Helping a student. The theme of love in the story "Garnet Bracelet" Understanding love in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

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The theme of love in Kuprin's story 8220 Garnet bracelet 8221

In the works of A. Kuprin, we meet with selfless love that does not require a reward. The writer believes that love is not a moment, but an all-consuming feeling that can absorb life.

In "Garnet Bracelet" we encounter Zheltkov's true love. He is happy because he loves. It doesn't matter to him that Vera Nikolaevna doesn't need him. As I. Bunin said: "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared." Zheltkov simply loved, demanding nothing in return. His whole life was in Vera Shein; he enjoyed every single thing she owned: a forgotten handkerchief, an art exhibition program she once held in her hand. His only hope was letters, with the help of them he communicated with his beloved. He wanted only one thing, so that her gentle hands touched a piece of his soul - a sheet of paper. As a sign of his fiery love, Zheltkov presented the most precious thing - a garnet bracelet.

The hero is by no means pathetic, but the depth of his feelings, the ability to sacrifice himself deserves not only sympathy, but also admiration. Zheltkov rises above the whole society of the Sheins, where true love would never have arisen. They can only laugh at the poor hero, drawing caricatures, reading his letters. Even in a conversation with Vasily Shein and Mirza - Bulat - Tuganovsky, he finds himself in a moral gain. Vasily Lvovich recognizes his feelings, understands his suffering. He is not arrogant when dealing with the hero, unlike Nikolai Nikolaevich. He carefully examines Zheltkov, carefully places a red case with a bracelet on the table - he behaves like a true nobleman.

The mention of the power of Mirza - Bulat - Tuganovsky causes a fit of laughter in Zheltkov, he does not understand - how can the authorities forbid him to love?!

The feeling of the hero embodies the whole idea of ​​true love, expressed by General Anosov: "Love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy." This truth, spoken by a “fragment of antiquity”, tells us that only exceptional people, like our hero, can possess the gift of such love, “strong as death”.

Anosov turned out to be a wise teacher, he helped Vera Nikolaevna understand the depth of Zheltkov's feelings. “At six o'clock the postman came,” Vera recognized the gentle handwriting of Pe Pe Zhe. This was his last letter. It was imbued through and through with the holiness of feeling; there was no bitterness of farewell in it. Zheltkov wishes happiness to his beloved with another, “and let nothing worldly disturb your soul,” probably, he also referred himself to something worldly in her life. One involuntarily recalls Pushkin - "I do not want to sadden you with anything."

Not without reason, Vera Nikolaevna, looking at the dead Zheltkov, compares him with great people. Just like them, the hero had a dream, a strong will, how could he love them. Vera Shein understood what love she had lost, and, listening to Beethoven's sonata, she realized that Zheltkov forgives her. “Hallowed be thy name” is repeated five times in her mind, like the five parts of a garnet bracelet…

Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" was published in 1907. It is based on real events from the family chronicles of the princes Tugan-Baranovsky. This story has become one of the most famous and profound works about love in Russian literature.
In the center of it is a story about the feelings of a petty official Zheltkov to the cold beauty Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. Sheins are typical representatives of the Russian aristocracy of the early 20th century. The author notes that all members of this family were, to one degree or another, the imprint of degeneration.
So, the sister of Vera Nikolaevna, Anna Nikolaevna, was unhappy in marriage. An elderly and ugly husband did not attract her, and this still young woman sought consolation in numerous novels, from which, however, she also did not get what she wanted. From her unloved husband, Anna Nikolaevna had weak and ugly children, who also had a trace of degeneration.
Vera Nikolaevna's brother, Nikolai, was not married at all. He mockingly and contemptuously treated marriage and love, considering all this fiction and romantic tales. Yes, and Vera Nikolaevna herself experienced any kind of noble and sublime feelings for her husband, but not love.
Kuprin shows us that people have forgotten how to love. “.. love among people has taken such vulgar forms and has descended simply to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment,” - with these words of General Anosov, Kuprin conveys the current state of affairs to him.
And in this wretched and gray, in fact, reality, a bright ray of light appears - the love of a petty official Zheltkov for Princess Vera. At first, this feeling is perceived by the heroine's family in a completely negative way - not seriously, contemptuously and mockingly. Nikolai Nikolaevich is seething with indignation - how this plebeian dared to bother his sister! Vasily Lvovich, the husband of the princess, sees in this story just a funny incident, an incident.
So what is the love story of petty official Zheltkov? Kuprin describes it in sufficient detail to us in the story. First, we hear this story in a distorted, mockingly mocking form from Prince Shein, and the husband of Vera Nikolaevna speaks prophetically about the death of a small official. Then, gradually, as the action progresses, we learn about the real course of things.
G.S. Zheltkov served as an official of the control chamber. Once in his life (for sorrow or joy?) A fatal meeting took place - Zheltkov saw Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. He did not even talk to this young lady, who was still unmarried at that time. Yes, and how would he dare - their social position was too unequal. But a person is not subject to feelings of such power, he is not able to control the life of his heart. Love captured Zheltkov so much that it became the meaning of his entire existence. From the man's farewell letter, we learn that his feeling is "reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion."
In addition, we become aware that the official watched Vera Nikolaevna, tried to go where she was in order to once again see the object of his adoration, breathe the same air with her, touch her things: “I mentally bow to the ground of furniture, on which you sit, the parquet you walk on, the trees you touch in passing, the servants you talk to.”
Vera Nikolaevna, and we, following her, begin to wonder - is this Zheltkov really crazy? Perhaps his passionate and deep passion was the result of a mental illness: “And what was it: love or madness?” But the hero himself answers this question in his last letter to the princess. He checked himself and concluded that his feeling is a gift from heaven, and not a disease. After all, Zheltkov does not claim the attention of his beloved, he felt good only from the realization that Vera Nikolaevna exists.
As a sign of his love, the official gives the princess the most valuable thing he has - a family jewel in the form of a garnet bracelet. Perhaps, materially, this bracelet was not of great value - plain, puffy, roughly processed. Its main decoration was five blood-red garnets, "diluted" with one green, located in the middle. “According to an old legend that has been preserved in our family, he tends to communicate the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while protecting men from violent death,” Zheltkov wrote in an accompanying letter to this gift.
The official gave Vera Nikolaevna the most precious thing he had. I think that the princess, even forgiving her will, appreciated this gesture.
But Zheltkov's sacrificial and sublime love ended tragically - he voluntarily passed away so as not to interfere with Princess Sheina. This man put even his physical existence on the altar of high feeling. It is important that the hero did not tell anyone about love, did not seek the favor or attention of Vera Nikolaevna. He just lived, enjoying what fate gave him. And he passed away with a feeling of great gratitude for what he had experienced.
Kuprin shows that love of such strength and sacrifice could not but leave a mark on the souls of people involved in this story. In Vera Nikolaevna Zheltkov awakened longing and bright sadness for love, helped her to reveal her true needs. Not without reason, at the end of the story, listening to Beethoven's sonata, the heroine cries: "Princess Vera hugged the trunk of an acacia tree, clung to it and cried." It seems to me that these tears are the longing of the heroine for true love, which people so often forget about.
Even the husband of Vera Nikolaevna, Prince Shein, felt an involuntary respect for Zheltkov's feelings: “I feel sorry for this man. And I’m not only sorry, but now I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul, and I can’t play around here.
Thus, the love given to the little official Zheltkov from above filled his life with meaning, became a source of light not only for this person, but also for those around him. The history of Zheltkov's feelings for Princess Vera once again confirmed that love is the main thing in a person's life. Without this feeling, life turns into a meaningless and empty existence, inevitably leading to death. Death of the soul and the divine spirit in us.

No wonder the story of Kuprin A.I. " " is a great work about a feeling that can neither be bought nor sold. This feeling is called love. The feeling of love can be experienced by any person, regardless of their position in society, rank or wealth. In love, there are only two concepts: "I love" and "I do not love."

Unfortunately, in our time, it is less and less possible to meet a person who is obsessed with a feeling of love. Money rules the world, pushing tender feelings into the background. More and more young people first think about a career, and only then about starting a family. Many people get married or marry for convenience. This is done only in order to ensure a comfortable existence.

In his work, Kuprin, through the mouth of General Anosov, laid down his attitude to love. The general compared love to a great mystery and tragedy. He said that no other feelings and needs should be mixed with the feeling of love.

Ultimately, "not love" became a tragedy for the main character of the story by Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. According to her, there were no warm love feelings between her and her husband for a long time. Their relationship resembled a strong, faithful friendship. And that suited the couple. They did not want to change anything, because it was so convenient to live.

