What were the names of the Larin sisters. The images of the mother and daughters of the Larins in the novel A

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3. Characteristics of the Larin family in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

3.1. Mother and daughters.

The Larin family is a provincial landed nobility. They live just like their neighbors. With irony, Pushkin tells about the "peaceful life" of the Larins, faithful to the "habits of dear old times." Larin himself "was a kind fellow, belated in the past century"; he did not read books, he entrusted the household to his wife, "and he ate and drank in a dressing gown" and "died at an hour before dinner."

Pushkin tells us about the formation of the characters of the three representatives of the Larin family: mother and daughters - Olga and Tatyana. Larina in her youth was fond of, like her daughter Tatyana, the novels of Richardson, Rousseau. Before Tatyana, these novels opened up an amazing world with extraordinary characters who perform decisive actions. Following the example of Julia, the heroine of Rousseau's novel "The New Eloise", Tatyana, breaking all prohibitions, is the first to confess her love to Onegin. Novels developed in her an independent character, imagination. They helped her to realize the vulgar noble world of the Pustyakovs, Skotinins, Buyanovs.

Her mother, reading the same novels in her youth, paid tribute to fashion, as the Moscow cousin "often told her about them." They left no trace in her heart. Hence the different behavior in the same life situations. The eldest Larina in her youth “sighed about something else,” but she got married at the insistence of her parents, worried a little, and then, obeying the will of her husband, left for the village, where she took up housekeeping, “got used to and became satisfied.” Tatyana wants to love, but to love a person who is close to her in spirit, who will understand her. She dreams of a man who would bring high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels. And such a person, it seemed to her, she found in Onegin. She survived the tragedy of her rejection, "Onegin's confession", but she also experienced true love, real feelings that enriched her.

Pushkin, talking about his "sweet" Tatyana, constantly emphasizes her closeness to the people. She grew up and was brought up in the village:

Larina's landowners

Kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits...

Loved the round swing

Podblyudny songs, round dance.

The atmosphere of Russian customs and folk traditions surrounding Tatiana was fertile ground on which the love of a noble girl for the people grew and strengthened. There is no abyss between Tatyana and the people.

She sharply differs in her moral character, spiritual interests from the girls of the noble environment, like her sister Olga. Tatyana is full of sincerity and purity in her feelings. Mannered affectation, coquetry are alien to Tatyana. But it was in the nature of young ladies. After all, Tatyana's mother in the past fully corresponded to the behavior of her peers. Just like them, she wrote in blood:

In the albums of tender maidens,

Called Polina Praskovya

And she spoke in a singsong voice.

But time passed, everything superficial flew off, the landowner remained, who:

began to call

Shark old Selina,

And finally updated

On cotton wool is a dressing gown and a cap.

Over the years, she has become a typical representative of her circle. She forgot everything, serf customs reign in her memory. Equally familiar is the way she “salted mushrooms for the winter” and “went to the bathhouse on Saturdays”, as well as the fact that she “shaved her foreheads” and “beat the maids, getting angry.”

Not that Tatyana. Her attitude to life, to its values ​​does not change, but develops. Having become a secular lady, a princess, living in luxury, she still loves her world:

Now I'm happy to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home.

The complete opposite of Tatyana is her younger sister. Olga has a lot of cheerfulness, playfulness, life is in full swing. She is always “with a light smile on her lips”, her “ringing voice” is heard everywhere. But it does not have the originality and depth that Tatyana has. Her spiritual world is poor. “Always modest, always obedient”, she does not think deeply about life, follows the rules accepted in society. She cannot understand Tatyana, she is not alarmed by Lensky's behavior and mood before the duel. Everything passes by Olga that leaves a deep mark on Tatiana's character. Tatyana loves "not jokingly", "seriously", for life.

Nowhere, in nothing she has no consolation,

And finds no relief

She repressed tears.

And my heart breaks in half.

How unlike the suffering Tatiana from the windy Olga, who, having cried over Lensky, soon became interested in the lancer, and got married, "repeating her mother, with slight changes."
3.2 Olga.

That impromptu portrait of Olga, which Pushkin cites in the second chapter of Onegin, seems to be a characteristic of an absolutely uninteresting girl - a completely “passing” character introduced with a purely “plot” purpose: through Lensky and Olga, the thread of the story stretches to a truly extraordinary female character - to Tatiana . There is a lot to say about Olga, as if there is nothing:

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple a poet's life is,

Like a kiss of love dear,

Eyes as blue as the sky

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself

But he bored me immensely ...

