What should boys do on February 23rd? Impressions as a gift

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February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on this holiday it is customary to congratulate not only adult men, but also the younger generation of future defenders. Boys all over the country are looking forward to this holiday with special impatience, and girls are looking for worthy gifts. The same thing happens at school, because classmates are like a second family and, as it should be, on such a festive occasion, girls prepare gifts for their boy classmates. In this article, we will tell you what to give boys for 8th and 9th grade on February 23, and what mistakes should be avoided so that the process of giving gifts does not turn into an awkward moment for children.

Of course, these gifts should bear the imprint of childhood, because, in essence, we are talking about children, so you should not pay attention to overly expensive or pretentious gifts. It should be something touching and sweet, but certainly in line with traditional “boyish” hobbies.

How to choose gifts for boys in grades 8-9 on February 23

On the eve of this wonderful holiday of courage and bravery, girls across the country are trying to find something special for their defenders that would leave warm memories of the celebration and strengthen the friendship of classmates at school. Adults are also thinking about a gift - mothers, aunts, godparents or grandmothers, everyone wants to please the future defender.

Great idea for the classroom - a secret gift giver! All the girls draw out the names of the boys to whom they will give a gift, so that not a single defender will be left unattended and the holiday will definitely turn out to be fun!

Given the diversity of the modern market, it can be quite difficult to decide what to give boys at school. But we will still try to help you and provide examples of the most universal and, importantly, always relevant ideas for gifts.

If you don’t know what they give at school on February 23, ask friends and acquaintances of the same age, this will make the task a little easier. Undoubtedly, the choice of a specific gift depends on many factors: from the amount you are willing to spend to the age of the heroes of the occasion, their interests and hobbies. Therefore, if you want to present something really interesting, you should think about choosing a present in advance and devote a lot of time to it. We will try to help you as much as possible.

Gift options for classmates: useful gifts

Considering that school time is in full swing, it will never hurt to please your classmate or just a boy with something useful in the educational process. Of course, such a gift should not be boring, because our main goal is not benefit, but pleasant emotions. Here are some ideas:

  • Original notepad, in which you can write down various important information, phone numbers of friends and, of course, secret notes that you are so used to exchanging in class.
  • Interesting pen. This handle can be made in a wide variety of design variations. For example, models with a flashlight or spy pens are popular. This may well be a classic version depicting your favorite characters from films or comics.
  • Fun mobile phone case– this may not be exactly a school gift, but it is an incredibly useful present! Every modern schoolchild needs it, because the current generation simply cannot leave home without a telephone.
  • Set of fun notebooks- a thing that is always necessary at school. This set of notebooks with unusual prints will be a wonderful gift for a classmate, who will certainly now try to get only the best grades.
  • A cool pencil case with your favorite characters, or a transforming model. Boys love such devices, so the present will bring a lot of joy!
  • A fun bag for changing shoes. This is a very useful and pleasant gift. An eye-catching bag will make going to school more enjoyable, so the gift will definitely be in place. Moreover, he probably already wore out the previous boy pretty well!

Perhaps the best option would be if all the girls in the class get together, discuss gift options and choose something the same. This way you won't offend anyone and choose some really great gifts from girls. Agree, it’s much easier for everyone to come up with something original and interesting together.

Original gifts for classmates

If you don’t want to seem banal to your friends this year, then I suggest you think of something truly unusual and unexpected. Boys can be given:

  • A joint trip to the cinema for the premiere of an interesting film. A wonderful solution for fun leisure time with friends. The boys will simply be delighted with such attention from the girls.
  • A walk to your favorite cafe or bowling alley, because you are already such adults and, for sure, you have a favorite meeting place. So why not continue the tradition and celebrate this holiday in a familiar and beloved place? If you get together and invite the boys, it will be very inexpensive, but how fun!
  • Tickets to your favorite sporting event. Your boys certainly love various sports games and zealously root for specific teams. Then you can give classmates in grades 8-9 a ticket to hockey or basketball, volleyball or any other type of sport. You can be sure that this will bring them a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions.
  • Certificate for going to the quest room. The boys will definitely not soon forget such a fun adventure; they will try to come up with an equally interesting gift for the girls on March 8th.

