Oral folk art rituals. Presentation on the topic: Ritual folklore

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Classical folklore is a rich system of developed, artistically valuable genres. It functioned productively for centuries, was closely connected with the feudal way of life and the patriarchal consciousness of the people.

Classical folklore works are usually divided into ritual and extra-ritual.

Ritual folklore consisted of verbal-musical, dramatic, game, choreographic genres, which were part of traditional folk rituals.

Rituals played an important role in the life of the people. They evolved from century to century, gradually accumulating the diverse experience of many generations. The rituals had a ritual and magical significance, they contained the rules of human behavior in everyday life and work. They are usually divided into labor (agricultural) and family. Russian rituals are genetically related to the rituals of other Slavic peoples and have a typological similarity with the rituals of many peoples of the world.

Ritual poetry interacted with folk rituals and contained elements of a dramatic game. It had a ritual and magical significance, and also performed psychological and poetic functions.

Ritual folklore is syncretic in its essence, so it is advisable to consider it as part of the corresponding rituals. At the same time, we note the possibility of a different, strictly philological approach. Yu. G. Kruglov distinguishes three types of works in ritual poetry: sentences, songs and lamentations. Each type is a group of genres.

Songs are especially important - the oldest layer of musical and poetic folklore. In many ceremonies, they occupied a leading place, combining magical, utilitarian-practical and artistic functions. The songs were sung in chorus. Ritual songs reflected the rite itself, contributed to its formation and implementation. Incantation songs were a magical appeal to the forces of nature in order to gain well-being in the household and family. In the songs of praise, the participants of the ritual were poetically idealized, glorified: real people or mythological images (Kolyada, Shrovetide, etc.).

Opposite to the laudatory were reproachful songs that ridiculed the participants in the ritual, often in a grotesque form; their content was humorous or satirical. Game songs were performed during various youth games; they described and accompanied by imitation of field work, played out family scenes (for example, matchmaking). Lyrical songs are the latest occurrence in the rite. Their main purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and moods. Thanks to lyrical songs, a certain emotional flavor was created, and traditional ethics were established.

Zueva T.V., Kirdan B.P. Russian folklore - M., 2002

Ritual folklore is the works of oral folk art, which, unlike non-ritual folklore, were an organic part of traditional folk rites and were performed in rituals. In the life of the people, rituals occupied an important place: they evolved from century to century, gradually accumulating the diverse experience of many generations.

The rites had a ritual and magical significance, they contained the rules of human behavior in everyday life and work.

Russian rites

Russian rituals are genetically related to the rituals of other Slavic peoples and have a typological similarity with the rituals of many peoples of the world. Russian ritual folklore was published in the collections of P.V. Kireevsky, E.V. Barsov, P.V. Shein, A.I. Sobolevsky.

Types of rituals

Rituals are usually divided into production and family. Already in ancient times, the Slavic farmers celebrated the winter and summer solstice and the associated changes in nature with special holidays. The observations developed into a system of mythological beliefs and practical labor skills, which was fixed by the annual (calendar) cycle of agrarian ritual holidays and ritual folklore accompanying them.

A complex symbiosis was formed by annual church folk agrarian holidays, which was partly reflected in ritual folklore. On the night before Christmas and on the eve of the New Year, while going around the yards, bypass songs were sung, which had different names: carols (in the south), oats (in the central regions), grapes (in the northern regions). During the entire Christmas week, Christ was glorified with special songs, his birth was depicted in the folk puppet theater - den.

At Christmas time (from Christmas to Epiphany), fortune-telling with songs was common, and funny dramatic scenes were played out. Songs, incantations, lamentations, sentences were also performed during other calendar rites. Family rites developed on a common basis with calendar ones and are genetically connected with them, however, a specific real person was at the center of family rites.

Rites and events of life

Rites accompanied many events of his life, among which the most important are birth, marriage and death. Traces of ancient maternity songs of wishes are preserved in lullabies. Lamentations were the main genre of funeral and memorial rites. Lamentations were included in the recruiting ceremony and in the wedding of the Northern Russian type, where they were especially developed. Wedding poetry was rich and varied. At the wedding, sentences were also performed, dramatic scenes were played.

In ancient times, the main function of wedding folklore was utilitarian and magical: according to the ideas of the people, oral works contributed to a happy fate and prosperity; but gradually they began to play a different role - ceremonial and aesthetic. The genre composition of ritual folklore is diverse: verbal-musical, dramatic, playful, choreographic works. Ritual songs are especially important - the most ancient layer of musical and poetic folklore. The songs were sung in chorus. Ritual songs reflected the rite itself, contributed to its formation and implementation.

Incantation songs were a magical appeal to the forces of nature in order to gain well-being in the household and family. In the songs of praise, the participants of the ritual were poetically idealized, glorified: real people (groom, bride) or mythological images (Kolyada, Shrovetide). The reproachful songs that ridiculed the participants in the ritual, often in a grotesque form, are opposite to the glorious ones; their content was humorous or satirical. Game and round dance songs were performed during various youth games, they described and accompanied by imitation of field work, family scenes were played out (for example: matchmaking). Lyrical songs are the latest occurrence in the rite. Their main purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and moods. Thanks to lyrical songs, a certain emotional flavor was created, and traditional ethics were established.

