Questions and tasks of a large ethnographic dictation. Test your ethnographic knowledge

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On the eve of National Unity Day, the inhabitants of our country wrote a Great Ethnographic Dictation. We published - many of them turned out to be quite complex. Read a large report from the event. It's time to test your knowledge. So let's go:

1. Answer: C) in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Answer: D). After the conquest of Kazan by Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1552, the Udmurts became part of the Russian state.

3. Answer: A). The State Historical, Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve is located 68 km from Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia.

4. Answer: A-3-I, B-4-IV, C-1-II, D-2-III

5. Answer: B). Avar

6. Answer: B). Kayum Nasyri is an outstanding scientist, writer and educator of the Tatar people.

7. Answer: A). Semyon Dezhnev - Russian traveler, explorer, navigator, explorer of Northern, Eastern Siberia and North America, Cossack ataman, fur trader.

8. Answer: D). Appaz Iliev is a Russian long-liver living in Ingushetia.

9. Answer: B), C). At present, the Ingrians live mainly in Russia - St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region, Karelia, Western Siberia.

10. Answer B). Maria Sycheva (Uglovskaya), engraver. In 1931, she joined the Severnaya Niello artel and, since 1942, she was in charge of the silver blackening artel in Velokoustyug.

11. Answer: A). The Nifkhs are a small indigenous people of Sakhalin.

12. Answer: B).

13. Answer: D). Amet-Khan Sultan - a graduate of the first Kachin military aviation school, during the Great Patriotic War, went from a pilot to a squadron commander.

14. Answer: B). Folk dance, which is one of the most common collective rural dances. It is performed as a cheerful circular dance, often accompanied by choral singing. The performers hold each other's hands or shoulders and perform synchronous rhythmic movements, raising and lowering their hands.

15. Answer: B). The historical name given to the Bashkir soldiers by the French in the era of the Napoleonic wars of 1807-1814.

16. Answer: B). The collection includes 61 tales: 29 tales about animals, 16 fairy tales and 16 household tales from the main collection.

17. Answer: D). Altai plucked musical instrument with 2 hair strings.

18. Answer: B).

19. Answer: D).

20. Answer: A). The Koran in Russia was first published in 1787 by decree of Catherine II in the Shnor printing house, based on a specially created font based on the drawings of the Tatar mullah Usman Ismail and with his comments. The first edition was only 20 copies.

21. Answer: B).

22. Answer: D). Cuckoo was most often called a doll woven from the grass "cuckoo's tears".

23. Answer: B). This is something like sandals - light shoes for shepherds and wanderers.

24. Answer: A).

25. Answer: B).

26. Answer: B). Rostov still remains the only center for the production of painted enamel in our country.

27. Answer: A). A ceremonial effigy, a ceremonial doll constructed from improvised material, significant in size, is called Maslenitsa or Kostroma.

28. Answer: A). Ceremonial cookies "Voznesensky ladders" - a staircase to heaven.

29. Answer: A). Ryazanians received the nickname "skant-bellied" for the manner of putting axes behind a sash under a sheepskin coat. The ax behind the belt on the side outweighed the sash, so the figure of a slanting belly was obtained.

30. Answer: A). this is a poem by the Soviet and Russian Balkarian poetess, national poet of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Tanzila Mustafaevna Zumakulova.

Federal list of questions of the Ethnographic Dictation 2019 (from 1 to 20) and additional questions for the main platform (from 21 to 30), IEA RAS

1. Russia is a federal state and consists of 85 equal subjects - republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, an autonomous region, autonomous districts. Specify their number. Write down the answer in the format A - 1; B - 2, etc.

Correct answer: A - 5; B - 1; AT 4; G - 3; D - 6; F - 2

2. One of the largest ethnographic museums in the world is the Russian Ethnographic Museum (REM), dedicated to the peoples of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. Its collection includes about half a million exhibits. What city is this museum in?

A. Vladivostok

B. Moscow

V. Novosibirsk

Saint Petersburg

Correct answer: G

3. What folk holiday in the past completed spring field work, and now it is a symbol of friendship and is widespread in the regions of Russia, is it also celebrated at the federal level and abroad?

A. Kalmytsky Zul

B. Turkic Nardugan

V. Sabantuy of the Volga and other peoples

G. Buryatsky Sagaalgan

Correct answer: B

4. To support ethnic cultures and ensure the constitutional rights to national and cultural development, the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was adopted. Where is the Strategy being implemented?

A. In the Russian republics

B. In those regions of Russia where there are many ethnic groups and languages

B. Throughout Russia

Correct answer: B

5. Russian geographer, botanist, statistician, economist, statesman and public figure, the first researcher of the Tien Shan, organizer of the First General Census of the Russian Empire in 1897:

A. Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev (1872-1930)

B. Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov (1863-1935)

V. Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888)

G. Petr Petrovich Semenov (1827-1914)

Correct answer: G

6. The state population census is an important historical event; it took place in modern Russia in 2002 and 2010. When will the next All-Russian population census take place?

A. In 2020

Correct answer: A

7. Russia is a multicultural and multilingual country. How does the state calculate this diversity?

A. There are no official statistics on nationalities and languages ​​in Russia

B. In addition to the state census, there are other sources of official information about nationalities and languages ​​in Russia

C. The state census is the only source of official information about nationalities and languages ​​in Russia

Correct answer: B

8. What opportunities does each inhabitant of the country have for self-determination of nationality during the All-Russian population census?

A. It is forbidden to indicate your nationality

B. You can indicate your nationality by choosing from the official list

B. You can indicate your nationality completely freely

Correct answer: B

9. More than 30 languages ​​are spoken in one of the republics of Russia. Medieval geographers wrote that it was "a country of mountains and a mountain of languages". What republic of the Russian Federation are we talking about?