Before us is the traditional appearance of the “Russian beauty”, which is quite consistent with the sentimental-romantic template. N.L. Brodsky draws attention to the fact that Pushkin here focuses precisely on the “appearance” of Olga, which he conveys with “details, too general, devoid of individualization”: “Poor in internal content, the portrait of Olga did not require in-depth disclosure”

And the remark of Onegin, who wonders why his friend chose the “smaller” of the two sisters, seems to be completely fair:

- And what? - “I would choose another,
When I was like you, a poet.
Olga has no life in features.
Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madona:
She is round, red-faced,
Like that stupid moon
In this stupid sky."

3.3 Tatyana.

Tatyana, Pushkin's favorite heroine, bears the stamp of the nationality to the end. The novel "Eugene Onegin" was for Pushkin the fruit of "the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful remarks."

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel is all the more significant because it expresses the lofty ideals of Pushkin himself. Starting from chapter III, Tatyana, along with Onegin, becomes the main character in the events. In the summer of 1820, Tatyana was 17 years old, which means she was born in 1803

The author tells about her childhood, about the nature surrounding her, about her upbringing. Her life in the countryside, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a letter to Onegin, dreams and deeds - everything attracts the attention of the author. Tatyana grew up and was brought up in the village. The atmosphere of Russian customs and folk traditions was a fertile ground on which the love of a noble girl for the people grew and strengthened.

She is very close to her nanny, who reminds us a lot of Pushkin's nanny, Arina Rodionovna. “Russian soul”, according to the poet, Tatyana loves “the darkness of Epiphany evenings”, believes in “traditions of the common folk antiquity, and dreams, and card fortune-telling, and predictions of the moon.” Tatyana thinks about the "settlers", helps the poor. All this attracts the author himself in Tatyana. The dreamy and impressionable girl is fascinated by the novels of Richardson and Rousseau. Reading books awakens Tatyana's thoughts, books open up an unfamiliar and rich world for her, develop her imagination. She differed from the local young ladies in the depth of her thoughts and feelings, and therefore was alien to them. “I am alone here, no one understands me,” she writes to Onegin. But, despite her passion for foreign literature, Tatyana, unlike Onegin and Lensky, has always been connected with everything Russian, native. There is no affectation, sly coquetry, sentimental sensuality of the heroines of books in it. She is full of sincerity and purity in her feelings.

The fate of Tatyana is no less tragic than the fate of Onegin. But her tragedy is different. Life has broken, distorted Onegin's character, turned him into "smart uselessness", according to Herzen's definition. Tatyana's character has not changed, although life has brought her nothing but suffering.

Pushkin admits that Tatyana is his ideal of a Russian woman, that in her he expressed his attitude to secular and rural life. In it, according to the poet, the best qualities of the Russian character are harmoniously combined.

And if he mockingly tells us about the fate of Olga, who repeated the fate of her mother, then Tatyana, this “Russian soul” girl, whose moral rules are firm and constant, is his “sweet ideal”.

4. "A dear ideal to the heart."

4.1. Pushkin's attitude towards his heroine (Tatiana).

Tatiana's dear ideal...

From this line alone, one can understand Pushkin's attitude towards Tatyana, he was attached and sincerely adored this image, created by himself.

Tatyana's letter is in front of me;

I keep it holy

It is remarkable with what effort the poet tries to justify Tatyana for her determination to write and send this letter: it is clear that the poet knew the society for which he wrote too well ...

I knew inaccessible beauties,

Cold, pure as winter

Relentless, incorruptible,

Incomprehensible to the mind;

I marveled at their fashionable arrogance,

Their natural virtues.

And, I confess, I fled from them,

And, I think, I read with horror

Above their eyebrows is the inscription hell:

Abandon hope forever.

It's hard for them to inspire love,

To scare people is a joy to them.

Perhaps on the breaches of the Neva

You have seen such ladies.
Among the obedient admirers

I saw other freaks,

proudly indifferent

For passionate sighs and praise.

And what did I find with amazement?

They, harsh behavior

Frightening timid love

They were able to attract her again,

At least regret

At least the sound of speeches

Seemed sometimes more tender

And with a gullible blindness

Again a young lover

Runs after a sweet fuss.
Why is Tatyana more guilty?

For the fact that in sweet simplicity

She knows no lies

And believes the chosen dream?

For what loves without art,

Obedient to the attraction of feelings,

How trusting she is

What is gifted from heaven

rebellious imagination,

Mind and will alive

And wayward head

And with a fiery and tender heart?

Don't forgive her

Are you frivolous passions?
The coquette judges coolly;

Tatyana loves not jokingly

And surrender unconditionally

Love like a sweet child.

