The speaker put forward two points. Russian language textbook

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    Cluttering a complex sentence with subordinate clauses.
    Example: Doctors think , What the disease is so serious , What
    Better: Doctors consider the disease so serious , What one has to fear for the patient's life.

    Variation of parts of a complex sentence:
    Wrong: The report puts forward two points: 1) strengthening the moral foundations of society is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of broad layers of the intelligentsia in this work.
    Right:The report puts forward two points: 1) strengthening the moral foundations of society is becoming increasingly important; 2) broad layers of the intelligentsia play a large role in this work(or: it is necessary to involve broad sections of the intelligentsia in this work).

    Mixing constructions of main and subordinate clauses:
    Wrong: this is on the question about Lensky.
    Right: The last thing I'll stop with is this is a question about Lensky.

    Incorrect combination of simple and complex sentence structures:
    Wrong: The play exposes the “dark kingdom” and how the Wild and Boars cruelly treat people dependent on them.
    Right: The play exposes the “dark kingdom” and shows how Wild and Boars cruelly treat people dependent on them.

    Incorrect combination of a participial phrase and a subordinate attributive clause:
    Wrong: There was a book on Manilov’s table, open on the same page and which he had never read.
    Right: On Manilov’s table there was a book open on the same page that he had never read.

    Detachment of a subordinate clause with a word which from a qualified noun:
    Wrong: From the conversation between Lisa and Sophia we learn about Chatsky who grew up in this house, which (house or Chatsky?) currently traveling somewhere.
    Right: From a conversation between Lisa and Sophia, we learn about who grew up in this house Chatsky, which currently traveling somewhere.

    Unjustified repetition of identical conjunctions.
    Example: Some critics believed , What the author is so young , What
    Better: Some critics believed as if the author is so young , What is unlikely to be able to convincingly solve the problem posed.

    Illegal collision of subordinating conjunctions that are close in meaning.
    Example: He thought, what if we misunderstood him.
    Better: He thought, What we misunderstood him. or He thought, as if we misunderstood him.

    Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words:
    Wrong: , Where
    Right: The issue was discussed at the meeting , on which a corresponding decision was made.

    Mixing direct and indirect speech:
    Wrong: Korchagin I I'll definitely move on.
    Right: Korchagin firmly declares that to the Budenovites He will definitely pass. or Korchagin firmly declares: “I will definitely go over to the Budenovites.”

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The variety of structural types of complex sentences, some of which are used relatively rarely, the multi-component nature of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses, the influence of individual speech styles - all this often serves as a source of errors in the construction of complex sentences.

1. Cluttering a complex sentence with subordinate clauses. When complex sentences are used ineptly with sequential subordination, the connection between the individual parts of a complex whole is obscured, sometimes some constructive element or connecting link is dropped, which makes it difficult to understand the sentence. For example: A statement by a representative of the American business community, ignoring the fact that trade relations between countries, which have recently developed steadily and are showing a tendency to further increase, indicates that someone is still interested in preserving the atmosphere of the Cold War. and the elimination of the sincere and massive desire for friendship that swept through the peoples of America and Europe after the conclusion of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

2. Variation in the parts of a complex sentence. An example of such an unsuccessful construction is the sentence: The speaker put forward two points: 1) the propaganda of political and scientific knowledge among the masses is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of broad sections of the intelligentsia in this work. The diversity of parts of a complex sentence is reflected here in the fact that the numbered parts, acting as a kind of homogeneous members of a generalizing word, have a different structure: the first part is a two-part sentence, the second is a one-part nominative. Depending on what the speaker had in mind, the second sentence could be corrected as follows: Broad layers of the intelligentsia play a large role in this work; or: It is necessary to involve broad sections of the intelligentsia in this work.

Sometimes heterogeneity is associated with unequal word order in subordinate homogeneous subordinate clauses. Usually in these cases the same (direct or reverse) order of the main terms is preserved, although this is not necessary, for example: I remember how we ran through the forest, how the bullets buzzed, how the branches they tore off fell, how we made our way through the hawthorn bushes (in the first and the fourth subordinate clauses - direct order, in the second and third - reverse). However, there was no reason to change the word order in parts of the following sentence: Among the achievements of the teaching staff of the institute should be the fact that educational work is successfully carried out in it, extracurricular activities are well organized, and the academic performance of students is increasing from year to year (in the second subordinate clause it should also use reverse word order).

3. Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words. The use of one conjunction or allied word instead of another, for example: “The issue was discussed at a special meeting where a detailed decision was made” (there is no basis for using the adverb of place where; it should have been said: at which it was adopted... or which was made...) .

The adverb of time when is used unsuccessfully in the sentence: You cannot put up with a situation where work is done hastily, without taking into account modern requirements (instead of: put up with the fact that...).

It is also incorrect to formulate a series of unambiguous conjunctions: however, nevertheless, but nevertheless, however, etc. There were no grounds for duplicating unions in such a proposal: The newspaper persistently emphasizes that it seems The United States is currently experiencing the height of a great controversy on foreign policy issues (when asserting, the conjunction is used that, upon assumption, in the presence of an element of doubt, possibility, admissibility, the conjunction as if or as if is used).

Sometimes it is advisable to replace a complex sentence with another construction, so the use of a conjunction is unnecessary, for example: The reviewer suggested that the manuscript be significantly shortened (instead of: ... significantly shorten the manuscript).

4. Incorrect word order. The word order in attributive subordinate clauses is often violated. According to the rule, the conjunctive words which, which, whose replace the preceding noun closest to them, however, this provision is not observed in such, for example, sentences: Cossack horses rushed ahead, which were covered with foam (the subordinate clause should have been replaced with a participial phrase: ... covered with foam ).

If it is impossible or impractical to replace the subordinate clause with a participial phrase or it is difficult to rearrange words, you can introduce into the main sentence the demonstrative pronoun this or that, correlative to the conjunctive word which or which, for example: Those of the books of our writers that reflect modernity enjoy constant success. Another technique is to repeat the defined word, for example: I received many letters from friends and acquaintances, letters that made me very happy.

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Theory 1. The diversity of parts of a complex sentence manifests itself in various forms: a) a subordinate clause and a member of a simple sentence are used as homogeneous constructions, for example: “At a production meeting, issues of improving product quality were discussed and whether it was possible to reduce costs”; “Many production workers entered the institute who showed themselves well in their work and the nature of their work corresponds to their chosen specialty.” In fiction, such constructions can be used to give a conversational character to a statement; Wed: What would happen to her in the event of my illness, death, or, simply, if we stopped loving each other? (Chekhov); b) with a common subordinating part, a two-part sentence and a one-part nominative sentence act as homogeneous syntactic elements, for example: “The speaker put forward two points: 1) the fight against corruption is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of law enforcement agencies in this matter”; c) without proper justification, different word orders are established in subordinate subordinate clauses, for example: “The achievements of the teaching staff of the gymnasium include the fact that educational work is successfully carried out in it, extracurricular activities are well organized, The academic performance of students is increasing from year to year” (in the second subordinate clause, the reverse word order should also have been used).

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2. Mixing of construction can find its expression in the fact that the main sentence is “interrupted” by the subordinate clause inside it, for example: “The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work” (instead of: The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work); “The last thing to stop is the composition of the book” (instead of: The last thing to stop is the composition of the book). The interruption of the construction in these cases lies in the fact that the nominal predicate of the main sentence, separated from its subject, is placed in the case required by the predicate of the subordinate clause. Such sentences are conversational in nature. Wed. also: By this time, everyone who could and wanted to leave Krasnodon and the surrounding areas left or left to the east (Fadeev) (with the subject of the main clause, everything is expected to be a predicate in the plural form - they left or left, but under the influence of the subject subordinate clause who and by analogy with the predicates, he could and wanted to leave; in the main sentence, the predicates also turned out to be in the singular form - left or left). A complex sentence can be “interrupted” by the inclusion of the main clause in the subordinate clause (in normative terms, the main clause can be in front of the subordinate clause, after it, or include the subordinate clause, but not be included in the latter), for example: “But these quotes do not know where their author came from borrowed" (instead of: It is unknown where the author borrowed these quotes from). Such constructions are colloquial in nature. Wed. their use in the language of works of art: However, both ladies cannot be said to have in their nature the need to cause trouble... (Gogol); But I don’t feel comfortable for you to say these words (Herzen); She married a non-nobleman and did not behave very kindly (Chekhov).

