Uplifting books - what to read. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

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When we are in a bad mood, our energy potential is noticeably weakened, and we are sometimes unable to sensibly assess our condition and make effective decisions.

In a modern, dynamic world, the real causes of a bad mood can be external stimuli. In this case, we resort to external “auxiliary” tools, such as music, movies, books, communication with friends, playing sports, etc.

We regularly buy various motivational literature and re-read those books that we find in our home library, but we do not always think about the invaluable help that such a source of information could provide. Let's look at what benefits a book can bring if you have...

Book therapy as a remedy for bad mood

Book therapy is a complement to psychological treatment that includes appropriate books and other written materials, usually intended for reading outside of psychotherapy sessions. The purpose of book therapy- expand understanding of the reader’s specific problem that requires treatment or in-depth study.

Written materials often help to optimally analyze and synthesize information, thanks to which a person is able to sensibly assess his mental state. The ability to “read” your problem in a similar way allows you not only to cope with a stressful situation, but also to optimally improve your mood.

Psychological or fiction - what to choose

Many studies show that most of the population primarily turns to books, namely psychological and fiction, for psychological help. But what is the difference between them and how to choose the right book that best suits your mood?

The influence of psychological literature on mood

If you don’t see a way out of a difficult life situation, don’t know how to cope with stress or depressive disorders, or need advice from a professional psychologist or doctor, then it’s better to choose book on practical psychology.

A book on practical psychology should provide you with advice on those issues and aspects that currently interest you most. Also, such manuals show real examples from the lives of people who coped with a similar situation.

pay attention to author's qualifications, his experience working with real people, find reviews of his research in the field. It should be taken into account that authors with academic backgrounds in psychology have often conducted actual research in the field of human relationships and have real, not actual, experience.

Also unconditionally popular are authors specializing in the field of NLP, Feng Shui and esotericism. Their books contain a lot of positive and motivating information.

Here are several publications on psychology that will help you cheer up and overcome difficulties of any kind:

  • .A guide for those who want to improve family relationships. The author is a specialist in the field of anthropology.
  • . The manual belongs to a qualified teacher, researcher in the field of cognitive psychology. Written for those who want to learn how to make decisions quickly.
  • . The authors of the book are certified psychologists. The book is based on many years of experience working with clients who suffered from codependency and codependent relationships, who are unable to express their feelings and who suffer from shyness and fear of communication.
  • . The author is a well-known master in the field of Feng Shui and positive psychology. The book is addressed to those who strive to believe in themselves, their strengths, and learn to fulfill their desires.
  • . The author is an NLP master, trainer. The book teaches how to meet every day with a positive mood, how to achieve career heights, and how to find happiness in your personal life.

The influence of fiction on a person's mood

Today, experts in the field of pedagogy and psycholinguistics have proven that fiction is capable of significantly influencing the reader’s consciousness, changing or cultivating certain values, and creating guidelines for self-development. In works of art, a person is depicted in different guises: in the form of internal dialogue and in the form of dialogue with other people, in impulsive actions and actions. Consequently, fiction is a source of self-knowledge and influence on mood.

If you want to plunge into the world of fantasy, adventure, and find answers to exciting questions through the prism of literary characters and their problems, choose books from the “fiction” section.

What principles should you follow when choosing a book for your mood?

  1. Focus on your preferences: consider the genre, volume of the book, And subject matter, which would help reveal and analyze your life situation.
  2. Unfortunately, not every bookstore consultant is well versed in literature. In this case, online libraries and forums can help you, where you can read reviews of the selected book.
  3. Read a work based on the plot your favorite movie was made. It will be interesting for you to follow what was included in the film script, and what remained only in the book.
  4. If you have suffered mental trauma, try not to look for something “heartbreaking”. It is better to choose a book with a lyrical hero similar to you, who was able to cope with a similar problem.

“Eternal” books that have helped many generations in difficult life situations

Human- this is the eternal value of society, book- the eternal value of humanity. Each of us remembers the books we read with emotional excitement, because... they revealed to us the beauty of life, the greatness and meanness of man, gave us unforgettable meetings with our favorite literary characters, and helped us overcome difficult life situations.

However, in the literature there is several works whose significance is difficult to overestimate. These works are eternal because they contain an image with the characteristic features of any person.