Love is a beautiful, but at the same time dangerous feeling. A man in love loses his mind. He begins to live for the sake of his lover or beloved. A person in love sometimes commits inexplicable actions that can have tragic results. A loving person becomes defenseless and vulnerable to external threats. Unfortunately, love cannot protect us from external problems, it does not solve them. Love brings happiness to a person only when it is mutual. Otherwise, love becomes a tragedy.

Zheltkov's feelings for Vera Nikolaevna became the biggest tragedy in his life. Unrequited love killed him. He put his beloved above all else in his life, but, not seeing reciprocity, he committed suicide.

Millions of works have been written about love. This multifaceted feeling was sung by poets and writers, painters and artists in all ages. But this feeling can hardly be understood by reading stories, listening to music, looking at pictures. Love can only be fully felt when you are loved and love yourself.

Type of lesson: lesson learning new material.

Type of lesson: lesson-conversation.

The purpose of the lesson: in the course of analyzing the work, to identify the features of the image of love A.I. Kuprin in the story "Garnet Bracelet".

Lesson objectives:

1) comprehend the meaning of love attached by A.I. Kuprin in the story "Garnet Bracelet";
2) develop the ability to analyze the work, develop logical thinking;
3) to cultivate the correct attitude to the feelings of another person, spiritual sensitivity and attention.

Lesson equipment: text, portrait of the writer, recording of L. Beethoven's sonata, computer.

Methods: partial search, problematic, research.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing moment. Reporting the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will try to understand how the characters of the story understand love. What is love, according to Kuprin?

2. Explanation of new material.

Teacher's word:

The theme of love worried many writers and poets. Everyone interprets it in their own way. There is not a single person who would not try to understand this feeling, give it an assessment, and this assessment would be the true meaning. Attempts to describe this feeling do not lead to one opinion. Everyone has it different.

Kuprin wrote his story "Garnet Bracelet" in 1910, the main theme of this story is love. The work is based on a real fact - the love story of a modest official for the mother of the writer L. Lyubimov.

An excerpt from the memoirs of L. Lyubimov:

“In the period between her first and second marriages, my mother began to receive letters, the author of which, without naming himself and emphasizing that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed his love for her. These letters were kept in my family for a long time, and I read them in my youth. An anonymous lover, as it turned out later - Yellow (in Zheltkov's story), wrote that he worked at the telegraph office, in one letter he said that under the guise of a floor polisher he entered my mother's apartment, and described the situation. The tone of the messages was grumbling. He was either angry with my mother, or thanked her, although she did not react to his explanations in any way ...

At first, these letters amused everyone, but then my mother stopped even reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening the next message from the telegraph operator in love.

And then there was a denouement: an anonymous correspondent sent my mother a garnet bracelet. My uncle and father, who was then my mother's fiancé, went to Zheltkov. But Yellow, like Zheltkov, lived on the sixth floor. He huddled in a shabby attic. He was caught writing another message. Father is more silent while explaining. He told me that he sensed some secret in Yellow, a flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle got excited, was unnecessarily harsh. Yellow accepted the bracelet and grimly promised not to write to my mother again. This is how it all ended. In any case, nothing is known about his further fate.


Conversation. Work with text.

The love story of Vera and her husband

  • What is the relationship between the main character and her husband?

“Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband had long since turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship, tried with all her might to help the prince.”

  • How does the season relate to Vera's family life?

“... by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly changed dramatically and quite unexpectedly. Quiet, cloudless days immediately set in, so clear, sunny and warm that there were none even in July. On the dry, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow bristles, autumn cobwebs shone with a mica sheen. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

  • Vera's attitude towards her marriage?

“Take at least Vasya and me. Can we call our marriage unhappy?”

Anna's love story

“She was married to a very rich and very stupid man who did absolutely nothing, but was registered with some kind of charitable institution and had the title of chamber junker. She could not stand her husband, but she gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; she decided not to have any more children and never had.”

“She willingly indulged in the most risky flirting in all the capitals and in all the resorts of Europe, but she never cheated on her husband, whom, however, she contemptuously ridiculed both to her eyes and behind her eyes.”

  • What do sisters have in common? Compare their attitudes towards marriage, family responsibilities.
  • Why do they love different elements?

Comparative characteristics of sisters

The eldest, Vera, took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands, and that charming sloping of her shoulders, which can be seen in old miniatures.