Ritual folklore includes also conspiracies, spells, some bylichki, beliefs, signs, proverbs, sayings, riddles, in the 20th century. ritual ditties appeared. The composition of the ritual complex could spontaneously include works of non-ritual folklore.

Folk rituals and ritual folklore received a deep and multifaceted reflection in Russian literature (“Eugene Onegin”, 1823-31, A.S. Pushkin, “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, 1831-32, N.V. Gogol, “To whom on Russia to live well”, 1863-77, N.A. Nekrasov, “The Snow Maiden”, 1873, A.N. Ostrovsky, “War and Peace”, 1863-69, L.N. Tolstoy, lyrics by S.A. Yesenin and etc.).

Calendar rites in Russian folklore


INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………. 3


CONCLUSION………………………………………………………. 13



Calendar rituals and holidays are one of the most important components of Russian folk art. The leading place in folklore is occupied directly by agricultural rituals, since agriculture was the basis of the whole way of life of people. Ritualism originates from pre-Christian, pagan times. Before the adoption of Christianity, paganism was nothing more than the main universal system that generalized the processes and phenomena of the world, penetrating into all spheres of human life and everyday life. People were clearly convinced of the existence, and, accordingly, the presence and direct participation of supernatural power, both in work and in everyday life. From here, numerous rituals appear, accompanied by songs, conspiracies.

After the adoption of Christianity, paganism did not disappear, but was intertwined with a new religion. Until today, we celebrate a sufficient number of Christian holidays, the basis of which is from the ancient times of paganism. The Orthodox Church transformed the pagan essence by imposing on the folk calendar the Church Menologion, in which the days of commemoration of saints or events from the history of the church were arranged in calendar order. As a result of such an overlay, a mixture of pagan and Christian elements arose in the rites, and the agricultural calendar was closely intertwined with the Christian one.

In folk art, calendar rituals are especially widely represented by songs.

Nowadays, interest in calendar rituals is experiencing a real boom. We celebrate many holidays of the agricultural calendar in a somewhat stylized way, not always knowing the original purpose of this or that rite. Therefore, the question of studying the origins of calendar rituals is relevant for us.


The calendar rituals that accompany a person's life during the year are correlated with the natural cycle and the labor activity of the peasant.

The beginning of the agricultural year was associated either with the arrival of spring and sowing, or with harvesting in the fall. Until 1348, the beginning of the New Year in Rus' was celebrated on March 1, and in the period from 1348 to 1699 - on September 1. And only in the era of Peter the Great's reforms did the New Year begin to be celebrated in January.

In calendar rituals and holidays, which reflect the main cycles of the agricultural calendar, it is customary to distinguish 4 groups. These are winter rituals (Kolyada, Shrovetide), spring (the meeting of spring, the first exit into the field, St. George's Day), summer (Kupalye, zazhinki, dozhinki), autumn (Pokrov).

The beginning of the annual cycle of calendar rituals was traditionally considered the time of the winter solstice, when daylight hours began to increase, the sun, waking up from hibernation, began to warm more strongly. The meeting of the New Year was called Svyatok. Christmas time was celebrated for two weeks - from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany (December 25 - January 6, old style). Christmas was preceded by a holy Christmas Eve. In fact, he started the Christmas holidays. The peasants believed that according to the signs of Christmas night, the future harvest could be determined, and by performing magical rites, the future harvest could be improved. Before the meal, the host took a pot of kutya in his hands and went around the hut with it three times. Upon his return, he threw a few spoons of kutia out the door, into the yard, to appease the spirits. Opening the door, he invited "frost" to the kutya and asked him not to destroy the crops in the spring. This game ritual was perceived as the beginning of the holidays. Spells and beliefs were an indispensable part of them: women wound tight balls of yarn so that large heads of cabbage would be born in summer.

On the same evening, caroling and generosity began, when the mummers went around the yards singing songs. Large groups of people took part in these rituals, from children to the elderly. Carolers sang congratulatory songs to the owners of the house with wishes of happiness, material well-being, health, livestock offspring, glorified the kindness, generosity, generosity of the owner and mistress.

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush.
Where is the goat's horn -
There's a stack of hay.
How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.

The caroling ended with songs that contained a request for a treat for the carolers. They were presented with lard, sausage, pies, and sometimes money. After going around the village, a general feast was held with songs and dances ...

The peasants, being inextricably linked with labor on the ground, with nature, believed that by combining the efforts of many people in a ritual action, it was possible to help fertility. After all, people and nature are two parts of one whole, and the rite is a means of communication between them. Obligatory Christmas games, cheerful amusements, plentiful food and intoxicating drinks awakened in people a cheerful energy, which, merging with the emerging energy of fertility, doubles it.