She does not say: let's postpone -

We will multiply the price of love,

Rather, we will start the network;

First, vanity with a stake

Hope, there is bewilderment

We'll torment the heart, and then

Jealous revive fire;

And then, bored with pleasure,

Slave cunning of shackles

Always ready to break out.

4.2. Characteristics of Tatyana in the fourth chapter.

Tatyana suddenly decides to write to Onegin: a naive and noble impulse; but its source is not in consciousness, but in unconsciousness: the poor girl did not know what she was doing. Later, when she became a noble lady, the possibility of such naive-magnanimous movements of the heart completely disappeared for her ... We think to see in him the highest example of a frank female heart. The poet himself, it seems, without any irony, without any irony, without any ulterior motive, wrote and read this letter. But since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge... Tatyana's letter is beautiful even now, although it already resonates a little with some kind of childishness, with something "romantic". It could not have been otherwise: the language of passions was so new and inaccessible to the morally dumb Tatyana: she would not have been able to understand or express her own feelings if she had not resorted to the impressions left in her memory by bad and good novels, to no avail. and indiscriminately read by her ... The beginning of the letter is excellent: it is imbued with a simple sincere feeling; in it Tatyana is herself:

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate lot

Though a drop of pity keeping,

You won't leave me.

At first I wanted to be silent;

Believe me: my shame

You would never know

When I had hope

Rarely, at least once a week

To see you in our village

Just to hear your words

You say a word, and then

All think, think of one

And day and night until a new meeting.

But they say you are unsociable;

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

And we ... we do not shine with anything,

Even though you are welcome.
Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of a forgotten village,

I would never know you

I would not know bitter torment.

Souls of inexperienced excitement

Reconciled with time (who knows?),

By heart I would find a friend,

Would be a faithful wife

And a good mother.

The verses at the end of the letter are also beautiful:

………… My destiny

From now on I give you

I shed tears in front of you

I beg your protection...

Imagine I'm here alone

Nobody understands me;

My mind is failing

And I must die silently.

Everything in Tatyana's letter is true, but not everything is simple: we present only what is true and simple together. The combination of simplicity with truth constitutes the highest beauty and feelings and deeds and expressions ....

4.3 Characteristics of Tatyana in the eighth chapter.

She finally understood that there are interests for a person, there are sufferings and sorrows, besides the interest of suffering and sorrow of love. But did she understand what exactly these other interests and sufferings consisted of, and if she understood, did this serve her to alleviate her own suffering? Of course, I understood, but only with the mind, with the head, because there are ideas that must be experienced with both soul and body in order to fully understand them, and which cannot be studied in a book. And therefore, a book acquaintance with this new world of sorrows, if it was a revelation for Tatyana, this revelation made a heavy, bleak and fruitless impression on her; it frightened her, horrified her and made her look at the passions as the death of life, convinced her of the need to submit to reality as it is, and if you live the life of your heart, then to yourself, in the depths of your soul, in the silence of solitude, in the darkness of the night, dedicated to longing and sobs. Visiting Onegin's house and reading his books prepared Tatyana for the rebirth from a village girl into a secular lady, which surprised and amazed Onegin so much.

………………….In one meeting

He is driving; just entered ... him

She's on a date. How harsh!

He does not see, not a word with him;

Wu! How surrounded

Epiphany cold she!

How to keep resentment

Stubborn lips want!

Onegin fixed a sharp look:

Where, where is confusion, compassion?

Where are the stains of tears?.. They are not, they are not!

On this face there is only a trace of anger ...
Yes, maybe fear of a secret,

So that the husband or the world does not guess

Leprosy of random weakness ...

All that my Onegin knew...

Now let's move on to Tatyana's explanation with Onegin. In this Explanation, Tatyana's whole being was fully expressed. This explanation expressed everything that makes up the essence of a Russian woman with a deep nature, a developed society - everything: a fiery passion, and the sincerity of a simple, sincere feeling, and the purity and holiness of the naive movements of a noble nature, and reasoning and offended pride, and vanity with virtue , under which the slavish fear of public opinion is disguised, and the cunning syllogisms of the mind, which paralyzed the generous movements of the heart with secular morality ... Tatyana's speech begins with a reproach, in which she expresses a desire for revenge for offended pride:

Onegin, remember that hour

When in the garden, in the alley we

Fate brought, and so humbly

Have I heard your lesson?

Today is my turn.
Onegin, I was younger then

I seem to be better

And I loved you; and what?

What have I found in your heart?

What answer? One severity.

Isn't it true? You weren't news

Humble girls love?