  • . A story-parable by an American writer, a story about the life of a young bird that learns to fly, overcome life's difficulties, and sacrifice itself for others. Useful for those who have stopped believing in themselves and are looking for new ways of self-improvement.
  • . A philosophical novel, which, according to critics, in the 90s of the XX century. had a great influence on American readers.
  • . The story is about a 16-year-old teenager who talks in the first person about the difficulties of adolescence, does not accept the moral canons and morals of modern society. The main theme of the essay is disappointment. You can find out how the young man rebuilt his life by reading this work.
  • . The story of a man who was on the verge of death, but managed to save his life thanks to courage, perseverance and love of life. The hero goes through severe torment on the way to salvation.
  • Lauren Oliver "Before I Fall" The story is about the life of a young girl who, after death, relives the last day of her life, trying to realize her mistakes and the value of everything she lost. She has one more try to live her life.

Book- one of the oldest tools for understanding the world. The use of literature as an experienced assistant for various psychological problems is the subject of book therapy, since in books we look for other ways to comprehend our problems and doubts.

Literature expands our perceptions, provides us with new emotional strength, illuminates our individual circumstances, and confirms the basic commonalities of humanity that give us a greater perspective in overcoming any problem. Therefore, by reading books that suit your mood, you use an invaluable gift to find inner balance and happiness.

Read books and have a good mood!

Video: What to read for your mood

A small list of books for positivity and good mood.

In any unclear situation, read books. For example, if all possible disasters such as an earthquake, a water shutdown and a broken heel happened at the same time, just select one of the books on our list, get comfortable on the couch, and an hour later you will be completely fine!

Once upon a time I lived

Slava Svitova, Bright Star Publishing

The publishing house has a whole series “Warm Stories”, where you can find a soulful book for every taste. The stories of Slava Svitova (such a modest and at the same time ironic pseudonym) under a bright cover are funny “misadventures” of a girl who decided to start a new life in the capital. This is a modern Ukrainian coming-of-age novel with tragicomic episodes. Many readers will remember themselves: their naivety, the desire to find their calling, the desire to achieve success, the difficulties of the first period: lack of money, nostalgia and endless hypotheses “what would have happened if I…”. A cute, light and entertaining debut for those who have not forgotten how and where they began their path to success, and are ready to smile at the adventures of a very real heroine.

Gupalo Vasil. Five and a half benefits

Fozzie, "The Revenge of the Old Lion"

How we would like to believe that good always triumphs over evil. But the simple guy Gupalo Vasil knows this for sure, moreover, he even knows how to defend this good like no one else. He has special superpowers, so he always wins. But what adventures!

In 10 minutes

Chiara Gamberale, “Family Dozville Club”

A little quality Chiclit to lift your spirits never hurts. Popular Italian writer Chiara Gamberale gives us valuable advice against “stagnation” in life. The heroine of her book was left without a husband and without a job, lost interest in life and does not know how to live on. Very simple. You just need to do something for 10 minutes a day that you have never done before. Then it won’t be boring - that’s for sure, and then happiness is just a stone’s throw away.

Horse Foxley and other mature species confirmed

Roald Dahl, "A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA"

Dahl is primarily known to us as a children's writer, but readers all over the world highly value his “adult” stories, full of incomparable black humor and detective-fiction plots with an unexpected ending. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the author’s birth, the first book with his works addressed to adult readers is being published in Ukraine. Irony, grotesque and beautifully written short prose from a cult author is what you need to put you in a great mood.

A guide to the Galaxy for space tourists

Douglas Adams, “Navchalna book - Bogdan”

Another classic funny work from which even such a serious person as Elon Musk draws inspiration. No wonder, because it is No. 1 on the Sunday Times bestseller list (1979), on the Waterstone's books/Channel Four list of "The 100 Greatest Books of the Century" the novel is number 24 (1996) and ranks fourth on the list of "The 200 Best Books of the Century". BBC version (2003). What about a novel about two friends who are tortured by aliens with the worst poetry in the universe? Only that it should be a damn funny and absurd work that you will read in the evenings, silently shaking with laughter while the family sleeps.

