“We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” based on the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov)

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MOU "Secondary school No. 28"

Open Day

Literature lesson


“We all come from childhood” (Analysis of the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” based on the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov)

Date: 15.11.2014

Grade: 10 B

Spent teacher

Russian language and literature:

Beskaeva E.A.

Saransk - 2014

Lesson type: art lesson.

Type of lesson: a lesson in in-depth work on the text of the work.

Lesson form: lesson - conversation (with elements of artistic reading, discussion).

The purpose of the lesson: analyze "Oblomov's Dream", identifying aspects of the life of the Oblomovites that influenced the formation of the character of the protagonist; through visual means to trace the formation of the character of the hero; understand the role of symbols; to master the ability to understand the character of a person in its connection with social and national characteristics.


1. Cognitive:

Recall with students the function of sleep in a work of art; give examples of previously studied works in which a dream was present.

To acquaint students with the compositional feature of using "Oblomov's Dream".

To identify the positive and negative features of the life of the Oblomovites, which influenced the character of Ilya Ilyich.

Reveal the role of images-symbols in the chapter.

To enrich the vocabulary of students and improve the skills of speech culture.

2. Developing:

To develop the ability of analytical work with the text of a work of art.

3. Educational:

Cultivate a sympathetic understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

Raising a love for literature lessons.

Raising interest in Russian traditions, features of the Russian national character.


The text of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", computer presentation, diagram, handout, text of the beginning of the novel with sentence numbering



Today we will visit the "wonderful land, in a blessed corner", where Oblomov's dream will take us.

What will we discuss in class today?

( let's trace the formation of Oblomov, where the roots of laziness and apathy came from, let's think about the Russian character, about Russia and its fate.)

So, the topic of the lesson: "We all come from childhood" (Analysis of the chapter "Oblomov's Dream"). For the topic of the lesson, I chose the statement of the 19th century French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Guys, what do you think: the statement reveals the main idea of ​​chapter 9? Justify your point of view.

And the epigraph to the lesson will be the words of Oblomov himself “Who am I? Why am I like this? We will try to answer these questions by referring to Oblomov's childhood.


To reveal the character of his hero, the author chooses the motif of a dream. Let's hear what role the dream motif plays in a work of art.


Dreams have long been used in fiction to create a mysterious atmosphere, to motivate the actions of characters, to convey their emotional state (psychologism). Since the time of ancient Russian literature, dreams have warned of dangers, served as signs, helped, instructed, gave rest, and at the same time tempted, tested, put before a choice. Dreams perform retrospective and prognostic functions, participate in the creation of the chronotope of the work. They absorb all three tenses: they show pictures of the past, present and future, thereby pushing the spatio-temporal boundaries of the text. Dreams can serve as a memory function. Thus, dreams in works of fiction are polyfunctional.

Teacher :

Let's remember in which works we studied earlier there was a dream?

(A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" - Tatyana's dream; in: A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" - Petrusha Grinev's dream; in: "Ballads" by V. Zhukovsky.

And what, in your opinion, is the function of sleep in these works, why do the authors use them?

1. Sleep - as a revelation of the spiritual state of the hero, a means of psychological analysis.

2. Sleep - like an idyll, a dream.

3. Sleep - as a prediction of the future.

Which of the following functions does sleep perform in the work of I.A. Goncharova?

1. Sleep - revealing the spiritual state of the hero, while it acquires a special symbolic meaning: sleep is a symbol of the whole life position of the hero, his spiritual sleep.

2. Dream - shows the hero's dream, but its paradox is that it is directed not to the future, but to the past.

Who tells us the dream?

(The dream is narrated by the narrator. It is as if he is outside the depicted world of Oblomovka. Behind what has been said, certain assessments and attitudes towards what the hero sees are guessed.)

The hero dreams of Oblomovka, in his dream it is created emphaticallyidyllic image.

Vocabulary work:

What is an idyll?

(The image of a peaceful rural life against the backdrop of beautiful nature. 3. peaceful, happy existence. (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language).)

The genre of the chapter is close to a folk fairy tale, in which the world rests unshakably on good, and, of course,idyll. The genre of this chapter can also be attributed to the genre of idyll.

What do you think are the features of an idyllic world?

( The main features of the idyllic world:

-perfect scenery

- unity of man and nature

- closed space

- uncertainty of time

-mythical character


- conflict-free.

Teacher: What is the composition of the chapter?

The entire text can be divided into three main parts:

1) the first two paragraphs (a wonderful corner);

2) from the 5th to the 17th sentences - a picture of wild nature;

3) the last paragraph (a peaceful corner). The greater middle part can also be subdivided into more small, related to the main images of the text: a person, mo rhemes, mountains and abysses.

The composition of the text is based on opposition and dacies. Wonderland is contrasted with wild nature; her opposed to man. Image of the wildest nature based on gradation - strengthening the impression of something without gradation worthless, terrible, hostile to man. Human condition in the face of wild nature is also conveyed with the help of gradation: first it is said that a person becomes sad when view of the sea, and gradually comes to the conclusion that he is completely disappears against the backdrop of a majestic picture, even the sky recede moose from people. This reinforces the impression of loneliness, nothing the identity and helplessness of man in the face of wild nature.

The beginning and end of the passage, as it were, close the circle, framing central part. This frame carries the main idea: emphasize the blessings of the world in which the oblos live movtsy.

chapter 9 plan.