And now, God! - the blood freezes

As soon as I remember the look of the cold

And this sermon...

In fact, Onegin was to blame before Tatyana for not loving her. then how she was younger and better and loved him! After all, all that is needed for love is youth, beauty and reciprocity! Here are concepts borrowed from bad sentimental novels.” A mute village girl with village dreams and a secular woman, tested by life and suffering, who found a word to express her feelings and thoughts: what a difference! And yet, according to Tatyana, she was more capable of inspiring love then than now, because then she was younger and better! .. How a Russian woman is visible in this view of things! And this reproach, that then she found only severity from Onegin? “You weren’t news of a humble girl love” Yes, this is a criminal offense - not to value love. But this reproach, that hour, is followed by an excuse:

………………. But you

I do not blame: in that terrible hour

You have acted nobly

You were right before me:

I am grateful with all my heart...

The main idea of ​​Tatyana's reproaches is the conviction that Onegin did not fall in love with her then only because this did not have the charm of temptation for him; and now the thirst for scandalous glory leads to her feet ... In all this, fear for one's virtue breaks through ...

Then, isn't it? - in desert,

Away from the vain rumors,

You didn't like me... Well now

Are you following me?

Why do you have me in mind?

Is it not because in high society

Now I must appear;

That I am rich and noble;

That the husband is mutilated in battles;

What is it that the yard caresses us for?

Is it because my shame

Now everyone would be noticed

And could bring in society

You seductive honor?
I cry ... if your Tanya

You haven't forgotten so far

Then know: the causticity of your abuse,

Cold, strict conversation

If only I had power,

I would prefer hurtful passion

And these letters and tears.

To my baby dreams

Then you had at least pity,

Though respect for years ...

And now! - what's at my feet

Has it brought you? What a small thing!

How is it with your heart and mind

Be the feelings of a petty slave!

In these verses one can hear the trembling for one's good name in the big world, and in the following verses there are indisputable proofs of the deepest contempt for the big world ... What a contradiction! And what is sadder of all, both are true in Tatyana...

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Hateful life tinsel,

My success in the life of light,

My fashion house and evenings

What's in them? Now I'm happy to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home

For those places where for the first time,

Onegin, I saw you

Yes, for a humble cemetery,

Where is now the cross and the shadow of the branches

Over my poor nanny ...

We repeat: these words are just as unfeigned and sincere as those that preceded them. Tatiana does not love the world and would consider leaving it for the village for happiness; but as long as she is in the light, his opinion will always be her idol, and the fear of his judgment will always be her virtue...
And happiness was so possible

So close!.. But my fate

Already decided. Carelessly

Perhaps I did:

Me with tears of spell

Mother prayed; for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal ...

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know there is in your heart

And pride and direct honor.

I love you(why lie?)

But I'm given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

The last verses are amazing - truly the end crowns the deed! This answer could go to the classic "high" example. This is the true pride of female virtue! But I'm different given away, - exactly given away, but not gave herself up! Eternal fidelity - to whom and in what? Loyalty to such relationships that constitute a profanation of the feeling and purity of femininity, because some relationships that are not illuminated by love are highly immoral ... But somehow everything sticks together with us: poetry - and life, love - and marriage of convenience, life with the heart - and the strict fulfillment of external duties, internally violated hourly ... The life of a woman is predominantly concentrated in the life of the heart; to love means to live for her, and to sacrifice means to love. For this role, nature created Tatiana; but society recreated her... Tatyana involuntarily reminded us of Vera in A Hero of Our Time, a woman weak in feeling, always inferior to him, and beautiful, lofty in her weakness. True, a woman acts immorally, suddenly belonging to two men, loving one and deceiving the other: there can be no dispute against this truth; but in the Faith this sin is redeemed by suffering from the consciousness of one's unfortunate role. And how could she act resolutely towards her husband when she saw that the one to whom she sacrificed all of herself did not belong to her completely and, loving her, would still not want to merge his existence with her? A weak woman, she felt under the influence of the fatal force of this man with a demonic nature and could not resist him. Tatyana is taller than her in her nature and character, not to mention the huge difference in the artistic depiction of these two female faces: Tatyana is a full-length portrait; Faith is nothing more than a silhouette. And, despite the fact that Vera is more of a woman ... but more of an exception, while Tatyana is a type of Russian woman ... Enthusiastic idealists demand contempt for public opinion from an extraordinary woman. This is a lie: a woman cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without boasting, realizing the greatness of her sacrifice, the whole burden of the curse that she takes upon herself, obeying another higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature - love and selflessness...