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3. The incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words is manifested in various cases: a) a union or allied word is replaced by another union or allied word that is not suitable for the given context, for example: “One could agree only with those provisions of the report that did not contain any internal contradictions” (instead of the adverb where, with an abstract noun provisions, the conjunctive word in which should be used); “A situation was created when little was conducive to improving work” (the word when, with its inherent meaning of time, is not suitable for the context; one could say: A situation was created that was not very conducive to improving work); b) there is a pleonastic use of conjunctions (setting a series of unambiguous conjunctions) , for example: “The conditions for the implementation of peace agreements were present, but nevertheless it has still not been possible to achieve a settlement of the conflict”; c) the union turns out to be superfluous after the introductory word, which is mistakenly taken as part of the main sentence, for example: “The speaker brought new data , which seem to have already been partially published somewhere”; d) a correlative word (demonstrative pronoun in the main sentence) may be superfluous, for example: “Indicate the shortest distance that separates both points” (the shortest distance can be only one );

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e) the particle would not be repeated in subordinate clauses in which the predicate is expressed by a verb in the form of the conditional subjunctive mood (combinations are obtained so that... would, if... would), for example: “The wish was expressed that contacts becoming between Russian and Czech figures of science and culture, would receive their further development"; “If the proposals of the Western powers were accepted, nothing would change, except that a commission would be created to inventory weapons.” Such constructions give the statement a conversational character. Wed: I need every word, every phrase to fall into the tone, to the place (Korolenko); e) a deviation from the literary norm is cluttering a complex sentence with the same conjunctions or allied words with the sequential subordination of subordinate clauses, for example: “Doctors believe, that the disease is so dangerous that one has to fear for the patient’s life”; “The commission refused to accept a number of objects for the construction of which the necessary funds were allocated, which”, however, were largely used for other purposes”; g) there are unsuccessful constructions with paired comparative unions, for example: “In modern Hungary, agriculture is so different from what happened before the Second World War, how the entire economy of the country differs from the pre-war one” (there is no paired union as much as; one could write: the same extent the entire economy of the country... ).

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4. Incorrect word order in a complex sentence with a subordinate attributive creates ambiguity or distorts the meaning of the statement. For example, in the sentence: “The students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant, which was recently reconstructed” - a conjunctive word that can have a dual correlation (was one of the workshops or the plant as a whole reconstructed?), although according to the rule of the word which, which, whose replace the closest noun in the form of the same gender and number. Editing in some cases is achieved by replacing the subordinate clause with a participial phrase. Wed: 1) one of the workshops of the plant, recently reconstructed; 2) in one of the workshops of the plant, recently reconstructed. In other cases, the demonstrative pronoun this or that is introduced into the main sentence, correlative to the conjunctive word which or which, for example: Visitors to the exhibition lingered for a long time at those paintings by our young artists that show the joy of everyday work. Finally, it is possible to repeat a noun defined by a subordinate clause, for example: Many readers of our “thick” magazines are primarily interested in theoretical articles by economists and sociologists - articles that pose problematic questions.

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5. The mixing of indirect and indirect speech is expressed in the fact that the subordinate clause forming indirect speech retains elements of direct speech (forms of personal pronouns and verbs), for example: The author rashly told the reviewer that how can you not notice that new what is in the book; Not accepting criticism of himself, he always replied that it would be better not to interfere in his affairs. Such sentences are conversational in nature. Wed: Now the innkeeper said that I won’t give you anything to eat until you pay for the old stuff (Gogol); An important gentleman came from the capital and bought a vest from Gross, and now he sees yours and shouts that you must give him exactly the same as yours! (Bunin).

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A6. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).1) Thanks to the work of restorers, we can admire the frescoes of the Ferapontov Monastery.2) Many of those who visited Mikhailovsky Park were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees.3) The minibus driver said to the newcomers passengers that you will pay the fare.4) When you look at the monument to Lermontov, you get the impression that the poet is looking around his beloved city and remembering the happy moments of his life. The syntactic norm is violated in sentence 3: the subordinate clause must be replaced by direct speech, the conjunction is superfluous here. Please note: in sentence 2, the subordinate clause with the subject pronoun who, requiring the predicate-verb to be put in the singular, stands in the middle of the main clause and breaks the predicate and subject, expressed by the phrase many of those and requiring the predicate to be put in the plural.