1. Landscape of Oblomovka.

2. Description of the seasons.

3. Natural phenomena.

4. Description of the village.

5. Ideas about the world.

6. What disrupts the usual course of life (death is a rarity, the blacksmith Taras is mad, a strange man in a ditch).

7. Morning of little Ilyusha.

8. Ravine.

9. The child runs away from the nanny. Observations (dark - light, shadows).

10. Home life.

11. Afternoon sleep is like death.

12. Dreams about the future of Ilyusha.

13. Tales.

14. Signs.

15. The teachings of Ilyusha.

16. Rites. Norm of life. (Christening, name day, wedding)

17. "Labor" (gallery, fence).

18. Receiving guests.

19. Evening conversations. (Memories, interpretation of dreams, signs).

20. Story with a letter.

21. Teaching, dreams of a certificate.

22. Snowball fight.

Teacher: So, we find ourselves in a “blessed corner” ... (student reading the beginning of the chapter)

"Where are we? To what blessed corner of the earth did Oblomov's dream take us? What a wonderful land! No, really, there is a sea, there are no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests - there is nothing grandiose, wild and gloomy ...

The sky there, it seems, presses closer to the earth, but not in order to throw stronger arrows, but only to hug her tighter, with love: it spreads so low overhead, like a parent’s reliable roof, to protect, it seems, the chosen one corner from any misfortune.

The sun shines brightly and hotly there for about half a year and then does not move away from there suddenly, as if unwillingly, as if turning back to look once or twice at a favorite place and give it in the fall, in the midst of bad weather, a clear, warm day.

The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere, which terrify the imagination. This is a series of gentle hills from which it is customary to ride, frolicking, on the back or sitting on them, contemplating the setting sun.

The river runs merrily, frolicking and playing; it either spills into a wide pond, or strives for a quick , or subsides, as if in thought, and crawls a little over the pebbles, releasing frisky streams from itself on the sides, under the murmur of which it sweetly slumbers.

The whole corner of fifteen or twenty versts around presented a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes. The sandy and gently sloping banks of a bright river, a small bush creeping up from the hill to the water, a twisted ravine with a stream at the bottom, and a birch grove - everything seemed to be deliberately tidied up one to one and masterfully drawn.

Exhausted by worries or not at all familiar with them, the heart asks to hide in this corner forgotten by everyone and live in happiness unknown to anyone. Everything promises there a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and an imperceptible, sleep-like death.

Teacher: What means of expression does Goncharov use when describing the “wonderful land”?(blessed corner; wonderful land; favorite place; picturesque sketches; cheerful, smiling landscapes, everything is quiet and sleepy, etc.


Why Goncharov to oppose a peaceful corner (Oblomovka)chooses the sea, mountains, abysses?

The sea, mountains and abysses are the favorite images of romance. classical literature associated in romanticism with such concepts mi, as eternal restlessness, struggle, a constant desire for freedom, to overcome everyday life. Contrasting these images of a peaceful corner, Goncharov enhances the impression of 06 as if from a closed, quiet, blessed world, where peace reigns, and at the same time, as it were, emphasizes its own literary position: the rejection of romanticism as a method depicted eating something unusual, exceptional, far from the usual venous life.

Teacher: And here we are in Oblomovka ... Who inhabits the "wonderful land" in this description? (peasants )

What details of peasant life appeared in the text?(Spring, preparing a peasant for work, waiting and greeting rain. Cows, chickens, sheep walk through the fields and the village)

As the isolation of Oblomovka from the rest of the world is shown, the perception of the rest of the space by the Oblomovites as alien and fantastic

Why were the Oblomovites wary of the man in the ditch?

(An outsider has invaded their closed world, they are afraid.

a stranger came, a letter,);

Determine the role of symbolic images in describing the way of life of the Oblomovites

What is the magical power? (dream)

What is the law in this world (idleness);

The main concern of the Oblomovites? Find in the text.

(kitchen and food), food care, supplies)


What was the main occupation of the Oblomovites?

Find a description of the pie, the "ritual" of making and eating it.

With the help of what artistic means does the writer poetize such a physiological state of a person.

Prove that the image of the pie has a symbolic meaning.

(Individual task "For bot about food was and the first and most important concern in Oblomovka. What calves fattened there for the annual holidays! What a bird was brought up! How many subtle considerations, how many occupations and worries in courting her! Turkeys and chickens assigned to name days and other solemn days were fattened with nuts; geese were deprived of exercise, forced to hang motionless in a bag a few days before the holiday, so that they swam with fat. What stocks were there of jams, pickles, biscuits! What honeys, what kvass were brewed, what pies were baked in Oblomovka!”

On Sundays and holidays, these industrious ants did not let up either: then the knock of knives in the kitchen was heard more often and stronger; the woman made several trips from the barn to the kitchen with double the amount of flour and eggs; there was more groaning and bloodshed in the poultry yard. They baked a gigantic cake, which the gentlemen themselves ate the next day; on the third and fourth days, the remains entered the girl's room; the pie survived until Friday, so that one completely stale end, without any filling, went, in the form of a special favor, to Antipas, who, crossing himself, undauntedly destroyed this curious fossil with a crash, enjoying more the consciousness that this was the master's pie than the pie itself, like an archaeologist who enjoys drinking rubbish wine from a shard of some thousand-year-old crockery.


A real cult of pie reigns in Oblomovka. Making a huge muffin and filling it with it resembles a kind of sacred ceremony, performed strictly according to the calendar, from week to week, from year to year.

