Trump kiyosaki why we want. Why We Want You to Be Rich - Kiyosaki, Trump

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Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump

translated from English S. E. Borich from: WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH (Two Men – One Message) by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki, 2013.

© 2007, 2013 by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2014

Predictions come true

I would like to highlight three points that explain why this book is now O greater fame than in 2006, when it first appeared.

Paragraph 1

In 2004, when Donald Trump and I first teamed up, it turned out that we were worried about the same problems and trends inherent in modern society. That is what prompted us to write this book. Here are some of those problems.

1. The falling dollar and how it leads to the imperceptible destruction of savings and capital of the middle class.

2. The rise in oil prices. As world consumption of oil increases, the price of oil continuously rises, which entails an increase in the price of everything else. And this again affects those who have savings, that is, primarily the representatives of the middle class.

3. Excessive levels of debt. Now not only the consumer is in debt, but also the US government. Today the whole world is spinning, trying to somehow escape from the credit chaos.

4. 401(k) plans and mutual fund companies cheat their contributors. Shortly after the first edition of this book came out, an article was published in the Wall Street Journal that dealt with an assessment of what caused us anxiety.

Point 2

When Why We Want You to Be Rich was first published in 2006, it was heavily criticized by many. In this edition, we specifically dwell on why we believe that such criticism does not cover the picture as a whole.

Point 3

Donald and I joined forces as mentors…we both had rich dads who taught us and gave us guidance. We wrote this book because we believe in the value of financial education. We believe it's time to be smarter with your money and get rich, rather than relying on the government and politicians to take care of you and your money.

Robert Kiyosaki

The Wall Street Journal criticizes our books

Wall Street Journal columnist Jonathan Clements criticized us for writing about the 401(k) plan and mutual funds. Here is the headline of the article:

This book is written brightly, but it cannot be said

about their financial advice, which challenges our position by arguing that mutual fund companies make 80 percent of the profits, leaving savers only 20 per cent.

Less than a year later... in the Wall Street Journal

On March 14, 2007, a front page article written by Eleanor Layse states:

“As a result, we can assume that a small depositor is being robbed, and on a completely legal basis. America is the best country if you're rich or want to be rich, but it's a terrible country if you're a poor person, or worse, if you work hard and then get sick. That's why we want you to get rich. And to get rich, you need to learn to distinguish between good financial advice and bad financial advice.”


Why do we want you to be rich

Two people - one opinion

The rich are getting richer. And how are things going with you?

We are losing the middle class, and this loss threatens the stability of America and world democracy in general. We want you to be rich so that you can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki have one common concern. Their concern is that the rich are getting richer and America is getting poorer. The middle class is disappearing like polar ice caps. America is turning into a two-class society. Soon you, too, will either be rich or poor. Donald and Robert want you to become rich.

The phenomenon of the disappearance of the middle class has become a global problem, but it is typical mainly for the rich countries of the G8 (for example, England, France, Germany, Japan and others).

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, "As I've said many times before, a democratic society - a capitalist democratic society - cannot tolerate this situation." He explained why the income gap between wealthy citizens and the rest of the US population is widening continuously and faster, and how this could threaten the stability of democratic capitalism.

Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump

translated from English S. E. Borich from: WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH (Two Men – One Message) by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki, 2013.

© 2007, 2013 by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2014

Predictions come true

I would like to highlight three points that explain why this book is now O greater fame than in 2006, when it first appeared.

Paragraph 1

In 2004, when Donald Trump and I first teamed up, it turned out that we were worried about the same problems and trends inherent in modern society. That is what prompted us to write this book. Here are some of those problems.

1. The falling dollar and how it leads to the imperceptible destruction of savings and capital of the middle class.

2. The rise in oil prices. As world consumption of oil increases, the price of oil continuously rises, which entails an increase in the price of everything else. And this again affects those who have savings, that is, primarily the representatives of the middle class.

3. Excessive levels of debt. Now not only the consumer is in debt, but also the US government. Today the whole world is spinning, trying to somehow escape from the credit chaos.

4. 401(k) plans and mutual fund companies cheat their contributors. Shortly after the first edition of this book came out, an article was published in the Wall Street Journal that dealt with an assessment of what caused us anxiety.

Point 2

When Why We Want You to Be Rich was first published in 2006, it was heavily criticized by many. In this edition, we specifically dwell on why we believe that such criticism does not cover the picture as a whole.

Point 3

Donald and I joined forces as mentors…we both had rich dads who taught us and gave us guidance. We wrote this book because we believe in the value of financial education. We believe it's time to be smarter with your money and get rich, rather than relying on the government and politicians to take care of you and your money.