A. Republic of Altai

B. Republic of Bashkortostan

B. Republic of Dagestan

G. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Correct answer: B

10. Which of the listed languages ​​holds the record for Russia in terms of the number of letters (66)?

A. Tatarsky

B. Adyghe

V. Itelmensky

G. Nivkhsky

Correct answer: B

11. Which of the listed languages ​​of Russia are Finno-Ugric languages?

A. Karachay-Balkar, Crimean Tatar, Chulym

B. Nanai, Negidal, Even

V. Vepsian, Khanty, Mari

G. Agulsky, Rutulsky, Tabasaransky

Correct answer: B

12. In Russia, with a large number of languages, the Russian language is widely spoken. What part of the population speaks Russian in the Russian Federation?

A. Half the population

B. Two-thirds of the population

B. 75% of the population

D. More than 90% of the population

Correct answer: G

13. Kotlyars, Lovaris, Serves, Vlachs, Crimeans - what groups of the Russian population do these names belong to?

A. Grekam

B. Karaimam

V. Tataram

G. Gypsies

Correct answer: G

14. The self-name of which of these peoples (“nya”) in translation into Russian means “comrade”?

A. Abazins

B. Buryats

V. Nganasany

Correct answer: B

15. What people of Russia include the "mountain" (kyryk) and "meadow" (olyk) groups?

A. Izhora in the Leningrad region

B. Kumyks in Dagestan

V. Mari in the Republic of Mari El

G. Nogais in the Stavropol Territory

Correct answer: B

16. Compare the modern and ancient names of the peoples of the Far East, endowed with the status of indigenous small in Russia. Some old names are used in everyday life today. Write down the answer in the format A - 1; B - 2, etc.

Correct answer: A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3

17. Among which people, now having the status of a small indigenous people in Russia, iron-working crafts were traditionally widespread, while Russian settlers called their neighbors “Kuznetsk Tatars”?

B. Uilta

V. Kereki

G. Shorsy

Correct answer: G

18. Some groups of the Russian people are associated with the history of the Old Believers. In the Volga region - these are Kerzhaks and Kulugurs, in Stavropol - Nekrasovites. What is the name of the descendants of the Old Believers in Transbaikalia?

A. Doukhobors

B. Semeyskie

V. Molokan

G. Saturdays

Correct answer: B

19. Pies and cakes are a favorite traditional dish of many peoples of Russia. Compare the culinary dish and ethnic cuisine. Write down the answer in the format A - 1; B - 2, etc.:

Correct answer: A - 3; B - 1; AT 5; G - 2; D - 4

20. In Rus', until the 18th century, it was the basis of nutrition, but then it was replaced by potatoes. It was prepared in a traditional Russian oven in its own juice, and thanks to medicines, it was also used in treatment. What is this vegetable?

B. Beets

V. Rutabaga

Correct answer: A


Additional questions for dictation on the main site

21. Which of these traditional drinks do Udmurts serve at a wedding called "girl's wine"?

G. Kumyshka

Correct answer: G

22. The name of which Turkic people of Russia coincides with the historical name of a large khanate that arose in the interfluve of the Volga and the Urals after the collapse of the Golden Horde and existed in the 15th-17th centuries?

A. Karachaevtsy

B. Kumyks

V. Nogais

Correct answer: B

23. The word “shaman” has become international. What language was this term borrowed from?

A. Altaisky

B. Buryatsky

V. Mansiysky

G. Evenki

Correct answer: G

24. After courtship, which people had the ritual “tabakad” - tobacco, on which the relatives of the bride and groom, as a sign of consent, had to smoke tobacco together?

A. Belarusians

B. Vod

V. Ingush

G. Lezgins

Correct answer: B

A. Armenians

B. Assyrians

V. Dargins

G. Telengity

Correct answer: B

26. Dried fish meat, one of the main traditional food products of the peoples of the Far East, is called:

A. Balyk

B. Stroganina

G. Yukola

Correct answer: G

27. What peoples have traditionally used the following types of portable housing? (write the answer in the format A - 1; B - 2, etc.)

Correct answer: A - 4; B - 2; IN 1; G - 3

28. Where is the most honorable place in a traditional portable dwelling - a yurt or a chum?

A. Opposite the entrance

B. To the left of the entrance

B. To the right of the entrance

D. At the entrance

Correct answer: A

29. What type of fur shoes did the Saami of the Kola Peninsula wear when going to the tundra?

A. Boots - warm felt boots made of sheep's wool

B. Torbasa - soft boots made of deer skins with wool outside

B. Fur boots - fur inside or outside, most often dog or deer

G. Yars - winter boots made of deerskin with turned up toes

Correct answer: G

30. What does "Gzhel Bush" mean?

A. A special type of plant near Moscow

B. Historical and cultural region of the Moscow region with traditional Russian crafts

B. Special pattern on ceramic toys

D. River system of the Moscow region

November 4 is National Unity Day in Russia. However, for many people, the essence of this public holiday remains rather vague, and the words about unity sound formal. How exactly to unite and with whom?

The answer to this question is given by the action "Great ethnographic dictation". It invites everyone to test their knowledge of the culture of numerous peoples of Russia and abroad, as well as learn something new about the country and its closest neighbors.

For the first time "Ethnographic dictation" was held in Udmurtia. In 2017, the action expanded its geography. The Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, which is one of the organizers, notes that this year, in addition to Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia will join the project.

What will be in the tasks?

Participants will have to answer 30 test questions, 20 of which are devoted to federal issues, and the remaining 10 - to regional issues.

In order to successfully pass the test, you will need knowledge about the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries - their languages, religion, cuisine and traditional crafts. Information about the federal structure of the Russian Federation is also useful.

The total score for the dictation is 100, and 45 minutes are given to complete.

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