House with stained glass

Zhanna Slonevska, “Visualization of the Old Lev”

However, a book doesn’t have to be funny to improve the reader’s mood. It could just be a well-written, interesting book about adventure and love. This novel is the winner of the competition of the Polish publishing house “Znak” Literanova. The author is a former Lviv resident, and now a resident of Krakow, a Ukrainian with Polish roots. The house with the stained glass window is located in Lviv, and since 1912, four generations of women have lived, loved, suffered and fought in it. They say that no one has ever written about Lvov like that.

The axis is open to the valley

Galina Vdovichenko, Family Dozville Club"

Again the stories and skill of the author. It is easy to invent fables, it is difficult to show our everyday life truthfully and at the same time in an original way. You will meet ordinary and extraordinary strangers: men and women, strangers to each other and those closest to you: children, brothers and sisters. Each of them will give you valuable advice with their story, because all people are looking for happiness and each of them has their own recipe. Someone pulls three jobs in Italy and avoids melodrama. Someone is playing history on Lviv's Rynok Square and accidentally predicting the future. Someone is searching for happiness by touch, listening not to the advice of a psychologist, but to a small lost parrot.

Egg-Raitse, or a million per day

Tatyana Belimova, Andrey Protsaylo, Bright Star Publishing

This is not just a novel, but a novel-show, a novel-game. The intrigue revolves around the Beau Sancy diamond, which is kept in the Louvre exhibition in Paris (a soft lemon-colored diamond, shaped like a small egg). The novel describes the pursuit of a diamond, which, it turns out, has been in Ukraine since the 18th century, and its twin brother is kept in Paris. A diamond does not stay in one hand for long, and if anyone wants to keep it, they end up in big trouble. And so, the next owner of the diamond realized that it was the jewel that was the reason for his prolonged black streak. Nevertheless, he cannot just give it to someone, greed does not allow it. How to “cleanse” a diamond from its curse? Play it out on the show! The characters in the book will tell you what came of it.

Help the brave warrior Schweik

Jaroslav Hasek, “A-BA-BA-GA-LA-MA-GA”

A classic is a classic, but not everyone has read it, although everyone has heard it. The remarkable writer and humorist himself, Hasek, in many ways served as the prototype for the brave Schweik, a soldier of the Austro-Hungarian army in the First World War. By the way, no less interesting are the fascinating facts about Hasek’s stay in Ukraine - you will read about this in the epilogue. A wonderful novel, the most comical and absurd adventures, the funniest characters - in general, a mastrid.

Women as women

Elena Andreichikova, Brand Book Publishing

Writer Elena Andreichikova debuts with a collection of stories in which there is a little lyricism, a lot of irony and heroines who decide for themselves how to behave, what they want, who to hang out with and, in general, how to live. At the same time, of course, they conduct rather funny dialogues with themselves, and often find themselves in difficulties created by themselves, but always come out of them with honor. And yes, there is also a lot of Odessa in this book: the sea, the sun, temperamental people and unique flavor.

And hello again, our dear lovers of leafing through the paper pages of a book, and not. Well, those who love life online - join us, book-loving is in vogue these days. Today I would like to offer you a more positive rating. If your life is now at the level: “She would even like to hang herself, but college, exams, session,” and: “There is no way out,” as the well-known Spleen sings, then you’re definitely coming to us!

The new Top 10 is dedicated to those books, after reading which you will want to live! These are compositions of different genres, different in size and content, but they all bring positivity!

The most positive books

Even if you are familiar with this writer and his bright and joyful works, then in this book he can surprise you. It is much deeper and quite serious, although it is intended for adolescence. This poignant story about growing up is described with incredible tenderness and tells the story that every person on this planet needs to believe in something!

9. "The Sailor's Song" by Ken Kizzee

The author wrote this book after his long silence, but returned to literature with the greatest triumph! The author sings this song with brilliant skill, describes a bizarre world with unique sarcasm and places heroes there, and the fates of these people touch to the very heart. This story is about the harsh land of Alaska, about ordinary people. About how life throws you to the very bottom, so that you are then raised as high as possible to the sun, which will charge you with a sincere, irresistible, unkillably strong desire to live!