1. Belinsky V. G. Works of Alexander Pushkin / Note. K. I. Tyunkina.- M.: Sov. Russia, 1984.-96s.

2. Literature: Grade 9: Textbook reader for general education. L64 institutions / Auth.-comp. V.Ya. Korovin and others - 7th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 463 p.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Collected works in ten volumes. Volume 4. - Ed.: Pravda. 1981

4. Lotman Yu. M. Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Comment: Teacher's guide. - L .: Education, 1983. - 416 p.

5. Internet resources:



Portrait of Olga.

Always humble, always obedient,

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple a poet's life is,

Like a kiss of love dear,

Eyes as blue as the sky

Smile, linen curls,

One of the largest and most interesting works of A. S. Pushkin is the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", which V. G. Belinsky rightly called "an encyclopedia of Russian life." Indeed, the novel is so versatile that it gives a broad and truthful idea of ​​the life of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century.

We learn a lot from the life of the provincial nobles from the description of the Larin family, from the story of their life. During the author's narration, we catch in his voice sometimes kind sadness, sometimes irony, and sometimes regret.

The “peaceful” life of the Larin family “rolled calmly”, there was nothing unexpected or restless in it. Not much different from their neighbors, in everyday life they kept the “habits of sweet antiquity”, but not because they deliberately chose such a way of life, but out of ignorance of alternatives. That is why they do many things without hesitation, out of habit, and this mechanicalness makes us smile:

On the day of the Trinity, when the people, Yawning, listen to a prayer service, Touchingly on a beam of dawn, They shed three tears ...

Dmitry Larin, who loved his wife sincerely, “he believed her in everything carelessly,” he entrusted her with housekeeping and expenses. Larin "was a kind fellow, belated in the last century," but when his daughters grew up, "he died an hour before dinner."

Larina the mother, unlike her husband, loved to read. She preferred Richardson's novels, not because she really liked them, but because "her Moscow cousin often told her about them." We see that public opinion is valued here much higher than one's own judgments and predilections. In her youth, Larina Sr. did not manage to marry for love, her parents found her husband, although "she sighed for another, which she liked much more with her heart and mind." A sensible husband took her to the village, where at first she "teared and cried," but after that she got used to "and became pleased." Taking care of the household, autocratically managing her husband, Larina soon forgot about her past life, the heroes of French novels disappeared from her head. She is

... she began to call the former Selina Akulka And finally renewed On the cotton wool dressing gown and cap.

Over the years, Larina turned into a “nice old woman”, a typical representative of her circle, and what was previously new and fresh for her has now turned into everyday life and routine.

The daughters of the Larins, Tatyana and Olga, are completely different from each other. We see them from the point of view of different people. Olga was always frisky and cheerful, simple-minded, she does not like to think about anything.

Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, linen curls, Movement, voice, light camp. All in Olga...

This is how the enamored Lensky, parents, neighbors see her. However, the author and Onegin immediately noted the ordinary, mediocre nature of the girl, the poverty of her inner world, absent-mindedness, the fact that "Olga has no life in her features." Even the appearance of her attentive Onegin perceived rather peculiarly:

She is round, red in the face, Like this stupid moon ...

Tatyana was completely different. She did not shine "neither the beauty of her sister, nor the freshness of her ruddy", but a deep, rich, original inner world turned her whole life into poetry. Infinitely loving nature, brought up on the "traditions of the common folk antiquity", reading sentimental novels, Tatyana was

She is endowed from heaven with a rebellious imagination, a living mind and will, and a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart...

Shy, simple, sincere, silent, loving solitude, she was so different from those around her that even in her own family she seemed like a “stranger girl”. However, for the author, and at the end of the novel, for Onegin as well, Tatyana embodied the ideal of a Russian woman - smart and sensitive, but simple, natural.

The difference between sisters is especially pronounced in love. A loving person cannot lie, he is open and trusting and therefore often defenseless in front of the outside world. It seems that the windy and narrow-minded Olga is not capable of deep all-consuming feelings. In love, she is attracted by the external side: courtship, compliments, flirting. She is inattentive to those who love her, and therefore does not notice Lensky's resentment during the ball, his changed behavior and mood before the duel. She experiences the death of Lensky so easily that she soon marries a lancer, perhaps seduced by a beautiful uniform.

But what about Tatyana? It seems that her impressionable nature was prepared for great love from childhood, but invariably recognized and repelled everything insincere, false, "seeming". material from the site

Tatyana was waiting for a smart person, able to feel and experience, able to understand and accept her rich and generous soul. She recognized such a person in Onegin and forever gave him her heart. Even having understood her mistake, survived the rejection, she remains true to her feeling, which not only brought her much suffering, but also cleansed and enriched her, tested her principles, ideals, and values ​​for strength. Both in grief and in joy, Tatyana appears before us whole and self-sufficient, therefore, tragedies and suffering only strengthen her, help her learn new ways of behavior.