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Indicate examples with an error in the construction of a complex sentence. 1a) Stolypin argued that Michel, apotheosizing Pushkin, was too attacking the unwitting killer, who could not help but shoot himself after what happened between them. b) Lermontov responded to this that he was a purely Russian person , not French, not spoiled, would have endured any insult from Pushkin in the name of his love for the glory of Russia, could not have raised his hand against it. c) Stolypin insisted that honor was involved here and that foreigners do not care about poetry Pushkin, that it is impossible to judge Dantes and Heckern according to Russian laws. d) Lermontov almost did not live in Tsarskoe Selo, but lived with his grandmother in St. Petersburg, where his regiment (P. Viskovatov) was located. 2a) Mikhail Yuryevich was attracted by the wild, daring songs of the gypsies, their unique way of life, the originality of types and characters, and most importantly, the freedom that they sang in songs and of which they were then the only heralds (P. Martyanov). b) Seeing themselves in the iron shackles of the correct system of military order, feeling their personal freedom enslaved much more stronger than before, Lermontov could not understand how wrong he was in his calculations and how difficult it would be for him to endure this regular, shy life, when the relatively free life of Moscow students seemed unbearable to him (according to P. Viskovatov).c) In the last months of his stay in school, Lermontov, under the influence of his memories of the Caucasus, wrote a whole small poem from Eastern life, where he was still a twelve-year-old boy (according to V. Burnashev). d) A distant relative and friend of Michel from school lived with us at that time, who, after futile efforts to persuade Michel quietly passed on the poem “Hadji Abrek” to Senkovsky (A. Shan-Girey).

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3a) The young hussar often read to me his poems, which echoed the ardent passions of youth (A. Muravyov). b) The portrait of Lermontov was painted in life-size, waist-deep, which I saw. c) Lermontov in the portrait is depicted in the uniform of the Guards Hussars , in cornet epaulettes; in his hands is a triangular hat with a white plume, the kind cavalrymen wore then. d) Although the artist flattered the poet, the expression in his eyes was captured correctly (A. Merinsky). 4a) Face to face or in a circle where there were no fellow soldiers, he was a kind man, his speech was interesting (M. Lobanov-Rostovsky). b) One day he showed up for a divorce with a small, almost childish toy saber , despite the presence of Grand Duke Mikhail Petrovich, who immediately let the little grand dukes play with it. c) After this, Lermontov got himself a large saber, which, given his small stature, seemed even larger and, knocking on a panel or pavement, made a terrible noise ( P. Viskovatov).d) Once I stole a beaded blue handbag from a girl who was seventeen years old and which I hopelessly loved (M. Lermontov).

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1. A question for Mr. Ivanov, which cannot but worry Russians... 2. At first, when I started working at a knitting factory, it was difficult for me, but my workmates, who have more knowledge and experience, helped me and gave friendly advice I should study further, at the school for working youth, where I used to study. 3. The commission inspected the hostel, which at one time received a lot of money and attention, which is located in a former garage. 4. If these measures had been carried out, the epidemic would not have broken out. 5. Agapov entered the office with the appearance of such an employee who had completely fulfilled his instructions. 6. It is necessary that the knowledge and skills that students acquire in secondary school can subsequently be applied by them in life. 7. It is very important that every boarding school student, leaving his family for a long time and joining a new team, finds his second home in this school. 8. Many people believe that the plant is not able to fulfill the order. 9. The speaker asked that he be given the opportunity to speak at a meeting of first- and second-year students of the newspaper workers department.

14. Point out errors in the construction of complex sentences and edit them.

1. The company has many employees who have proven themselves well in this field of activity and whose nature of work corresponds to their chosen specialty. 2. At the meeting, issues of improving product quality and whether it was possible to reduce its cost were discussed. 3. The speaker put forward two points: 1) the fight against corruption is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of law enforcement agencies in this matter. 4. The achievements of the college teaching staff include the fact that it successfully conducts educational work, well-organized extracurricular activities, and student performance increases from year to year. 5. The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work. 6. The last thing to consider is the composition of the novel. 7. These quotes are unknown from where the author borrowed them. 8. One can only agree with those provisions of the report that do not contain any internal contradictions. 9. An environment was created where little was conducive to improving performance. 10. The conditions for the implementation of peace agreements were present, but nevertheless, it has still not been possible to achieve a settlement of the conflict. 11. Students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant, which had recently been reconstructed.

15. In which phrases are syntactic norms not observed:

According to the plan, strong coffee, defeated, missed his family, not typical for the defendant, two witnesses, buy a pair of jeans, upon arrival in the city, upon arrival in Rostov,

the case was considered by Judge Vlasova, represents, worth 2,000 rubles, convicted of

article, the hearing to postpone the case, the case to be terminated by production, book review.