Let's remember thatpie in the popular worldview - one of the most obviouscharacters happy, abundant, blessed life. A pie is a “mountain feast”, a cornucopia, the pinnacle of universal fun and contentment. Feasting, festive people gather around the pie. Warmth and fragrance emanate from the cake; pie - central andmost archaic symbol of popular utopia. Oblomovka is a forgotten, miraculously surviving "blissful corner" - a fragment of Eden. To the inhabitants herebroke off eat up an archaeological fragment-a piece of a once huge pie.The very word "pie" is consonant with the word "feast". It's a holidaynew feast dish. And indeed, "feast" is a centa real event of every day for the Oblomovites; they spendtheir life is not in labor, they consider labor a punishment, but in feasts, for their life is harmowhere both the physical and spiritual principles are inextricably merged.

vocabulary work :

Eden -paradise, place of abundance


Note the features of the image of space and time in the episode "Oblomov's Dream"

Find a description of the flow of time in Oblomovka.

« Everything promises a calm, long-term life to the yellowness of the hair and an imperceptible, sleep-like death.

Correctly and imperturbably, the yearly cycle takes place there.

According to the calendar, spring will come in March. Winter will endure the character until the indicated time of warmth. In November, snow and frost begin. Summer is especially intoxicating in that region. Then the time will come for rituals, feasts, and finally a wedding; the whole pathos of life was concentrated on this.

Then repetitions began: the birth of children, ceremonies, feasts, until the funeral changed the scenery; but not for long: some faces yield to others, children become youths and at the same time suitors, marry, produce their own kind - and so life according to this program stretches out in an uninterrupted monotonous fabric, imperceptibly breaking off at the very grave.


Cmrub inOblomovka is perceived as a natural transitionfrom one kind of sleep to another - eternal sleep.

We depicted the sleepy realm of Oblomovka in the form of a vicious circle; Oblomov's life in St. Petersburg on Gorokhovaya appeared to us as a vicious circle. There is a certain pattern in this.

What words are repeated most often? Why?

The most common words are "silence, sleep, peace." A picture of a leisurely, unhurried, lazy life is created. Time seems to slow down. The author conveys the joy of a measured life, the enjoyment of it. In an atmosphere of bliss, little Ilyusha grows.


What can be the conclusion?

(Conclusion: no one seeks to leave this world, because it is alien, hostile. They are quite satisfied with their life-being. Love, birth, marriage, death, this life circle is unchanged, like the seasons. Calendar, ritual cycle - age-old folk traditions) .


There are a lot of symbolic images in this chapter. Decipher the symbolic meaning of the ravine.

(When Ilyusha ran away from the nanny, he wanted to “get into the birch forest and the dovecote” and watch the insects. Here, the curiosity inherent in any child is manifested.

“He wants to run into the ravine; the child ran to the edge, closed his eyes, wanted to look, as if into the crater of a volcano ... but suddenly all the rumors and legends about this ravine rose before him: he was seized with horror, and he is neither dead nor alive, trembling with fear, rushes to the nanny " .


The ravine is unfamiliar, dangerous. The story about the monster in the ravine (“there, they say, there are goblin, and robbers, and terrible animals”) is conveyed by the author comically. The comparison “like in a volcano crater” frightens Ilyusha, for him this is an unknown world, and he recalls all the superstitions he heard from adults.


Part of the chapter is like a fairy tale.

Why does a fairy tale play such an important role in Oblomovka?

(Fairy tales: they promise mountains of gold, they talk about an unknown country where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything. A good sorceress chooses her favorite - quiet and harmless (lazy), whom everyone offends, and showers him with good.).

What are Oblomov's favorite fairy tale characters?

What meaning is revealed when the image of Oblomov is brought closer to the folklore images of Emelya and Ilya Muromets?


What are the customs, rituals of the Oblomovites. Find in the text.

Our poor ancestors lived by touch, naively marveling at everything. Death happened to them from a dead man taken out of the house before with his head, and not with his feet from the gate; fire - from the fact that the dog howled three nights under the window. They believed both werewolves and the dead. They will tell them that a haystack was walking around under the window - they will not hesitate and believe. Strong faith in the miraculous in Oblomovka.


Conclusion: All life consists of ritual holidays. This testifies to the mythological consciousness of people. What is natural for others is mysterious, sacred here. A special attitude to the time of day is also mythological: the evening time is dangerous, the afternoon has powerful power. The sky presses against the earth - a reproduction of the myth of the marriage of earth and sky.)


What is the central image in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" that unites all its fragments?

(The image of the mother (as mother woman and mother nature) unites all the elements of the chapter and creates the image of the native space, where everything is warmed by maternal love, care, where everything lives according to the laws of following the traditions of the fathers. “The norm of life was prepared and taught to Oblomov by the parents, and they accepted it, also ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from great-grandfather... And so the river of life flowed, in laziness, apathy.

What are the parents of Ilya Ilyich doing? (reading student)

How do parents treat Ilyusha? What about those around you? Read out.


Another important moment in the life of Oblomovites. What is the attitude of the Oblomovites towards education and books?

Oblomovites are ignorant, superstitious people.

No one bothered with mental labor. The book was seen as a thing intended for entertainment. « Oblomovs understood the benefits of enlightenment, but only external . They still had a vague and distant idea of ​​the inner need for teaching. They dreamed of getting around the stones and obstacles secretly scattered along the path of enlightenment, without bothering to jump over them, that is, learning lightly, not to the point of exhausting the soul and body.

Goncharov resorts to paraphrase so that the reader comprehends what he heard and understands the author's attitude to what was said.


Do adult Oblomovites understand the need for enlightenment?

(The old people - yes, but only the external side. They had a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal need for education. They only need some brilliant advantages for Ilyusha).


Who and how opposes the influence of Oblomovka on the teenager Ilya?

(Stoltz, who received a practical labor education).

Was the new influence successful?