Even after becoming a princess, a secular lady, Tatyana remains simple and sincere, although she learns not to trust all people indiscriminately. The coquetry and affectation inherent in other representatives of the “high society” are alien to her, because she never betrayed her ideals and values, continued to love both her people with their rich history and her inner world.

According to Pushkin, the best qualities of the Russian character are harmoniously combined in Tatyana Larina, which is why she remains for the author the “sweet ideal” of a Russian woman.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • abstract on the theme of Zvichai Simya Larinikh Pushkin Onegin
  • brief description of the Larin family
  • The Larin family in the story of Eugene Onegin
  • evgeny onegin image mother larins
  • life and habits of the laren family

”is the “encyclopedia of Russian life” of Pushkin’s time. For the first time in Russian literature, an entire historical era was recreated with such breadth and truthfulness, and contemporary reality was shown to the poet. The action of the novel develops in the Larin family. The Larin family is a provincial landed nobility. They live just like their neighbors. With irony, Pushkin tells about the "peaceful life" of the Larins, faithful to the "habits of dear old times." Larin himself "was a kind fellow, belated in the past century"; he did not read books, he entrusted the household to his wife, "and he ate and drank in a dressing gown" and "died at an hour before dinner."

Pushkin tells us about the formation of the characters of three representatives of the Larin family: mother and daughters - Olga and Tatyana. Larina in her youth was fond of, like her daughter Tatyana, the novels of Richardson, Rousseau. Before Tatyana, these novels opened up an amazing world with extraordinary characters who perform decisive actions. Following the example of Julia, the heroine of Rousseau's novel "The New Eloise", in love. Novels developed in her an independent character, imagination. They helped her to realize the vulgar noble world of the Pustyakovs, the Buyanovs.

Her mother, reading the same novels in her youth, paid tribute to fashion, shown in fig. Determine the magnetic induction B at point O. The radius of the arc is R = 10 cm. "> since the Moscow cousin "often told her about them." They did not leave a trace in her heart. youth “sighed about something else”, but she got married at the insistence of her parents, was a little worried, and then, obeying the will of her husband, left for the village, where she took up housekeeping, “got used to and became satisfied.” Tatyana wants to love, but love a person who is close She dreams of a man who would bring a high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels. And it seemed to her that she found such a man in Onegin. "Confessions of Onegin", but she also experienced true love, real feelings that enriched her.

Pushkin, talking about his "sweet" Tatyana, constantly emphasizes her closeness to the people. She grew up and was brought up in the village.

Larina's landowners
kept in a peaceful life
Sweet old habits...
... Loved the round swing,
Podblyudny songs, round dance.

The atmosphere of Russian customs and folk traditions surrounding Tatiana was fertile ground on which the love of a noble girl for the people grew and strengthened. There is no abyss between Tatyana and the people.

She sharply differs in her moral character, spiritual interests from the girls of the noble environment, like her sister Olga. Tatyana is full of sincerity and purity in her feelings. Mannered affectation, coquetry are alien to Tatyana. But it was in the nature of young ladies. After all, Tatyana's mother in the past fully corresponded to the behavior of her peers. Just like them, she pissed with blood

... In the albums of gentle maidens,
Called Polina Praskovya
And she spoke in a singsong voice.

But time passed, everything superficial flew off, the landowner remained, who

... began to call
Shark old Selina,
And finally updated
On cotton wool is a dressing gown and a cap.

Over the years, she has become a typical representative of her circle. She forgot everything, serf customs reign in her memory. Equally familiar is the fact that she “salted mushrooms for the winter” and “went to the bathhouse on Saturdays”, and that she “shaved her foreheads” and “beat the maids, getting angry.”

Not that Tatyana. Her attitude to life, to its values ​​does not change, but develops. Having become a secular lady, a princess, living in luxury, she still loves her world:

Now I'm happy to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home.

The complete opposite of Tatyana is her younger sister. Olga has a lot of cheerfulness, playfulness, and is in full swing. She is always “with a light smile on her lips”, her “ringing voice” is heard everywhere. But it does not have the originality and depth that Tatyana has. Her spiritual world is poor. “Always modest, always obedient”, she does not think deeply about life, follows the rules accepted in society. She cannot understand Tatyana, she is not alarmed by Lensky's behavior and mood before the duel. Everything passes by Olga that leaves a deep mark on Tatiana's character. Tatyana loves "not jokingly", "seriously", for life.