8. “My Family and Friend's Animals,” Gerald Durrell

A very interesting book because the author described himself and his family. What’s even more interesting is that at the age of ten, the boy observed the behavior of wild animals and his family and found interesting similarities there, which amused him incredibly. In some cases, human behavior was much more aggressive and more cruel than in the wild world. But the author described this through the prism of the opinions and understanding of a small child, using the main tool - humor. It was these observations that allowed the author to draw many conclusions about human behavior and his essence.

7. “Manyunya”, Narine Abgaryan

“Manyunya” is a bright, sunny, light story about childhood as such. The main characters are his two girly friends Nara and Manyunya and Ba - the kind but formidable grandmother of Manyuni. In addition to them, it tells about many relatives who find themselves in funny, curious situations. This story takes you to that most unforgettable time, to a cozy, mischievous, warm and beloved childhood, which makes a person happy for life.

If you are looking for a source of joy and positivity, easy, easy reading, then this book is for you. The story of the energetic Jeeves and all those funny situations that surround him will lift your mood from zero to infinity.

5. “Standing Under the Rainbow,” Fannie Flagg

In this novel, the writer collected all her characters from other books, which will be interesting to watch if you have read this author before. So, imagine for a moment that you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. You know every family and its members better than anyone. Impressive? But besides this, you watch their lives, which makes your soul feel very warm. And although in our time they say that seeing only good things is difficult, and you are called a frivolous and naive person, the main character Fanny Flagg proves by her example that life is much easier, more pleasant and more interesting than people think about it.

4. Yes Man, Danny Wallace

This story is about a man who answered all questions and suggestions with nothing but refusals. He refused acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, and as a result, he stood on an empty road that led to nowhere. People turned away from him, his beloved left him, he was left completely alone. And one day on the bus he met a very strange man who said only 3 words, after which our hero’s life changed dramatically.

3. Pollyanna, Eleanor Porter

How often do you look at your life and see it as white with black stripes? How do you answer the question: “Is the glass half empty or half full?” Surely, it is very difficult to see only bright colors and positivity in everything. We are all adults and serious people, we have a lot of problems that need to be solved, when then can we rejoice? Pollyanna knows the answer to this question. You just need to make joy a game, then a principle of life, and maybe you will look at your life differently? The story of this little strong girl is an excellent antidepressant.

2. Ice and Fire, Ray Bradbury

From the creator of Fahrenheit 451, we present another fascinating book. If you have a great imagination, then you can imagine such events. Changes in nature have led to the fact that people began to grow up and age in just 8 days! And during this period of time you need to do everything! Learn, grow up, leave behind offspring, grow old and die. And you have 8 days! The people in this book manage to fight and be jealous as if they had decades left. This book teaches us that you can do a lot in such a short time, if you really want to, you can do nothing, even if you don’t try.

1. “You Changed My Life” by Abdel Cellou

This story touched the hearts of millions of people around the world. Based on this book, the film “The Untouchables” or “1+1” was filmed in Russian. Here words are hardly needed at all. This is a story about two friends, about people whose destinies should not have crossed - about a French paralyzed aristocrat and an unemployed Algerian. But they met and their lives changed very dramatically.

Enjoy your reading, and write in the comments. what positive book do you like best, which of these ten have you read. Bye Bye.

There are times in every person's life when there is a need for emotional recharging. Bad mood or problems often unsettle us, and we begin to look for a source of additional inspiration. Some find it in music, others watch inspiring films, and still others choose positive books for themselves. We will now focus on the third option to improve your mood.

Today you can find a huge amount of literature on book shelves. And choosing something suitable can sometimes be problematic. When choosing a positive book, people are guided by different motives: to cheer up with humor, to have fun, or to form a positive image of their future.

As a rule, the most positive books are the most inconspicuous. Therefore, when it comes to choosing, you need to go in two directions - read annotations to literary works, or study reader reviews and their recommendations. We will solve both of these problems and consider what positive reading material exists today.

1. Leonid Filatov, "Troublemaker". Anyone looking for positive emotions is strongly recommended to study the books of this author. In his poems and jokes lies the truth, which on the one hand gives you a smile, and on the other makes you think. Here are just a couple of examples of his creations:

- However, I would be good,

I wish I had forgotten to find out who I slept with!

It's time to get acquainted, my love.

Reveal your name to me!


Looks like this is Nasreddin

You've done a lot of harm in your life!

