Let us my friend be angry openly. Analysis of the poem "You and I are stupid people ..."

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You and I are stupid people:

What a minute, the flash is ready!

Relief of an agitated chest,

An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

Let us, my friend, be angry openly:

The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

If prose in love is inevitable,

So let's take a share of happiness from her:

After a quarrel so full, so tender

The return of love and participation ...

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov "You and I are stupid people", first published in Sovremennik in 1851, addressed to A.Ya. Panaeva and is included in the so-called "Panaevsky cycle". The poet was 22 years old when he met A.Ya. Panaeva. She was 24 years old. Yesterday's proletarian, a literary vagabond, of course, at first he did not even dare to dream of the favor of such a brilliant lady. Her husband married her when Avdotya Yakovlevna was not yet nineteen, "almost in order to flaunt a beautiful wife in front of friends and walk with her to music in Pavlovsk." It was not easy for N.A. Nekrasov this woman. Out of desperation, he almost rushed into the Volga, but he was not such a person to fall behind. This duel lasted from 1843 to 1848, when she finally became his wife. But by this time A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasov were already completely different people.

The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." is about love, but love is not romantic, enthusiastic. Key words that speak about relationships A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasov, - "minute", "flash", "excites and torments the soul", "share of happiness", "return of love".

There are two heroes in the poem: he and she, the lyrical hero and his beloved. The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." - the appeal of the lyrical hero to his beloved. ON THE. Nekrasov uses the appeal ("my friend"), verbs in the imperative mood ("speak").

This lyrical work can be divided into two parts: 1) a description of life, quarrels; 2) the appeal of the lyrical hero to his beloved (request, offer of compromise).

In this poem, consonant sounds [w], whistling, are repeated. Alliteration helps convey the ardor of a quarrel, indignation, indignation. In addition, hissing and whistling sounds affect the sound of the poem, slowing it down, making it more drawn out. Undoubtedly, the poetic size - an anapaest that conveys duration - was also chosen by the author not by chance.

ON THE. Nekrasov long and painfully loved the writer A.Ya. Panaev. He sings in his poems of deep love, mutual understanding and friendship of those who love. However, life is complex and tragic, and N.A. Nekrasov often talk about the dramatic pages of their love. The poet writes about this in the poem "You and I are stupid people ...". Heavy quarrels very often occurred between them, but love won, and they reconciled again. The poet here refers to Panaeva, calling both stupid due to frivolous quarrels that flare up like a match.

He asks her not to collect irritation, anger, resentment in herself, not to accumulate it, but to give them an outlet. It is better to shout out, to speak openly, not to conceal, and then it will become easy on the soul, and there will be no secrets between them. After all, "the world is easier - and more likely to get bored." And if there is a prose of life in love, then happiness can also be extracted from it: after a quarrel, love flares up even more.

N.A. Nekrasov (1821–1877/1878). Brief biographical information

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province. The childhood years of the poet passed on the Volga, in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province.

Nekrasov's father was a cruel landowner-serf, despotic in relation not only to the peasants, but also to his relatives, especially to the poet's mother. Nekrasov's mother, a kind, intelligent and educated woman, died untimely (in 1841). Both the feudal tyranny of his father and his cruelty towards his mother left a trace in the poet's soul for life. From childhood, Nekrasov knew the life of the common people, sympathized with him.

In 1832, Nekrasov entered the gymnasium in the city of Yaroslavl. The first literary experiments of the poet belong to this time. After graduating from high school, Nekrasov went to study in St. Petersburg. The future poet aspired to enter the university, and not to go into military service, as his father wanted. As a result, Nekrasov was left without any material support. The first years of the poet's life in St. Petersburg were very difficult.

First period creativity of Nekrasov - 1830s - early 1840s. It was the time of the literary apprenticeship of the poet. The main event of this period was the publication in 1840 of the collection Dreams and Sounds.

Second period creativity - 1840s. Nekrasov - poet of the natural school. Nekrasov is distinguished by an interest in social problems, in the life of the common people, the poor. The main pathos of Nekrasov's works of this period is sympathy for the "humiliated and insulted", compassion for the "little man".

Third period creativity - late 1840s - first half of the 1850s.The theme of peasant Russia, outlined already in the 1840s, becomes the main one in the work of Nekrasov. The most famous poems of this period are "The Uncompressed Strip" (1854), "In the Village" (1854), "The Forgotten Village" (1855).

The fourth period creativity - mid 1850s - 1870s. Nekrasov becomes poet of revolutionary democracy. The program poem, which opens a new period in Nekrasov's work, is "The Poet and the Citizen" (1855).