(No. “Today you won’t go - Thursday is a holiday, is it worth it to go back and forth.” “Today is not up to learning, parental week.” “Something your eyes are not fresh today. Sit at home this week”).

Is there a fairy tale in this passage?

( No. Change the style of the story.This part is more suitable for Stolz's view, which, according to the author, should resist Oblomov's dream, debunk Ilya's fabulous consciousness, make it modern).

(Why does the scene end with a fun snowball fight?

(Oblomov subconsciously craves activity).


What is the meaning of the hero's last name?

Let's pay attention to the semantic load of the hero's name: Ilya Ilyich is a sign of the repetition of his father, his life. The surname also helps to reveal the character. It has a common root with the old Russian word "oblo" - circle, wheel (hence, "cloud", "region"). It is the circle that is associated with Ilya Ilyich. His life goes on in a closed cycle, that is, in a circle, without noticeable forward movement.

Such a meaning is quite consistent with the soft-round man Oblomov and his round, peacefully blissful patrimony. Although in the literature about Goncharov there are other opinions about the origin of the surname of the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov" - from another archaic word "Oblomon", which means sleep. But even more clearly in the name of Ilya Ilyich comes through the meaning of the FRAGRANCE. According to researchers of Goncharov's work, Oblomov's existence is a fragment of a once full and inclusive life, it is a fragment of Eden as symbol happy, abundant, blessed life. This is also a fragment of the old, patriarchal way of Russian life, poeticized by Goncharov. The name of the protagonist of the novel also contains the meaning of a fragment of serfdom, because the novel was created in the post-reform era and was its bright, brilliant embodiment.


Thus, Oblomovka in the mind of the hero acquires the features of an absolute ideal, Oblomovka is a utopian dream.

So, the moral ideal of Oblomov is an integral harmonious personality, the social ideal is a patriarchal unchanging Russia. This explains the poetization of the patriarchal way of life.


Let's return to the topic of the lesson "We all come from childhood." The relevance of the novel. « A significant part of Oblomov sits in each of us. Is it true?


Individual task

The view of the modern reader on the novel as a whole and, in particular, on the episode

It only seems that only in a blessed corner ke of the land where Oblomov's dream took us, "happy people lived, thinking that it should not and cannot be otherwise, sure that all others live in exactly the same way and that to live otherwise it is a sin." In reality, such happiness is a dream of the kingdom ("Just like a lump of dough, curled up and lying") - the secret dream of more than one Oblomov and not the prerogative of only gone into distant history XIX century.

If you look around, then without much difficulty you can see next to you not one, not a hundred, not a thousand people whose fairy tale is mixed with life, and they unconsciously sad: "why is a fairy tale not life, but life not a fairy tale "; who through the centuries and generations in the minds of a sword the kind to take a walk, "where there are no worries and sorrows"; who has left the location to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made, unearned dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress; who, not in a dream, but in reality, has an idle imagination drawing there is an unknown side, "where there are no nights, no cold, where miracles happen all the time, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where no one does anything all year round, and day-to-day they only know that they are walking ... "

"To this day, Russian people among the surrounding country goy, devoid of fiction loves to believe in reality seductive tales of antiquity, and for a long time, maybe perhaps he has not yet renounced this faith" - this Goncharov writes in Oblomov, presumably, about his time, and we only repeat after him, noting tea is the same already in its own, XXI century.

No, no matter what anyone says, but the life position, according to which the ideal of life is at rest and inaction, not formed yesterday rushed, not tomorrow will die. And the best confirmation of this thoughts in Goncharov's novel is the episode with the collapse of part of the gallery. Born a writer two centuries ago ass, he is still almost every day almost unchanged present in television news broadcasts dachas. And we're like genuine bummers tsy, we look and gasp, we wonder, we are horrified and reproach each other, and sometimes we even get angry. Well, exactly like in Oblomov's dream, only we have it all in reality.

Let's compare: the Oblomovites from Goncharov's novel "Another life and did not want, and did not love. They would be sorry if circumstances brought changes in their way of life, whatever they were. They would be bitten by longing if tomorrow were not like today, and the day after tomorrow like tomorrow.

And now look around you and see how it is already modern the exchanged Oblomovites are sincerely perplexed: "Why do they need diversity, change, accidents that you ask are there others? Let others disentangle this cup, and they, the Oblomovites, have nothing to do with it. Let others live as they want. "Roman Goncharova makes you think about the active life position of a person, his citizenship.

This is the talent of the true reader: capabilities Today hear in a classic work written at a completely different time about other people yah, thoughts not only about the past, but directly related to you and your life.

Otherwise, what would be the point of the current debate about the nature and essence of the reforms of Ivan the Terrible, Peter I , Stolypin, Gorbachev, and others. These reformers were driven by the idea of ​​violating the eternal holiday of Oblomovka, in which “work is carried off the shoulders like a yoke”, to change the belief that the main advantage of the Russian national character is gentleness, delicacy, indulgence, allowing you to break the custom, not to obey charter.

To current readers, and above all to her young parts themselves will have to answer many questions: “To How do you have to live to get at least a drop of Che fishing joy?

Lying on the couch all your life doing nothing? Or proceed from the fact that a person was created for business, and not for lying on the native Russian stove?

Praise your own benefit above all else? Or proceed from the fact that there are other values ​​in the world?

To be in a happy state of "I don't know anything" and "...our name is legion"? Or be receptive to everything what do the world and people around you offer?”

These questions are read in the novel Yves on Goncharov's "Oblomov", written in 1858 - the floor torus centuries ago.

And each of us must draw the right conclusion after reading the novel.


