Blood lymph movement massage. Technique for performing lymphatic drainage massage

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The passage of time is inevitable. Undoubtedly, it makes us wiser, more experienced, more reasonable. But for these valuable qualities you have to pay with youth and attractiveness.

But you really want the contours of the body to remain clear for as long as possible, the muscles toned, and the skin smooth. Reset a dozen years, restore freshness and health will help lymphatic facial massage, which was developed by Yukuko Tanaka, a well-known stylist and cosmetologist in Japan. The technique, based on ancient Eastern traditions, quickly spread around the world and became extremely popular.

Thematic material:

Massage from Tanaka is not in vain called Tsogan, which is translated from Japanese as “creating a face”. Indeed, with the help of certain techniques, it is possible to turn back time, stop skin aging, remove wrinkles, and re-model the oval. What is the reason for this amazing transformation?

  • First of all, the procedure affects the lymphatic system. As a result, the outflow of fluid is activated, which takes with it all the substances that poison the body, causing a strong detox effect.
  • During the session, the deep structures of the face are worked out: muscles, fascia, connective tissues. Massage movements even affect the bones of the skull, returning them to their correct position, eliminating asymmetry.
  • Cogan promotes the formation of acetylcholine, a substance that causes excitation of muscle fibers. As a result, the muscles not only recover quickly, but also increase their efficiency, tighten up, and become more elastic. As a result, the oval of the face is leveled, the jowls and the second chin disappear.

The skin is the first to respond to massage techniques. Irritated sensory endings located here send nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex. The response is the functional changes that occur in the body:

  • Increased blood circulation, due to which the skin is saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Local rise in temperature, which increases tissue permeability and accelerates metabolic and enzymatic processes.
  • Activation of the outflow of lymph and venous blood, as a result of which edema, congestion disappear, hematomas resolve.
  • Opening the pores, cleansing the sebaceous and sweat ducts helps harmful substances leave the body faster.

In addition, by stroking and rubbing techniques, we mechanically remove dead and exfoliated particles of the epidermis from the surface.

As a result of all these changes, the face becomes unrecognizable in a short time: wrinkles, flabbiness, puffiness, puffiness disappear, the skin acquires smoothness, elasticity, and a healthy tone.

Contraindications and restrictions

Tsogan massage is like a strong medicine. In order not to experience the unwanted side effects of the procedure and not put your health at risk, study the list of contraindications before the session. The procedure will have to be abandoned if you suffer from:

It is better for owners of an already narrow face to refuse the procedure: the inevitable noticeable weight loss after a course of lymphatic drainage can give a painful and haggard look.

Massage techniques

Those wishing to master the Tanaka Japanese lymphatic massage should pay attention to the fact that its techniques differ in many respects from the generally accepted classical canons:

All textbooks offer to start mastering the techniques of lymphatic massage with the most frequently repeated movement, which should end each stage of the procedure. Execute it in a certain sequence:

  • The middle, index and ring fingers are pressed to the center line of the forehead, counting to three.
  • Take them to the side of the temples, moderately pressing on the skin.
  • At the desired point, turn the hands at a right angle.
  • They pass their fingers along the contour of the face, first to the ears, where they hold the pressure for 3-5 seconds, and then go down to the collarbones along the lateral lines of the neck.

Opponents of the technique are trying to prove that too intense massage of the skin stretches it and only aggravates the situation by adding wrinkles and folds. Practice shows the opposite: such movements well stimulate the outflow of lymph, rejuvenating the face. And the best evidence of the effectiveness of massage is a photo of Yukuko Tanaka herself. Can you believe that she is 60 years old here?

Impact on key areas

Japanese lymphatic massage offers a whole range of manipulations. For each part of the face, they are unique and are performed according to certain rules and patterns.

forehead area

To strengthen the muscles and reduce the depth of transverse wrinkles, press the index, middle and ring fingers to the center of the forehead. Slowly spread them in opposite directions, pushing the surface with force.

You can work with one hand, working out the forehead horizontally with zigzag movements.

Around eyes

The massage of this zone is especially different from the classical technique of execution:

Thanks to such manipulations, you can get rid of puffiness, bags and bruises under the eyes, small facial wrinkles, lift hanging eyelids, opening your eyes.

Around the mouth

We speak, express our emotions, chew food and do not even think about the fact that every muscle effort leaves its mark on the skin around the mouth. With age, when there is much less elastin and collagen, and tissues lose their elasticity and ability to contract, these marks appear in the form of purse-string wrinkles that radiate around the lips. To eliminate, or at least reduce them, you can do the following:

It is important to note that the final lymphatic drainage technique described above is not performed after this exercise.

Nasolabial folds are eliminated by massaging the wings and sides of the nose, and then with effort moving the fingers along the line of the cheekbones to the ears.