Let us also name such works of this period as Reflections at the Front Door (1858), Peasant Children (1861), Railroad (1864), Elegy (1874), O Muse! I am at the door of the coffin ... "(1877)," Who is good to live in Rus' "(1863-1877).

Analysis of poems

"On the road"

The poem "On the Road" was created in 1845 year. This is a prime example lyrics Nekrasov period "natural school". The theme of the common people begins to occupy a central place in the work of the poet. Of particular note here motif of a harsh female lot.

The work "On the Road" is written in the form poetic dialogue- a conversation between a lyrical hero and a coachman. Rider's words frame confession peasant, which determines ring composition poems.

The work opens with the appeal of the rider to the coachman:

Boring! boring! A song or something, buddy, binge About recruitment and separation; What a funny story Or what you saw, tell me - I will, brother, be grateful for everything.

In the center of the coachman's story - story his wife Pears, who was brought up in a manor house and was not accustomed to the difficult conditions of peasant life. Having married a simple peasant, Grusha found herself in an unbearable situation for her, which undermined the health of a young woman and brought her closer to death:

Hear how the sliver is thin and pale, It walks, then, completely through its strength, It won’t eat two spoons of oatmeal a day - Tea, we’ll dump it into the grave in a month ... And why? .. God knows, I didn’t torment her with tireless work. .. He dressed and fed, he didn’t scold without a way, He respected, tois, that’s how, willingly ... And, listen, to beat - he almost didn’t beat him, Unless under a drunken hand ...

hopelessness situation is also emphasized by the final exclamation of the rider, performed bitter irony:

Well, that's enough, coachman! You dispersed my unrelenting boredom! ..

The poem sounds characteristic of Nekrasov road motif; the road symbolizes hard life path person. In the coachman's story, we note colloquial words and expressions(“You see”, “hang out”, “tea”, “hear”), which give the work a bright folk flavor.


The theme of the poem "Troika" ( 1846 ) –the hard fate of a peasant woman.

The work is based on contrast between natural beauty heroines and hard fate which has been prepared for her.

The poem is written in the form of an appeal lyrical hero to a girl:

What are you greedily looking at the road

Away from cheerful girlfriends?

Know, heart beat alarm,

Your whole face suddenly lit up.

And why are you running so fast

Behind the troika who rushed after?

On you, akimbo beautifully,

A passing cornet looked in.

Note ring composition works. The theme, set in the first two quatrains in the form of a question, sounds again in the last quatrains as a bleak statement:

Do not look longingly at the road

And do not rush after the three,

And sad anxiety in my heart

Shut it down forever!

Do not catch up with you crazy three:

The horses are strong, and full, and brisk,

And the coachman drunk, and to the other

A young cornet rushes by in a whirlwind ...

The closeness of the composition of the work emphasizes hopelessness heroine's fate.

Nekrasov's poem is symbolic. road image symbolizes the difficult life path of a peasant woman. "Mad Three"- a symbol of another life, unrealizable happiness.

Anapaest gives the poem melodiousness characteristic of folk poetry.

"Yesterday, at six o'clock..."

Many of Nekrasov's poems of the 1840s were written in the form of a sketch street scene. One of these works is “Yesterday, at six o'clock ...” ( 1848 ):

Yesterday at six o'clock

I went to Sennaya;

They beat a woman with a whip,

A young peasant woman.

Not a sound from her chest

Only the whip whistled, playing ...

And I said to the Muse: “Look!

Your own sister!"

From specific life fact the poet goes to the wide artistic summary.

Symbolism plays an important role in the work. symbolic image of Sennaya Square- Places of punishment for common people. Woman suffering under the scourge, - a symbol of long-suffering peasant Russia.

The poem also contains the theme of the poet and poetry. The unfortunate woman is called the sister of Nekrasovskaya Muses. For the first time in Russian poetry, the Muse appears not in the form of a Bacchante and not in the form of a “county lady” (as in Pushkin), but in the form of a simple peasant woman, excised with a whip.

"You and I are stupid people..."

The poem "You and I are stupid people ..." is written in 1851 year and is dedicated to Avdotya Panaeva. This work belongs to love lyrics poet. The lyrical hero of this work, without romantic idealization, speaks of the feelings of loved ones, of the joys and quarrels of their life together. true feelings, according to the poet, inseparable from the prose of life:

You and I are stupid people: What a minute, then the flash is ready! Relief of an agitated chest, An unreasonable, harsh word. Speak when you are angry, Everything that excites and torments the soul! Let us, my friend, be angry openly: The world is easier - and rather bored. If prose is inevitable in love, So let's take a share of happiness from it: After a quarrel, so full, so tender, The return of love and participation ...