Let's summarize the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" and return to the epigraph of the lesson. Let's make a conclusion. What is an Oblomovka?

Oblomovka is a micromodel of Russian life in general. This is a world in which people with a pure childlike soul are brought up, like Ilya Ilyich. BUT the other side of this phenomenon is that a person remains a child until the end of his days ( infantilism*) . Eden becomes the beginning of the death of man.

Vocabulary work:

infantilism - childishness, underdevelopment, childishness, childishness


What character traits did Ilya Ilyich develop under the influence of Oblomovka's way of life? (answers)

Positive features






"columbine simplicity

The ability to feel beauty


The ability to self-blame

Unwillingness to be humiliated by fuss (career, money, fame)

Striving for harmony in the soul

Negative Traits


Inability to overcome difficulties

lack of will



Lord's arrogance

Hope for "maybe"



empty daydreaming


What is the key to the character of the hero, proposed by the author? Human traits are formed in childhood. Oblomov's pure, tender soul, his "pigeon" meekness originates in Oblomovka. But laziness and helplessness are also from there. That is why this key chapter of the novel is so important to us. Through the image of Oblomov, the Russian character is shown. Russia is shown through Oblomovka. And it is bitter to admit that this is the fate of Russia.

What is Russian laziness? Each of you will answer this question in your own way.

Is the image of Oblomov, his native village, satirical or nostalgic? Both. I.A. Goncharov in his essay "At Home" admitted: "I wrote my life."

Today we made a virtual journey with Oblomov to his childhood, examined the hero in order to understand "why he is like that." There is a lot of attractiveness in him: he is charming, kind, soft, poetic, able to think. But he turned out to be unprepared for life: he was not taught to work, to act independently, his vivid imagination and curiosity were not encouraged. And as a result, a decent, intelligent person turned into a parody of a person, and his name became a household name.

And today's conversation is valuable for you and as for future parents. Oblomov is an example of how not to educate. Goncharov wrote:“And the child watched everything and watched everything with his child, nothingmindless". Remember: "There would be no need for another model when the example of a father is in the eyes." Everything starts from childhood.


1. Answer in writing the question: “What is the meaning of the main character’s last name?” , proving one of your chosen points of view:

a) Oblo - rounded (when you lie down, you swim around)

b) Oblomov - a man broken off by life

c) from a "fragment" - a piece of the deceased patriarchal way of life).

2. Select material on the topic "Olga Ilyinskaya and Oblomov"

The protagonist of Goncharov's novel of the same name "Oblomov" is an apathetic and very lazy person. The reasons for this, as the author shows, lie in the distant childhood of Ilya Ilyich.

Ilyusha grew up as a frisky and inquisitive child. His eyes were fascinated by the natural beauty of Oblomovka, animals aroused interest in observation, and friends in communication. The boy constantly wanted to be in motion. But hyper-custody on the part of parents, constant supervision and all kinds of prohibitions have become a barrier to growing activity. Ilya begins to succumb to suggestions and cultivate in himself a craving for idleness, aversion to work and learning.

Life in Oblomovka flowed measuredly and calmly. All the prohibitions and warnings regarding the playful Ilyusha laid the foundation for the formation of an inert personality. The nanny did not step aside from her guarded object and, at the slightest disobedience, immediately took Ilya home. This led to the complete lack of will of the hero. Growing up, he no longer felt the need to strive for anything. Total control led to a breakdown in the natural formation of the personality and Oblomov became the way his parents wanted to see him. In this image, nothing remained of an active and purposeful nature. From childhood, he was proved that work is a punishment. Subsequently, Oblomov no longer wants to do anything and, lying in bed, is waiting for everything from the servant.

As a child, Oblomov had a close friend Andrei Stoltz similar to him in character. Using the example of a completely different upbringing, you can see how their once identical views are changing. With growing up, Oblomov turns into an apathetic and good-natured couch potato Ilya Ilyich, and Stolz into an active and insensitive Andrei Ivanovich.

In the fairy tales that Oblomov heard from his nanny as a child, the world appeared as something terrible. And only Oblomovka turned out to be the quietest place. Having matured, Oblomov constantly indulges in dreams of his former life in Oblomovka, recalls how he was taken care of and protected. But there is no return and the hero spends his days in complete despondency.

The childhood of the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov" is the basis for the rest of his life. To better understand the psychology of an adult hero, it is enough to carefully read the story of his childhood. The literary name Oblomov has already become a household name in the culture of the Russian people. Goncharov perfectly managed to show a vivid example of a spineless person who is still interesting to readers.

Composition Childhood and Youth Oblomov

The main character of the work "Oblomov" grew up in the Oblomovka estate. It was a great and quiet place. The estate was Oblomov's favorite place, he liked to be here both in childhood and in his youth. He liked it here very much, because the atmosphere of love and care reigned here.

Oblomov was considered a very revered child. The family never missed a meal. For them it was very important. After the family had eaten, everyone fell asleep. Even the nannies, who were obliged to take care and protect little Ilya. They involuntarily closed their eyes. It was at such moments that a small child was given to himself.

Little Ilya's favorite pastime was to run away from home, take a walk through the gallery, walk through the grove. Ilya's mother was very protective of the child. She did not even allow him to walk in the yard. The boy watched the older people. Watched what they do. He memorized it all and learned from it.

At a very young age, when the boy was twelve years old, the family gave him to be trained by Stolz. None of the Oblomov family understood the full significance of knowledge. They were just waiting for a diploma. Ilya's parents felt sorry for him and always wanted him to live with them.

Oblomov differed from others in that he was too dreamy and impressionable. The main character dreamed a lot about his future, about what would happen next, about how his future fate would develop. The young man did not want to realize that these were just illusions and that one had to live in reality. He thought that all the stories that his childhood nannies told him were true.