She was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a strongly Mongolian type, with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which, moreover, she squinted due to myopia, with an haughty expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in her full lower lip slightly protruding forward - this face, however, captivated some then an elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all features, perhaps in a piquant, provocatively coquettish facial expression. Her graceful ugliness excited and attracted the attention of men.

Vera, on the other hand, was strictly simple, coldly and a little condescendingly kind to everyone, independent and royally calm.

Anna consisted entirely of cheerful carelessness and sweet, sometimes strange contradictions.

I love the forest. Do you remember the forest we have in Yegorovsky?.. How can he ever get bored? Pine trees!.. And what mosses!.. And fly agarics! Accurately made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. The silence is so... cool.

My God, how good are you here! How good! - Anna said, walking with quick and small steps next to her sister along the path. - If possible, let's sit a little on the bench above the cliff. I haven't seen the sea in such a long time. And what a wonderful air: you breathe - and your heart rejoices.

Love stories told by the prince.

  • How does the prince feel about love? (told love stories with a laugh)
  • Why does the prince have such an attitude towards love?

“He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell ... he talked about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolaevich to a rich and beautiful lady. Serious, always somewhat stiff Nikolai, he forced to run down the street at night in nothing but stockings, with shoes under his arm.

“Having attacked the thread of marriage stories, Prince Vasily did not spare Gustav Ivanovich Friesse, Anna’s husband, saying that the next day after the wedding he came to demand with the help of the police the eviction of the newlywed from the parental home”

“After the story of the maiden Lima, a new story followed: “Princess Vera and the Telegraph Operator in Love”.

“Finally, he dies, but before his death, he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a bottle of perfume - filled with his tears” ...

The love story of General Anosov

  • Why does the general talk with such warmth about the meeting with the Bulgarian woman?

“And in the middle of the conversation, our eyes met, a spark ran between us, like an electric one, and I felt that I fell in love immediately - fieryly and irrevocably.”

“...I hugged her, pressed her to my heart and kissed her several times.”

“Since then, every time the moon appeared in the sky with stars, I hurried to my beloved and forgot all daily worries with her for a while. When our campaign from those places followed, we swore an oath to each other in eternal mutual love and said goodbye forever.

  • Attitude to family life of General Anosov.

“And now, after three months, the holy treasure walks in a shabby hood, shoes on his bare feet, thin, unkempt hair, in hairpins, dogging with batmen like a cook, breaking down with young officers, lisping, squealing, rolling his eyes. For some reason, she calls her husband Jacques in public. You know, that way in the nose, with a stretch, languidly: "F-a-a-ak." Motovka, actress, slob, greedy. And the eyes are always deceitful, deceitful "...

A story about the love of an ensign for the wife of a regimental commander

  • Why does the general call this love stupidity?

“It’s a terrible thing when a fresh and clean boy puts his first love at the feet of an old, experienced and power-hungry harlot. If he now jumped out unharmed - still in the future consider him dead. This is a stamp for life.”

“And a man disappeared... in the meanest way... Became a beggar... froze somewhere on the pier in St. Petersburg”

The second love story of General Anosov

  • Why does the general call this case pathetic?

“And the other case was quite pathetic. And the same woman was like the first, only young and beautiful. She behaved very, very badly. At what we easily looked at these home novels, but even we were jarred. And the husband is nothing. He knew everything, saw everything and was silent.”

  • Does the general believe in female love?

“I am sure that almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. Understand, she kisses, hugs, gives herself - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe!”

  • What motivates men to get married and women to get married?

“Let's take a woman. It's a shame to stay in girls, especially when your friends are already married. It's hard to be an extra mouth in the family. The desire to be the mistress, the head of the house, the lady, independent ... In addition, the need, the direct physical need of motherhood, and to start making your own nest.

“A man has other motives. Firstly, fatigue from a single life, from disorder in the rooms, from tavern dinners, from dirt, cigarette butts, torn and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on and so forth. Secondly, you feel that it is more profitable to live with a family, Healthier and more economical. Thirdly, you think: when the kids come, I will die, but a part of me will still remain in the world ... something like the illusion of immortality. Fourth, the temptation of innocence, as in my case”

“Where is the love? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? You see, such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment, is not labor at all, but one joy.

  • What should true love be?

“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her.”

Zheltkov's love for Princess Vera

  • When Vera thought about Zheltkov's love (after the general's words)

“Maybe it's just a crazy guy, a maniac, but who knows? “Maybe your life path, Verochka, was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of”

  • Why does Zheltkov commit suicide?