"Forgotten Village"

The poem "Forgotten Village" ( 1855 ) is different satirical direction. It ridicules slave mentality of the people, the naive faith of the peasants in the "good master".

The poet depicts various representatives of the village. This and Nenil's grandmother, and steward Vlas, and fist neighbor, and free farmer.

In the first six lines, the author tells about three cases of injustice towards the peasants. The steward refused grandmother in the forest; the kulak neighbor took away from the peasants a “hefty shoal” of land; the German ruler forbade Natasha's marriage to a free plowman. All the hope of the peasants is in a good master. The fourth six-verse tells about what happened to the peasants while they were waiting for the master:

Nenila died; in a foreign land

The rogue neighbor has a harvest a hundredfold;

Old boys walk around with beards;

The free farmer fell into the soldiers,

And Natasha herself is no longer delirious about the wedding ...

The master is still gone, the master is still not coming!

Finally comes climactic moment: the arrival of the old master in a coffin and return of the young master to Petersburg. Nekrasov, drawing a generational change bar, emphasizes hopelessness situations: longsuffering people- home the reason for his disobedience.

"Poet and Citizen"

The poem "Poet and Citizen" was created in 1855 year. It was a turning point in Russian history. A social upsurge began, the peak of which was 1861, when serfdom was abolished. In this situation, poetry faced new challenges.

The work is written in the form poetic dialogue. Its members are lyric poet and Citizen. In the image of the Poet-lyric poet, the features of Nekrasov himself are guessed. As for the Citizen, Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky could be his prototypes.

At the same time, both the Poet and the Citizen can be seen in this poem as two sides of the personality of Nekrasov himself, in the soul of which intimate lyrical and civic principles are combined.

Main motive works - high civil appointment of the poet.

The citizen, recognizing the undoubted talent of the Poet (although not the same as that of Pushkin), reproaches his comrade for inactivity in the public arena:

No, you are not Pushkin. But as long as the sun is not visible from anywhere, it is a shame to sleep with your talent; Even more ashamed in the hour of grief The beauty of the valleys, the skies and the sea And the sweet caress to sing...

Citizen urges Poet to take active public position:

A son cannot look calmly On his mother's grief, There will be no worthy citizen Cold in soul to his homeland, There is no bitterer reproach for him... Go into the fire for the honor of your homeland, For conviction, for love... Go and die impeccably. You will not die in vain, the case is solid, When blood flows under it ...

Concludes the work lyrical monologue of the poet in which he recalls his youth. Indeed, at one time he made a great contribution to the defense of the “humiliated and offended”, to the denunciation of social vices:

Without disgust, without fear, I went to prison and to the place of execution, I entered courts, hospitals. I will not repeat what I saw there ... I swear, I honestly hated it! I swear I truly loved!

However, in subsequent years of reaction, fear for his own fate prevented the Poet from fulfilling his civic duty:

And what? .. Hearing my sounds, Considered them black slander; I had to fold my hands humbly Or pay with my head ...

The sincere confession of the Poet can be considered as pledge his return to high civil service.

"Reflections at the Front Door"

The poem "Reflections at the front door" is written in 1858 year. Consider composition works. It can be distinguished three parts. AT first parts of the poet draws front door scenes.The second part represents satire on the "owner of luxurious chambers."The third partsong-groan of the people.

At the core first part poems lie personal impressions of Nekrasov. The poet often had to watch scenes from the window of the apartment, from where the entrance of the house was visible, which was occupied by the Minister of State Property.

The poet denounces servility officials who, being obsessed with the “servile illness”, rush on solemn days to testify their respect to the authorities.

He also draws everyday pictures of the humiliation of weak and disadvantaged petitioners.

And on ordinary days, this magnificent entrance

Poor faces besiege:

Spotlights, place seekers,

And an old man, and a widow.

Central location in the first part of the poem image of wanderer men, reminding us of wanderers-truth-seekers from the poem "Who in Russia should live well":

Once I saw the men came here,

Village Russian people

We prayed to the church and stood far away,

Dangling blond heads to the chest.

The doorman showed up. "Let it go," they say

With an expression of hope and anguish.

He looked at the guests: they are ugly to look at!

Sunburnt faces and hands

Armenian thin on the shoulders,

By knapsack on the backs bent,

Cross on the neck and blood on the legs

Shod in homemade bast shoes.