Exercise 341. From these simple sentences, compose all possible types of complex sentences, characterize their semantic and stylistic features.

1. Chernobyl victims went on a hunger strike. They have not been paid the money they are owed for six months now. 2. The tears of soldiers' mothers do not dry. They cannot find out the truth about the fate of the missing soldiers. 3. Ilyinichna remained in the village with her five-year-old granddaughter. Two daughters and a son left to work in the city. 4. The fields were not sown. The collective farm collapsed, and there was no one to organize the sowing campaign. 5. Forests surrounded the village in a dense ring. There were always plenty of raspberries and mushrooms. 6. Russia is slow to join NATO. This military organization poses a potential threat to our security. 7. In the gubernatorial elections in Kursk, A.V. won a convincing victory. Rutskoy. The majority of voters voted for him. 8. Elena Mavrodi was suspended from participating in the electoral race of candidates for deputy from Tula. The methods she used to win over voters will be assessed by the judiciary. 9. There was dead silence. It seemed that everything around was frozen in anticipation of the first strikes of thunder. 10. It's late at night. On another continent, in America, the working day is now in full swing. 11. You cannot support a family on the salary of a senior researcher. Retaining scientific personnel in Russia is a big problem. 12. I love my homeland. I will have to live the rest of my life away from Russia. 13. There is no prophet in his own country. We call writers great only after their death. 14. With difficulty we found this hut in the mountains. There was no one in it anymore. 15. The morning is wiser than the evening. Let's leave this conversation for tomorrow.

Exercise 342. Indicate shortcomings, stylistic errors in the construction of complex sentences, edit them. If necessary, simplify the construction by replacing a complex sentence with a simple one.

1. A question for Mr. Zakaev, which cannot but worry Russians... 2. At first, when I started working at a knitting factory, it was difficult for me, but my workmates helped me, who have more knowledge and experience, who friendly advised me to study further, at the school for working youth, where I used to study. 3. The commission inspected the hostel, which at one time received a lot of money and attention, which is located in a former garage. 4. If these measures had been carried out, the epidemic would not have broken out. 5. Agapov entered the office with the appearance of such an employee who had completely fulfilled his instructions. 6. It is necessary that the knowledge and skills that students acquire in secondary school can subsequently be applied by them in life. 7. It is very important that every boarding school student, leaving his family for a long time and joining a new team, finds his second home in this school. 8. Many people believe that the plant is not able to fulfill the order. 9. The speaker asked that he be given the opportunity to speak at a meeting of first- and second-year students of the newspaper workers department. 10. Our victory in Lillenhammer is the fundamentality of the domestic system of higher sports improvement and organizational activity, brought to a high degree of professionalism: a school, a children's sports school, an Olympic reserve school, a school of highest sports excellence, a national team, and I must say out loud - this the groundwork is running out, because rare talented names are not a system, but a “goldfish” caught in our open spaces.

Exercise 343. Indicate stylistic errors and shortcomings in the construction of complex sentences, corrected by the editor. If necessary, offer your own options for stylistic edits.

1. So, in 988, Mstislav Vladimirovich became the sovereign prince of Tmutarakan; by that time it was a major port and an important strategic point in the south of Russia, through which sea and land routes passed, along which caravans of Kiev and Novgorod merchants walked, which were loaded with fur, honey and wax and which were heading south to Constantinople or to the east to Shirvan and Derbent, and from there they brought gold, silver, precious stones and thin patterned fabrics to Russia.

1. So, in 988 Mstislav Vladimirovich became the sovereign prince of Tmutarakan. At that time it was a major port and an important strategic point in southern Russia. Sea and land routes passed through it, along which caravans of Kiev and Novgorod merchants, loaded with fur, honey and wax, headed south to Constantinople or east to Shirvan and Derbent, and from there they brought gold, silver, precious stones and fine patterned jewelry to Rus'. fabrics.

2. The echoes of the storm that arose on the Kiev land after the death of Grand Duke Vladimir in 1015 reached Tmutarakan with great delay, so Mstislav did not know that Svyatopolk, trying to become the sole ruler of the Kiev land, had, by cunning and deceit, worn out three half-brothers - Boris, Gleb, Svyatoslav, for which he received the nickname Damned among the people; that his elder brother Yaroslav managed to gather enough forces and defeat Svyatopolk in the battle of Lyubech; that the latter brought the Poles to Rus' and again occupied the Kiev throne, but did not reign there for long; that in 1019 he was again defeated by Yaroslav in the battle on the Alta River.