Robert Kiyosaki

The Wall Street Journal criticizes our books

Wall Street Journal columnist Jonathan Clements criticized us for writing about the 401(k) plan and mutual funds. Here is the headline of the article:

This book is written brightly, but it cannot be said

about their financial advice, which challenges our position by arguing that mutual fund companies make 80 percent of the profits, leaving savers only 20 per cent.

Less than a year later... in the Wall Street Journal

On March 14, 2007, a front page article written by Eleanor Layse states:

“As a result, we can assume that a small depositor is being robbed, and on a completely legal basis. America is the best country if you're rich or want to be rich, but it's a terrible country if you're a poor person, or worse, if you work hard and then get sick. That's why we want you to get rich. And to get rich, you need to learn to distinguish between good financial advice and bad financial advice.”


Why do we want you to be rich

Two people - one opinion

The rich are getting richer. And how are things going with you?

We are losing the middle class, and this loss threatens the stability of America and world democracy in general. We want you to be rich so that you can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki have one common concern. Their concern is that the rich are getting richer and America is getting poorer. The middle class is disappearing like polar ice caps. America is turning into a two-class society. Soon you, too, will either be rich or poor. Donald and Robert want you to become rich.

The phenomenon of the disappearance of the middle class has become a global problem, but it is typical mainly for the rich countries of the G8 (for example, England, France, Germany, Japan and others).

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, "As I've said many times before, a democratic society - a capitalist democratic society - cannot tolerate this situation." He explained why the income gap between wealthy citizens and the rest of the US population is widening continuously and faster, and how this could threaten the stability of democratic capitalism.

The problem is education

What, according to Alan Greenspan, is the main cause of this problem? To sum it up in one word, it is education. Greenspan emphasizes that in the fourth grade, American students demonstrate test results that are above the world average. However, by the twelfth grade, they are already far behind their peers. He says, "We must do something about this state of affairs."

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki also blame education for the current situation. They are both very concerned about Americans' lack of financial knowledge at all levels. It was the lack of financial education, in their opinion, that caused the United States of America to quickly turn from the richest country in the world into the largest debtor in the history of mankind. A weak US economy and a weak US dollar (the world's reserve currency) have a negative impact on international stability. As has been repeatedly noted, "when the United States sneezes, the whole world starts to get the flu."

They both teach

Both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are successful entrepreneurs and investors. They are engaged in business and as businessmen have earned themselves recognition around the world. But they also bring knowledge to people: they write books included in the bestseller lists, create educational board games, speak at various events on financial topics and host educational television programs. Donald Trump is the host of the super-popular cable TV show The Apprentice, Robert Kiyosaki hosts the PBS educational program Rich Dad's Guide to Wealth, which attracts the attention of many viewers .

Usually, if rich people want to change something, they invest in what suits them best. But Donald and Robert spend not only money on education, but also their time. The old parable says: if you want to feed a man, give him a fish. If you want him to never go hungry, teach him how to fish. Instead of writing charitable checks to the poor and middle class, Donald and Robert teach them how to fish.

Title: Why do we want you to be rich
Writer: Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki
Year: 2013
Publisher: AB Publishing
Age limit: 16+
Genres: Foreign business literature, Personal finance

About Why We Want You to Be Rich by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, the world's most successful business coach, Donald Trump, the world's richest businessman, and the President of the United States co-wrote the book Why We Want You to Be Rich. Readers of this book are wondering why they share their secrets with everyone, instead of growing their wealth just for themselves. Trump and Kiyosaki answer reader questions about investing, education, and owning a business. Two great businessmen have joined forces to help as many ordinary people as possible not only solve financial problems, but become truly rich. The authors will not give you hackneyed advice like “live within your means” or ready-made recipes for exactly where to invest your money. They will share with you their thoughts and considerations about business and investment, explain how they personally guide their transactions and how they achieve their fantastic financial success. The amazing multimillionaires don't hide anything from their readers - they really want to teach you what they know.

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translated from English S. E. Borich from: WHY WE WANT YOU TO BE RICH (Two Men – One Message) by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki, 2013.

© 2007, 2013 by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki

© Translation. Edition in Russian. Decor. Potpourri LLC, 2014

Predictions come true

I would like to highlight three points that explain why this book is now O greater fame than in 2006, when it first appeared.

Paragraph 1

In 2004, when Donald Trump and I first teamed up, it turned out that we were worried about the same problems and trends inherent in modern society. That is what prompted us to write this book. Here are some of those problems.

1. The falling dollar and how it leads to the imperceptible destruction of savings and capital of the middle class.

2. The rise in oil prices. As world consumption of oil increases, the price of oil continuously rises, which entails an increase in the price of everything else. And this again affects those who have savings, that is, primarily the representatives of the middle class.