Collagen fibers form a kind of frame for the skin of the face, modeling an oval. But already after 30 years, their elasticity decreases, the elasticity of the dermis is lost, under the weight of accumulated fat, it begins to blur and sag, making the face much older. To solve the problem you need:

Tanaka lymphatic massage is able to stop aging, restore clear shapes and contours to the face.


An ugly fold in the neck appears for various reasons. The reason for this may be the natural aging of the body, when the muscles and skin lose their elasticity and become especially susceptible to gravity. Very often, the cause of the appearance of a second chin is excess weight, poor posture or hormonal failure. Yukuko Tanaka suggested fixing this in the following way:

There is another, no less effective way to tighten the chin line.

To perform it, they fix the lower part of the face with one hand, with the other they push the cheek from the upper jaw to the inner corner of the eye, and then further, to the ears, but without much pressure.

Thus, both halves of the face are worked out.


Age-related changes, stress, sudden weight loss can affect the contours of the face. A very simple Tsogan technique will help prevent the appearance of changes or correct an already existing situation: the bases of the palms must be forcefully drawn from the chin to the ears, and then down the neck, to the collarbones. Repeat manipulations 5-7 times for each side.

The clarity of the oval largely depends on the condition of the skin. You can also tighten it with a special massage technique: clasping the lower part of the face with open palms, move to the temples with slow jerky “steps”, carefully pushing through the tissues.

Such movements can be performed at home. But before the first independent procedure, it is advisable to visit several sessions of professional massage in order to get acquainted with the basic techniques, remember the direction of movements and the sensations that the patient should experience during exposure.

The instructional video will help to replenish knowledge:

Possible problems

Japanese facial massage has a global modifying effect on the human body. Therefore, during and after the session, you need to carefully monitor the changes taking place and, if necessary, take certain measures:

  • If problem areas visible to the naked eye appear on the face, stop the massage immediately and consult a doctor.
  • Edema should be the reason for refusing to use fatty massage oil and transferring the procedure to an earlier time of day.
  • Acne along the lymph flow is a signal that you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin after drainage or replace the massage tool.

The procedure has another romantic name - Asahi, which means "morning sun". This name is the highest praise, a kind of quality mark, indicating that the lymphatic drainage facial massage created by Yukuko Tanaka, like the image of the rising luminary, sacred for any Japanese, brings people goodness, joy, change, the beginning of a new life.

Feature articles

Manual lymphatic drainage helps to speed up lymph circulation, relieve swelling and remove cellulite in the body, and thereby helps to relieve swelling, reduce pronounced cellulite and increase the effectiveness of any diet.

Responsible for the rate of metabolic processes in the body and the state of human immunity lymphatic system.

If lymph moving constantly, this ensures the removal of excess fluid and salts, toxins and metabolites from the body.

Lymph circulation disorder often manifests itself in the form of swelling, pronounced cellulite, excess weight and problems with the immune system. You can cope with this problem thanks to active physical activity or massage - it is simply impossible to get the lymph to circulate faster in other ways.

Competently executed manual lymphatic drainage massage allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from the body and harmful substances released during the life of cells.

The procedure of manual lymphatic drainage will make it possible to reduce visible puffiness, adjust the contours of the figure, conduct a general recovery and deep cleaning of the whole organism.

If you are overweight, you can lose several kilograms in one procedure of manual lymphatic drainage. To improve efficiency any anti-cellulite procedures are recommended to be carried out only after lymphatic drainage.

Any measures in the fight against excess weight are aimed at increased lipolysis(breakdown of fat cells into constituent parts, fatty acids). All decay products released in this case will be excreted using the lymphatic system.

However, if the lymph moves slowly, then the entire volume of fatty acids is not excreted from the body and becomes the basis for the formation new fat cells. This is precisely what explains the difficulties if you need to lose weight in the breeches zone: if the metabolic processes in the body occur slowly, then even with the most severe dietary restrictions, the weight decreases slightly.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage increase efficiency any diets and cosmetic procedures aimed at reducing weight and reducing the visible manifestations of cellulite.

An added bonus lymphatic drainage procedures will strengthen the immune system, reduce swelling throughout the body and alleviate the condition with varicose veins.

Can I massage myself?

Lymphatic drainage massage has many nuances and a number of contraindications. Maximum effect manual lymphatic drainage procedure will give if it is performed by a professional massage therapist. Hiring a professional makes sense for several reasons:

  • Massage useful and efficient only if it is done correctly. It is important to observe the direction of movement, to regulate the force of pressure, etc. Otherwise, you can get the exact opposite effect: pronounced varicose veins, increased swelling, the appearance of hematomas.
  • A full lymphatic drainage massage lasts at least an hour and requires considerable physical strength. Doing it yourself is not always possible, especially when it comes to the area of ​​​​the back or buttocks.
  • In some cases, lymphatic drainage basically prohibited.. Contraindications are pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, serious problems with the heart and blood vessels, oncology, diabetes, neuralgic and skin diseases, the active stage of herpes infection.