The image of men is given generally: wanderer peasants not named, outwardly they look the same.

The people here act like great sufferer and at the same time as bearer of high spiritual values, first of all - a deep and unhypocritical faith in God. Christian images and motifs emphasize moral strength people, his striving for mother truth.

Let's turn to second part works.

Sincere faith in God and the high spirituality of the people are opposed godlessness and unrighteousnessnobles- "owner of luxurious chambers." The lyrical hero addresses him with words full of anger:

You, who consider life enviable

Intoxication with shameless flattery,

red tape, gluttony, game,

Wake up! There is also pleasure:

Take them back! You are their salvation!

But the happy are deaf to good...

It is no coincidence that the second part of the poem in its genre is close to satire. The nobleman's life path will end far from his homeland - "under the captivating sky of Sicily." In fact: this statesman, called to look after the interests of his people, in fact does not like Russia; the sorrows and aspirations of the Russian peasantry are alien to him. With caustic irony Nekrasov writes about the “dear and beloved family” of the nobleman, “looking forward to death” of him. The author's irony at the end of the story about the "owner of luxurious chambers" turns into sarcasm:

And you will go to the grave ... hero,

Secretly cursed by the motherland,

Exalted with loud praise!

AT third part poems sounds song-groan of the people. Here the image of the Russian peasantry is extremely generalized. This is no longer about specific male wanderers, but about the entire long-suffering people. It is no coincidence that the sorrows of the peasantry are compared with the wide floods of the Volga:

Volga! Volga! .. In the spring of high water

You don't flood the fields like that

Like the great grief of the people

Our land is full...

The poem ends rhetorical question lyrical hero. This question includes revolutionary democratic idea poems:

Where there are people, there is a groan... Oh, my heart!

What does your endless moan mean?

Will you wake up, full of strength,

Or, fate obeying the law,

All that you could, you have already done:

Created a song like a moan

And spiritually rested forever? ..

The poet mourns for the humility and long-suffering of the people. He hoping for his awakening, on his fight against the oppressors.

"Peasant Children"

"Peasant Children" written in 1861 year. The work is based on Nekrasov's memories of his own childhood, which took place in the described area, in the Yaroslavl province, and about subsequent visits to their native places.

"Peasant Children" lyrical epic poem-like work elements of drama.

epic the beginning is associated with the image pictures of the life of peasant children inseparable from nature. lyrical beginning embodied inthe narrator's thoughts- a hunter who came to his native land. The poem also has dramatic elements(hunter's conversation with children, his conversation with little Vlas, theatrical performance with the dog Fingal); they give the work liveliness,immediacy.

The poem contains motifs such as unity with nature, peasant labor.

Under our thick ancient elms Weary people were drawn to rest. The guys will surround: stories about Kyiv, about a Turk, about wonderful animals will begin.

it picking mushrooms and berries, swimming in the river, playing in the forest.

Mushroom time has not had time to depart, Look - everyone's lips are already black, They filled the mouth: the blueberry has ripened! And there are raspberries, lingonberries, walnuts! A childish cry, repeated by an echo, Rattles through the woods from morning till night.

This and the beginning of the working life of kids:

“Enough, Vanyusha! You walked a lot, It's time for work, dear! But even work will turn first To Vanyusha with its elegant side: He sees how his father fertilizes the field, How he throws grain into the loose earth, How the field then begins to turn green, How the ear grows, pours grain; The finished harvest will be cut with sickles, tied into sheaves, taken to the barn, dried, beaten, beaten with flails, at the mill they will grind and bake bread. A child will taste fresh bread And in the field he more willingly runs after his father. Will they wind up the senets: “Climb, little shooter!” Vanyusha enters the village as a king...

Especially vividly described in the poem an episode when six-year-old Vlas helps his father prepare firewood: "Father, do you hear, he cuts, and I take him away."

Peasant children are watching all cycles of rural labor and actively participate in it. Nekrasov describes in his work various seasons(summer, winter), which enhances the epic scale of the work.

No less important in the poem lyrical reflections poet about peasant children. Noting the free environment of their growth, he also points to the difficult aspects of their life:

Suppose a peasant child grows freely, without learning anything, But he will grow up, if God pleases, And nothing prevents him from bending. Suppose he knows the forest paths, Prancing on horseback, not afraid of water, But his midges mercilessly eat, But he is familiar with the works ...

Thus the poet admires peasant children, their kindness, ingenuity, curiosity, diligence. However, he sympathizes toy hard lot that awaits them in later life.


