Vitya ak 47 what's wrong with him. Biography AK47

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Vitya AK is a famous Ural rapper with a recognizable appearance and recitative, a musician of the AK-47 band. The work of the duet, which became famous in the early 2010s, is dedicated to "boy" everyday life, replete with profanity, uncomplicated rhymes and episodes of drug use, although the group members themselves claim that this is just a stage image.

Childhood and youth

Vitya AK (real name - Viktor Gostyukhin) was born on August 30, 1987 in the small town of Berezovsky, Sverdlovsk Region. He became interested in music as a child, and as a teenager he tried to overlay texts on instrumentals and began performing under the pseudonym MC Vinograd.

For some time, Vitya went to a music school for a piano class, but after studying there for 5 years, he never finished it. After the 11th grade, the guy, who had shown an interest in computer science since childhood, entered the programmer, but was expelled from the second year, failing higher mathematics.

creative path

In 2004, fate brought Victor together with Maxim Brylin, the lead singer of the local group "Nepaniye". Young people met on the bus, which followed from Novoberezovsk to Yekaterinburg. The guys immediately found a common language, and Brylin invited Victor to participate in the recording of new tracks as part of his team. Some time later, Maxim decided to leave the "Unfallen" and start a joint project with Vitya.

The team was named after the Kalashnikov assault rifle "AK-47", and the rappers themselves began to perform under the pseudonyms Vitya AK and Maxim AK. The first studio recordings appeared, a duet with rapper Noggano ("Let's make a wider circle") and the first hit - "Halo, this is Pakistan."

The full-fledged debut album "Berezovskiy", recorded at the Bustazz Records studio, was released only in 2009. But the disc became one of the most impressive releases of that year and brought the musicians the Russian Street award in the Discovery of the Year nomination.

In their lyrics, the musicians mentioned illegal substances, problems with the law and other topics that their peers knew firsthand. Soon the team pleased the fans with a number of uncomplicated clips filmed on an amateur camera, which, nevertheless, quickly gained popularity on the network.

In March 2010, the second album of the MegaPolice group was released. Guf, Noggano, Coupe, Hayk Dym and others were noted as guest verses in the tracks. The album was not so successful, but was still warmly received by the audience. In the rap party, they began to say that the influence of Vasily Vakulenko (Bast), who actively assisted the guys in recording albums, spoils the original style of provincial musicians. However, the video for their joint song “Those Who Are With Us” blew up the Internet, gaining more than 20 million views.

Noggano ft. Guf & AK-47 - To Those Who Are With Us

In 2010-2011, Vitya released two solo albums "Two in One" and "2B12" (together with the musician Tip), and in 2012 Gostyukhin's album "Fat" was released on the Gazgolder label, songs from which appealed to fans of this musical genre . The rappers Guf, Triagrutrika, Market Relations, Basta and Maxim AK took part in the recording of the album (in 9 out of 17 songs).

In 2011, the media were full of news that Evgeny Roizman, head of the City Without Drugs Foundation (and since 2013, the mayor of Yekaterinburg), sent two letters to the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation with a request to ban the AK group in his city -47". Roizman said that the musicians promote drugs with their work and encourage young people to lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

In response to this news, a giant poster depicting musicians was removed in Berezovsky, which hung on the facade of a five-story building. Later, a representative of the group explained that the rappers promote only hip-hop culture, and that such actions distract the team from creativity.

In the spring of 2014, the premiere of Ivan Kursky's film "Gasholder" took place, which became an application for a crime-musical thriller. The musicians Vitya AK, QP (Vadim Karpenko), Tati, Smokey Mo, Slovetsky, Guf, as well as the designer and Guf's ex-wife, Aiza Anokhina, starred in the film as themselves. One of the soundtracks for the film was the joint work of Gostyukhin and Iosif Kobzon "Remember me".

AK-47 ft. Iosif Kobzon - Remember me

In 2015, "AK-47" released the album "Third", the sound of which was described by critics as "pleasant careless relaxation." The album took the 1st line in the ranking of the best selling albums in iTunes 3 days after the release. A year later, the musicians presented a joint album with the Triagrutrika team - TGC / AK-47.

