manufacturers of quality cutlery offer their customers and customers a wide selection of convenient and attractive products for various purposes that meet the highest standards of modern design and functionality.

Yuri Solomin: remove the Unified State Exam! Bring back exams the way they were!

Get rid of the Unified State Examination! Bring back exams in the form in which they existed in our school from time immemorial! My generation, your generation somehow grew up without this Unified State Exam. And they grew up quite educated. And the generation of current graduates turned out to be lost in terms of education. It is not yours, not ours - no one's.

Spitting in public

Sergey Grachev, AiF:- Yuri Methodievich, almost a year ago in an interview with AiF you said that much of what is happening in the country and the world sometimes upsets you literally to the point of tears. What emotions do you experience most often today?

Yuri Solomin:- I am an emotional person, I react quickly to what is happening. This is in my nature, and my profession has left its mark... Just like a year ago, I look with bitterness at what is happening to Ukraine, to Europe. All this makes me more sad than happy.

There is no escape from the events of the external world. But perhaps what worries me even more acutely is what is happening to our culture, education, and medicine. These are the three pillars on which the nation, the future of the country and the new generation stand. I still don’t understand how it was possible to so criminally reduce the hours of Russian language and literature at school and train children to take the stupid Unified State Exam. Now they seem to have come to their senses: “Yes, there are excesses, something needs to be changed, corrected.” What to adjust?! Get rid of the Unified State Examination! Bring back exams in the form in which they existed in our school from time immemorial! My generation, your generation somehow grew up without this Unified State Exam. And they grew up quite educated. And the generation of current graduates turned out to be lost in terms of education. It is not yours, not ours - no one's.

- Why do you think so? Maybe it's not so bad...

This is not the first year I have seen graduates and their level of education, since I regularly enroll in the Shchepkinsky School. Here’s a recent example: a girl comes to an audition and starts reading “Eugene Onegin.” I ask her to start over and name the author. She announces: “Eugene Onegin.” Pushkin A. S. I interrupt: “What does “A. WITH."?" She: “Name and patronymic.” I ask her to decipher the initials, but she doesn’t know Pushkin’s name! I didn't make this up! And this is not some exceptional case of illiteracy. If I wrote them all down, I would already have a huge volume.

Or my wife recently told me this. Also, a girl comes to the audition and when asked what she will read, she answers: “Nina from Chekhov" - “Which Chekhov?” “Well, he was such a writer,” the applicant clarifies. Do you understand the level?! When she entered the theater school, she couldn’t name Chekhov’s famous play “The Seagull.”

- But hasn’t this really happened before?

Did not have! I've been teaching since 1960 and can compare. With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, we are forced to spend one year out of four years of study only on educating students in terms of some elementary, as it seemed before, literary things. Graduates arrive completely unread. They don’t know any writers or playwrights.

In the era of the Internet, information has become much more accessible; you can find out for yourself what you didn’t get at school. Why isn't this happening?

That’s why it doesn’t happen that it’s easier to take what lies on the surface. And on the surface it turns out to be a continuous “hee-hee, ha-ha.” Take the same television: no matter what channel you turn on, there is usually something funny, but at the same time stupid. But you can't laugh all the time. Besides, you can laugh and cry in different ways too. Today it has become the order of things to provoke and shock the public. What for?! Do not do this!

- But if the public is ready to be provoked, this also speaks of its low level. Is not it so?

- (Thinks.) You are asking a tricky question, but I will try to explain to you. By and large, the public is not even provoked, but spit on what is dear and the only thing it has. When, in pursuit of modernity and shockingness, they rewrite the classics and attribute to them what they did not say or mean, then I am on the side of the viewer. Modernity should be in the head and in the heart, and not in that place that in Polish sounds like “dupa” and in Italian “kulo”. Does the public really deserve to be treated so badly and disrespectfully?!

Where do the billions come from?

The public, like society, is different. Recently, for example, I saw how a completely decent woman was stealing from a store, after which she was actively baptized. Don’t you think that these double standards look very Russian and are characteristic of our nature?