If the poem “Reflections at the Front Door” (1858) was created during a period of social crisis on the eve of the reform of 1861, then the poem “Railway” ( 1864 ) Nekrasov wrote during the strengthening of the reaction, when the hopes of the revolutionary democrats for an early peasant revolution were not justified.

epigraph serves to the poem conversation in the car between the boy Vanya and his father-general. To Vanya's question about who built the railway, the general replies that it was built by Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmikhel. Already in the epigraph it is planned polemical question, the answer to which is Nekrasov's poem.

In the work four parts.First part starts with picturesque autumn pictures:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

The ice is fragile on the icy river

Like melting sugar lies.

The second part the poem speaks by contrast in relation to the first. The beauty of nature is opposed a horrifying picture of popular suffering.

Start second part polemical. The lyrical hero wants to tell the boy Vanya the truth about the builders of the railway - the very truth that the father hid from the child:

Good papa! Why in charm

Keep Vanya smart?

You let me in the moonlight

Show him the truth.

The truth is dark and cruel. Lyrical hero draws symbolic image of the king-hunger, who rules the poor people, drives them to hard work and eventually leads to death:

There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,

Hunger is his name.

In the center of the second part of the poem Vanya's dream. Here, according to the correct remark of N.N. Skatov, it is especially important that the sufferings of the people are refracted through the consciousness of the child. fairy dream, song of the dead, given in the perception of the boy, contribute to the comprehension of the entire depth of human suffering. Figure standing close up Belarusian peasant:

... Russian hair,

You see, he is standing, exhausted by a fever,

Tall sick Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,

Ulcers on skinny arms

Forever knee-deep in water

The legs are swollen, the tangle in the hair;

I am pitting my chest, which is diligently on the spade

From day to day leaned all century ...

You look at him, Vanya, carefully:

It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

The image of a Belarusian is symbolic. He personifies the unbearable torment of all the builders of the railway.

Complete the second part of the poem reflections lyrical hero about the fate of the Russian people.

On the one hand, he is convinced that the people are destined happy future. The lyrical hero addresses Vanya:

Do not be shy for the dear homeland ...

The Russian people carried enough

Carried out this railroad -

Endure whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear

He will pave the way for himself with his chest ...

On the other hand, the lyrical hero is aware that this bright future neither he nor even little Vanya can wait. Hence the words of the lyrical hero, filled with sadness:

The only pity is to live in this beautiful time

Neither me nor you will have to.

In the third part the poem is given general's point of view who believes that the people are not capable of creative activity:

Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German

Do not create - destroy the master,

Barbarians! A wild crowd of drunkards! ..

Finally, in the fourth part poems lyrical hero at the request of the general shows "bright side" the life of the people. However, the so-called "bright side" is expressed in drunkenness road builders and in their servility before the merchant-contractor. The people drown their grief in wine. It is no coincidence that Nekrasov saw in the patience of the people, in their obedience to the authorities, in their unrestrained drunkenness, the main reason for the lack of revolutionary spirit among the masses.

The final question of the lyrical hero, performed bitter irony, conveys the deep sorrow of the poet:

Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant

With a cry of "Hurrah!" sped along the road...

Seems hard to cheer up the picture

Draw, General?

So, we see that in his poem Nekrasov revealed one of the deepest contradictions of people's life, people's consciousness. On the one hand, Nekrasov showed heroic strength of the Russian people, their "noble work habit". On the other hand, the poet cannot come to terms with patience people, his obedience oppressors.

"Elegy" (1874)

"Elegy" 1874 year - one of the final poems of Nekrasov, where the poet reflects on his serving the people, about my Muse, about meaning Total his creativity.

Researchers have repeatedly noted that in his work the poet relied on Pushkin traditions. "Elegy" is usually called the "Pushkin" poem by Nekrasov. When reading it, associations arise with such famous poems by Pushkin as "The Village" (1819), "... Again I visited ..." (1835), "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ..." (1836), "Echo" (1831) 1.

Consider composition"Elegies". It can be distinguished four parts. Leading motif first partfolk suffering. The poet insists that the theme of popular suffering continues to be relevant in post-reform Russia:

Let the changing fashion tell us

That the theme is the old "suffering of the people"

And that poetry must forget it,

Don't believe me guys! She doesn't age!

Of particular importance here appeal poet to youth, which brings his poem closer to Pushkin's "... I visited again ..." ("Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe! .."). Indeed, Nekrasov writes his poem not only for contemporaries, but also for posterity.