If desired, you can only carry out superficial lymphatic drainage, which can provide a slight tonic effect. For example, with light circular movements clockwise, you can massage the stomach, starting from the navel.

Body lymphatic drainage massage technique

Depending on the depth and strength of the impact, manual lymphatic drainage can be superficial or deep. In the first case, the massage therapist acts on neuroreceptors and a network of capillaries located in the upper layers of the skin.

Deep massage also involves the impact on the lymphatic vessels, resulting in more deep stimulation body, liquid stagnation is eliminated.

With superficial lymphatic drainage the specialist performs gentle pressure and circular movements that accelerate the movement of lymph to the lymph nodes and its filtration. The combination of lymphatic drainage elements with classic relaxing massage makes this technique even more effective. All movements are superficial and should not be painful.

Deep lymphatic drainage provides for a stronger impact on the area of ​​projections of large lymph nodes (in particular, in the groin and under the knees). The direction of massage movements should also coincide with the paths of lymph movement in the lymphatics.

All this allows you to open poorly functioning capillaries, expand venous and lymphatic vessels and, thus, make internal metabolic processes more intense.

During a lymphatic drainage session the massage therapist's hands are constantly in contact with the patient's skin, ensuring the acceleration of the movement of the lymph due to light pressing and sliding movements in the direction of the lymph flow lines. The procedure is performed using special means or oils for massage.

  1. Any massage movements should be done smoothly and carefully. Even after a deep massage, there should be no bruising or bruising on the body.
  2. You need to start the procedure with a thorough warming up of the massage area: in the direction of the lymph movement, light strokes should be done for several minutes.
  3. Only a heated surface can be actively influenced: with force, press on the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.
  4. It is recommended to complete the procedure with a shower with warm or cold water.

Lymphatic lines

Lymph always circulates in a specific direction:

  • from the cervical zone - to the chest area;
  • from the palms and forearms to the shoulders;
  • from the abdomen - to the inguinal region in the hip joint;
  • from the feet - up the legs to the hip joint.

The main groups of lymph nodes

Large lymph nodes are located:

  • under the lower jaw;
  • on both sides of the neck;
  • in the bend of the elbows;
  • in the armpits;
  • in the center of the chest;
  • in the groin and popliteal areas.

Step-by-step instructions for performing lymphatic drainage

After warming up the muscles you can start the process:

  1. Soft pressure (surging) on ​​active lymphatic areas (depending on the massage area, this may be: the area above the collarbones, the abdomen, the lymph nodes located in the groin). The cycle of movements is repeated several times to achieve the release of the lymphatic ducts. The directions of movements are from the upper parts of the body down.
  2. Soft wave-like movements along the blood flow (from bottom to top) stimulate the work of all capillaries and blood vessels.

The total duration of a massage session is from 1 hour. For medicinal purposes, to get rid of excess weight and as part of anti-cellulite therapy, 10-12 procedures are recommended.

One of the functions of the lymphatic system is the effective cleansing of the human body by removing toxic substances from body tissues. Violation of the lymphatic system and its deterioration in functioning inevitably lead to the accumulation of toxins and decay products as a result of the vital activity of the body. The result of such a violation is known as the process of intoxication of the human body and suggests a better preventive effect in order to prevent this phenomenon than a longer and more laborious recovery (treatment) process.

essence performing lymphatic drainage massage techniques is to ensure effective lymphatic drainage of tissues. In this regard, it should be noted that there is such a technique as:

surface impact. It is carried out by affecting the area of ​​​​lymphatic capillaries and, at the same time, neuroreceptors of the skin;

Deep Impact Technique. The implementation of a direct impact on deeper tissues, which implies participation in the mechanical stimulation of large lymphatic vessels. In parallel, there is an active stimulation of the developed muscle group, which improves the condition and functioning of the lymphatic vascular system.

performing acupressure lymphatic drainage technique. Affects the lymph nodes through careful study of the massaged area of ​​the body. Usually this is the groin area, inner thigh and popliteal cavities.

Features of this technique include:

1. It is used to activate the processes of nutrition of the skin, including the deep layers;

2. Improvement and normalization of blood flow and lymphatic drainage in tissues;

3. Provides an excellent effect of healing the body as a whole;

4. The possibility of combining several techniques for conducting a massage session. As a rule, a combination of lymphatic drainage and classical techniques is applied and gives a positive effect;

5. The technique implies the work of a specialist aimed at the implementation of gentle, pressing and circular movements on the patient's body, which ensures the unblocking of clogged vessels and acceleration of the outflow of lymph;

6. An excellent effect is recorded with the parallel practice of applying lymphatic drainage techniques and elements of mechanical massage.