It soon became known that AK-47 no longer worked with the Gazgolder label - their contract had expired. Basta said that cooperation will continue, but now the musicians must take on all administrative obligations.

In 2017, Vitya released several successful singles “How did you dance” and “Whore in a fur coat”, which became a diss on Big Russian Boss "a after numerous jokes from the latter. In October, the AK-47 group delighted fans with their fourth album" New ”, which included 12 tracks with the participation of musicians Baller, Tip and Yamych.

Vitya AK - How did you dance

Personal life of Viti AK

In one of the old interviews, Vitya admitted that he "began a family life." According to some reports, the musician was in a serious relationship for several years, and in 2010 the lovers finally got married.

The musician has a recognizable image: he is rather short (160 cm), he hides his eyes behind sunglasses all the time. Viti AK has a tattoo on his back - a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Vitya AK now

A powerful leap in the career of Viti AK happened in 2017, after the release of the video for the track “Azino777” (“Azino Three Axes”), filmed as part of an advertising campaign for the online casino of the same name. The video generated thousands of memes in social networks, and the whole country learned about the rapper - even those who are not at all interested in rap.

On the wave of popularity, Vitya was invited to record a playful song together with Ivan Urgant "Fodder for the winter", which became a parody of the track "Azino777". In the video, in which Alexander Gudkov also appeared, the musician told in detail how to feed the birds (similar to the theme of the original clip "how to raise the dough"). The clip was presented in December 2017 in the program "Evening Urgant". Note that there were too many hints of drug use in the video, at least for Channel One.

In March 2018, Vitya recorded the song “Khityara” for the new season of the popular series “Real Boys”, in which the rapper again used his now signature phrase “how to raise the dough?”, And also appeared on the Big Russian Boss show, where he competed with the presenter in culinary arts.

Vitya AK-47 feat "Real boys" - Hityara

In the same month, Vitya could be seen on the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia” (TNT) - in the sketch, the performer staged his own death in order to increase album sales and “hype a little”. This sketch was a reference to the news of the musician's death, which has been circulating the net since 2011.