The spring equinox, as a rule, coincided with the farewell to winter - Maslenitsa. The festivities lasted for a week. An indispensable companion of this spring holiday is pancakes, butter pancakes, which symbolized the sun in shape. Having eaten too much oil pancakes, Shrovetide itself towered over the crowd, personifying the end of winter and the beginning of the fruiting season. The festivities began with the rites of conscription and the meeting of Maslenitsa, which was presented in the form of a stuffed animal dressed in women's clothes. At the end of the festivities, the effigy was burned, Maslenitsa was now supposed to calm down until next year. Winter was leaving, giving way to spring, fields and arable land received new strength.

In March, they baked ceremonial cookies in the form of birds - larks, children and young people carried them into the field, climbed to high places, tossed larks up and shouted spring songs, in which they called for spring to come quickly and drive away the cold winter:

Give me spring

good years,

Good years, grain-growing!

Generate thick living:

Zhito thick, spiky,

Spicy, edristo!

To have something to brew beer with,

Brew beer, marry guys,

Marry the guys, give the girls away.

Spring, red spring!

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With abundant bread!

The arrival of spring in the popular mind is often associated with the arrival of birds. Therefore, in the songs-pearlings they turned to birds, to larks:



Fly to us

bring us

Summer is warm!

Take away from us

Winter is cold!

We have a cold winter

I got bored





swallow birds,

Come visit us!

Spring is clear

Spring red

Bring us!

On a perch

On the furrow

And with a plow, and with a harrow,

And with a mare crow ...

In the songs, the peasants expressed their concern about the preparations for the upcoming agricultural work: it was necessary to prepare harrows, sharpen bipods.

Another custom is connected with the arrival of spring - on the day of the Annunciation, birds were released from the cages.

For spring rituals, towels with images of the goddess of fertility were embroidered. One of the notable traditions of welcoming spring was the painting of eggs. Painting eggs in the spring is one of the oldest tradition that has survived to this day. A painted egg was an important attribute of rituals, and there was even a custom to use specially made ceramic painted eggs - pysanky. It was believed that the painted ritual egg has extraordinary properties: it can heal the sick or even put out the fire that happens from a lightning strike.

The spring cycle of holidays was associated with the awakening of nature, with the renewal of life. One of these holidays is St. George's Day. Ritual ceremonies in honor of Yuri were of cattle-breeding and agrarian orientation, since, according to the ancient tradition, St. Yuri was considered the patron of livestock and farming and the successor of the East Slavic deity Veles. Usually the first pasture of cattle was timed to coincide with this day. The owners went around their flock three times with a candle, which was specially consecrated in the church, as well as with bread, which after the ritual was given to the animals. Shepherds on this day received a rich meal.

Oh, I'll go out into the street, the bulls are raging,
Yuri, Yuri, bulls are raging.
Gobies are raging - they smell spring,
Yuri, Yuri, they smell spring.
The rivers flooded, the ice floated,
Yuriy, Yuriy, the ice has melted.
The earth turned black, it was plowed,
Yuri, Yuri, they plowed it.
The birch trembled - the buds burst.
Yuri, Yuri, kidneys burst.
The oak forest cheered up, the birds sang,
Yuri, Yuri, the birds sang.
Dolipa turned green, flowers bloomed,
Yuri, Yuri, the flowers have bloomed.
Oh, I'll go out, I'll go out to pick flowers, Yuri, Yuri, pick flowers.
Collect flowers, twist wreaths,
Yuri, Yuri, wreaths. wreaths to twist,
Praise Yuri, Yuri, Yuri, Praise Yuri.

They crowned the spring rituals and began the summer "green Christmas time". They fell at the end of May - June (in different areas they appointed their own time).

For the peasant, this is a time of some expectation - he did everything he could in the fields, the thrown grain sprouted, now everything depended on nature, and therefore, on the whim of the creatures controlling the natural elements. Therefore, the peasants turned to the water surface - to rivers and lakes, sources of fertile morning dew. And the soul - to the mermaids, the rulers of the reservoirs. And at that time they expected from the mermaids not only pranks and intrigues, but also irrigation of the fields with life-giving moisture, which contributed to the earing of bread. Mermaid ritual round dances and songs were accompanied by beats of a tambourine, sharp sounds of a flute. Spinning and jumping, piercing cries, the participants brought themselves into a state of extreme excitement. Such a massive rampage was supposed to attract the attention of the mermaids and lure them out of the pools.

Mermaids sat on the oak on the spruce
ma...yu, mayu, mayu green (y)
Mermaids sat down, shirts prasili
Dev (s) ki - maladukhi two go falling
At least sometimes - a polen, for a breeze - a blaze.

A rich harvest depended not only on sufficient moisture, but also on solar heat. Therefore, two "fiery", solar holidays were part of the "green Christmas time" - Yarilin Day (June 4, old style) and Ivan Kupala (June 24, old style). They started the summer cycle of holidays.

