Life choice in the story "After the ball". Life choice in the story “After the ball” Essay on the topic of a fat woman after the ball

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In his story “After the Ball”, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, in his wonderful literary language, tells us about a big problem inherent in the upper class of that time, about hypocrisy and duplicity.

The hero of the story is a simple nobleman, a good person, not quite of high quality.

Educated, but having a decent upbringing and moral values ​​instilled in childhood. He is an ordinary inhabitant of his era, constantly in a state of joy, revelry and falling in love, not particularly delving into what is actually happening in the country where he lives and in the society in which he lives. He is in love with the slender, graceful Varenka with a wonderful smile and sparkling eyes, and is completely fascinated by her father - a stately handsome man with a white moving mustache. Her father is a colonel with refined manners and a very pleasant person to talk to. Dancing at the ball with his daughter, he shines. Ivan Vasilyevich, looking at them, admires and falls in love even more with both his daughter and his father. His heart is overflowing with emotions and pleasant excitements, the world seems pink and serene. Returning home, Ivan Vasilyevich fully realizes that Varenka is his soulmate, his love, his light and his life. His feelings are so genuine that he can not be near her. And in the morning he rushes to her house ... And then the irreparable happens.

On the way to the house of his beloved, he observes a cruel scene of torture. Soldiers led by a colonel are beating a Tatar. A man begs for mercy, but no one hears him, his whole back is already a bloody mess. And then a ferocious colonel pounces on one of his soldiers and beats him, for what, they say, you gently punish. The ladle, which yesterday shone at the ball, today severely beats the soldier, and it is clear that he is used to this business and even likes it. The worldview of our hero, at that moment, turned upside down. The father of the beloved Varenka appears as a terrible and merciless barbarian, whose true face is very different from the secular lion, whom he used to be at balls or at home in the company of people equal to himself. Ivan Vasilievich is shocked, so far he has not encountered the army, although he intended to connect his life with this, in his opinion, worthy occupation. It is clear that after what he saw, he no longer thinks so. But what about Varya? Her father's hypocrisy, his duplicity, does not remain without consequences. Our hero is disappointed in feelings, in a recently beloved girl, he sees a tough father. Varya is now associated with him only with meanness and heartlessness. Varenka remains only a memory. What he saw killed all the dreams of the young nobleman and made him look around and rethink the whole world in which he lives.

Tolstoy wrote this story based on real events that happened to his brother, about fifty years before writing the creation itself. And the hero of the story rethought his whole life, just like the brother of Lev Nikolayevich, he revised it and realized that he could not live, love, breathe near such a barbarian as the colonel turned out to be.

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I used to think of Tolstoy as the creator of major, epoch-making works. After all, this writer is known throughout the world as the author of "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection". However, towards the end of his life, Tolstoy turned to storytelling. The work "After the Ball" is one of the most famous stories of the writer.

It is known that the writer learned about the incident that formed the basis of "After the Ball" in his youth. As a student at Kazan University, Tolstoy heard from his acquaintances about the cruel punishment that took place during Lent. The impression of this terrible story so sunk into the soul of the writer that he remembered it for many years.

Needless to say, I liked this story. It makes a very painful impression. Its main part, describing the punishment of the fugitive Tatar, leaves a feeling of horror. The same dreary horror that the narrator experienced after everything he saw: “Meanwhile, my heart was almost physical, reaching nausea, melancholy, such that I stopped several times, and it seemed to me that I was about to vomit with all that horror, who entered me from this spectacle.

Reading the first part of the story, describing the ball, you are filled with a light and bright feeling. You experience a sense of peace and happiness, which only Tolstoy can create in his works. On the pages of his best works, describing family comfort, home holidays, this warm, wonderful mood is always present. In "After the Ball" the narrator at the ball is as happy as a young man in love who knows no troubles in life can be happy. Ivan Vasilyevich enjoyed his youth, beauty, his love.

Tolstoy psychologically subtly describes the state of the narrator: “Just as it happens that after one drop poured out of a bottle, its contents pour out in large jets, so in my soul love for Varenka freed all the ability of love hidden in my soul. At that time I embraced the whole world with my love. I loved the hostess in the feronniere, with her Elizabethan bust, and her husband, and her guests, and her lackeys, and even the engineer Anisimov, who was sulking at me. To her father, with his house boots and affectionate, similar to her smile, I experienced at that time some kind of enthusiastic tender feeling.

How beautiful is the description of Varenka's dance with her father! The father, already overweight, but still handsome and fit, cannot get enough of his beautiful daughter. Their dance speaks of the love of father and daughter, a strong family, the warmth of spiritual relationships. All this was so clearly visible that at the end of the dance the guests applauded the colonel and Varenka. The narrator felt that he, too, loved Pyotr Vladislavich. And how could it be otherwise: after all, he is the father of his adored Varenka!