Let's name another poem by Pushkin, reminiscences from which appear in Nekrasov's Elegy. This is the Village. Based on the traditions of the "Village", Nekrasov writes about the suffering of the people:

Alas! While the nations

Dragging in poverty, submitting to scourges,

Like lean herds across mowed meadows,

Mourn their fate, the Muse will serve them,

And in the world there is no stronger, more beautiful union! ..

The task of the poet is to remind the jubilant crowd of the disasters of the people, "to arouse the attention of the mighty of the world to the people."

Turning to analysis second part poems, we quote the following lines of Nekrasov:

I dedicated the lyre to my people.

Perhaps I will die unknown to him,

But I served him - and my heart is calm ...

Here, the echo with Pushkin's poem "I have erected a monument to myself not made by hands..." is obvious. Like Pushkin, Nekrasov takes credit for serving the people. This is the meaning of all his poetry. At the same time, Nekrasov notes such a beginning of his poetic work as his fighting, rebellious spirit:

Let not every warrior harm the enemy,

But everyone go to battle! And fate will decide the battle ...

The poet is not satisfied with the results of the peasant reform. Yes, he "saw a red day: there is no slave in Russia." But at the same time, the poet asks the question: “The people are freed, but are the people happy?” With his question, Nekrasov returns to the topic of people's suffering. The emancipation of the peasants from serfdom did not alleviate their suffering.

If the first two parts of the work are dominated by oratoricalstyle, then in the third part poems lyrical beginning begins to prevail over high pathos. The poet admires the pictures of the peasant suffering, the daily life of the people, which takes place in unity with nature. At the same time, Nekrasov is aware that the work of the peasant continues to be unbearably difficult, exhausting. The poet is again tormented by questions:

In recent years

Have you become more tolerable, peasant suffering?

And the long slavery that came to replace

Has freedom finally made a difference

In folk fates, in the tunes of rural maidens?

Or is their discordant melody just as woeful? ..

Fourth part The poem reminds, according to N.N. Skatov, not only Pushkin's elegy, but also "Evening" (1806) by V.A. Zhukovsky. Nekrasov writes:

Evening is coming. Driven by dreams

Through the fields, through the meadows lined with haystacks,

Thoughtfully wandering in the cool semi-darkness,

And the song itself is formed in the mind ...

The poet indulges in dreams in the bosom of nature, and poetry awakens in his soul. The poet's song finds response in nature:

She is echoed by valleys, fields,

And the echo of distant mountains sends her feedback,

And the forest responded... Nature listens to me.

Nature hears the poet's song, but people to whom this song is addressed, doesn't understand her: "Alas! He does not listen - and does not give an answer. Here the poet is referring to the fact that ideas of revolutionary democracy that they preach do not find understanding in the peasant environment remain alien to the people. That is why the work of Nekrasov acquires such sad sound.

"Oh Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin! .. "

The poem "Oh Muse! I am at the door of the coffin!..” completes the theme of the poet and poetry in Nekrasov's lyrics. It is written in 1877 year, shortly before the death of the poet. In this work, Nekrasov returns to the image of the "whip of the excised Muse" from the poem "Yesterday, at six o'clock ...", 1848.

The poet is sure that his poems and after his death will serve "honest hearts":

O Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin!

Let me blame a lot

Let it increase a hundred times

My guilt is human malice

Do not Cry! Our lot is envied,

Do not abuse us:

Between me and honest hearts

You won't let it break for a long time

Living, blood union!

Not Russian - look without love

On this pale, in blood,

Muse cut with a whip ...

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when was N.A. Nekrasova born, in what places did he spend his childhood? How were childhood impressions reflected in the subsequent work of the poet? Where did Nekrasov study? Why did he, having arrived in St. Petersburg, find himself without a livelihood? Tell us about the first period of the poet's work. What was the name of the collection of poems that ended this period? How does Nekrasov appear to the reader in the 1840s? Name the works written during this period. What new motifs begin to sound in Nekrasov's poetry in the 1850s and in the last period of his work? What work of the poet marked the establishment of revolutionary democratic ideas in his poems? Name the works created by Nekrasov in the second half of the 1850s - 1870s.

2. Make a brief analysis of the poems "On the Road" and "Troika". How do they comprehend the harsh fate of a peasant woman? What are the stylistic features of these works?

3. Make an analysis of the work “Yesterday, at six o'clock ...” What sound does the theme of the poet and poetry acquire here? What can you say about the image of the Nekrasov Muse?

4. What is the novelty of the sound of the motive of love in the poem "You and I are stupid people ..."?

5. Analyze the poem "The Forgotten Village" Why can this work by Nekrasov be classified as a satire genre? Who and what is the poet denouncing here?