AK-47 is a Russian rap group that performs underground music in the style of Gangsta Rap, Hardcore Hip-Hop. The AK-47 group consists of two members - Viktor Gostyukhin (Vitya AK) and Maxim Brylin (Maxi AK). Both guys grew up near Yekaterinburg, in the city of Berezovsky, so this city is considered the place where the group was founded.
Vitya started writing rap when he was still in school. Vitya AK: “Having mastered computer technologies and connected them with my own poems and fantasies, I made my first rap while still at school. I didn’t perceive it as rap, but just banter with music over my teachers and classmates, calling myself MC Vinograd. As a rule, every rapper in his first recitatives wants to convey a serious mood to others, and his songs have a serious character - I had the same moment. Calling myself Inkognito, I got up and started writing lyrical songs - love, carrots, generally f*cking suffering that some people still listen to. Hearing the group Nepalashchie, who nevertheless, by coincidence, turned out to be “fallen”, I drew attention to their work, and out of three people, only Maxim interested me. I recorded several tracks with the Unfallen and realized that f*cking suffering is not mine. I weighed it, appreciated it, realized that people need a show, banter, kitsch, scandal, and not pi * dastradalstvo. I sat on the bed and began to think about how to characterize a group that would start to come up with rap not quite in their sober mind. We recorded the first song in a normal rap studio with the Braziks (Worna Brazass). After recording a few more songs, we began working with Bustazz Records, where we still record.”
The music for the songs is written mainly by Vitya, and the lyrics are written by both guys. Although none of them have a special musical education. Victor studied programming in college, and Maxim studied theater. The oldest in the group is Viktor (Born August 30, 1987). The guys write the lyrics, first of all, for themselves, and the listeners already select what is close to them. The topics raised in the songs of AK-47 are quite specific. Guys describe their lives, trying to express themselves. Those who are close to this culture can understand them. In the texts there are often swear words, speech errors.
The guys have been engaged in serious musical activity for 5 years. In 2006, the group's popularity flourished, among their tracks there were already a couple of hits known throughout Russia. Among the popular hits of the AK-47: “Y yes Y”, “U shchet”, “Kiss”, “Ak like this”, “Hello, is this Pakistan? Hello, is this Pakistan?”, “Toned around” and many others . Their songs became so widespread that they were even sold on pirated discs.
Over time, the guys from AK-47 began to record tracks with some of the famous Russian rap artists. For example, the track "Let's make a wider circle" was recorded together with Guf, Noggano and 5 Pluh.
In September 2009, the guys released their debut album called "Berezovskiy", released on the Gazgolder Records label.
“Two bastards from the Urals came, saw and won. AK-47, Vitya and Maxim are heroes of all generations at once, losers and hooligans, knights without fear and reproach and gentlemen without a golden pistol. AK-47 has no analogues, and any parallels, whether with Noggano or Syava, are imprudent.
The Berezovsky material is, in a sense, the greatest hits: all these tracks are scattered over the Internet and wiped out to holes (assuming that holes can form in mp3 files). All of them have long been downloaded to mobile phones and sound from tinted cars. Love for the AK-47 deserves the epithet "folk", and the talent of the authors - "natural". Their rhymes go out to people, their quotes are in great demand, their catchphrases are in place and do not really squeeze into the conversation people who are not very suitable for this. It's like the Kasta group in 2000 - the provincial flavor and not quite legal hobbies aroused some kind of socio-anthropological interest: “Is it really true that young people live like this now?”
What is important, the material of "Berezovsky" is not yet from the mind, but, forgive me, from the heart. This cannot go on for a long time, and therefore, hurry to see.”
After Vitya and Maxim released their 2nd album called MegaPolice, the album was released in 2010. The album was recorded by: Noggano a.k.a. Dead Vasil (Basta) (beatmaker, MC), Coupe (MC), Hayk Dym (MC), Eastern District, Volodya Former (Putin), Guf (MC).
"MegaRolice" is a voluminous album, it will be possible to listen and listen to it for a long time. He may not be as bold as Berezovsky. And the new “Toned all around” and “Listen, baby” are not here either. There are tracks that are almost ingenious, there are thinner ones, but in general everything is very powerful and correct. And you don't have to be a prophet to say that this year a dozen will come out at the most - at most! - albums of this level. »
On the album "MegaRolice" there are no claims to reveal the meaning of life. Here, the recitative can consist of just listing your favorite computer games (“My Game”) or “respects” to your native school (“Simple Folded”). Here the female images are a former classmate ("Olya Lukina") or an entrepreneur Lyuba ("Entrepreneur Lyuba"). The life of the “district” is a topic no less close to Mr. Vakulenko than the fate of the motherland and love for the mother, which is why he is here in almost every third song.
And then a joint and at the same time solo album by Viti Aka was released, in which Tip (aka Veat Maker Tip) participates. Before the release of the album to the public, the news of its release alone generated a lot of controversy, gossip, criticism, as well as joyful exclamations of “Hurrah!” The album, which no one has heard yet, has a lot of both opponents and fans.
The title of the album carries the idea that TWO mcs IN ONE album is at least interesting. It is unlikely that "Two in One" will leave indifferent.
All cons from Beat Maker Tip Production. DJ Slow also took part in the album! The album has 16 tracks.

Childhood and youth I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist Vitaly Gostyukhin, better known as Vitya AK-47, was born on August 30, 1987 in the city of Berezovsky, in the Sverdlovsk region. It is from this place that the biography of the future artist begins. Already in childhood, Victor felt in himself a predisposition to picking up rhymes and writing poems of his own composition about the school and teachers. Having dealt with musical programs, our hero began to record his achievements and overlay various rap instrumentals on them. In the school environment, Gostyukhin became famous under the pseudonym MC Vinograd. On the bus, on the way from Novoberezovsk to Yekaterinburg, Vitya met Maxim Brylin, who at that time was in the local group "Unfallen". The guys started talking, quickly found a common language because of the same passion for rap. Max invited Victor to record with his team, and he agreed. After a while, Brylin decided to leave the "Unfallen" and start joint work with Vitya.