Yarila is the god of the rising (spring) sun, the god of love, the patron of animals, plants, the god of strength and courage.

Kupala is a deity of Slavic mythology, which is associated with the cult of the sun.

The girls went out to the meadow, oh, yes, they became in a circle.
Oh, early, early, oh, early on Ivan
The guys went out to the meadow, oh, yes, they all became in a circle.
Oh, early, early, oh, early on Ivan
They kindled a woodpile and played until the dawn.

The decoration and symbol of the holiday are Ivan da Marya flowers. According to legend, on the night of Ivan Kupala, a wonderful fern flower bloomed with a fiery color, which brought happiness to the finder. Witchcraft charms surrounded this flower, but daredevils in our time are trying to find this magical flower.

In the evening on Ivan Kupala, the main action began with a magical rite of obtaining "living fire": sacred bonfires were kindled from the warm fire, and the daring people started jumping over them. Everyone tried to jump higher, because the height of the loaves depended magically on the height of the jump. There were round dances around the fires. The girls wove wreaths and floated them on the water. The holiday ended early in the morning, when everyone went to meet the dawn and swim in the river or lake.

Summer rituals also included stubble rites (zazhinki, dozhinki), which were of great importance, since the harvest, and hence the life of the peasant, depended on their performance. The main content of the autumn rituals is the desire to return the expended strength to those working in the field and to preserve the fruitful energy of the earth.

Symbolic significance was attached to the first and last compressed sheaves, around which a number of ritual actions were carried out, theatrical performances were held with songs, games, and a ritual meal. The last sheaf was carried home from the dozhinok and placed in the "red corner" under the icons. threshing began with it, and its grains were kept until a new sowing. Special honors were given to the last sheaf.

Work in the field was accompanied by "stubble" and "dozhinochny" songs - under some stingers, and under others they gathered the last harvest.

And they told us

What we lazily regretted

What are we sorry for!

We have reaped

And they put them in the cops

In haystacks nametali!

And in the field cops

On the threshing floor with haystacks,

Haystacks on the floor!

On the threshing floor with haystacks,

On the current in heaps,

And with current furs!

Zhivny songs imprinted pictures of harvesting.

The end of the agricultural year was symbolized by the Feast of the Intercession. It was believed that the Pokrov brings a white blanket of snow to the ground. There are sayings about this: "The cover covers the earth either with a leaf, or with snow", "On the Cover is autumn before lunch, winter in the afternoon."

The harvest is in and the peasant is relatively free to meet the guests. Again, it's time for fun games, festivities, weddings with their rites and rituals.


Concluding the consideration of calendar rituals in folklore, I would like to note that a significant place here belongs to the topic of the agricultural calendar. Holidays and ceremonies of this direction arose in antiquity and represented an integral calendar cycle, starting in December, when the sun "turns for summer", foreshadowing the imminent awakening of the nurse of mother earth from winter sleep, and ending in autumn, with the completion of harvesting.

Unlike the holidays that appeared later, they were predominantly magical in nature. The purpose of all the rituals was to ensure a good harvest, a rich offspring of domestic animals, which in turn ensured the welfare of the peasants, health and harmony in their families.

Comparing the holidays and rituals of the agricultural year with each other, it is easy to make sure that the individual components in them coincide, certain actions are repeated, the same ritual foods are used, and there are stable poetic formulas. Such use of the same elements in different rituals is explained by the closedness of the annual cycle, which is subordinated to the task of growing and preserving the harvest that unites all the actions and thoughts of the farmer.


2. Gromyko of the Russian village. - M., 1991. S. 269.

4. Kostanyan folk literature. - M., 2008. S. 352.

5., Lazutin oral folk art. - M., 1977. S.375.

6. Nekrylov year. Russian agricultural calendar. - M., 1989. S. 496.

7. Propp agricultural holidays. - SPb., 1995. S. 176.

8. Sakharov of the Russian people. M., 1990. S. 328.

9. folk holidays in Holy Rus'. - M., 1990. S. 247.

Russian people: Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry. - M., 2014. S. 688.

Baklanov's artistic culture. - M., 2000. S. 344.

Baklanov's artistic culture. - M., 2000. S. 344.

Gromyko Russian village. - M., 1991. S. 269.

Russian people: Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry. - M., 2014. S. 688.

Nekrylov year. Russian agricultural calendar. - M., 1989. S. 496.

Russian people: Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry. - M., 2014. S. 688.

6th grade

Lesson topic: "Calendar and ritual folklore."

Lesson type: Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Target: acquaintance of students with the concept of "calendar-ritual folklore"

Planned results: knowledge of the concept of folklore, ritual folklore, the main features of folklore in the life of the people, to interest in ancient Russian ritual poetry, to learn to compare folklore and literary works, to expressively read folklore works.


1. to reveal the basic concepts of the topic: folklore, ritual, ritual folklore, calendar and ritual poetry.