This is not “Russian” - this is precisely a question of double standards. Just as there once were “active communists” who did not believe in the ideas of communism, so today they are baptized without having either a cross or faith.

- What for?

God knows... Probably different in each case. People want to live, and live well. And what example is often given to them from above?

That you can steal millions, kill, break all kinds of laws and still remain unpunished.

Absolutely right...Have you ever wondered why the list of billionaires is growing year after year at the expense of Russian names? Is this normal? And is it normal that, for example, some children are brought to kindergarten by car with a personal driver and a security guard, while other children of other parents cannot be brought into the same kindergarten for years? Meanwhile, education begins in kindergarten, where many personality traits are formed. I have already said it once, but I will repeat it again: cultivating love for the Motherland begins only when you feel the Motherland’s care for you.

That's why, say, things are so bad with football? Yes, because our football players do not play for their homeland, but for money! And this is also completely abnormal! We hire Brazilians, Argentines, Uruguayans for crazy money, but there was no football. But because it’s all for money! But do we really have few talented boys from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok who know how to handle the ball?! With the annual salary of one legionnaire (that’s millions of euros!) it would be possible to build sports complexes in distant regions that everyone has forgotten about. Yes, at least they equipped courtyard fields for playing football - and now they are gone!

Cat instead of GOST

At the beginning of the conversation, you said that the new generation has a problem with its level of education and culture. Why are today’s youth weaker in terms of health than, say, your generation? The reasons are probably not only in medicine and ecology...

And you remember what has changed in our production of products, and everything will become clear. The once mandatory GOST was abolished, and for many years now manufacturers have been feeding us whatever the hell. “Thanks” to them, we have already eaten so much shit, excuse the expression! So it’s time to be surprised not that the younger generation is frail, but that we are still alive at all...

When my granddaughter was little, in our family the GOST system was replaced by... cats. My wife and I routinely had conversations along the lines of: “Don’t take these sausages anymore - cats refuse to even smell them. And the ones you took the day before yesterday, take some more, the cats liked them, so you can eat them!” (Laughs.)

Spitting in public

Sergey Grachev, AiF:— Yuri Methodievich, almost a year ago in an interview with AiF you said that much of what is happening in the country and the world sometimes upsets you literally to the point of tears. What emotions do you experience most often today?

Yuri Solomin:— I am an emotional person, I react vividly to what is happening. This is in my nature, and my profession has left its mark... Just like a year ago, I look with bitterness at what is happening to Ukraine, to Europe. All this makes me more sad than happy.

There is no escape from the events of the external world. But perhaps what worries me even more acutely is what is happening to our culture, education, and medicine. These are the three pillars on which the nation, the future of the country and the new generation stand. I still don’t understand how it was possible to so criminally reduce the hours of Russian language and literature at school and train children to take the stupid Unified State Exam. Now they seem to have come to their senses: “Yes, there are excesses, something needs to be changed, corrected.” What to adjust?! Get rid of the Unified State Examination! Bring back exams in the form in which they existed in our school from time immemorial! My generation, your generation somehow grew up without this Unified State Exam. And they grew up quite educated. And the generation of current graduates turned out to be lost in terms of education. It is not yours, not ours - no one's.

“With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, we are forced to spend one year out of four to educate students in terms of some basic literary things.” Photo: AiF/ Stanislav Lomakin

- Why do you think so? Maybe it's not so bad...

— This is not the first year I have seen graduates and their level of education, since I regularly enroll in the Shchepkinsky School. Here’s a recent example: a girl comes to an audition and starts reading “Eugene Onegin.” I ask her to start over and name the author. She announces: “Eugene Onegin.” Pushkin A. S. I interrupt: “What does “A. WITH."?" She: “Name and patronymic.” I ask her to decipher the initials, but she doesn’t know Pushkin’s name! I didn't make this up! And this is not some exceptional case of illiteracy. If I wrote them all down, I would already have a huge volume.