The description of the ball leaves a warm and bright impression. You rejoice for the hero, you feel good and easy at heart. And what a contrast sounds the second part of the story, which is the main one in the work! The feeling of fear and horror comes gradually. Her first sign is music, "hard and bad", as well as something big, black, approaching the narrator.

A passer-by blacksmith also becomes a witness to the punishment of the Tatar. His reaction confirms all the inhumanity and nightmare of what is happening. On the field, through two rows of soldiers, a Tartar, naked to the waist, was driven away. He was tied to the guns of two soldiers leading him through the ranks. Each of the soldiers had to hit the fugitive. The Tartar's back turned into a bloodied piece of meat. The fugitive begged to end his torment: “At each blow, the punished, as if surprised, turned his face wrinkled from suffering in the direction from which the blow fell, and, baring his white teeth, repeated some of the same words. It was only when he was very close that I heard these words. He did not speak, but sobbed: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy." But the soldiers did not know mercy.

Everything that happened was watched by a colonel who strictly followed the Tatar. The narrator recognized this colonel as Varenka's father, who pretended not to know Ivan Vasilyevich. The colonel not only watched what was happening, but made sure that the soldiers did not “smear”, they beat at full strength.

And this happened on the first day of Lent! Without a doubt, all these soldiers, not to mention the colonel, considered themselves true Christians. I'm not talking about the fact that in general such a mockery of a person is not Christian. But to do this in Great Lent, when all people remember the torment of Christ! Or do the soldiers think that the Tatar is not a man, because he is a non-believer?

The first feeling that the narrator experienced was universal shame for everyone: for these people, for himself. How can this happen in the world, and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again? These questions remain in my head after reading the story. But, in my opinion, these are eternal questions that have tormented people for many centuries and will always torment.

Concerning himself, the narrator solved them: he simply withdrew. Ivan Vasilyevich decided never to serve, so as not to be involved in such crimes against his soul. Rather, it was an unconscious decision. It was the command of the soul of Ivan Vasilievich, the most correct in his conditions, in my opinion.

I don't know if I liked the story of L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". I can only say with certainty that he did not leave me indifferent. And one more thing: I want my future children to read it.

Life choice in the story "After the Ball" is an important problem raised by L. N. Tolstoy. The writer shows that two heroes of the work choose: the colonel and Ivan Vasilyevich.

Decisive situation

The turning point in the mind of the narrator is the episode when he saw that the father of the girl he was in love with was leading the execution of a poor soldier. The pictures he saw forever changed the worldview of Ivan Vasilyevich. This situation puts the hero before an important choice in his life.

Choice of main character

Ivan Vasilyevich sees a terrifying picture, sees the eyes of a soldier who has been tested, hears his pitiful speeches. And the narrator is faced with a choice: to resist such a cruel society or join its ranks. Ivan Vasilievich refuses high society, from any service, and, most importantly, he refuses his love. Ivan Vasilyevich realized that he could not connect his life with the daughter of such a cruel person. The conscience of the hero wins in the fight against social injustice. The narrator has made his choice in favor of mercy. He notes that he forever decided that he would not go to serve, because he understood that the actions of the colonel were ordinary things, that he would also have to act immorally and cruelly. For Ivan Vasilyevich, this is unthinkable. In any situation, you must remain human. L. N. Tolstoy tried to convey this to readers, demonstrating the choice of the protagonist of the story “After the Ball”.

Colonel's Choice

The narrator is not the only character facing a life choice in the work. The colonel, the girl's father, who manages the soldier's execution, faces the same choice. Having met eyes with Ivan Vasilyevich, he could stop this torture of the guilty person, but he does not. Go against the system and become the same victim, or follow the public principles? The Colonel chooses the second option. This is probably due to the fear that for disobedience and rebellion he will be in the place of that same soldier. He could not fight the state system, could not resist it, which is the choice of the hero. Existence and submission to power is more important than honor.

The main character of Leo Tolstoy's novel "After the Ball" Ivanovich Vasilyevich shares his memories of his youth. The whole work of the writer seems to be divided into two parts: the description of the ball itself and the events that occurred after it.

The narrator describes in detail the rich decoration of the hall, beautiful ladies in magnificent dresses, famous musicians and their music, from which the soul becomes warm and joyful. Ivan Vasilyevich is euphoric not only from this, but also from the fact that next to him is his beloved girlfriend Varenka, with whom he is madly in love.