2. Get acquainted with samples of ritual folklore and ancient Russian ritual poetry.

3. Raise love and respect for the traditions of the Russian people.

Equipment: Anikin V.P., Kruglov Yu.G. "Russian folk poetry", presentation, illustrations for works of oral folk art, videos of the reconstruction of folk ritual holidays

During the classes:

-Organizing time.

- Formulation of the problem:

Which words from the topic are familiar to you?

What words do you know the meaning of?

Children learn the exact meaning of words.

RITE - a set of actions established by custom, in which religious ideas and customs are embodied.

ritual folklore - these are songs, dances, various actions that are performed during the rituals.

Calendar-ritual folklore - These are rituals associated with the folk calendar, which was based on the change of seasons and the schedule of agricultural work.

Oral folk art is embodied in ritual songs, dances, fairy tales, legends, traditions, and other works.

Folklore was an integral part of folk life. He accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth festivities and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings. Ritual songs were considered as an obligatory part of the rite, as well as the main ritual actions. It was even believed that if all ritual actions were not performed and the songs accompanying them were not performed, then the desired result would not be achieved.

Scenes from various rituals are played out:



Ritual songs.

Folk rites are divided into two cycles:

- calendar rituals associated with the economic activity of the peasant (agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting). Calendar rituals are timed to winter, spring, summer, autumn - in connection with the schedule of agricultural work for the seasons, as well as the winter and summer solstice (December 21, 22 and June 21, 22)

- family rituals associated with the birth of a person, his marriage, seeing off into the army or death. The wedding ceremony consisted of a series of successive actions, none of which was skipped. At the funeral, lamentations were performed by professional mourners (shouters): these laments accompanied all episodes of the funeral rite.

Let's look at the calendar-ritual folklore.

Ritual calendar songs belong to the oldest type of folk art, and they got their name because of the connection with the folk agricultural calendar - the work schedule for the seasons. Calendar-ritual songs, as a rule, are small in volume and simple in poetic structure. In the songs they beg, call for good Kolyada, Shrovetide, Spring, Trinity, and sometimes reproach for deceit and frivolity.

    Winter holidays.

Christmas time.

Christmas New Year holidays lasted from December 24 to January 6. These holidays were associated with the winter solstice - one of the most important days of the agricultural calendar, which separated one annual life cycle from another. The Christian Church refers to this day and the day of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Caroling began on Christmas Eve, December 24th. This was the name of the festive detours of houses with the singing of carols, in which the owners of the house were famous and contained wishes for wealth, harvest, etc.carols were performed by children or young people who carried a star on a pole. This star symbolized the Star of Bethlehem, which appeared in the sky at the time of the birth of Christ.

The hosts presented carolers with sweets, cookies, and money. If the owners were stingy, then carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats(listening to the audio recording of "Kolyada walking-wandering"):

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
Give me a cow
And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
The rye is thick for him,
supper rye;
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
From half-grain - a pie.
The Lord would give you
And live, and be,
And wealth
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

The meaning of any carol is in a kind of “calling” of happiness and wealth to a generous owner. The more he gives to carolers, the more he will gain in the coming year. Treats are a sign of the fullness of the house. A carol is a spell song, a conspiracy song, a conditional magical game of the owner and carolers.

The composition of carols is simple: the formula for the arrival of the holiday, then - the formula for finding a house, its description (with exaggeration), the formula for praising the owners, a request, and in the finale - a wish or a threat.

The beginning of the year was given special significance. As you spend the New Year, so will the whole coming year. Therefore, they tried to make the table plentiful, people cheerful, wishing each other happiness and good luck. Cheerful short carols were the song form of such wishes.

One of the types of New Year's songs and rites of the holy week is "sub-satellite songs", when the girls guessed their fate, taking out their decorations from a dish covered with a towel to the songs.

Fortune-telling scene.

    Spring holidays.


Maslenitsa is a moving holiday. On Shrovetide they had fun from the heart: they rode troikas with bells, went to visit, baked ruddy pancakes, sang, danced and played. V. I. Dal wrote that every day of Maslenitsa had its own name: Monday - meeting, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - gourmet, Thursday - wide Thursday, Friday - mother-in-law evenings, Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings, Sunday - seeing off. In the same week, it was customary to ride from the mountains on a sled. The central ritual actions of the holiday were the meeting of Maslenitsa and seeing it off, which, obviously, personified the end of winter and the beginning of spring. To meet Maslenitsa they went outside the village, putting a stuffed animal in a sleigh, solemnly returned and drove through the streets singing songs in which they praised Maslenitsa. At the end of the week, she was also taken out of the village with songs and burned, which, according to the peasants, should have contributed to a rich harvest.

Characterizingcarnival songs , it can be noted that in them she, Maslenitsa, is scolded, ridiculed, urged to return, called comic human names: Avdotyushka, Izotievna, Akulina Savvishna, etc.

(listening to the audio recording “Oh, oily near”)

Our annual Shrovetide
She is a dear guest
She does not walk to us,
Everything rides on horseback,
So that the horses were black,
To keep the servants young.