Musical career

Vitya and Maxim came up with their own group and named it after the AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle. In their texts, the guys mentioned illegal substances, problems with the law and other topics that were close to their peers from the regions. Friends recorded their tracks in the studio and posted them on social networks. Later, the guys began to shoot simple clips for their songs on a cheap camera.

AK-47 - U Shchet (2008)

Gradually, AK-47s actively attracted new listeners to their music and could already afford to give small tours. Soon they were offered to work together by the owner of the recording studio "Bustazz Records" Vasily Vakulenko, better known as.

Noggano ft. AK-47 - Inserts Unreal (2009)

The performers began close cooperation with the "Gazgolder" label, and already in the fall of 2009, the premiere of the debut album of 16 tracks "Berezovskiy" took place, which received its name in honor of the band's hometown. The solo album became one of the noisiest releases of that year and brought the guys the "Russian Street" award in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination. In March 2010, the second disc of the MegaPolice group went on sale. In the collection, consisting of the 21st song, guest verses were noted:, Kupe, Hayk Dym, Dead Vasil, Vostochny Okrug and Volodya Former. Film adaptations have been released for several tracks.

Although this album did not make a splash like the first one, it still became very successful and received good reviews from listeners. Critics have suggested that the influence of Vasily Basta kills the original style of provincial guys. However, their joint work "Those Who Are With Us" became a real hit on the Internet and has gained more than 20 million views for all the time.

In parallel, Vitya AK is also engaged in solo work. So, in the period from 2010-2011, he presented the collections "2in1" and "2in1 2". And in the summer of 2012, the young man released a full-fledged solo album of 17 songs called "Fat", in which, in addition to old acquaintances, such artists as: Market Relations and Triagrutrika appeared.

Vitya AK - Me and You (2012)

Earlier, accusations of propaganda of narcotic drugs rained down on the team, the initiator of the conflict was the head of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Roizman, who wrote a letter to the Federal Drug Control Service with a request to ban the group's activities. One of the representatives of AK-47 replied that the team does not trade like that, and the stage image does not correspond to reality. In April 2014, the premiere screening of the film "Gasgolder" took place, in which Vitya played the role of himself along with all members of the label of the same name: from QP to Basta. The joint work of Gostyukhin and Iosif Kobzon "Remember me", which became one of the soundtracks of the picture, was also presented here.

AK-47 ft. Iosif Kobzon - Remember me (2014)

On June 16, 2015, after a long hiatus, the band presented a 17-track release called "Third". The solo album, the sound of which has become more calm and relaxed, received good feedback from fans and critics.

In the summer of 2016, a joint album of 15 songs was presented from two Ural groups - Triagrutrika and AK-47. In the autumn of the same year, it became known that the group's contract with the Gazgolder label had come to an end, so the guys set off for free swimming.

TGK / AK-47 - Dangerous Area (2016)

In August 2017, Vitya released a diss on, thereby accepting his long-standing challenge to the verbal contest "Versus Battle".

On October 6, the band's fourth album entitled "New" was presented. In a solo album of 12 compositions, 3 artists from the side lit up: Baller, Tip and Yamych.

Personal life

As for the place of residence, we managed to find out that for several years the rapper saved up money in order to finally buy an apartment in the Moscow region. In an interview with The Flow, Vitya said that he "began a family life", from which it can be assumed that he still has a girlfriend. It is known that in 2010 the couple got married.

Azino Three Axes

In the fall of 2017, the video for the track "Azino777", filmed as part of an advertising campaign for the online casino of the same name, began to go viral on the Internet. The video generated a huge number of memes on social networks.