2. With great delay, news reached Tmutarakan about the internecine struggle for the throne of the sons of Grand Duke Vladimir after his death in 1015. The Tmutarakan prince Mstislav did not even know that his brother Svyatopolk, with cunning and deceit, had tormented three half-brothers - Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav, for which he received the popular nickname Damned. And the elder brother Yaroslav managed to gather enough forces and defeat Svyatopolk near Lyubich. But the Accursed One brought the Poles to Rus' and again occupied the Kiev table. However, he did not reign for long: in 1019, Svyatopolk was again defeated by Yaroslav in the battle on the Alta River.

3. Inaccurate switching may result in inrush currents exceeding 15 times the rated current of the generator, which poses a hazard to the mechanical integrity of the generator, as well as causing large fluctuations with voltage sags.

3. When the generator is turned on inaccurately, current surges occur that exceed fifteen times the rated current of the machine, causing voltage fluctuations and dips. This may compromise the mechanical integrity of the generator.

4. The name of the restaurant “Yar” was given in accordance with the fact that it was located on the banks of the Sinichka River, which currently flows underground, enclosed in pipes.

4. The restaurant was called “Yar” because it stood above a cliff near the steep bank of the Sinichka River (now it is enclosed in pipes and flows underground).

5. In areas where a state of emergency has been declared, a special regime begins to operate: a certain procedure for the entry and exit of citizens is established, restrictions on their freedom of movement are introduced, rallies, meetings, street processions, and demonstrations are prohibited; Freedom of the press and media activities, as well as the movement of vehicles are limited and their inspection is permitted.

5. In areas where a state of emergency has been declared, a special regime begins to operate: a certain procedure for the entry and exit of citizens is established; restrictions on their freedom of movement are introduced; it is prohibited to hold rallies, meetings, street processions, demonstrations; Freedom of the press and media activities, as well as the movement of vehicles are limited and their inspection is permitted.

6. At one time there was a widely known case when General A.P. Ermolov arrived on a call to the reception room of Alexander I, where there were already many generals and dignitaries who, waiting for the call, as one would expect, were speaking French or German, and suddenly Ermolov turned to them with a question: “Let me know, Gentlemen, don’t any of you speak Russian?”

6. At one time there was a widely known case when General A.P. Ermolov, who arrived on call at the reception of Alexander I, found himself there among the generals and dignitaries who, as usual, spoke French and German. Ermolov turned to them with a question: “Let me ask, gentlemen, does any of you speak Russian?”

7. Administrators, by making minor concessions to the workers, which did not improve their situation in the least, try to prevent a strike.

7. Administrators try to prevent a strike and make minor concessions to workers that do not improve their situation at all.

Exercise 344. Indicate errors in the construction of complex sentences and edit them.

1. The plant has many employees who have proven themselves well in their work and the nature of their work corresponds to their chosen specialty. 2. At the meeting, issues of improving product quality and whether it was possible to reduce its cost were discussed. 3. The speaker put forward two points: 1) the fight against corruption is becoming increasingly important; 2) the role of law enforcement agencies in this matter. 4. The achievements of the college teaching staff include the fact that it successfully conducts educational work, well-organized extracurricular activities, and student performance increases from year to year. 5. The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work. 6. The last thing to consider is the composition of the novel. 7. These quotes are unknown from where the author borrowed them. 8. One can only agree with those provisions of the report that do not contain any internal contradictions. 9. An environment was created where little was conducive to improving performance. 10. The conditions for the implementation of peace agreements were present, but nevertheless, it has still not been possible to achieve a settlement of the conflict. 11. Students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant, which had recently been reconstructed. 12. In modern Bulgaria, agriculture is as different from what it was before the Second World War, just as the entire economy of the country is different from the pre-war one. 13. Indicate the panacea that can save the situation. 14. The wish was expressed that the contacts established between Russian and Finnish partners would be further developed. 15. If these proposals from the Western powers were accepted, nothing would change, except that a commission would be created to inventory weapons. 16. The commission did not accept a number of objects for the construction of which funds were allocated, which, however, were used for other purposes.

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