The performers of the Maslenitsa rites peculiarly "conjured the sun" and this, according to popular beliefs, caused its spring "flare up." the sign of the sun.

The rituals of seeing off Shrovetide were accompanied by traditional songs. In some, they asked not to leave longer:

And we saw off our oil,
It’s hard - importantly, they sighed for her:
- And butter, butter, come back,
Stretch until the greatest day!

In others, the expression of love for Shrove Tuesday was replaced by a manifestation of joy that it was held:

And we rolled our oil,
Buried in a hole
Lie down, carnival, until the raid ...
Maslyanitsa - wettail!
Drive home from the yard
Your time has passed!
We have streams from the mountains,
play ravines,
Turn out the shafts
Set up a sohu.

Spring meeting.

In Russia, the rite of meeting spring was widely used. Late spring brought famine. At the beginning of March, adults baked ritual cookies in the form of larks, and children carried them into the field or climbed onto the roofs, tossed them up and called outspring songs, in which they conjured spring to come quickly and drive away the cold winter.

(listening to the audio recording "Oh, larks, larks ..."

Spring Rites were performed on the days of the main Great Lent of the year, so they almost did not have a festive game character.

The main spring genre is stoneflies. They, in fact, were not sung, but called, climbing the hillocks and roofs. They called for spring and parted with winter.

The joyfully welcomed spring was supposed to bring its gifts - a rich harvest, livestock offspring, good luck in economic affairs.

Spring, beautiful spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy:
Freak flax high,
Rye, oats are good!

In the evening, on the eve of Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, women and girls gathered on the river bank, lit a fire, which symbolized the spring "flare up" and danced around it.

summer holidays - open widefeast of the Trinity.

Trinity was bright and poetic - the seventh Sunday after Easter. This time was popularly called the "mermaid" week or "green Christmas time". This holiday celebrated the flowering of nature. They decorated the porch and the house with greenery, flowers, and more often with fresh birch branches. The center of the holiday was a birch tree, which was "curled" and "developed". The birch among the Russian people personified spring nature:

Curl, birch,
Curly, curly!
We came to you, we came
With dumplings, with fried eggs,
With wheat pies!

Curled and decorated "birch" was cut down and worn around the village. If birch trees were "curled" in the forest, then the rite of "nepotism" was added to this: the girls kissed each other in pairs through wreaths and thus swore to each other in friendship and love, they became "godfathers".

Ivan Kupala Day - the culmination of the earth's annual circle.

Kupala rites . A major holiday was the feast of Ivan Kupala. For the peasant, after Ivan Kupala, the hottest time began - haymaking and harvest. An important place was occupied by rituals with water: to be healthy, strong, beautiful, they poured themselves with water, bathed. In some places, young people walked around the village and sang a song that conjured the rye “clean, spiked, vigorous” so that the harvest would be rich.

    autumn holidays

Harvest, hay.

At the beginning of the harvest, rituals were performed with the first sheaf. It was called the name day, with songs it was transferred from the field to the threshing floor. During the harvest they sangliving songs.


Questions are being discussed.

1. What kind of folklore is called ritual?

2. What songs can be called calendar-ritual?

3. When and where were carols performed? How are they different from other songs?

4. What calendar and ritual songs can be called the most fun?

5. Have you heard similar songs? Where and under what circumstances?

6. Have you ever performed such songs yourself? Tell us more about it.

Homework. Group mini-project "Come to our holiday"

Used Books:

    Textbook - reader for educational institutions in 2 parts. Author - compiler V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina and others - M.: Enlightenment

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: In 3 volumes / Ed. Prof. D.N. Ushakova - M .: Veche. Book World, 2001

    Anikin V.P., Kruglov Yu.G. Russian folk poetry. - L .: Education, Leningrad. department, - 1987

    Erudite series. Language and folklore. - M .: LLC "TD" Publishing House "World of Books", 2006

    Lesson: Literary reading. ( Teacher: Nemkina Larisa Anatolyevna)

    Subject: Folklore.ritual folklore.

    Objectives: 1) to introduce students to ritual folklore;

    2) develop curiosity, outlook;

    continue to work on the quality and speed of reading;

    3) to cultivate respect for the traditions of our region.

    Equipment: samovar, candles, mirror, self-woven rugs, animal masks, colored scarves, kokoshniks, veil, dress for the bride.

    Cards with new terms: ritual, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas time, carols, caroling, custom.


    1. Berdnikova N.V. "Fun Fair". Folk and calendar holidays for children 3-10 years old / N.V. Berdnikova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2005. - 368 p.

    2. Ischuk V.V. "People's Holidays" / V.V. Ischuk, M.I. Nagibin. - Yaroslavl: Academy Holding, 2000. - 130p.

    3. Lazarev A.I. "Ural gatherings" / A.I. Lazarev. Chelyabinsk: South Ural book publishing house, 1977. - 85 p.

    4. Pashina V. "They lived - they were, they led a round dance." Folklore holidays for grades 5 - 9 / V. Pashina. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007

    5. Ryakina I.V. "Folk holidays" / I.V. Ryakin. - Yekaterinburg, 2002. - 159 p.

    6. Saversky L.A. “Folk holidays of the Trans-Urals” / L.A. Saversky. - Kurtamysh printing house, 2005. - 686 p.

    During the classes:

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Topic message.