“I know that I can never stop loving her ... Tell me, prince ... suppose that this is unpleasant for you ... tell me - what would you do in order to cut off this feeling? Send me to another city, as Nikolai Nikolayevich said? All the same, I will love Vera Nikolaevna there as well as here. Jail me? But even there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death ... You want, I will accept it in any form you like.

  • How does Zheltkov feel about his love?

“Think about what I should have done? Run away to another city? All the same, the heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, the thought of you, dreams of you... sweet delirium. I am very ashamed and mentally blush for my stupid bracelet, - well, what? - error".

“I am infinitely grateful to you just for the fact that you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God was pleased to reward me for something. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being my only joy in life, my only consolation, my only thought.”

“God grant you happiness, and may nothing temporary and worldly disturb your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands."

  • Why does Zheltkov ask Vera to listen to a Beethoven sonata?

“... I know that you are very musical, I saw you most often on Beethoven quartets ...”

  • What is the significance of the bracelet given to Vera for Zheltkov?

"I would never allow myself to present you with something that I personally chose: for this I have neither the right, nor fine taste, and - I confess - no money. However, I believe that there is no treasure in the whole world worthy of decorating You.

But this bracelet belonged to my great-grandmother, and the last time it was worn by my late mother. In the middle, between the big stones, you will see one green one. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate - green pomegranate. According to an old legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to communicate the gift of foresight to women wearing it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while protecting men from violent death.

  • Why does Vera cry while listening to the sonata?

“She recognized from the first chords this exceptional piece, unique in depth. And her soul seemed to split in two. She thought at the same time that a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years. She remembered the words of General Anosov and asked herself: why did this man make her listen to this particular Beethoven work, and also against her desire? And the words formed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were like couplets that ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name."

4. Reading an excerpt to the recording of a Beethoven sonata.


The final word of the teacher.

Draw a conclusion, what is love in the understanding of Kuprin.

Tragic, unique, given once in a thousand years.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is an outstanding Russian writer of the early 20th century. In his works, he sang love: genuine, sincere and real, not demanding anything in return. Far from every person is given to experience such feelings, and only a few are capable of seeing them, accepting and surrendering to them in the midst of the abyss of life events.

A. I. Kuprin - biography and creativity

Little Alexander Kuprin lost his father when he was only a year old. His mother, a representative of an old family of Tatar princes, made a fateful decision for the boy to move to Moscow. At the age of 10, he entered the Moscow Military Academy, the education he received played a significant role in the writer's work.

Later, he will create more than one work dedicated to his military youth: the writer's memoirs can be found in the stories "At the Break (Cadets)", "Army Ensign", in the novel "Junkers". For 4 years, Kuprin remained an officer in an infantry regiment, but the desire to become a novelist never left him: the first known work, the story "In the Dark", Kuprin wrote at the age of 22. The life of the army will be reflected more than once in his work, including in his most significant work, the story "Duel". One of the important themes that made the writer's works classics of Russian literature was love. Kuprin, masterfully wielding a pen, creating incredibly realistic, detailed and thoughtful images, was not afraid to demonstrate the realities of society, exposing its most immoral sides, as, for example, in the story "The Pit".

The story "Garnet Bracelet": the history of creation

Kuprin began work on the story in difficult times for the country: one revolution ended, the funnel of another began to spin. The theme of love in Kuprin's work "Garnet Bracelet" is created in opposition to the mood of society, it becomes sincere, honest, disinterested. "Garnet Bracelet" became an ode to such love, a prayer and a requiem for it.

The story was published in 1911. It was based on a real story, which made a deep impression on the writer, Kuprin almost completely preserved it in his work. Only the final was changed: in the original, Zheltkov's prototype renounced his love, but remained alive. The suicide that ended Zheltkov's love in the story is just another interpretation of the tragic ending of incredible feelings, which makes it possible to fully demonstrate the destructive power of the callousness and lack of will of the people of that time, which is what the "Garnet Bracelet" tells about. The theme of love in the work is one of the key ones, it is worked out in detail, and the fact that the story is based on real events makes it even more expressive.