Inexpensive gifts for February 23

Considering that there are most likely quite a lot of boys in the class, about half of the total classmates, then in such conditions it would be great stupidity to choose an expensive gift. And even older people are of the opinion that it is better for children to give interesting, but inexpensive gifts. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to interesting and original gifts for 100-200 rubles for boys.

So, what does the list of inexpensive gifts for boys in grades 8-9 look like?

  • Unusual keychain, which you can attach to your keys or simply decorate your backpack with it. The keychain, of course, should be boyish, that is, both in color and in its design, it should correspond to the courageous character of your boys.
  • A board game for having fun with friends. With this game you can get together many times in your free time after school and have a lot of fun.
  • Handmade photo collage, where you will post pictures from joint walks, trips and excursions. All this should be captioned with cool quotes and memories. This collage will be a great decoration for your classroom and will allow you to remember the most fun moments in the lives of your classmates.
  • An unusual card with a cheerful congratulation. If you buy cards for all the boys, then you should definitely sign them by name, this will allow you to individualize your gift as much as possible and demonstrate your attention, which is the most important thing in any gift.
  • A universal flashlight with a pointer function and other bells and whistles. Boys are crazy about such things, so feel free to give them and your idea will not be left without enthusiasm.

What to give the boys in the class: delicious gifts

Believe me, boys, just like girls, love sweets, so they certainly won’t refuse such a wonderful gift. Therefore, on February 23, you can give your classmates something tasty and not necessarily something healthy. For example:

  • A set of your favorite sweets in holiday packaging. These could be chocolates with a themed wrapper or a bag of sweets. It all depends on what exactly your boys prefer, but have you already managed to study each other’s tastes during your studies?
  • Birthday cake, which you can either buy or bake yourself, of course, with the help of adults. At the big break, the boys will be very happy to cut this gift and share the sweetness with you. This will be a great reason to organize a short break between lessons.
  • To give your classmates plenty of different delicacies, you can set a sweet table for them right in the classroom after school. You can not only enjoy the taste of various treats, but also have fun, remembering various funny stories from the life of your class, making friends even stronger.

It is important to remember that it is best to coordinate gift ideas for February 24 at school with your class teacher, who will certainly be happy to take part in your holiday and suggest wonderful ideas. Moreover, this issue can be raised at a parent meeting, since the financial side of organizing the event still falls on the shoulders of the parents, which is why it is simply necessary to ask their opinion.

TOP 10 best gifts for boys on February 23, grades 8-9:

  1. Stationery set.
  2. Unusual pen.
  3. Original notebook, notepad.
  4. Funny mobile phone case.
  5. A set of cool school notebooks.
  6. Birthday cake.
  7. Favorite sweets in gift wrapping.
  8. Movie tickets.
  9. Going to a pizzeria together.
  10. Original keychain.

Whatever you decide to give to the boys on February 23, remember that every gift must be given personally and with all your heart. Accompany your gift with sincere congratulations and this day will remain in the memory of your classmates for a long time as one of the most pleasant.

In this article, we have provided examples of the most common and best-priced gifts for schoolchildren. Of course, you can get together and come up with something else, because who, if you, knows what your classmates dream about, what they would like to receive from you as a gift and where to go for a walk.

Despite the fact that February 23 is a military holiday, a tradition has been established to congratulate all male representatives, regardless of age and occupation. And while it’s not difficult to come up with a gift for an adult defender, what to give a child on February 23 is not entirely clear.

All growing boys are future defenders, and not only from a military point of view, so it is important to congratulate them with small but pleasant gifts.

Boys are just learning about the world, showing curiosity and making their first discoveries. Therefore, it is much easier to surprise boys than adult men. As a gift, boys will appreciate not only remote control cars, but also educational games, interesting books, and creative kits.

The price of a gift can vary greatly. Expensive gifts are usually given by relatives. Congratulations in kindergarten or school can be much cheaper.

For 5-7 years

Both relatives and the parent committee are thinking about what to give a child 5-7 years old on February 23rd. On the one hand, a boy at that age is still just a child, on the other hand, the gift should be useful and functional.