AK-47 - Azino777 (2017)

In the wake of the popularity of "Azino Three Axes", Victor was invited to one of the episodes of the "Show" program, where the guy told Lev Shaginyan how to raise the dough in the "Memes Exchange" section. In December, Gostyukhin starred in a parody of this song along with Alexander Gudkov and as part of the Evening Urgant program. In a humorous work, Vitya, together with a popular TV presenter, gave advice on how to properly feed the birds in winter.

Music Studio Alexander Gudkov & Vitya AK-47 - Tips on how to properly feed the birds in winter (2017)

Vitya AK now

In March 2018, Viktor took part in the Cooking Battle against the Big Russian Boss. The host of the program was a parodist (Ilya Shabelnikov), who entered the image of British chef Gordon Ramsay. The program turned out with a large portion of "without borders" humor, which the audience really liked, who appreciated the harsh but funny jokes of the participants. In the same month, the TV channel TNT aired the program "Once Upon a Time in Russia" with the participation of Viti AK. According to the plot of the comic scene, our hero faked his death in order to increase sales of his music, but no one cared about the artist's death. In the same spring, the artist starred for the channel "Viska", where he showed his hometown, remembered his childhood, adolescence and how it all began. It also became known that the guy's real name was not Victor, but Vitaly: Vitya began to be called by friends from the area, who for some reason had a hard time remembering "Vital". At the end of June, Vitya AK-47 visited the Evening Urgant program as a guest along with pop singer Dmitry Malikov. The artists told Ivan Urgant about the joint track and played football in special glasses showing everything upside down.

: Social media
: (Official community in Vkontakte)
:, "Channel One", TV channel "TNT" - freeze frames
: (Official page on Vkontakte)
: (Official Instagram page)
Stills from music videos AK-47, Viti AK from YouTube
Personal archive of Viktor Gostyukhin

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

Today we will tell you who Viktor Gostyukhin is. The biography of the musician will be discussed below in great detail.

New trends in the youth subculture, as well as directions in song and musical creativity, arise absolutely spontaneously. Megacities are considered traditional places of their appearance. Residents of large cities have a wide social circle, which means they have more opportunities to get acquainted with various types of art, as well as their representatives. However, there are frequent cases of the emergence of something really original in the outback. This rule was confirmed, in particular, by Viktor Gostyukhin. "AK 47" - a group, one of the founders of which he is. The musicians included in it grew up, and later they were engaged in creative work in the little-known city of Berezovsky. It is located near Yekaterinburg. Most of the inhabitants of this settlement associated their activities with the mining industry.


Victor Gostyukhin was born in 1987, on August 30th. He was born in the workers' settlement of Berezovsky. The main difference between a teenager and his comrades was the ability to perfectly select rhymes. In addition, he was fond of computers. The first poems of our hero are ironic retellings of school life. In addition, he made fun of teachers. Soon he began to read his works in a rap style, using music that was synthesized on a computer as a basis. There was a short period of so-called school rap. At that time, our hero introduced himself as MS Vinograd, in honor of the name of the area.


Viktor Gostyukhin began writing love songs. In this role, he introduced himself as Incognito. Our hero became a computer college student. He focused on application programs that allow you to create music. At the same time, the young man did not seek to receive a musical education. Soon, the novice rapper managed to get acquainted with the members of the "Unfallen" group. They lived in the village of Novoberezovoye, located in the neighborhood. The band performed a number of Incognito songs. They were included in the band's album called "Black and White Life".


Viktor Gostyukhin considered that the lyrical orientation of the "Unfallen" was not very suitable for him. He suggested that Maxim Brylin, a member of the team, who also graduated from a theater school, create his own team that would rap in the style of hardcore and gangsta.

Main project

Soon the AK-47 group was organized. Its name comes from small arms, which are the most common in the world. The participants began calling themselves Maxi AK and Vitya AK. The lyrics of the band's songs gravitated in many respects to "black" rap. At the same time, they were understandable and close to their peers of musicians. The compositions reflected the perception of the surrounding world by young people, as well as their attitude to reality. The songs were full of profanity and deliberate mistakes. The musicians created their first compositions on their own. Then published on the Internet. Then the band recorded a number of works at the Yekaterinburg studios Bustazz Records and Worna Brazass. The group held concerts at various venues in the city. In addition, the team took part in festivals.