    III. Repetition. Introduction to a new topic.

    What genres of folklore are you already familiar with? Name.

    (Riddles, ditties, sayings, lullabies, silent songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers).

    These are small genres of folklore.

    And today you will get acquainted with ritual folklore.

    IV. New material.

    1) Rite - it is a system, order, way of life of a family.

    Calendar rites and ritual poetry are the oldest form of folk art.

    Today you will get acquainted with some winter calendar holidays and rituals, customs, signs, traditions associated with them. our favorite New Year holiday is coming soon, you will learn about the Christmas holiday, which is celebrated on January 7th.

    Learn more about the history of this holiday. (Payusova Nastya).

    history of the holiday

    It was a long time ago, 2000 years ago. In the small Jewish town of Bethlehem, there lived a family - a young woman named Mary and her elderly husband Joseph. Once, while traveling to the city of Jerusalem, night caught the travelers, and they began to look for lodging for the night. Mary and Joseph asked many people to come into the house, but in vain. Finally, one man took pity on them and allowed them to spend the night in a cattle barn. There Mary gave birth to a son whom she named Jesus. Not a simple man was born, but a god. He saves the world from suffering and sins, but for this he himself will be forced to suffer. To commemorate this event, a new star lit up in the sky.

    And the people followed the star to worship Jesus and his mother. They brought gifts to Mary and her son. Since then there has been tradition celebrate Christmas and give gifts to each other.

    2. (All children have leaflets with information about the holiday on their desks).

    Read what attributes are characteristic of the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

    (Children read in sequence.)


    Christmas is a holiday that is directly related to the religious beliefs of people. In Western countries, it is celebrated a week before the New Year, and in Russia and countries professing Orthodoxy, according to the Orthodox calendar, a week after the New Year. Therefore, in our country, Christmas is, as it were, a continuation of the New Year. That is why its attributes are the same - a Christmas tree, gifts, a fabulous atmosphere that accompanies us throughout the holiday. Christmas is a great joy for both children and adults, because the New Year's fairy tale is not over and there is an opportunity to receive a gift again.

    On the desk Christmas Eve - sochivo- sochnik

    Read how Christmas Eve was spent.


    Christmas Eve

    On Christmas Eve, January 6 in the evening, Christmas Eve begins. This evening got its name from the name of the food. Sochivo (sochnik) is a symbolic treat in the form of porridge. To prepare it, it was necessary to have honey, symbolizing heavenly life, wheat - a sprout of new life, dried fruits, denoting the end of life.

    Christmas Eve was held in the strictest fast. Haven't eaten anything all day. They sat down at the table, as a rule, only after the first star, and the food on that day was furnished with special symbolic rites, which were prepared in advance. For this, in addition to sochiv, they prepared porridge diluted with honey - kutya, which marked fertility. At the end of the evening, part of the remaining kutya was taken by the children to the homes of the poor to give them the opportunity to celebrate the “rich kutya”.

    Christmas Day begins with a visit to church. People happily congratulated each other. They prepared solemnly for Christmas dinner: everything was festive at home, they decorated the Christmas tree, prepared gifts. Obligatory ritual food was placed on the table: sochnik, kutya, pancakes. According to custom, the first pancake was fed to the cattle, the second was put on the back window as a "funeral". In addition to the obligatory food, they cooked a lot of the most delicious and set the table with what they were rich with.

    Despite the solemnity and severity of this holiday, it was distinguished by cheerful festivities, and at Christmas time the girls arranged fortune-telling.

    4. So, at Christmas time, the girls arranged fortune-telling.

    (Girls come out, show a scene of “fortune-telling for a betrothed.”)


    Aunt - Let's guess beauties.

    How will we?

    Aunt - On the candles, put a mirror, light the candles.

    (He puts a mirror, a candle, the girls sit opposite.)

    Aunt - Who, girls, wants to tell fortunes? Sit down, Mashenka, sit down, dear, sing along, girls.

    You burn, candle, you burn, another,

    Reflect in a clean mirror.

    Let my betrothed come closer

    In a pure mirror it is foreseen

    DEV. - Costumed, betrothed, come to me for dinner!

    Aunt - What do you see, Mashenka?

    DEV. - Oh, girls, how old he is!

    Aunt - And let's guess on the water, beauties!

    I have a magic bucket. Now I will say the cherished words.

    And you stand still, don't disturb me...

    Lower the candles and make a wish

    (He holds his hand over the ladle and says.)

    Oh, you, a ladle with water,

    With water is not simple, with water is key,

    You take the rings, but tell the whole truth,

    Red girls - light, beauties predict fate.

    Well, who's to guess? Start a song.

    SING - My gold-plated ring, lie down in the water, at the very bottom.