3. Excessive levels of debt. Now not only the consumer is in debt, but also the US government. Today the whole world is spinning, trying to somehow escape from the credit chaos.

4. 401(k) plans and mutual fund companies cheat their contributors. Shortly after the first edition of this book came out, an article was published in the Wall Street Journal that dealt with an assessment of what caused us anxiety.

Point 2

When Why We Want You to Be Rich was first published in 2006, it was heavily criticized by many. In this edition, we specifically dwell on why we believe that such criticism does not cover the picture as a whole.

Point 3

Donald and I joined forces as mentors…we both had rich dads who taught us and gave us guidance. We wrote this book because we believe in the value of financial education. We believe it's time to be smarter with your money and get rich, rather than relying on the government and politicians to take care of you and your money.

Robert Kiyosaki

The Wall Street Journal criticizes our books

Wall Street Journal columnist Jonathan Clements criticized us for writing about the 401(k) plan and mutual funds. Here is the headline of the article:

This book is written brightly, but it cannot be said

about their financial advice, which challenges our position by arguing that mutual fund companies make 80 percent of the profits, leaving savers only 20 per cent.

Less than a year later... in the Wall Street Journal

On March 14, 2007, a front page article written by Eleanor Layse states:

“As a result, we can assume that a small depositor is being robbed, and on a completely legal basis. America is the best country if you're rich or want to be rich, but it's a terrible country if you're a poor person, or worse, if you work hard and then get sick. That's why we want you to get rich. And to get rich, you need to learn to distinguish between good financial advice and bad financial advice.”


Why do we want you to be rich

Two people - one opinion

The rich are getting richer. And how are things going with you?

We are losing the middle class, and this loss threatens the stability of America and world democracy in general. We want you to be rich so that you can be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki have one common concern. Their concern is that the rich are getting richer and America is getting poorer. The middle class is disappearing like polar ice caps. America is turning into a two-class society. Soon you, too, will either be rich or poor. Donald and Robert want you to become rich.

The phenomenon of the disappearance of the middle class has become a global problem, but it is typical mainly for the rich countries of the G8 (for example, England, France, Germany, Japan and others).

Former US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, "As I've said many times before, a democratic society - a capitalist democratic society - cannot tolerate this situation." He explained why the income gap between wealthy citizens and the rest of the US population is widening continuously and faster, and how this could threaten the stability of democratic capitalism.

The problem is education

What, according to Alan Greenspan, is the main cause of this problem? To sum it up in one word, it is education. Greenspan emphasizes that in the fourth grade, American students demonstrate test results that are above the world average. However, by the twelfth grade, they are already far behind their peers. He says, "We must do something about this state of affairs."

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki also blame education for the current situation. They are both very concerned about Americans' lack of financial knowledge at all levels. It was the lack of financial education, in their opinion, that caused the United States of America to quickly turn from the richest country in the world into the largest debtor in the history of mankind. A weak US economy and a weak US dollar (the world's reserve currency) have a negative impact on international stability. As has been repeatedly noted, "when the United States sneezes, the whole world starts to get the flu."

They both teach

Both Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki are successful entrepreneurs and investors. They are engaged in business and as businessmen have earned themselves recognition around the world. But they also bring knowledge to people: they write books included in the bestseller lists, create educational board games, speak at various events on financial topics and host educational television programs. Donald Trump is the host of the super-popular cable TV show The Apprentice, Robert Kiyosaki hosts the PBS educational program Rich Dad's Guide to Wealth, which attracts the attention of many viewers .

Usually, if rich people want to change something, they invest in what suits them best. But Donald and Robert spend not only money on education, but also their time. The old parable says: if you want to feed a man, give him a fish. If you want him to never go hungry, teach him how to fish. Instead of writing charitable checks to the poor and middle class, Donald and Robert teach them how to fish.

In this book, Rich Dad Poor Dad bestselling author Robert Kiyosaki and famed multimillionaire Donald Trump join forces to teach financial literacy to help them survive in our challenging times.

In this book, two multimillionaires teach readers how to grow their wealth during these difficult times for the economy. Today, a lot of people have appeared who have ceased to believe in their own strength and are waiting for the state, employer or family to give them everything. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki explain what troubles this is fraught with. The book also says that money does not solve anything, and the main thing is financial literacy. Trump and Kiyosaki will help readers master it.

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Nikolay Mrochkovsky is a professional investor and trainer. At the moment he has 10 profitable apartments and a townhouse. Thanks to the books of Robert Kiyosaki, Nikolai was able to reach such heights and now helps other investors find their way through the seminar Secrets of building wealth in real estate.

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