The hero had few friends. His only friend was the son of his teacher. Andrey from the earliest years was a purposeful boy, strong in character. It was his friend Andrei who was completely opposite to Oblomov. Stolz really wanted to motivate Oblomov. The young man wanted Ilya to continue his studies and not give up. However, Ilya liked the house more, and he did not want to change anything. Even if the opinions about life, the worldview of young people were completely different, they continued to communicate well.

The secret of Ilya's temper, habits is hidden at his early age. Oblomov had great potential, but, unfortunately, they could not reveal it in time. This affected the character of Elijah. He became lazy and fearful.

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Personal development begins in early childhood. It is at this time that the basic moral principles are laid down, the norms of communication and cultural characteristics are assimilated, which will guide an adult all his subsequent life. The way a person's character is formed in childhood is greatly influenced by his environment. Children form ideas about the ways of communicating with other people and their attitude to their own “I”, focusing on their loved ones and copying parental behaviors.

Where happy adults grow up

Happy adults grow up in happy families. Therefore, it is so important that the child feels the joy of childhood, receives enough love and attention from his relatives. The feeling of security, self-neediness, the constant care of father and mother affect the cognitive abilities of the baby, helping his personality to develop harmoniously. The problem of the role of childhood in a person's life and arguments in favor of the special influence of this period on success in adult life can be found in the works of famous psychologists: Carl Gustav Jung, Sigmund Freud,

Emotional development in early childhood is reflected in the ability to withstand stress, negative influences in the future, helps to learn how to adequately evaluate different people and be able to communicate with them. Based on his own and parental experience, the baby receives the concept of good and bad, forms an idea of ​​family values. Growing up, happy children turn into successful and contented people who are able to take responsibility for their actions.

Problems of adults with difficult childhood

What happens to children who have had difficult childhoods? If the mother and father are not engaged in the upbringing and development of their child, do not pay due attention to each other and constantly quarrel, an adult who has grown up in such an environment develops distorted ideas about family values. They consider their behavior the only and natural norm. Due to the psychological phenomenon of “contagiousness of emotions”, if parents are torn between family and work, and at home they are in a constant depressed and gloomy mood, children “take over” their condition and begin to feel the same way.

Often, children who have experienced abuse from relatives, growing up, begin to “educate” their own children in the same way, not knowing a different attitude. Some psychologists believe it is caused by an unconscious desire to put oneself in the place of the aggressor, so as not to be a defenseless victim anymore.

How childhood difficulties affect character

People whose childhood was not happy often have many psychological problems that prevent them from living a full life. These problems make them perform inappropriate actions that are harmful to themselves and to others. If the parents did not take care of the child and did not instill moral guidelines, the adult will not have a clear system of values. He will not feel remorse when doing a "bad deed" and will not receive satisfaction from a good deed.

Of course, a “hard childhood” is not a sentence. Not necessarily a child, deprived of the love and attention of parents, grows up a criminal. But it is much more difficult for such people to understand their desires and motives, they often underestimate themselves and constantly feel unhappy, unworthy of a good relationship.

A book to help a child during a difficult period

Disbelief in one's own attractiveness forms such unpleasant character traits as deceit, greed, hypocrisy. Children who grew up without any care at all or with only one parent may envy the "happy children" from complete families. They do not know how to communicate and hardly make friends.

On the other hand, the ability to overcome difficulties can have a positive impact on the future life of the child. Those who are used to coping with difficulties, defending their point of view and learning to build relationships on their own often become successful in adulthood. Literary works can help children overcome difficult periods, understand complex moral issues and the actions of other people.

Discussion of the role of childhood in literature lessons

The behavior of book characters, the experiences associated with them, make it possible to feel in the place of another, to understand the motives for the actions of different people. Trying on all sorts of roles, the baby gets acquainted with a variety of moral systems, forms his own values ​​and personality. By pronouncing the experiences and feelings associated with a particular character, the parent contributes to the emotional development of his child, teaching him to be kind, caring, attentive to the needs of other people.

To discuss the problem of the role of childhood in a person's life, arguments in favor of the influence of early years on the formation of personality, children can at school in literature lessons. This question is raised in many classical works. The topic for the essay "The role of childhood in a person's life" is found at the exam. To receive a high mark, students need to formulate their own point of view on the problem and justify it using their knowledge, personal experience and arguments from several literary works.

The role of childhood in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

To reveal the theme of education as a way of forming a personality, one should pay attention to the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The protagonist is a nobleman, he has been surrounded by the culture and life of the capital since childhood. Onegin's personality is extraordinary, therefore he does not feel satisfaction from secular life, although he was brought up among the noble intelligentsia. This contradictory state is manifested in the episode of the duel with Lensky, which leads the main character to the loss of the meaning of life.

Tatyana Larina, the heroine of the novel by A. S. Pushkin, received a completely different upbringing. Her personality was influenced by Russian culture and Western novels. She absorbed folk traditions through her environment, thanks to fairy tales and legends that her nanny told little Tanya. The childhood of the heroine passed among the beauties of Russian nature and folk rituals. The influence of the West reflects Pushkin's ideal of education: combining European education with the national traditions of Russia. That is why Tatyana stands out for her strong moral principles and strong character, which distinguishes her from the rest of the heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

The question of the influence of education on character in the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Schoolchildren can be recommended to take one of the works of L. N. Tolstoy as an example for writing. In the novel War and Peace, Peter Rostov, who inherited kindness and openness from his parents, shows his best qualities in his first and only battle, right before his death. Other heroes of the epic, Helen and Anatole Kuragin, who did not know the love of their parents and were brought up in a family where money was valued above all else, grow up as selfish and immoral people.