The time period of a massage session according to the lymphatic drainage technique is about one to two hours. At the initial stage of the procedure, mandatory relaxation and removal of muscle tension of the patient is carried out. Further movements are carried out by stroking, with the direction of movements along the lymphatic current.

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Hello dear readers. In this article we want to tell you about lymphatic drainage body massage, its technique, indications and contraindications.

What is lymphatic drainage massage

- This is a kind of physiotherapy procedures that are aimed at restoring the flow of lymph through the vessels. This contributes to the removal of toxins, toxins and excess fluid from the intercellular space.

Lymph circulation is carried out by muscle contraction. Massage allows you to influence the muscular apparatus, relaxing the muscles. Due to this, the lumen of the lymphatic vessels expands, as a result, the flow of lymph and its distribution throughout the body improves.

In the process of lymphatic drainage massage, blood circulation is normalized, the transport capacity of the vascular system is improved, thanks to which the cells receive more nutrients and release decay products and toxic compounds.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the body is carried out by a qualified specialist. The whole process occurs along the lymphatic pathways: capillaries - vessels - nodes. At the same time, there is parotid, submandibular, subclavian, axillary, ulnar, inguinal and popliteal tracts.

All movements of the specialist are smooth-squeezing and tend to the largest lymph nodes, without affecting the latter. Before the actual procedure, the massage therapist acts on the area around the large lymph nodes. This medical technique is called surge , and aimed at enhancing their performance. After that, the specialist directly proceeds to the method of conducting lymphatic drainage massage.


Lymphatic drainage body massage is prescribed for:

  • fighting overweight and "orange peel";
  • reduce swelling in any area of ​​the body;
  • fight bruises on the body;
  • improving the process of skin renewal;
  • giving elasticity to the surface layers of the dermis;
  • rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body;
  • body contouring;
  • treatment of varicose veins;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of lymph flow;
  • elimination of stretch marks;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • increasing the body's defenses.

The effect of massage

  • Lymphatic drainage massage allows you to improve the flow of fluid throughout the body: lymph and blood. This will help to cope with many diseases, serves as an excellent preventive measure. Such procedures are actively used for body shaping.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage of the body allows you to improve the nutrition of cells and remove toxic compounds, excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are improved, and immunity is gradually strengthened.
  • The discharge of fluid from the body will save you from increased swelling of the limbs and face, and will also help to cope with bruises under the eyes. Thanks to the tightening effect and the improvement of the transport characteristics of blood vessels, your skin will acquire a natural color and its elasticity will increase.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage of the body will help to cope with mimic and age-related skin changes. It has an excellent corrective effect. Subject to the regularity of the procedures, it will help to cope with a few extra pounds and centimeters of volume. It has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.
  • In addition, massage improves the psycho-emotional state, helps to relieve stress and emotional tension. Serves as a good preventive measure to combat depression and nervous strain.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, it can cope with many congenital and acquired pathologies. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It promotes cell renewal, due to which it is actively used during the rehabilitation period after injuries and surgical interventions.


Lymphatic drainage massage of the body can bring not only benefits, but also harm. To exclude its negative impact on the body, the procedure is not recommended:

  • during an exacerbation of thrombophlebitis;
  • with vascular disease;
  • with dermatological diseases;
  • with pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • in the presence of malignant and benign tumor neoplasms;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the acute period of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • during menstruation;
  • with chronic kidney failure;
  • with pathologies of the heart muscle;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • with diabetes;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • during a period of elevated body temperature;

Types of massage

Lymphatic drainage massage differs in technique and direction. According to the second criterion, massage is distinguished face and neck, legs, back, arms, chest, shoulder girdle, abdomen.

  1. Lymphatic drainage face and neck massage helps to improve blood flow to the brain, which contributes to its better nutrition and increased efficiency. By acting on the skin of the face and neck, you can cope with wrinkles, improve skin color, cope with problems of puffiness and bags. Also, this focus will help to cope with the second chin.
  2. Lymphatic drainage foot massage is a good preventive measure for varicose veins, lymph stagnation and poor blood circulation in the lower extremities. Foot massage with its regular use helps to cope with cramps, pain, heaviness and swelling in the legs.
  3. Lymphatic drainage back massage, upper limbs, chest and shoulder girdle helps to improve blood and lymph flow to tissues, cleanse them of accumulated toxins, toxins and lactic acid. Helps to cope with some diseases of the musculoskeletal system as part of complex therapy.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen necessary for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system). In addition, such an orientation of the procedure will help tighten the stomach, make it more attractive and remove a few unwanted centimeters.

Massage Techniques

According to the technique of execution, there are two varieties: manual and hardware massage.

Manual massage

The manual technique of performing lymphatic drainage massage consists in pressing and sliding along the lines of lymph flow. When applying this technique, special massage creams or oils are used, which facilitate the procedure and improve gliding.