6. Make an analysis of the work "Poet and Citizen". In what form is this work written? Give an interpretation to the images of the Poet and the Citizen. What is the meaning of the final confession of the Poet?

7. Analyze the poem "Reflections at the front door." Consider the composition of the work, analyze each of the three parts. How is the author's position expressed in the final terms of "Reflections ..."?

8. Analyze the poem "Peasant Children". How does this work combine epic, lyrical and dramatic elements? What pictures of the life of children does the poet draw here? What is the position of the author in the work?

9. Make an analysis of the "Railway" by analyzing the epigraph and each of the four parts of the work. What symbolic images do we find in the second part? What is the position of the opponent of the lyrical hero - the general? What is the "bright" side of the life of the people, described in the fourth part? What artistic technique does Nekrasov use here?

10. Why do researchers call Nekrasov's poem "Elegy" "Pushkin's"? Reminiscences from what works of Pushkin do we find here? Analyze each of the four parts of the Elegy. What motives sound in each part? Why is the end of this poem so sad?

11. What images from Nekrasov's dying poem “Oh Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin ... "did you meet in his early works? With what does the poet associate his fame among future generations?

You and I are stupid people:
What a minute, the flash is ready!
Relief of an agitated chest,
An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be angry openly:
The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

If prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness from her:
After a quarrel so full, so tender
The return of love and participation ...

Analysis of the poem "You and I are stupid people" by Nekrasov

The personal life of N. Nekrasov was rather strange and caused constant ridicule and gossip in society. The poet in his youth fell madly in love with A. Panaeva, who at that time was already married. Nekrasov was able to achieve reciprocity and from 1846 he lived in the same house with his spouses. Such an unusual development of the novel often led to violent quarrels and scandals. Both lovers were very quick-tempered people, so any little thing was enough for the next conflict. However, these disagreements were always temporary, after each quarrel, reconciliation quickly came. In 1851, Nekrasov wrote the poem "You and I are stupid people ...", in which he described his difficult relationship with Panaeva.

Nekrasov immediately gives an apt definition of himself and his beloved - "stupid people." That is how they were perceived by the surrounding society. After all, Panaeva's husband was well aware of their love relationship, which took place in his house. Therefore, he, too, can be called a "stupid person." In the 19th century, such a relationship was simply unthinkable. But Nekrasov does not seem to care too much about how his novel is perceived in society. He explains the "stupidity" by excessive irritability ("What a minute, then the flash is ready!"). He confirms that the cause of a serious conflict is "an unreasonable, harsh word." The poet was tormented by jealousy and often arranged stormy explanations. Panaeva, feeling right, did not answer. In their hearts, they could tell each other a lot of superfluous things.

Nekrasov, after five years of original life together, already had experience in such relationships. Therefore, he turns to his beloved with a request not to keep irritation in himself, but to immediately express what has accumulated in his soul. He encourages her to "get angry openly." The longer the anger builds up, the stronger and longer the scandal will be. If you let it splash out more often, then reconciliation will come faster. Probably, the constant presence of her lawful husband led Nekrasov to such a thought. It is unlikely that the lovers spoke openly about their relationship with him. Hidden life led to forced silence. Frank conversations began when the lovers were alone.

Nekrasov is even grateful to quarrels (“prose of love”), because after them reconciliation always comes, emphasizing the strength of mutual feelings.

The poet, even in lyrical works, strove for a real depiction of reality. The poem "You and I are stupid people" is an example of Nekrasov's love lyrics. It reflects the author's deeply personal experiences.

"Everything that excites and torments the soul ... "

Learning theme

The main themes and images of the lyrics of N.A. Nekrasov




Brief summary of the project

For many decades, according to the officially accepted ideology, N.A. Nekrasov was called the poet of the peasant revolution, the democratic revolutionary. While working on a project, students explore primary sources (fiction and biographical materials) that help them form an idea that his work can still be interesting today. High school students are convinced: Nekrasov is modern, because with his works, he sowed "reasonable, good, eternal", his poems are filled with the main universal value - love; love for the Motherland, love for the people, love for a woman.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question: "Does time have power over spiritual values?