But with what? Stole your prayer mat?

Did you reward him with branchy horns?

Another great option to read something positive is "Stowaway" by Georgy Danelia. The author of this work is known to many as an excellent director. But as practice has shown, he is also an excellent writer. Subtle humor will ensure a fun evening and enjoyable reading. For greater clarity, an example from the book:

Towards morning the junior lieutenant appeared. He came up to my bed and called in a whisper:

Georgy, let's go to the restroom! Help!

His ID fell on the mark. He lit matches. You can see it, it floats on top, but it’s deep and you can’t reach it with your hand. I need to hold his legs. “If I don’t get him out, I’ll face a tribunal!”

In the toilet we tore the boards off the glasses, and the lieutenant dived into the hole. The first time he did not calculate the distance and plunged headlong.

The Arctic, the edge of the earth, the path of courageous conquerors of the Arctic. Nansen, Laptev, Amundsen found their fame here. And what am I doing - standing in the toilet booth and holding the legs of a junior lieutenant who is digging through shit...

The ID was fished out, the junior lieutenant stripped naked, I poured cold water on him from a bucket, and he rubbed himself with his T-shirt. The shirt was then thrown away. When they returned to the room and lay down, the neighbor stirred and muttered displeasedly:

Well, I farted, I can’t breathe.

The lieutenant stood up, took a bottle of cologne from his suitcase and poured it over himself. Here the polar explorer completely woke up from indignation:

What are you doing?! I farted so much, no cologne can stop it! Just wasted it!

And then there was a crash outside, a scream, and then - a heart-rending curse throughout the entire tundra - someone went to the toilet and fell through. We put the boards in place, but there was nothing to nail them with.

3. If you like interesting stories, adventures or detective stories, then you will undoubtedly like the works Joanna Khmelevskaya. At least read a book "What the dead man said" and you will understand that Polish humor is truly wonderful.

Positive motivation

Positive reading, as already mentioned, can not only consist of humor, but also provide the right motivation. If you have lost your way in life, then the following selection will help you answer many questions:

This is not the entire list of literature that may end up in your home library under the heading “Positive Reading”. The number of such works is truly enormous. But after reading at least some of the books from this list, you will be able to form a positive outlook on the world, and therefore independently choose how to improve your mood and motivation for life.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 12 minutes


Mood - can't you imagine anything worse? And you wildly want to run away somewhere, hide, bury yourself in a warm blanket? The best way to overcome depression is books. Of course, you won’t run away from your problems, but you will cheer yourself up. And maybe you will even find a solution to your problem.

For your attention - the most positive works according to readers!

Year of release: 1928.

“The Imperishable”: one of the most positive and light works with sparkling humor, ridicule of our vices, deep meaning, amazing satire. A book that has long been scattered into quotes, for readers of any “status” and age!

You still don’t know “how much opium is for the people”? Kisa and Ostap Bender are waiting for you!

Year of release: 1999.

A surprisingly positive and cozy book, based on which an equally beautiful and memorable film was made in 2000.

The calm of a prim French town is suddenly disrupted by the arrival of the beautiful young Vianne. Together with their daughter, they appear at the same time as a snowstorm and open a chocolate shop.

Delicacies from Vianne radically change the lives of city residents - they awaken a taste for life. But a girl never stays in one place for long...

Year of release: 1970. Bestseller of 1972.

The book is a parable about... an ordinary seagull who simply wanted to be different from all the birds around her.

A work imbued with a specific morality - never give up, develop, improve yourself and strive for the sky (and the sky is different for everyone).

If you are close to the fact that your hands are about to give up, and the blues will turn into real black depression, it’s time to read something life-affirming.

Year of release: 1996.

He is young, he is going through his own spiritual drama, he is losing self-confidence. But there is a way out of any life crisis!

A light and touching, ironic book by a Norwegian writer about finding yourself and about the people you need to be able to see behind cars, houses, trees, everyday life...

Year of release: 1998 (filmed in 2001).

Bridget is a lonely London girl who writes in her diary everything that makes her live and that torments her. And she is tormented by the understanding that she is no longer a girl, her skinny fragility is gone, and the man of her dreams never asked her to marry.