Popularity came to the group without incredible effort. Their songs were downloaded and played on phones. Videos were no less in demand. In 2006, the group, which was organized together with his friend Viktor Gostyukhin, became known both in Yekaterinburg and in other cities, including Moscow. Illegal CDs with AK-47 songs appeared on sale. Moreover, the demand for them was very high.

Professional performers drew attention to the team. Cooperation musicians suggested Vasily Vakulenko. We are talking about a rap artist, known under the pseudonym Basta. He is also the owner of a production center called "Gazgolder" and the host of Next FM radio. Together, a number of compositions were recorded. Among them is the song "Finale". A special radio broadcast was held, as well as a Hip-hop TV episode featuring the musicians. The organization of their concert in the capital soon followed. At the same time, it became obvious that the AK-47s are well known to Muscovites.


Currently, on various resources you can read that Viktor Gostyukhin has passed away. The date of death is different each time. For the first time information about this appeared in 2011. Then the date was the day 31 or 1 August. Further, a message about this appeared in 2012 in the musician's group "VKontakte". This time the date was April 12. There is no confirmation of this information. However, we note that from this moment there is no reliable data that the performer was seen alive. At the same time, the surname of the musician is still on the lists of the Gas Holder. In 2014, he appeared in the film of the same name. In 2015, the album "AK-47" "The Third" was released, where Vitya AK is listed as the author of the words.

"AK-47"- Russian gangsta rap group from the city of Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk region). Founded in 2004, the group was named after the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The team consists of two guys known under the pseudonyms "Vitya AK" - Viktor Gostyukhin and "Maxi AK" - Maxim Brylin.

Laureates of the Russian street awards in the Discovery of the Year nomination. They are propagandists of the so-called "boy rap" in Russia.

AK-47's debut album, titled Berezovskiy, was released in 2009, followed by Megapolis in 2010.

Vitya started writing rap when he was still in school. Vitya AK: “Having mastered computer technology and connected it with my own poems and fantasies, I made my first rap while still at school. I didn’t perceive it as rap, but just banter with music over my teachers and classmates, calling myself MC Vinograd. As a rule, every rapper in his first recitatives wants to convey a serious mood to others, and his songs have a serious character - I had the same moment. Calling myself Inkognito, I got up and started writing lyrical songs - love, carrots, generally f*cking suffering that some people still listen to. Hearing the group Nepalashchie, who nevertheless, by coincidence, turned out to be “fallen”, I drew attention to their work, and out of three people, only Maxim interested me. I recorded several tracks with the Unfallen and realized that f*cking suffering is not mine. I weighed it, appreciated it, realized that people need a show, banter, kitsch, scandal, and not pi * dastradalstvo. I sat on the bed and began to think about how to characterize a group that would start to come up with rap not quite in their sober mind. We recorded the first song in a normal rap studio with the Braziks (Worna Brazass). After recording a few more songs, we began working with Bustazz Records, where we still record.”

The music for the songs is written mainly by Vitya, and the lyrics are written by both guys. Although none of them have a special musical education. Victor studied programming in college, and Maxim studied theater. The oldest in the group is Viktor (Born August 30, 1987). The guys write the lyrics, first of all, for themselves, and the listeners already select what is close to them. The topics raised in the songs of AK-47 are quite specific. Guys describe their lives, trying to express themselves. Those who are close to this culture can understand them. In the texts there are often swear words, speech errors.

The guys have been engaged in serious musical activity for 5 years. In 2006, the group's popularity flourished, among their tracks there were already a couple of hits known throughout Russia. Among the popular hits of the AK-47: "Y yes Y", "U shchet men", "Kiss", "And so," "Hello, is this Pakistan?", "Toned around" and many others. Their songs became so widespread that they were even sold on pirated discs.

Over time, the guys from AK-47 began to record tracks with some of the famous Russian rap artists. For example, the track "Let's make a wider circle" was recorded together with Guf, Noggano and 5 Pluh.

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