Varya came to the ball with her father. A handsome, fit colonel has all the qualities inherent in a real gentleman: he is polite, courteous, and most importantly (in particular for Vasily Ivanovich), he simply adores his daughter. When you watch your daughter and father dance, you involuntarily begin to admire this charming and sophisticated couple.

The second half of the work is completely opposite to the first. It is even described in such gloomy terms that one immediately feels a huge contrast between these two parts of the novel.

Ivan Vasilyevich becomes an unintentional witness to a disgusting scene in which one unfortunate soldier who has committed a misdemeanor is being driven through the ranks to rude music, and blows are raining down on him from all sides. Varenka's father, the colonel, noticing that one of the soldiers was not hitting the poor fellow hard enough, began to beat the serviceman, while shouting furiously: “Are you going to smear more? Will you?"

Ivan Vasilyevich was simply amazed and discouraged by what he saw. The colonel appeared before him in a completely different light. There was no trace of friendliness and secular manners. Before him was a cruel, arrogant and ruthless man who, without a drop of sympathy, watched the mockery of a soldier and, moreover, expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that the offender was beaten with insufficient zeal.

Being a naturally impressionable person, Ivan Vasilyevich is having a hard time with the tragedy that has unfolded before him. Love for Varenka began to slowly fade away and soon their relationship came to naught. The narrator could not help himself, because every time, looking into the beautiful eyes of his beloved girl, a terrible scene of punishment of a soldier popped up in front of him, the main character of which was her father.

Ivan Vasilievich did not understand how one could be such a two-faced person, so different in different situations. The author of the novel makes the reader think about the following question: is it possible to justify the cruelty of a person, referring to his official duty?

Option 2

The hero of the story L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball" Ivan Vasilyevich tells a story that happened to him in his youth, in the 40s of the 19th century, and influenced his future life, arguing that it's all about the case.

In the center of the story is the ball and the shock from the events that happened after it. The author describes the scene of the ball in detail. Sparkling lights of the hall, magnificent outfits of ladies, wonderful music, famous musicians. Luxury, elegance of movement. Our hero is happy because next to him is a sweet girl Varenka, whom he loves. The girl's father is present at the ball - a stately handsome colonel, with a joyful smile, sparkling eyes. He is a sweet and kind person, kind and polite to those around him, courteous and kind, and loves his daughter. And Varenka is proud of her father. It is touching to look at them from the side. Ivan Vasilyevich likes everything and everyone, because he is in love. Tolstoy describes the ball scene with bright, joyful colors.

In the second part of the story, a grim picture emerges. The episode of the ball contrasts with the events that took place after it. Ivan Vasilievich saw a terrible scene of the punishment of a soldier, when the offender was driven through the ranks to harsh music, and blows rained down on him from both sides. And all this was led by Varenka's father. And when the colonel saw how one of the soldiers with insufficient strength made blows on the back of the punished, he began to beat him, while shouting sharply: “Are you going to smear? Will you?!”

Ivan Vasilyevich was so stunned by this picture, as if he had been convicted of some shameful act. In front of him was a completely different person who calmly watched how a person was being tortured, and was also dissatisfied with the fact that someone was beating badly, regretting it. Being an impressionable person, Ivan Vasilyevich experienced mental anguish. For the first time in his life, he faced injustice, even if not against himself. And relations with Varenka went wrong and gradually began to wane. As soon as Ivan Vasilyevich saw a smile on her face, he remembered the colonel, and he felt uneasy.

It was incomprehensible to him how one could be sincerely kind in one setting and evil in another. Ivan Vasilievich does not find an answer to his questions, but he guesses that society is to blame. He gave up his career and chose a different path.

L.N. Tolstoy leads us to sad reflections. He believes that cruelty cannot be justified by service, by the performance of one's duties.

Essay 3

The protagonist of the work, Ivan Vasilyevich, is characterized as a cheerful, sociable and positive person. The story mentions that he is always in the spotlight and liked to talk about his young years. After reading the story, an opinion appears that he is the soul of the company, loves to talk and remember the past. During his story, I would love to look into his eyes to see if he regrets his choice. The author wished that this remained, probably, a mystery or gave free rein to reflections.

All memories are filled with kindness, love and pride for his actions that he did, or vice versa - he was careful not to harm his health and precious reputation. Indeed, in the old days, reputation was not an empty phrase, as it is now. The listeners were always there and grateful, they listened so attentively and asked questions, which raised memories even deeper, which, from time to time, deviated from the topic they had begun.

From the stories about Varenka, it can be argued that feelings for her, nevertheless, remained and glimmered in the soul with a pleasant thrill until now. He recalled that at one ball all his attention was focused on her, although there were many other young creatures there. Ivan Vasilievich refused intoxicating drinks and communication with other people. But in those days, it was at such events that people made useful contacts or even acquired business partners.