    The truth will come true, it will not pass.

    Look - ka, Natalya, your little ring is running along the bottom,

    This year you will be married, not far from home to live.

    Who else can guess? Yes, you are still small, you need to grow up, Nastya.

    Dev. - Well, guess what, Aunt Daria!

    Aunt - Okay, start it.

    Look ... your little ring lies quietly, does not run along the bottom.

    This year you will not be married, this year you will walk in girls.

    It was already getting dark, well, the girls had fun, and now it's time to drink tea and eat goodies.

    (Spreads out the baked treat.

    Aunt puts tea, a kettle, cookies, mugs on the table.)

    The samovar is boiling in the burner - let's go drink tea.


    Teacher: - Until now, with. Medvezhye, Vargashinsky district, young people celebrate the New Year in a hut, they sing carols, ditties. An indispensable attribute of Christmas time is fortune telling. Divination for the harvest in the village. Chernavskoye of the Tobolny region was carried out in this way.

    Wheat was scattered, after it was stranded, and on the second day they looked for grain on the sole of the felt boot. If they found little - a bad year. If up to ten - then the year is average, and more - then the year is good.

    And now listen to the wedding grandeur.

    (Guys and girls come out, from the side of the bride and groom, sing a song, dance in a round dance).

    Around the bride and groom, children sing:

    The grapes are blooming - the boys form a circle, the groom is in the center.

    The grapes are blooming

    And the berry, the berry ripens. - the girls form a circle, and the bride is in the center.

    2. Ivanushka grapes - rebuild into a stream (boys with

    Grapes Ivanushka groom).

    And a berry - a berry of light - are rebuilt into a stream (girls with

    Maryushka, fiancee).

    A berry is a berry

    Light Maryushka.

    3. People envied them (2p.) - Exhibited from the stream in

    People envied them, the line.

    What's good, what's good, what's good, (2p.)

    You live in the world.

    (After the round dance bow).

    Bottom line: Read the names of the days of fun and the sacred celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

    On the "chain" children read:

    Christmas time.

    Christmas time, holy evenings - this is the name in Russia for the days of celebration, the days of fun and the days of the sacred celebration of the Nativity of Christ, which began on January 7 (according to the present calendar) and ends on January 19.

    Polyakova Sasha will tell about customs and signs during the Christmas holidays.

    Customs and signs.

    Christmas holidays were accompanied by caroling, a ritual that has been known in Rus' since pagan times. Kolyada is the pagan god of feasting and peace. To glorify him, the boys and girls hid their faces under the traditional masks of a goat, a bear, etc. Such masks were popularly called "mug". It was the mask - the most obligatory holy accessory - that helped a person to remain unrecognizable at the holiday. Costumed guys and girls usually gathered in groups, and, moving from one yard to another, they sang songs under the windows of houses and in huts - carols in honor of the holiday or congratulated the owners. For this, the owners gave them money and bread.

    Carol you, carol,

    Come on, carol!

    And sometimes carols

    On the eve of Christmas.

    The carol came

    Brought Christmas.

    Teacher - And now we will go caroling with you. On the board carols - caroling.

    (A group of guys perform - children in masks of animals)

    HOSTESS: - Kuzma, look how many guests have come to us!

    Hello dear guests!

    GUESTS: - What will you give us, hostess?

    Money bag or porridge pot?

    A jug of milk or a piece of cake?

    HOUSE: - Here's a treat for you: honey gingerbread and sweet candies!

    GUESTS: - Good hosts live here. Thank you.

    God bless whoever is in this house!

    Who is in this house, his rye is thick,

    Dinner rye.

    From the grain of his rug.

    From half-grain - a pie.

    GUESTS: (Entering the house, they "Sow" wheat and sing, wishing the owners health and prosperity.)

    I sow, I sow, I sow

    I sprinkle with wheat.

    Happy New Year!

    I sow, I sow, I sprinkle

    Oats, barley, I wish you joy.

    The guests leave.

    Signs(children read)

    Uch-l - At Christmas, people checked signs, remembered proverbs, sayings, riddles.

    (Children read, memorize in a "chain".)

    At Christmas, the day is warm - the bread will be dark, thick.

    There will be a blizzard for Christmas - the bees will swarm.

    At Christmas, frost is a harvest for bread.

    At Christmas, two friends - frost and blizzard!

    Take care of your nose in a big frost.

    Bottom line: - What signs do you remember?


    Who will name other signs?

    Read the riddles:

    (Children read riddles along the "chain")


    The old man at the gate warmly dragged away,

    He does not run and does not order to stand.

    The old man - the joker does not order to walk,

    Pulls home by the nose.

    Draws without hands, bites without teeth.

    Outcome: frost. How did you guess?

    Outcome: - So, you got acquainted with the ritual folklore on the example of the winter holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

    List what relates to ritual folklore. (Ritual songs, carols, divination, calendar holidays and related customs, signs)

    We will continue our acquaintance with calendar holidays in the next lessons.

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