Nowhere, in nothing she has no consolation,
And finds no relief
She repressed tears.
And my heart breaks in half.

How different the suffering Tatyana is from the windy Olga, who, after crying over Lensky, soon became carried away by the lancer. Soon she got married, “repeating her mother, with minor changes that the time required” (V. G. Belinsky).

Tatyana, Pushkin's favorite heroine, bears the stamp of the nationality to the end. Her answer to Onegin at the end of the novel is also in the understanding of Pushkin, a trait of folk morality: one cannot build one's happiness on the grief and suffering of another. The novel "Eugene Onegin" was for Pushkin the fruit of "the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful remarks." And if he mockingly tells us about the fate of Olga, who repeated the fate of her mother, then Tatyana, this “Russian soul” girl, whose moral rules are firm and constant, is his “sweet ideal”.

Composition on the topic: The Larin family in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin describes two different worlds: the world of high urban society and the patriarchal world of the countryside. The main character of the novel - Tatyana Larina - was born and raised in the village. How did it happen that in the wilderness, far from educated people and generally recognized cultural values, such an outstanding nature was formed?
"The village where Eugene missed was a lovely corner." "Village" - boundless fields, a wooden house, peace, comfort and simplicity are associated with this word:

He settled in that peace,
Where the village old-timer Forty years old scolded with the housekeeper,
He looked out the window and crushed flies.
Such a description is quite consistent with the life of the Larin family. The head of the family, Dmitry Larin, was a "kind fellow", a good neighbor, a kind husband and father, his life flowed slowly and calmly in the village, where he left all household chores to his wife and retired. In his life there were no shocks, fuss and anxiety. The quiet, calm existence of a provincial, in which everything is prudent, the same existence is characteristic of all his neighbors. Larin was an ordinary representative of the village society:

Their conversation is prudent About haymaking, about wine,
About the kennel, about my family,
Of course, did not shine with any feeling,
No poetic fire
Neither sharpness nor intelligence,
No dorm arts;
But the conversation of their dear wives was far less intelligent.

The fate of his wife is also typical of that time. Living in the capital, she was a fashionista, loved novels and, under the influence of these romantic works, fell in love with a military man, but her parents, disregarding her daughter's feelings, married her off. She endured this grief quite easily, got used to village life, took control of the house and her husband into her own hands, and soon forgot her former lover, and fashion, and social fuss:

Then she took up housekeeping
I'm used to it and I'm satisfied.
The habit from above is given to us:
She is a substitute for happiness.
Habit soothed sorrow
Not reflected by anything;
The great discovery soon consoled her completely:

She is between business and leisure

Revealed the secret as a spouse

Autocratic control,

And then everything went to become.

Yes, at first she suffered, but time passed, and she forgot everything. There was no trace left of the past grief. But she seemed to love, but love left her pretty quickly. This characterizes the pettiness of nature and soul. Now for her the most important discovery was the opportunity to manage the household and her husband, who was not at all opposed to being managed.

Olga, the youngest daughter of the Larins, is the first to appear on the pages of the novel. Olga seems to me a copy of her mother. And, although the mother was brought up in the capital, and Olga in the countryside, there are practically no differences in their characters. Olga is in love with Lensky, but when he dies, she does not suffer for long:

Another caught her attention

Another managed her suffering

To lull with love flattery.

Onegin, who knew many beauties, says that Olga has no life in features. She is just as typical and faceless as many lovely girls of that time. She is sweet, kind, modest, obedient, but too ordinary. And in the future he will become an exact copy of his mother, who does not even have a name in the novel.

These are the people who surrounded Tatyana. She lived among them, not finding understanding even among those closest to her. Since childhood, she was unlike everyone else - neither peers, nor people older than her. She was thoughtful, and yet none of her family is ever presented to us as a thinker. She will carry love for Onegin in her soul even through marriage with an unloved person. Love for nature, the ability to understand the beauty of sunrise and moonlit night also distinguishes her from the household. Tatyana not only sees the beautiful, but also knows how to enjoy it.

So, among empty talk about mowing and salted mushrooms, among empty people, an original person with a deep soul suddenly appears. A person no one understands. Yes, these people can not understand it. They are trying to drive the girl into their usual framework, but they do not succeed and will not succeed, because a person endowed with imagination will never be able to live the way mundane people live with their narrow circle of interests and philistine reasoning.