The father of the beloved, at that time, made the best impression and disposition. Tall, slender, stately, and most importantly - laughing eyes and lips. In the dance of father and daughter, the colonel's boots attracted the attention. They were not in fashion with a square toe, and the narrator explained this to himself by the fact that the father saves on himself in order to dress and take out his daughter. Ivan Vasilyevich was left under a pleasant and sweet impression of a fresh old man.

After dinner, when Varenka again became a dancing partner, the cheerful joker, forgetting about everything in the world, serenely circled with her until morning. Probably because of the dazzling smile, he did not feel any fatigue or his body. From this we can conclude that Ivan Vasilyevich loved to have fun and very often changed his hobbies to brighter and more intoxicating ones.

Arriving home, the main character exhausted joy and warmth. In everything he saw tenderness, in his sleeping brother, who could not bear the light, and to the footman Petrusha, who, waking up, rushed to help. Ivan Vasilyevich still could not fall asleep, looking at his trophies - a glove and a feather from the fan of his beautiful Varenka. This is quite understandable when a person is very impressionable, he lives on memories for a long time. Insomnia, on the basis of pleasant impressions, prompted him to take an early walk to the house behind the field. With pleasant thoughts and quivering memories, the road was mastered imperceptibly.

The spectacle that I had to see was stunning. The sounds of the flute and drums stuck in my memory for a long time, like nasty sounds. The appearance of Colonel Peter gradually killed feelings for Varenka. This is how one moment can change the fate of a person. Ivan Vasilievich was sure that this picture would always be associated with the military family. His kind heart and touching soul could not stand such torment, and he refused to meet with a charming dance partner. Still, self-pity surpassed feelings, because he was worried that he would remember and excite his well-being. Even refused military service.

The main character of the work is Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, presented by the writer in the form of a Soviet army officer who returned from the war.

So the hot time of vacations and sea adventures has ended. Increasingly, the sky is overcast with lead clouds, the evenings have become cold and long, but during the day you can still soak up the rays of the warm sun.

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    (462 words) L. N. Tolstoy in his story “After the Ball” clearly demonstrated how a person’s life and worldview can completely and completely change in just one night. The work begins with the statement of the protagonist Ivan Vasilyevich that the formation of personality is far from being affected by the environment surrounding him, but by chance. As an argument for his statement, he tells a story from his life.

    During his youth, Ivan Vasilievich was a charming, broken and careless guy. He was also very amorous, but his greatest love was a certain Varenka B - a majestic beauty. At the next ball, Ivan Vasilievich had a great time, performing all kinds of dances with Varenka all evening. The hero was full of joyful emotions, he literally "was drunk with love without wine." He was also pleased that the girl's father, the "military chief", comely and benevolent in appearance, had nothing against his relationship with Varenka. Looking at him, Ivan Vasilyevich felt admiration and respect. And watching the dance of his daughter with his father, the hero was touched and began to honor Colonel B., who, apparently, is ready for a lot, for the sake of the happiness of his child.

    After the end of the ball, our hero was inspired with happiness. He was overwhelmed with love, and because of this, he could not sleep, so he decided to take a walk in the night. Wandering the streets, Ivan Vasilyevich suddenly heard strange and frightening sounds. Coming closer, our hero saw the horrifying spectacle of the punishment of the fugitive Tatar. He, tied with his hands to two guns, was led through the line, and everyone standing there hit the deserter with a stick. From this, the back of the punished turned into a bloody mess. The hero could not even imagine that the human body could look like this. With each new blow, the runaway soldier begged for mercy: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy." But the "brothers" did not listen to him and continued their merciless torture. Finally, Ivan Vasilyevich was finished off by the fact that none other than Varenka's father was in command of this entire procession.

    What he saw firmly settled in the head of Ivan Vasilyevich. There was no trace of recent happiness, delight and love, now the young man was overwhelmed with disgust, shame, shock and horror. Hurrying away from the ill-fated place, he felt not only moral pain, but also physical:

    “... my heart was almost physical, reaching nausea, melancholy, such that I stopped several times, and it seemed to me that I was about to vomit ...”.

    The author of the story convincingly and vividly showed us how just one single case can change a person from head to toe. If at the ball we saw a young man hovering in the clouds, who was ready to share his happiness with the whole world, then after that he is in torn feelings: the hero is completely disappointed, lost and dejected. The cruel reprisal against the deserter, which, by coincidence, caught Ivan Vasilyevich in his youth, awakened in him a sense of compassion, responsibility, conscience and humanity. The hero of the story literally matured overnight. And, not being able to prevent this evil, he decided at least not to take part in it, refusing military service and stopping communication with his beloved.

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