Or my wife recently told me this. Also, a girl comes to the audition and when asked what she will read, she answers: “Nina from Chekhov" - “Which Chekhov?” “Well, he was such a writer,” the applicant clarifies. Do you understand the level?! When she entered the theater school, she couldn’t name Chekhov’s famous play “The Seagull.”

- But hasn’t this really happened before?

- Did not have! I've been teaching since 1960 and can compare. With the introduction of the Unified State Exam, we are forced to spend one year out of four years of study only on educating students in terms of some elementary, as it seemed before, literary things. Graduates arrive completely unread. They don’t know any writers or playwrights.

— In the era of the Internet, information has become much more accessible; you can get what you didn’t get at school. Why isn't this happening?

“That’s why it doesn’t happen that it’s easier to take what lies on the surface.” And on the surface it turns out to be a continuous “hee-hee, ha-ha.” Take the same television: no matter what channel you turn on, there is usually something funny, but at the same time stupid. But you can't laugh all the time. Besides, you can laugh and cry in different ways too. Today it has become the order of things to provoke and shock the public. What for?! Do not do this!

- But if the public is ready to be provoked, this also speaks of its low level. Is not it so?

- (Thinks.) You are asking a tricky question, but I will try to explain to you. By and large, the public is not even provoked, but spit on what is dear and the only thing it has. When, in pursuit of modernity and shockingness, they rewrite the classics and attribute to them what they did not say or mean, then I am on the side of the viewer. Modernity should be in the head and in the heart, and not in that place that in Polish sounds like “dupa” and in Italian “kulo”. Does the public really deserve to be treated so badly and disrespectfully?!

Yuri Solomin in his youth. Photo:

Where do the billions come from?

— The public, like society, can be different. Recently, for example, I saw how a completely decent woman was stealing from a store, after which she was actively baptized. Don’t you think that these double standards look very Russian and are characteristic of our nature?

- This is not “Russian” - this is precisely a question of double standards. Just as there once were “active communists” who did not believe in the ideas of communism, so today they are baptized without having either a cross or faith.

- What for?

- God knows... Probably, it’s different in each case. People want to live, and live well. And what example is often given to them from above?

- That you can steal millions, kill, break all kinds of laws and still remain unpunished.

— Absolutely right... Have you ever wondered why the list of billionaires is growing year after year at the expense of Russian names? Is this normal? And is it normal that, for example, some children are brought to kindergarten by car with a personal driver and a security guard, while other children of other parents cannot be brought into the same kindergarten for years? Meanwhile, education begins in kindergarten, where many personality traits are formed. I have already said it once, but I will repeat it again: cultivating love for the Motherland begins only when you feel the Motherland’s care for you.

That's why, say, things are so bad with football? Yes, because our football players do not play for their homeland, but for money! And this is also completely abnormal! We hire Brazilians, Argentines, Uruguayans for crazy money, but there was no football. But because it’s all for money! But do we really have few talented boys from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok who know how to handle the ball?! With the annual salary of one legionnaire (that’s millions of euros!) it would be possible to build sports complexes in distant regions that everyone has forgotten about. Yes, at least they equipped courtyard fields for playing football - and now they are gone!

Yuri Solomin on the stage of the Maly Theater. Performance "Molière" ("The Cabal of the Saint"). Photo:

Cat instead of GOST

— At the beginning of the conversation, you said that the new generation has a problem with the level of education and culture. Why are today’s youth weaker in terms of health than, say, your generation? The reasons are probably not only in medicine and ecology...

— And you remember what has changed in our production of products, and everything will become clear. The once mandatory GOST was abolished, and for many years now manufacturers have been feeding us whatever the hell. “Thanks” to them, we have already eaten so much shit, excuse the expression! So it’s time to be surprised not that the younger generation is frail, but that we are still alive at all...

When my granddaughter was little, in our family the GOST system was replaced by... cats. My wife and I routinely had conversations along the lines of: “Don’t take these sausages anymore—cats refuse to even smell them. And the ones you took the day before yesterday, take some more, the cats liked them, so you can eat them!” (Laughs.)

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