At this age, it is important to maintain the child's curiosity and develop his skills. Puzzles and games to develop logic, thinking and reaction speed will be practical gifts. Items that help simulate adult life are also useful in mastering social skills (tools, mini-workshops, kits for different professions).

Examples of gifts for boys 5-7 years old:

  • water gun;
  • fire truck with sliding ladder;
  • multi-level parking for toy cars;
  • Play-Doh set;
  • set of wooden tools;
  • tablet for drawing with water;
  • lotto or card game for knowledge of letters or numbers;
  • constructor;
  • helicopter on the control panel;
  • soccer ball;
  • auto track;
  • darts;
  • trampoline;
  • electronic poster;
  • set for painting or sculpting.

Already at the beginning of February, teachers and girls of different classes begin to think about the question of what gifts to give to boys at school on February 23rd. I would like to fit it into a modest budget, but to please the future defenders of the Fatherland. If this year you don’t want to give the boys new socks or a set of shower gel and shampoo again, then we suggest you carefully read the tips given in this material.

There is no point in relaxing in February; boys need to start thinking at the beginning of the month. It is clear that in our country Defender of the Fatherland Day is widely celebrated not only in schools, but even in kindergartens, factories and all offices. So, a list of not trivial, but relevant gifts for this holiday is always welcome.

Once again I would like to emphasize the fact that, despite the fact that the holiday is called Defenders of the Fatherland Day, all men without exception should be congratulated. If in Soviet times this holiday was relevant only to people who work in the military sphere, today all men look forward to congratulations and gifts. Remember that the gift chosen for this day must have its own thematic coloring. What it will be like can be decided independently in each class.

Pros and cons of predictable gifts

When there are short deadlines left to choose gifts for boys, teachers prefer not to look for difficult paths and follow proven and well-trodden paths. Moreover, it often happens that in the last minutes this task falls on the shoulders of the members of the parent committee. They need to buy gifts for the boys in a matter of days as quickly as possible and on a modest budget. This is where various socks, handkerchiefs, shampoos and other, most standard options come into play. It is clear that in such a situation, the advantage that there are always traditional gifts that are relevant on the holiday of February 23rd is a plus.

But this year, why not start preparing for the holiday in advance, or at least read some additional information that will help you buy an original and interesting gift in a very short time. This is a present for Defender of the Fatherland Day that a boy will not throw in the far corner of his room, but will use it.

Gifts for February 23rd for boys in school aged 13-15:
Notepads, as well as writing or drawing sets. On the one hand, such a present may seem banal. But, if you don’t go to the nearest stationery store and buy the first thing that comes to hand, but try and find original souvenir options, then the student will definitely like such a present.
Calendar. Again, on the one hand, this is a traditional gift, but with a creative approach it can become completely different. For example, you can specially order a calendar with photographs of the class and educational process from last or this year.
Various types of mosaics. Previously, of course, it was customary to buy mosaics ready-made.
Today, thanks to modern technologies, you can choose any pattern for mosaics. This means you can make a mosaic depicting a school building, a particular boy’s favorite literary character, or members of a favorite musical group.
Key rings. They can be hung on your phone or keys, so this is definitely a useful gift, even if not the most original one.
Again, you should pay attention to the circles, on which you can apply various kinds of designs. Here look at the ideas that were proposed in the mosaic section: favorite musical groups, characters from films and books, plants, exotic animals.

In this part of our material, we looked at, in principle, quite original and standard presents. But it’s hard to argue with the fact that we definitely managed to look at the most ordinary things from an unusual angle. We also advise you to adopt this approach if you are faced with the task of choosing gifts for boys for the holiday, when the budget is quite limited.

Nothing could be simpler: you should use your imagination, consult with the children, and you will be able to not just give gifts for show, but please the boys. When you manage to please boys at that age, you can get a lot in return. Even, oddly enough, good academic performance and exemplary behavior.

By the way, about age. It should be clearly understood that gifts for February 23 may differ for different age groups. So, further in our detailed material on the topic of what gifts to choose for February 23rd for boys at school, we will consider the options of what to give, depending on the specific age group.

Boys under ten years old

Here we are talking about kindergarten, as well as primary school students. Choosing gifts for such boys is quite simple, because this age group is considered one of the most unassuming. modest and simple, but they will definitely cause delight.