In principle, he had no intention of calling her. This always happens: while we are waiting for our happiness on the road, it sneaks up on us unnoticed from the rear. And Bridget is no exception.

Lack of self-confidence? Open the book and rustle the pages to your heart's content! Good mood guaranteed!

Year of release: 2010.

It would seem that some blogger from LiveJournal could write something interesting? Probably nothing.

But not in this case!

The ironic notes of former marketer, and now plumber and writer Slava Se, published in full-length books, have long been passed around and sold successfully. How many people he made happy by replacing pipes - history is silent, but readers are definitely delighted with him!

Relax with Slava and get out of depression with the help of short and funny stories!

Year of release: 1964.

For several decades now, this book has remained one of the brightest and most positive works in the “fantasy story” genre. Fascinating, fast-paced, psychological fiction with sparkling humor for everyone.

By the will of fate, a young programmer ends up at NIICHAVO in a remote corner of Russia. From this moment on, his life will not be the same!

Year of release: 2004.

David is a realtor. And not the most successful, moreover. And he also has a bad streak in his life. But one day he gets a talking dog...

Don’t rush to skip the summary and snort contemptuously, because time with this book will fly by for you!

A very serious, despite the ease of reading, book with English humor about a dog named Tuft and her soft-bodied owner. A true masterpiece with a stunning ending.

Year of release: 1966.

Everything is mixed in sunny El Salvador - traditions, races, relationships. And in the light of this amazing and active South American life, the story of Dona Flor and her two husbands is written.

And the first husband was not completely ideal, and with the second, not everything went smoothly... If only we could get a little from each - and make the perfect “mix”.

Real drive from Jorge Amadou: Latin American passions will lift anyone out of depression!

Year of release: 1972.

Still, the meeting with the aliens took place. But the aliens “sailed back” from where they came, and the mysteries did not decrease. And the answers are there, in the anomalous zones, a visit to which can bring anything.

Red is one of the curious ones. He is drawn to the zone again and again, and even his beautiful wife cannot keep him at home. Will the zone let him off without consequences again?

Strong science fiction, based on which the film “Stalker” was created, and even a computer game.

Year of release: 2006.

Samantha is far from the last lawyer in London. She successfully works in a successful company, knows her business and is ready to become a young partner of the company. This is her dream. And the future reward for fatigue, sleepless nights, lack of a full personal life and neurasthenia. Just a couple of steps...

But life suddenly goes downhill, and from a successful lawyer she has to retrain as an ordinary rural housekeeper.

An excellent “reading” option for a “kick of cheerfulness” to a tired and sad body. Believe it or not, there really is life outside the office!

Year of release: 2004.

Oswald did not take the news of his diagnosis very stoically. According to the doctor, he has very little time left to live - and he runs away from cold Chicago to celebrate his last Christmas in a remote place called Lost Creek.

He is tired and does not intend to fight the disease... The doctor said “to the morgue” - that means to the morgue.

Need a reason to get out of office hibernation? Or has sadness and melancholy finally driven you to bed? Read about the Christmas miracle! Not about some fabulous imaginary miracle, but about a real one, created with your own hands.

It's so easy to create miracles!

Year of release: 1987.

In this warm and whimsical novel, several destinies are intertwined at once - in a tiny American town in the 20-80s of the last century.

Extraordinary characters with complex destinies, but kind hearts, despite everything, sincerity in the presentation of material, good language - what else do you need for an evening with a cup of hot tea?

Year of release: 1957.

The book is still in demand, adored by readers, every second of whom will call it “the most positive book in the world.” A heartfelt, partly autobiographical work, filmed and successfully sold, almost 6 decades after its first publication.

Open the book and inhale the sweet smell of summer, in which your troubles will dissolve! A book from a real wizard, Ray Bradbury (with a recipe for stress!).

Year of release: 2011.

This book will be of interest to both those who watched its film adaptation and those who encountered the author’s work for the first time.

Post-apocalyptic world: zombies on one side, people on the other, eating brains, gunshots and screams.

And, it seems, everything is clear, and the topic is hackneyed, but it turns out that not all zombies are such zombies. Some are still very good. Like this one, for example, with the name “R”.

And they also know how to love...

Lively and light storytelling, excellent style, humor and a positive ending!

Enjoy your reading and have an optimistic outlook on life!

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