VK.init((apiId: 3744931, onlyWidgets: true)); One of the largest and most interesting works of A. S. Pushkin is the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", which V. G. Belinsky rightly called "an encyclopedia of Russian life." Indeed, the novel is so versatile that it gives a broad and truthful picture of the life of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century. We learn a lot from the life of the provincial nobles from the description of the Larin family, from the story of their life. During the author's narration, we catch in his voice sometimes kind sadness, sometimes irony, and sometimes regret. The "peaceful" life of the Larin family "rolled calmly", there was nothing unexpected or restless in it. Not much different from their neighbors, in everyday life they kept the “habits of sweet antiquity”, but not because they deliberately chose such a way of life, but out of ignorance of alternatives. That is why they did many things without hesitation, out of habit, and this mechanicalness makes us smile: On the day of the Trinity, when the people, Yawning, listen to a prayer service, Tenderly on a beam of dawn, They shed three tears ... Dmitry Larin, who heartily loved wife, “he believed her carelessly in everything,” he entrusted her with housekeeping and expenses. Larin "was a kind fellow, belated in the last century," but when his daughters grew up, "he died an hour before dinner." Larina the mother, unlike her husband, loved to read. She preferred Richardson's novels, not because she really liked them, but because "her Moscow cousin often told her about them." We see that public opinion is valued here much higher than one's own judgments and predilections. In her youth, Larina Sr. did not manage to marry for love, her parents found her husband, although "she sighed for another, which she liked much more in her heart and mind." A sensible husband took her to the village, where at first she "teared and cried," but after that she got used to "and became pleased." Taking care of the household, autocratically managing her husband, Larina soon forgot about her past life, the heroes of French novels disappeared from her head. She ... began to call the former Selina Akulka And finally renewed On the cotton wool dressing gown and cap. Over the years, Larina turned into a "nice old woman", a typical representative of her circle, and what was previously new and fresh for her has now turned into everyday life and routine. The daughters of the Larins, Tatyana and Olga, are completely different from each other. We see them from the point of view of different people. Olga was always frisky and cheerful, simple-minded, she does not like to think about anything. Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, linen curls, Movement, voice, light camp. Everything is in Olga ... This is how the enamored Lensky sees her, her parents, neighbors. However, the author and Onegin immediately noted the ordinary, mediocre nature of the girl, the poverty of her inner world, absent-mindedness, the fact that "Olga has no life in her features." Attentive Onegin perceived even her appearance in a rather peculiar way: She is round, her face is red, Like this stupid moon ... Tatyana was completely different. She did not shine "neither with the beauty of her sister, nor with the freshness of her ruddy", but a deep, rich, original inner world turned her whole life into poetry. Infinitely loving nature, brought up on the "traditions of the common people of antiquity", reading sentimental novels, Tatyana was ... gifted from heaven with a rebellious imagination, a living mind and will, and a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart ... Shy, simple, sincere, silent, loving solitude, she was so different from those around her that even in her own family she seemed like a “stranger girl”. However, for the author, and at the end of the novel - for Onegin as well, Tatyana embodied the ideal of a Russian woman - smart and sensitive, but simple, natural. The difference between sisters is especially pronounced in love. A loving person cannot lie, he is open and trusting and therefore often defenseless in front of the outside world. It seems that the windy and narrow-minded Olga is not capable of deep all-consuming feelings. In love, she is attracted by the external side: courtship, compliments, flirting. She is inattentive to those who love her, and therefore does not notice Lensky's resentment during the ball, his changed behavior and mood before the duel. She experiences the death of Lensky so easily that she soon marries a lancer, perhaps seduced by a beautiful uniform. But what about Tatyana? It seems that her impressionable nature was prepared for great love from childhood, but invariably recognized and repelled everything insincere, false, "seeming". Tatyana was waiting for a smart person, able to feel and experience, able to understand and accept her rich and generous soul. She recognized such a person in Onegin and forever gave him her heart. Even having understood her mistake, having survived the rejection, she remains true to her feeling, which not only brought her much suffering, but also purified and enriched her, tested her principles, ideals, and values ​​for strength. Both in grief and in joy, Tatyana appears before us whole and self-sufficient, therefore tragedies and suffering only strengthen her, help her learn new ways of behavior. Even after becoming a princess, a secular lady, Tatyana remains simple and sincere, although she learns not to trust all people indiscriminately. She is alien to coquetry and affectation, characteristic of other representatives of the "high society", because she never betrayed her ideals and values, continued to love both her people with their rich history, and her inner world. According to Pushkin, the best qualities of the Russian character are harmoniously combined in Tatyana Larina, which is why she remains for the author the “sweet ideal” of a Russian woman.
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