Medals and magnets, key rings and other small items. The advantage of such souvenirs is their low cost. They will be an interesting gift for students, but such gift options for February 23rd for boys at school are only suitable up to 3rd grade.
Discs with games for the computer. It is important to carefully consider the choice of such a gift and check with parents whether their children have problems with video games that interfere with normal studies.

You should also carefully talk to your children to find out what games they already have: you don’t want to repeat this situation. It should be understood that games purchased as gifts must be different in nature and genre. Then you will definitely be able to please the taste of every child.
Toys. We are also talking about small children, so you can safely choose various kinds of toys for gifts. At this age, boys are already interested in construction toys and collectible cars.

Boys from 10 to 14 years old

The older a child gets, the more difficult it is for an adult to understand what exactly is in his head. This is especially true for boys. The older a boy gets, the more discerning and demanding his tastes become. So, choosing gifts for February 23rd for boys of this age is already quite difficult. You will have to think about what exactly can give them a lot of impressions or at least positive emotions.

What gift options can you consider:

Models for construction, which are distinguished by their prefabricated nature and increased complexity. There are many such construction sets on sale in the relevant sections of stores today. These could be robots or ships, airplanes that have the ability to be reconstructed. By the way, for many modern men such a gift for February 23rd is a great find, so the boys will definitely like it.
Pocket flashlights. In the age period under consideration, boys are adventurers. Every such seeker must have such a useful and practical thing as a flashlight in his pocket.
Laser pointer. This gift option should also appeal to boys from 10 to 14 years old. It’s difficult for us to say what can be done with such pointers, but the boys definitely know the answer to this question, although they are in no hurry to share it with every adult.
Puzzles. Today, many such products with different designs and approaches can be found on sale. You should select options that are most age-appropriate, then such a gift has every chance of becoming relevant, useful and loved.
Encyclopedias on various topics. This is a good gift, but you shouldn’t immediately buy one publication for all the boys. It is best to understand what exactly will be interesting for a particular boy. Some people are interested in dinosaurs, others love cars, and others generally study the history of fashion. With modern children, everything is possible, and when an encyclopedia is chosen as a gift for February 23 at school, then for each boy it should be on a different topic. It may be worth asking his parents about a specific topic that interests the child in advance.

Boys from 14 to 17 years old

We are moving further in studying the question of what kind of gifts for boys at school 15 years old and above to choose for February 23rd. It is already difficult to call this group of boys children, because they have become teenagers unnoticed by their parents and teachers. This means that their interests have also seriously changed. There can be no talk of any flashlights or puzzles on February 23rd.

For such children, who are only a few steps away from adulthood, gifts must be chosen responsibly for any holiday; they must already be of a serious nature and must have practical application. At this age, many guys' main interest is the computer, as well as other modern gadgets and technological devices. So, you should choose gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day, taking these factors into account.

What gift options can you consider:

Headphones with stereo effect. Let’s say right away that this is not the cheapest gift, but it is practical and useful, especially for high school students. Today, headphones help not only listen to music, but also study languages ​​and master other general education subjects in order to successfully pass exams.
Computer mice. This is already a budget gift, but it can differ in shape and size, design and even different colors. In the age group in question, such a gift should be relevant and useful.
A stand for a laptop or mobile phone that is cooled. A useful thing that a teenager cannot always afford for himself.
Speakers that can play music from portable devices. This is a great gift for guys who love music and are into music.
USB cards with original design. These could be favorite movie characters or other attributes relevant to adolescence.

Collective gifts

It should also be remembered that February 23 gifts for boys at school do not have to be individual. A collective gift would also be an interesting solution. For example, go with the whole class to a cafe or cinema, play billiards or paintball. Such gifts not only bring a lot of joy and positive emotions, but also give students of the same class the opportunity to get to know each other better outside the school walls. You can also make it for boys.