  1. Problem question:What is the peculiarity of Nekrasov's attitude to the Motherland?
    1. Study question: What is the poet's subject matter?
    2. Study question: What kind of Motherland appears before you when you read Nekrasov's poems?
    3. Study question: What artistic means does the poet use when painting a rural landscape?
    4. Study question: What worries the poet, reflecting on the fate of the people? What feelings do they have?
    5. Study question: What is the poet trying to convince us of?
    6. Study question: Compare the attitude towards the Motherland of Nekrasov and other poets of the 19th century. What are the similarities and differences?
  2. Problem question:Can the artist of the word influence the minds and hearts of people?
    1. Study question: What is she, Muse Nekrasov? Compare it with the Muses of other poets. What is their difference?
    2. Study question: What is the poetic program of Nekrasov? What did he see as the purpose and meaning of his work? What is the creed of the author of poetry?
    3. Study question: What does the poet urge his fellow writers to do?
  3. Problem question:Was Nekrasov a Russian poet in spirit?
    1. Study question: How did childhood impressions influence the formation of Nekrasov's personality?
    2. Study question: What Christian virtues do you know?
    3. Study question: What is love in the Christian understanding of the word and in the understanding of Nekrasov?
    4. Study question: Have Christian virtues been reflected in the poet's lyrics? What and how?
  4. Problem question:Did Nekrasov bring something new to the interpretation of the theme of love?
    1. Study question: Who are they, the addressees of the poet's intimate lyrics?
    2. Study question: How are the experiences of the lyrical hero and lyrical heroine conveyed?
    3. Study question: What are the main motives of the "Panaev cycle"?
    4. Study question: How does the deeply personal become universal?
    5. Study question: Did his love lyrics expand your understanding of Nekrasov's Muse?

Teacher Publication

Teacher presentation to identify student perceptions and interests

Example of student project activity product

Materials for formative and final assessment

Formative assessment

The writing

Since childhood, each of us has been familiar with the heartfelt poems and poems of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nekrasov. His work occupies a special place in Russian literature and in world culture. Most readers know this poet as a singer of folk life. With love, sympathy and understanding, with a deep insight into the very essence of life, Nekrasov painted a simple person. He noticed in him a lively mind, intelligence, talent, great human dignity.

But few people are familiar with the love lyrics of Nekrasov, which, in my opinion, can be put on the same level as the love poems of Pushkin, Fet, Tyutchev. Due to the high artistry and deep penetration, Nekrasov's works about love can be called the pearls of Russian love lyrics.

Love for Nekrasov is a complex and contradictory feeling:

I don't like your irony.

Leave her obsolete and not alive

And you and I, who loved so dearly,

Still retaining the rest of the feeling -

It's too early for us to indulge in it.

Despite the fact that the poet resorts to the use of past participles, the reader does not get the feeling of departed feelings. And this idea is affirmed in the last two lines of the work.

Nekrasov's love is an earthly feeling. Most often it is devoid of ideality and airiness:

You and I are stupid people:

What minutes, then the flash is ready!

Relief of an agitated chest,

An unreasonable harsh word.

Despite some ordinariness of this feeling, love still remains a struggle between two people. It is distinguished by their desire for each other, on the one hand, and rejection, on the other. According to Nekrasov, it is impossible to live forever with your beloved in peace and harmony:

Speak up when you're angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

Let us, my friend, be angry openly:

The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.

The poet cannot imagine the world of love without the prose of life, considering it a part of human relations. Life is inevitable, but in many ways it contributes to the strengthening of feelings:

If prose in love is inevitable,

So let's take a share of happiness from her:

After a quarrel so full, so tender

Return of love and participation.

For Nekrasov, love is suffering and pain. It enriches a person, makes him better, more valuable his inner world. But, at the same time, a person becomes dependent and weak internally. This is the law of love:

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall,

Longing, despondency, anger, -

Don't remember the storms, don't remember the tears

Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

The lyrical hero turns to the object of his love and asks him to forget all the difficulties and difficulties of this feeling. Reading these lines, you understand how many obstacles are faced by loving people. But there is another side to this feeling:

But the days when love shone

Above us gently rose

And cheerfully we made the way, -

Bless and don't forget.

Thus, the lyrical hero of all that love brought with him calls to remember only the best, sincere and pure.

In the poem “Stricken by an irretrievable loss,” we are presented with a picture of the death of love by the will of fate. The beloved of the lyrical hero leaves the life. The poet draws a person who is very dependent on his feelings. The loss of a close, dear being makes him weak and weak-willed. But love cannot be returned, just as time cannot be turned back. It is very difficult for a lyrical hero to understand such laws of the universe:

She doesn't care - the cold twilight of the coffin,

Shame, glory, hate, love -

And the saving malice went out,

That warmed up the blood for a long time.

A person is alone in his grief, and no one can help him, only feelings of hatred and love replace each other.

In my opinion, Nekrasov's poems about love are distinguished by reality and inconsistency. It is always suffering, but suffering that ennobles a person.

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