  • Acupressure manual massage used to directly affect areas around the lymph nodes. As a result, metabolic processes are improved, the immune system is strengthened, blood vessels are strengthened and the flow of lymph and blood is improved.
  • Deep manual massage used to directly affect muscle tissue. In the process of work, the massage therapist makes every effort to qualitatively work out parts of the body. Thanks to massage, the supply of blood to the muscles improves, and the content of nutrients in it increases. Deep massage is used to relieve muscle tension, improve tone. In addition, this technique is applicable for body shaping.
  • Superficial manual massage has a positive effect on blood capillaries and lymphatic vessels. Thanks to this effect, it is possible to eliminate vasospasm, relax muscle fibers.
  • Japanese massage performed by working out the surface of the skin with two fingers of both hands.

Hardware massage

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the body is carried out in several directions. Let's consider each of them.

  • Vacuum technology performing a massage involves the use of special cans, with the help of which the effect on the lymphatic system takes place. The method of application is similar to the usual canned body massage.

This technique is used to accelerate the movement of fluid through the vessels. As a result, you can stabilize blood pressure, remove excess fluid from the body, which will help reduce swelling and disperse subcutaneous fat deposits. Cupping massage is rarely used or on areas of the body that can be hidden under clothing, as it often leads to the formation of bruises.

  • - a technique for performing lymphatic drainage massage of the body, which involves putting on a special suit, consisting of separate inflatable elements.

During the procedure, compressed air under pressure is applied to the patient's body. The technique is similar to the procedure for measuring blood pressure. This massage technique is aimed at improving lymph flow, blood flow, removing excess fluid from the body and stabilizing metabolic processes.

Pressotherapy can be pulsed - it involves the mechanical impact of high and low pressure on the human body and tissues. The effect of vacuum and compression is alternately created. Such a session lasts from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. With the barocompression technique of pressotherapy, a gradual increase in pressure occurs in the apparatus.

  • hardware massage involves the impact on the lymphatic vessels through the skin of weak electrical impulses. It is used to work out the muscular apparatus and improve the condition of the skin, in particular on the face and neck.
  • Technique of galvanization used to improve metabolism. Helps to remove toxins, toxins and excess fluid from the intercellular space. It is carried out by applying a low voltage current.
  • Electroiontophoresis technique involves the introduction of agents for moisturizing and stimulating the work of cells using electrodes. Such a massage is aimed at cleansing the body of toxic compounds and moisturizing the surface and deep layers of the dermis.

How to do lymphatic drainage body massage at home

Lymphatic drainage body massage can be done independently at home, having mastered simple rules:

  • start massage after consultation with a specialist who will determine its necessity, duration, contraindications and impact zone;
  • to carry out the procedure of lymphatic drainage massage should not be earlier than 2-3 hours after eating;
  • massage from the bottom up from the lower extremities to the head;
  • the recommended time for the procedure is the second half of the day;
  • do massage using a massage cream or oil, which will facilitate movement and eliminate the likelihood of bruising;
  • all movements should be soft and smooth, without sudden movements, tweaks and pressure;
  • massage movements along the lymph flow to the lymph nodes;
  • carry out in the procedure of lymphatic drainage massage every other day;
  • before carrying out the procedure on your own, be sure to familiarize yourself with the lymphatic system and massage techniques;
  • depending on the goals of the massage, the number of procedures ranges from 3 to 12 procedures;
  • before the procedure, steam and clean the skin with a scrub;
  • after the end of the massage, rest for half an hour;
  • drink plenty of clean water throughout the course.

How to massage each zone

For self-massage, the face, neck, legs, abdomen and arms are available. To massage the back, chest, you need to seek help from a specialist.


  • Step 1. Before performing a lymphatic drainage facial massage, cleanse the skin with a scrub and steam over a steam bath with medicinal herbs.
  • Step 2 After that, apply a special massage agent to your face to help facilitate the procedure. All movements should be soft and smooth and pass through the lymph flow to the lymph nodes.
  • Step 3 Start the procedure from the center of the face to the lymph nodes that are located under the jaw and chin. Next, direct the movements with the fingertips from the center to the temporal region, from where direct the lymph to the behind-the-ear nodes.
  • Step 4 Complete the treatment with a lymphatic drainage massage of the scalp. Conduct all movements from the crown of the head to the behind-the-ear lymph nodes and the back of the head.

The duration of this procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. After the massage, you can apply a moisturizing mask or a mask with a lifting effect to the face to consolidate the results.

In the conditions of a beauty salon, a microcurrent technique is used to carry out lymphatic drainage massage of the face.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Margarita Levchenko


The area of ​​the procedure is the back surface of the neck. Move the pads of your thumbs from your ears to the trapezius muscle. During the procedure, hold your fingers under the ears, in the middle of the back of the neck and at its base, while applying slight pressure.