Other options for possible gifts for boys at school on February 23 (list):
A keychain that can be hung on a bunch of keys or on your phone.
Stylish designer notebooks for writing or drawing.
Tickets to a movie, theater, exhibition or museum.
Stands for mobile phones, today the range of these products is large and there is plenty to choose from.
Calendar with class photos.
A variety of engravings for creativity.
Mechanical pencil sharpener. This could be a product in the shape of an animal or a house.
Pocket flashlight.
Hourglasses or paintings that have a relaxing effect when you watch the sand go down.
Construction models, designer: transport, animals, buildings.
Small thermoses or special mugs that keep liquid cold or hot as needed.
Darts game.
Stylish pencil case.
Board game.
Men's umbrella.
Encyclopedias that will definitely suit the interests of a particular child. Before purchasing an encyclopedia for each boy, you need to first talk with his parents.
Mugs with a name or encouraging messages on them.
A manual expander so that the boy can exercise his arm muscles in any situation.
Money box.
A folding cup that will be useful not only on a hike, but also at home.
Ball for football or other game.
Pocket calculator.
An incubator in which small animals can be raised.
Experiment kits.

These are the wonderful gifts for boys at school, individual or collective, that you can safely choose for implementation in your class. Believe me, if you devote just a few hours to the process of choosing a high-quality and necessary gift, you can make boys of any age truly happy on this men's holiday.

What to give to your classmates?

This should be an inexpensive gift, since everyone will have to buy it, and the budget is usually modest.

In our material you will find 13 gift ideas up to 300 rubles.

1. Zombie Zity

Collectible zombies in a bag. Usually boys love these green monsters, so they will like this gift.

Each bag contains a bouncy figurine.

They may be repeated, but it doesn’t matter: friends love to change among themselves.

2. Airplane model

Which boy doesn’t dream of becoming a pilot or astronaut...

But even if not, the airplane model is beautiful in itself and will take pride of place on a classmate’s shelf.

3. Blowgun

A toy gun that fires soft foam bullets.

You can arrange a “war” in the yard, but you just need to protect your eyes.

And remind your friends that shooting animals is strictly prohibited!

4. Set for playing balls “Zig Zag”

Tabletop version of cricket.

The rules of the game are simple: place flags with numbers and gates, and then use your fingers to roll the balls in the order determined by the flags.

Whoever does it the fastest is the winner.

You can play this game at the next break, and then show it to your family at home.

5. Gaming magnetic set

A pocket set of the most popular logic games.

Perhaps someone in your class has not yet learned to play chess, so this will be a reason to get acquainted.

And then we can arrange a small tournament.

6. Magic tricks with Hmayak Hakobyan

A small set with instructions may reveal the talent of a classmate and make him a real illusionist.

Includes props and instructions for one magic trick. These can be flying matches, a money factory and much more.

7. Blendy Pens

With their help you can create beautiful and unusual drawings.

These differ from ordinary felt-tip pens in their ability to change color as you draw: connect two pieces in a special cap, hold for 10 seconds, pull out and draw.

You can complement the gift with a small task: ask them to draw a small picture on the theme of February 23rd.

8. Postcard to the Defender of the Fatherland, kit for making

Ask for permission from your parents and help from your teacher, stay in the home economics classroom and make these cards yourself.

You can make them at home, but together you will have much more fun. Make the cards personalized or identical, this is optional.

But it will, of course, be more pleasant to receive individual ones.

9. Origami Planes

This set will introduce classmates to Japanese paper folding techniques, as well as famous Russian military aircraft.

To make such aircraft, no scissors are required.

The most beautiful crafts can be signed and left in the classroom.

10. Fighting Beetle

This small interactive insect can avoid obstacles and get back on its feet if it falls. A real robot!

To complicate the task for your child, you can build a small labyrinth on the desk.

Or organize real beetle races.

11. Encyclopedia “Dinosaurs”

Any boy would like to know more about these ancient lizards.

A wonderful book with color illustrations will tell children about dinosaurs.

To test your new knowledge, you can arrange a fun quiz in class about the inhabitants of ancient periods.

12. Memo

A fun memory training game.

Its essence is simple: all the cards are first laid out with the pattern facing up, and the participants try to remember their location. Then you need to search for identical pictures from memory.

You can make such a game yourself from thick cardboard, and paste the pictures in the theme of the holiday.

Or buy in an online store.

13. Set of soldiers “Russian special forces”

Makes a great themed gift.

These toy soldiers symbolize those people who protect our country every day, risking their lives.

Who knows, maybe one of your classmates dreams of joining the special forces?

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