The theme of love in Kuprin's work "Garnet Bracelet" is at the center of the plot. The main character of the work is Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the prince. She constantly receives letters from a secret admirer, but one day a fan presents her with an expensive gift - a garnet bracelet. The theme of love in the work begins precisely here. Considering such a gift indecent and compromising, she told her husband and brother about it. Using their connections, they easily find the sender of the gift.

It turns out to be a modest and petty official Georgy Zheltkov, who, having accidentally seen Sheina, fell in love with her with all his heart and soul. He contented himself with allowing himself to occasionally write letters. The prince appeared to him with a conversation, after which Zheltkov felt that he had let down his pure and immaculate love, had betrayed Vera Nikolaevna, having compromised her with his gift. He wrote a farewell letter, where he asked his beloved to forgive him and listen to Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 2 in parting, and then shot himself. This story alarmed and interested Sheina, she, having received permission from her husband, went to the apartment of the late Zheltkov. There, for the first time in her life, she experienced those feelings that she had not recognized for all eight years of the existence of this love. Already at home, listening to that very melody, she realizes that she has lost her chance for happiness. This is how the theme of love is revealed in the work “Garnet Bracelet”.

Images of the main characters

The images of the main characters reflect the social realities not only of that time. These roles are characteristic of humanity as a whole. In pursuit of status, material well-being, a person again and again refuses the most important thing - a bright and pure feeling that does not need expensive gifts and big words.
The image of Georgy Zheltkov is the main confirmation of this. He's not rich, he's unremarkable. This is a modest person who does not require anything in return for his love. Even in his suicide note, he indicates a false reason for his act, so as not to bring trouble to his beloved, who indifferently refused him.

Vera Nikolaevna is a young woman accustomed to living exclusively in accordance with the foundations of society. She does not shy away from love, but does not consider it a vital necessity. She has a husband who was able to give her everything she needed, and she does not consider the existence of other feelings possible. This happens until she encounters the abyss after the death of Zheltkov - the only thing that can excite the heart and inspire turned out to be hopelessly missed.

The main theme of the story "Garnet Bracelet" is the theme of love in the work

Love in the story is a symbol of the nobility of the soul. Callous Prince Shein or Nikolai does not have this; Vera Nikolaevna herself can be called callous - until the moment of the trip to the apartment of the deceased. Love was the highest manifestation of happiness for Zheltkov, he did not need anything else, he found the bliss and magnificence of life in his feelings. Vera Nikolaevna saw only a tragedy in this unrequited love, her admirer only aroused pity in her, and this is the main drama of the heroine - she was not able to appreciate the beauty and purity of these feelings, this is noted by every essay based on the work "Garnet Bracelet". The theme of love, interpreted in different ways, will invariably be found in every text.

Vera Nikolaevna herself committed the betrayal of love when she took the bracelet to her husband and brother - the foundations of society turned out to be more important for her than the only bright and disinterested feeling that took place in her emotionally meager life. She realizes this too late: that feeling that occurs once every few hundred years has disappeared. It touched her lightly, but she couldn't see the touch.

Love that leads to self-destruction

Kuprin himself earlier in his essays somehow expressed the idea that love is always a tragedy, it contains equally all emotions and joys, pain, happiness, joy and death. All these feelings were placed in one little man, Georgy Zheltkov, who saw sincere happiness in unrequited feelings for a cold and inaccessible woman. His love had no ups and downs until brute force in the person of Vasily Shein interfered with it. The resurrection of love and the resurrection of Zheltkov himself symbolically takes place at the moment of Vera Nikolaevna's insight, when she listens to the very music of Beethoven and cries at the acacia tree. Such is the "Garnet Bracelet" - the theme of love in the work is full of sadness and bitterness.

The main conclusions from the work

Perhaps the main line is the theme of love in the work. Kuprin demonstrates the depth of feelings that not every soul is able to understand and accept.

Love for Kuprin requires the rejection of morals and norms forcibly imposed by society. Love does not need money or a high position in society, but it requires much more from a person: disinterestedness, sincerity, complete dedication and selflessness. I would like to note the following, finishing the analysis of the work "Garnet Bracelet": the theme of love in it makes you renounce all social values, but in return it gives you true happiness.

Cultural heritage of the work

Kuprin made a huge contribution to the development of love lyrics: "Garnet Bracelet", analysis of the work, the theme of love and its study became mandatory in the school curriculum. This work has also been filmed several times. The first film based on the story was released 4 years after its publication, in 1914.

Them. N. M. Zagursky in 2013 staged the ballet of the same name.

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