Lymphatic drainage massage around the eyes perfectly relieves puffiness and helps to cope with bags and bruises under the eyes. For the procedure, use the pads of your index fingers.

Start the massage from the bridge of the nose, gradually moving to the lower edge of the eyelids and the temporal region. Next, massage the area above the eyes. To do this, place your fingers on the outer end of the brow arches and gradually move to the middle, and then to the inside of the eyebrows.


In the beauty salon, you will be offered a choice of lymphatic drainage foot massage using manual equipment or using special equipment. Pressotherapy is the most effective.

  • Step 1. At home, carry out the procedure after a warm shower using massage products. At the beginning of the massage, perform a light warming massage, this will help make the lymphatic system of the lower extremities more receptive.
  • Step 2 Start the procedure with stroking movements in a straight, zigzag line from bottom to top.
  • Step 3 Next, apply the squeezing technique with your fingers and palm. Knead after the lymphatic system is prepared. Carry out circular, longitudinal movements from the bottom up.
  • Step 4 Stroking and squeezing movements in time should take no more than half of the procedure. Massage on the area from the knee joint to the hip joint is carried out from the inside and outside. The lower leg area is worked out only from the back side - from the ankle to the popliteal lymph nodes.


Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen is performed using circular movements from the navel to the sides, inguinal and axillary region. To massage, use the pushing and patting technique.

Rib cage

Lymphatic drainage massage of the chest serves as a preventive measure for the formation of tumor and cystic neoplasms of internal organs, and is also indicated for women with pathologies of the mammary glands.

For massage, take a horizontal position. Start the procedure with light circular movements from the center of the chest to the lymph nodes, which are located in the armpit with slight pressure between the ribs.


Massage is carried out in a horizontal position, lying on the stomach. The starting point of the massage is the base of each vertebra, from which it is necessary to carry out light circular movements with the palms to the sides. After the end of the procedure, swipe along the spinal column from the bottom up.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


The most natural processes in the body sometimes fail even for no apparent reason. So, for example, disruption of the lymphatic system affects the decrease in immunity, the appearance of edema, cellulite, and the development of internal diseases. The cause is lymph stagnation, a violation of the freedom of its movement through the courts, and lymphatic drainage massage will help to cope with this. Let's see what its essence is such an effect on the body, what types and techniques are there, when it is advisable to use it.

What is lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system functions as a sewer in the body. Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure aimed at the intercellular space, in which metabolic products and fluid accumulate. The essence of lymphatic drainage is the cleansing of the “clogged” distance between the cells of the body by improving the circulation of lymph (liquid connective tissue).

Lymph flows through the vessels due to the contractions of the muscles that surround it. Massage affects them and the entire lymphatic system as a whole. As a result of lymphatic drainage procedures, muscles relax, blood vessels become wider, lymph flows more freely, and is distributed more evenly. The process of metabolism (proteins, salts, water) between blood and tissues is facilitated, toxins (remnants of decayed cells), viruses, toxins are removed. Once in the lymph nodes, all this "garbage" is neutralized.

Lymph performs a metabolic, protective, homeostatic function, so its drainage heals and rejuvenates the body, improves immunity. Lymphatic drainage (normalization of lymph flow) is carried out with the help of massage movements. From the capillaries, the lymph moves through the vessels and flows into the lymph nodes, so stimulating massaging is done along the course of its flow - to the lymph nodes.

Indications for and benefits of massage

The uniqueness of lymphatic drainage physiotherapy for adults is the ability to slow down aging. Children's massage is also a means of eliminating some congenital pathologies, disease prevention. A certain technique, its varieties, lymphatic drainage effect on specific areas of the body help to cope with aesthetic problems, correct figure flaws, and it is easier to recover from illnesses.


Lymphatic drainage of the face is carried out by the method of hardware (myostimulation) and manual exposure. Such rejuvenation will be useful to everyone, but this massage procedure is also indicated in special cases:

  • puffiness of the face;
  • the appearance of a second chin;
  • violation of the contours of the face in the aging process;
  • withering of the skin, its sagging;
  • early appearance of wrinkles;
  • recovery period after plastic surgery.


Lymphatic drainage of the legs includes the impact on the outer and inner side of the thighs, lower legs, feet, as a result of which the lymph flow normalizes, the functioning of venous valves improves. This procedure is an effective prevention of varicose veins, arthritis. The procedure is shown for:

  • removal of edema;
  • improving immunity;
  • correction of the shape of the legs;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • relieve pain, fatigue.


Carrying out lymphatic drainage massage for the purpose of healing, rejuvenation, improving the appearance can be in hardware and manual techniques. The procedure takes a different amount of time, but not less than 45 minutes. The indications for the procedure are the following:

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • weakened immunity;
  • swelling;
  • loose skin;
  • postoperative recovery period.