Goncharov: the problem of the role of childhood in human life, arguments. "Oblomov"

Writer I. A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" focuses on the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The protagonist of the work, Ilya Oblomov, is completely unable to take care of himself, as he grew up in "greenhouse conditions". He does not complete any of his decisions and does not even try to start doing something, but only mentally imagines how good it will be in the end. His friend, the energetic and active Stolz, was taught by his parents to be independent from childhood. This hero is disciplined, hardworking and knows what he wants.

Impressions of childhood in the work of V. Soloukhin "The Third Hunt"

At a literature lesson, the teacher may offer to analyze an excerpt from the collection of the Soviet writer V. Soloukhin "The Third Hunt" to help students understand the problem of the role of childhood in human life. Arguments based on Soloukhin's text concern not only the formation of personality, but also the influence of childhood impressions on the fate of an adult, his connection with the Motherland. He colorfully illustrates his idea with detailed metaphors related to nature, and sketches from the life of Russian poets. The author argues that the foundation of personality is laid in childhood, and the memories and impressions of youth are always reflected in the future.

Education of the nobility in the "Undergrowth" by D. I. Fonvizin

The famous comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth” is also devoted to the problem of the role of childhood in human life. The author's arguments and reflections show what a strong influence his family has on the child's personality. The main character - Mitrofanushka, whose name has become a household name, adopts greed, cruelty and other vices of his mother. He received slavish inclinations from a serf nanny and the qualities of a tyrant from his own parents, which is reflected in his behavior and treatment of people. The image of Mitrofan indicates the decline of the noble society, caused by improper upbringing.

The Problem of the Role of Childhood in Human Life: Arguments from the Literature of Foreign Writers

The works of Charles Dickens, where the main characters are often people with a difficult childhood, are perfect for illustrating the problem of the influence of young years on the formation of personality. In the novel "David Copperfield", largely autobiographical, the writer portrays a man who remained good, despite the constant humiliation, difficulties and injustice of life. Little David constantly comes to the aid of ordinary people, which allows him to maintain faith in their sincerity. The boy himself learns to distinguish good from evil, to adequately evaluate himself. He has the ability to see the positive traits in every person.

Margaret Drabble's novel One Summer Season shows that childhood is not just a period limited to a certain age, it is also associated with psychological maturity. An adult is responsible for his decisions and actions, he understands the importance of mutual assistance and has worldly wisdom.

The role of childhood: arguments from journalism

In journalism, the problem of the role of childhood in a person's life is also often considered. Arguments for an essay on this topic can be taken from the article by A. Zamostyanov "Childhood and youth in the fate of Suvorov." In his work, the author says that the commander's personality was strongly influenced by his mother's stories about the famous military leaders of the past: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. The parent accompanied her story with the comment that the strength of a person is in the head, and not in the hands. It was after such stories that this sickly boy began to develop and temper himself, because he wanted to become a military man.

The period of childhood is very important for the full and harmonious development of the individual. It is the basis for an adequate perception of oneself and one's strengths, the world around and the further happy life of a person.

In the work "Oblomov" Goncharov touches on the topic of common vices inherent in society in any era: laziness, indifference, unwillingness to change fate for the better.

The author describes Oblomov's childhood in detail so that the reader can understand the reasons that influenced the formation of his weak-willed character. Indecision made him a failure. The writer suggests that such behavior will not lead to a happy and fulfilling life.

Guardianship of relatives

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent a carefree childhood in the village of Oblomovka. In the family estate, he lived not only with his mother and father. In addition to servants, many relatives lived there.

"He's pretty, chubby. Such round cheeks.

Was the only child in the family. The household fed the little boy with all sorts of sweets.

“The whole retinue of the house picked up Ilyushka in their arms, began to shower with praise and affection. He barely had time to wipe the traces of uninvited kisses.

Before the youngest Oblomov had time to wake up, the nanny rushed to him to help him get up and get dressed. Further, the mother hurried to her beloved son from the next room. The woman gave the boy tenderness, excessive care.

“She examined him with a greedy look, checked if her eyes were cloudy, wondered if something hurt.”

The boy understood that all his whims were instantly fulfilled. He turned into the same lazy, indifferent to all manifestations of human life, like those around him. If he tried to do something on his own, then those close to him suppressed all his aspirations.

“As soon as Ilya wants something, he just blinks - three or four lackeys rush to fulfill his desires.”

It was turned into an exotic plant, slowly growing in a greenhouse.

"All manifestations of activity and strength turned inward and withered away."

Sometimes the boy was overcome by an irresistible desire to run away from home, to lose the care of each of the household members. As soon as he went down the stairs, or ran out into the yard, several people were already rushing after him with shouts and prohibitions.

Agility and curiosity

Little Ilya grew up as an active child. When he saw that the adults were busy, he instantly tried to hide from their care.

“He passionately wanted to run up to the gallery surrounding the house to look at the river from a height.”

They caught up with him, and he again tried to slip away to the dovecote, into the ravine, or into the birch forest, where goblin and werewolves could be found. That's what the nurse said. It happened that she spent the whole day in turmoil and running after her pupil.

Oblomov grew up inquisitive.

“He will calm down, sit down near the nanny, look at everything so intently. He observes all the phenomena that take place before him.

He asks her why there is light and darkness, notices that a shadow forms on the ground from a horse harnessed to the reins, compares the sizes, realizing that the barrel is many times larger than the lackey carrying it on a cart.