Around eyes

The area around the eyes is a delicate area of ​​the face. Ordinary massage manipulations are able to harm the thin skin of the eyelids and undereyes, as it is easily stretched, another thing is lymphomassage. The gentle techniques that distinguish lymphatic drainage are safe for the skin around the eyes. This type of manipulation has a firming effect on the eyeball, shown in the following cases:

  • prevention of aging;
  • reduction of "crow's feet";
  • increased visual acuity;
  • pain and "sand" in the eyes;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • elimination of edema.


Lymphomassage of the eyelids (point and general) is carried out with extreme caution. In this area, only manual techniques and myostimulation are used. Impact on lymphatic drainage in the eyelid area helps to eliminate:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • sagging of the upper eyelid;
  • small wrinkles;
  • dark circles under the lower eyelids;
  • skin laxity.


When doing lymphatic drainage massage procedures for the back for medicinal purposes, special attention is paid to the lower back and the area along the spine. This lymphatic drainage procedure is recommended during recovery from injuries, as an addition to neurological therapy. The aesthetic effect is achieved using a vacuum technique and pressotherapy. Lymphomassage of the back, which improves lymph drainage, helps:

  • partially get rid of neuralgia of various zones;
  • relieve difficult breathing;
  • reduce fat folds at the waist;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • reduce the fat "pillow" on the neck and upper back (vacuum massage).


Lymphatic drainage on the buttocks is used for aesthetic purposes. In this area, for the beauty of the body, hardware techniques are actively used: cupping massage, pressure therapy, myostimulation, and at least 20 minutes are allotted for each procedure. The benefits of lymphomassage effects on this part of the body:

  • reduction in the volume of the buttocks;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • skin tightening;
  • muscle strengthening.


Lymphatic drainage of the neck is combined with facial massage. Performed in manual massage technique, pursue the following goals:

  • saturation of the skin with oxygen;
  • removal of soft tissue edema;
  • improved blood supply;
  • slowing down the appearance of wrinkles;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • skin tightening.


This type of lymphomassage, performed on the abdomen, has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. The procedure uses all manual and hardware lymphomassage techniques (depending on the purpose):

  • skin tightening;
  • reduction of the fat layer;
  • improvement of perylstatics;
  • removal of ballast from the intestine;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • scar healing;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases.


Hardware or tactile (correct) lymphatic drainage effect on the human body has contraindications. This is due to the ability of the lymph to carry infection, toxins, metastases in cancer. Lymphomassage of any kind should not be carried out by pregnant women and with such diseases and disorders, deviations:

  • blockage of veins (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);
  • vascular and heart disease in severe or chronic form;
  • active stage of herpes;
  • neurological disorders;
  • burns, open wounds, hematomas;
  • lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis;
  • abscesses;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hematomas (bruises).

There are contraindications for lymphatic drainage effects on certain areas of the body. So, for example, it is not recommended to massage the groin, armpits, nipples, navel. After childbirth, abortion, with hernias, it is forbidden to massage the abdomen, and during menstruation - the lower back. It is impossible to have a massage effect on the mammary glands if touching causes pain or discomfort. Dermatitis and other skin diseases are not an absolute contraindication to the lymphatic drainage procedure: it is allowed to act on nearby undamaged skin areas.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

Lymphatic drainage therapeutic massage procedure has become common, popular, affordable. It can be done on your own or by a professional. Manual and hardware massage is carried out in beauty salons, cosmetology clinics, massage rooms, with the departure of the master at home. If you go to a medical institution or order a session at home, it will cost you about 500-2000 rubles. Facial lymphomassage is the cheapest, and the cost of a full lymphatic drainage course of 12-15 procedures with an interval of two to three days is often discounted.


This technique is called manual. This is a way of tactile impact on a person in order to relax the body, speed up the movement of lymph, and normalize metabolism at the cellular level. It is carried out by sliding the hands along the lines of the lymph flow with light pressure, using oils and mixtures. According to the strength of the impact, such manual lymphomassage is divided into:

  • deep impact (vascular);
  • superficial (capillary);
  • internal (impact on the lymph nodes).


It is carried out as an independent procedure or as an addition to manual exposure. Hardware lymphomassage is performed using special devices of both foreign and domestic production. This procedure uses myostimulation (the effect of vibration under the influence of electric current), vacuum and pressotherapy. Before any kind of hardware procedures, a preliminary examination is necessary, identifying contraindications to the effects of current and pressure.


With vacuum lymphatic drainage, special vessels (banks) are placed on the massaged areas. Under them, the pressure decreases, and the fluid from the body "sticks" to the surface. An example of vacuum therapy is well-known medical cups for colds. The purpose of vacuum massage is to stimulate the movement of lymph and blood, to remove excess fluid at the intercellular level. The effect is the disappearance of cellulite bumps, the removal of edema, but it is dangerous for the appearance of hematomas.


The procedure is very similar to the process of measuring pressure, only the cuff is put on not on the arm, but on the whole body. The principle of exposure is pressure with compressed air, the goal is weight loss, the effect is a decrease in the volume of the hips, arms, buttocks, legs. Pressomassage is divided into compression and impulse:

  1. Barocompression lymphatic drainage effect by positive pressure on the lymph flow to reduce the volume of gases penetrating through the capillary walls.
  2. Impulse lymphatic drainage is a massage effect with positive and negative pressure in order to increase the elasticity of the vascular walls.

How to do self-massage at home

Manual (manual) lymphatic drainage can be done independently. This procedure is no more difficult than a regular facial massage at home. For it, you need to purchase a special mixture or use vegetable oil diluted with a few drops of essential oil. Rules for independent lymphatic drainage:

  1. Start a course of lymphomassage only after a medical consultation, making sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.
  2. Do not engage in lymphatic drainage self-massage immediately after eating.
  3. General massage to start with the limbs, follow the sequence: legs, arms, torso, head.
  4. Perform lymphatic drainage procedure in the afternoon (preferably in the evening).
  5. Lubricate all massaged areas with special oil or massage mixture.
  6. When performing lymphatic drainage, avoid sudden movements, strong pressure, pinches, compressions. The main technique is stroking.
  7. The impact on the massaged areas should be carried out only in the direction of the lymph nodes (neck, armpits, inguinal region). For the face: from the center line to the temples and ears.
  8. During the week, perform at least two and no more than three sessions.
  9. Before self-massage, be sure to familiarize yourself with the methodology for its implementation.
  10. Do not do lymphomassage during pregnancy and during menstruation.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do lymphomassage of the legs:

  1. Lubricate your hands with oil and rub your feet thoroughly, intensively for about 7 minutes.
  2. Sit on a chair, put your leg extended in front of you on the other. Grab your ankles with your palms. With light pressure, move your hands up to the knee. So massage the lower leg for 5-7 minutes. Change your leg.
  3. Lubricate the outer side of the thigh with massage oil. Rub well. Pat the massaged areas with your palms. Change your leg.

Facial lymphomassage:

  1. Clean the steamed skin, moisturize, lubricate with cream (oil).
  2. With the fingertips of both hands, stroke the forehead from the center between the eyebrows up and to the temples.
  3. With your middle and index fingers, massage the area around the eyes in a circle - from the outer edge of the orbit to the nose.
  4. With light point pressure, walk along the same path.
  5. Massage the cheekbones and cheeks in the same way: from the nose, corners of the mouth, the center of the chin to the ears.

Photos before and after

The best demonstration of the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage is a good example. The photographs show that the course of such procedures helps to significantly reduce the volume of the body: the waist becomes thinner, the “ears” on the hips decrease, the legs become noticeably slimmer, the stomach is tightened. Lymphatic drainage also works as an anti-cellulite massage: irregularities on the skin of the thighs and buttocks disappear, the body looks smooth and elastic.

Video instruction

Do you want to know what is the essence of lymphomassage? Why do such manipulations have a rejuvenating effect? How does the masseur “make” the lymph move faster, why is excess fluid released between the cells under his hands, what is the lymphatic drainage process from the inside? Would you like to know how the Japanese zogan massage looks like in practice?

Watch a master class from Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka where she shows the essentials of a rejuvenating lymphatic drainage healing facial massage. Listen to a description of the technique of a professional massage therapist, who presents a lesson in aesthetic manual lymphatic drainage, talks about its rules and the possible consequences of technical errors.

How to do lymphatic drainage at home

Zogan Yukoko Tanaka


Elizabeth, 25 years old I never had any special problems with the figure, but the second chin is my scourge! Signed up for a professional massage in a beauty salon. I was offered myostimulation. I took a course of hardware lymphatic drainage procedures - there is an effect, but hardly noticeable. Then I asked for a manual one, although this service is more expensive. Within two weeks, my second selection simply disappeared! I continue to go to my massage therapist once a month - for prevention.
Valentina, 34 years old I thought for a long time how to lose weight in the hips, because no exercises helped to remove fat on the thighs. A friend advised me to go for a hardware massage. I went through 10 press massage sessions - the effect is amazing! Flabby thighs disappeared somewhere, instead of them plump, but elastic legs appeared. Nothing shakes when walking, and I buy jeans a size smaller.
Margarita, 50 years old Accidentally got on a session of manual lymphatic drainage. This is just a magical procedure, much more pleasant than ordinary massaging. The effect for me was unexpected: stuffy nose. Then I found out that this is normal for lymphatic drainage. After the massage, there was an extraordinary lightness and a crazy surge of energy. Cheerful mood and activity lasted 10 days! I want to take a full course of lymphomassage.
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Lymphatic drainage massage

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