Going out for a walk outside the yard, while the governess is hiding in the cold, the kid is closely watching the beetles, catching dragonflies, putting them on a straw. He will jump into the ditch, begin to peel the roots, eat them instead of sweet apples.

“Not a single trifle, not a single feature escapes the attention of a child. A picture of domestic life cuts into the soul, imbues the child's mind with examples, unconsciously imposes the program of the child's fate on the life that surrounds him.

The habits of parents and relatives who shaped the character of little Ilya.

In the Oblomov estate, it was believed that the craft did not ennoble a person at all.

“Ilya’s relatives endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love.”

The boy's father preferred only to observe the servants and relatives, ask them about their activities, give instructions. Mother could talk for hours with the lackeys, the tenants of the house. She loved to be in the garden, to watch how the fruits are poured.

"The main concern of the family was the kitchen and dinner."

Everyone gathered together, vigorously discussing the preparation of dishes. This was followed by rest. “The house is quiet. It's time for an afternoon nap." A similar state took possession of everyone. Snoring and snoring could be heard from all corners of the house.

“Ilyusha watched everything.

Rarely does anyone raise their head, look senselessly, turn over in surprise on the other side, spit awake, slurp their lips, fall asleep again. At this time, adults did not care at all that little Ilya could be left completely unattended.

His relatives were always in a carefree mood, they did not strive to improve their life, but rejoiced at what was sent to them. Their lives flowed like a quiet river. If something broke down in the house, collapsed, then rarely was the breakdown repaired. It was easier for people to talk about christenings, weddings, beliefs associated with them. They discussed all kinds of recipes, went to visit, played cards. This lifestyle of loved ones left an indelible mark on the formation of the character and habits of the young Oblomov. Gradually, as the boy grew older, general laziness took possession of him.


Parents believed that learning to read and write is a very exhausting and unnecessary activity. They wanted their son to get his diploma as quickly as possible, without putting much effort into it. At the age of thirteen, "father and mother sat down a spoiler for books." It cost them tears, whims and cries. He was sent to the village of Verkhlevo, to a boarding house.

The son did not have a special zeal for learning. When he came home, he tried, under any pretext, to stay on the estate as long as possible.

“Sad, he came to his mother. She knew why. She secretly sighed about being separated from him for a whole week.

His parents encouraged his every request. They were looking for an excuse for their weak-willed behavior. The reasons why the boy stayed at the manor were varied. The problem for them could be heat or cold, parental Saturday, a holiday, the upcoming preparation of pancakes. Mother and father did not think about the negative features of such an upbringing. Adult Ilya Oblomov will have to face the consequences of excessive parental love more than once.

But why did the character of Oblomov develop in such a way? Why did his life, in his own words, “begin with withering”? What is the reason for his impotence and inability? The answer to all these questions is the famous dream of Oblomov, which at the same time serves as the key to understanding the entire novel. Oblomov's childhood memories in his "Dream" are composed of three successive moments. First, he recalls himself as a very small, lively and inquisitive boy.

Goncharov uses these memories of Oblomov in order to paint a picture of a whole day in Oblomovka, to show among what everyday phenomena Ilya Ilyich’s childhood passed, what impressions fell into his mind, which “was saturated with these living examples and unconsciously drew for itself a program of his life in life, his surrounding". Then another moment: Oblomov recalls the tales of his old nurse on long winter evenings; these fairy tales are also imbued with the spirit of "Oblomovism": they transfer the child's fantasy to a magical land, with honey rivers and jelly banks, where there is an eternal holiday, where the chosen hero is lucky in everything, where everything is given to him without effort and hassle, because he is taken care of a magical pike or some beneficent sorceress; and although the child later learns that this magical land does not exist, nevertheless “he unconsciously sometimes feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale, and everything involuntarily pulls him in the direction where they only know that they are walking, where no worries and sorrows; he always has the disposition to lie on the stove, walk around in a ready-made, unearned dress and eat at the expense of a good sorceress.

Finally, Oblomov also recalls the later period of his childhood, when his studies had already begun and he traveled from Oblomovka "to science" to the German Stolz. The “Oblomovites” understood only the external benefit of education, they knew that without it it was impossible to enter the service, it was impossible to “leave
into people”, but they had no idea about the inner dignity of enlightenment. Therefore, they treated the education of their son purely formally, as serving an unpleasant but necessary duty, and not only did not contribute to the successful and correct course of education, but often interfered with it, tearing the boy away from business for various, sometimes completely insignificant reasons. Of course, such an attitude of relatives could not contribute to the development of perseverance and diligence in the young Oblomov, but, on the contrary, only encouraged his natural laziness.

The development of laziness was further facilitated by the fact that from childhood the child was not allowed to do anything on his own, they watched his every step, prevented the slightest desire: Zakhar dressed him and combed his hair, the servants rushed to fulfill his every order, his relatives surrounded him with their cares; all this killed all independence in him, taught him to rely in everything on others, on other people's help, made him apathetic and weak-willed, incapable of lively activity, led him to a "miserable state of moral slavery," in the words of Dobrolyubov.

In this "Dream" Goncharov painted a broad picture of rural landlord life in the provincial wilderness. This picture, at first glance, resembles an idyll, the faces depicted in it are distinguished by good nature, gentleness, hospitality, the author’s attitude towards them is imbued with sympathy, but if you think deeper into the general meaning of this picture, then the idyllic impression is gradually dissipated and replaced by others, more serious and sad thoughts, and reveals the deeply tragic meaning of “Oblomovism” as that “nameless” evil from which the “kind, intelligent, gentle, noble” Oblomov died (Olga’s words).

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