Vamp style in clothes. Vampire woman - who is she? Image and character traits Vampire woman style

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Times change, and so does the beauty industry. If yesterday the most famous makeup artists and cosmetologists brought to the fore elegance and simplicity in makeup, then Today, at the peak of popularity, everything that is bright and catchy.

Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that there are no established images in the fashion world. An irreplaceable standard of female beauty For many years now, there has been an image of a vamp woman, which can also be called the image of a femme fatale.

A vamp woman - what is she like?

Strong, independent, bright - such a woman attracts the gaze of all men and women.

The characteristic representatives of this type are considered to be the queen. Cleopatra, trendsetter Coco Chanel, great actress of the 20th century Tedu Bara and a style icon of our time Dita von Teese.

It is their appearance, demeanor and, of course, makeup that are a striking example of the style of a vamp woman.

The very name “vamp woman” began to be used back in the 20th century. Presumably, the very first owner of this title was the American actress Theda Bara after the release of feature film "The Stain" (1915) with her participation.

White skin, bright lips, black hair - all this helped the actress to flawlessly demonstrate the image of a charming vampire. Actually, this is where the term “vamp woman” comes from – "woman vampire".

A lot of time has passed, but the image of the femme fatale is still characterized by many with porcelain white skin and bright makeup.

Such a woman is certainly confident in herself, and this confidence is visible to everyone around her. Probably every woman on the planet at least once in her life wanted try on this enchanting image for yourself.

However, nature has not endowed everyone with impeccable appearance: some do not have the desired plump lips, others do not have clearly defined cheekbones.

But that doesn't mean you can put it off the idea of ​​becoming a fatal beauty to the side. The right makeup will allow a girl with any appearance to become that desired vamp.

Basic principles

Image of a vamp woman for a photo shoot – photo:

Before we begin a detailed description of makeup, we will highlight several common features that are essential attributes Vamp style makeup:

  1. Perfectly flat white leather. Since this image originated from the image of a female vampire, aristocratic pallor faces are welcome. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not achieve an unhealthy deathly pale complexion. The right foundation and powder will help you.
  2. Sharp cheekbones. Elegantly defined lines, which dark powder will help you create, will give your face much more sophistication.
  3. Charming look. You can purchase it using a smoky smokey eye, even winged eyeliner or bright unusual shadows.
  4. Seductive lips. Classic. However, it is not at all necessary to observe this canon. If you are not afraid of experiments, you can choose black, chocolate or dark purple lipstick colors.

However, all of the above are long-established canons. You can also use your imagination and experiment by connecting and combining one element with another.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Stages of creation


First, let's recall some rules that are unwritten truths in any makeup. We are talking about proper preparation of the facial skin and creating an even tone.

Before applying cosmetics, thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your skin. After this you can start creating perfect tone, which has several stages:

  1. Pick up correct foundation. Ideally, it should be one or even two shades lighter. Distribute the product over the entire face up to the hairline, covering areas on the ears, neck, shoulders and décolleté.
  2. Try to avoid any contrast between the color of your face and other areas of your body.

  3. Correct all problem areas your face or any other corrector.
  4. Use powder to make your skin matte, also powdering the neck and décolleté area. Do not forget that you need to use light or transparent powder with reflective particles. If you're going to a party, you can take a compact powder with you to periodically refresh your makeup.
  5. Fill your cheekbones with dark powder. If you consider it necessary, lightly darken the back of your cheeks with the same shade. You should refrain from using blush, since blush, even the lightest, is not typical for vamp-style makeup. However, an exception can be made here if it is appropriate.

What makeup to wear for New Year's Eve? Read about it in ours.


After creating your ideal skin tone, the next step is correct placement of accents. Depending on your type of appearance, choose what you should focus on: the eyes or the lips.

By emphasizing both your eyes and lips, you risk crossing the fine line between vamp-style makeup and vulgar make-up.

So let's start with the eyes. You should pay special attention to eye makeup if you have a photo shoot is planned. In order not to get lost in the frame and look stunning in the pictures, you should paint your eyes brighter than usual.

No matter how deeply and piercingly you shoot your eyes into the camera lens, you just won't be noticed, if there is no proper makeup on the face.

  • to create the same almond shaped eyes, paint the strip along the growth of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid and the mucous membrane with a black or dark brown or dark blue pencil;
  • then using shadows in dark, brown or beige shades (depending on your complexion, eye color or your own preferences) cover the area of ​​​​the upper and lower eyelids to create a smooth transition. It is better to use the darkest shade on the outer corners of the eyes, almost near the eyebrows, gradually moving to lighter shades and ending with white on the inner corner;
  • whether to draw arrows or not is up to you. But it will not be superfluous and will give your eyes more mystery. The main thing is to draw the arrows as evenly as possible, without making it too long. It is better if the arrow is like an addition to the eyelash growth line;
  • pay special attention to your eyebrows, because the depth and expressiveness of the look depends on them. The so-called “Korean eyebrow shape”, characterized by slight negligence and a peculiar shapelessness, which is now at the peak of popularity, is not suitable for a vamp image. It is necessary to give the eyebrows an arched shape, make them neat and clear;
  • It is important that there are no foreign hairs on the eyelid or that the eyebrows themselves are not uncombed (to do this, use a special brush and eyebrow gel).

  • complete your eye makeup dark mascara. In more modern, trendy variations, you can use colors up to neon blue. The main thing is to give your eyelashes volume and length.


Last but not least on the list is lip makeup. As already mentioned, the classic option is bright red or scarlet lipstick with a matte texture, but if you are not afraid of experiments or are doing makeup for a special occasion, then You can use other colors.

  1. Pomade burgundy shades will give your lips severity and sophistication, and the black color will help achieve a slight gothic look.
  2. Before directly applying lipstick take care of your lip contour. Clean lines can be created using a thick pencil that matches your lipstick.
  3. To create a special accent you can use lip gloss. However, it should not be pearlescent. It is better to choose a transparent one, which will create a mirror effect on your lips.


Makeup in the style of a vamp suits everyone without exception. Those who deny this simply chose the wrong makeup color palette for themselves. After all, the color of lipstick, eye shadow and even powder may directly depend on the color of your hair:

  • lucky here for those with thick dark hair. A vamp woman with black hair is already a canonical image. Therefore, brunettes can safely experiment with the brightest colors without any fear of looking out of place;
  • However, remember that by choosing an overly light foundation tone, you risk turning into an ice queen, which can scare off others.

  • although most of us are accustomed to the fact that a vamp woman is always a brunette with jet black hair, A blonde can become a fatal beauty. And what a beauty! The main rule that owners of blond hair must strictly observe is not to overload the face. The tone and powder should have the lightest possible texture. If you have naturally light eyebrows, you shouldn't make them too black. In this case, a brown pencil would look more appropriate on your eyebrows;
  • concerning brown-haired, it is better to place the emphasis on the upper part of the face. Highlighting your eyes and eyebrows with dark brown colors will make your look more charming and attractive. For such young ladies, you can also safely use plum shades: it will not look too colorful on you, but on the contrary, it will make the image brighter.

Errors in the image

Often, instead of the image of a fatal beauty, we can get image of a saleswoman from a nearby market. No offense to the latter, we say that in any makeup you need to observe moderation. And in the makeup of a vamp woman you need to be doubly attentive and careful.

Since this type of make-up is considered very bright, the line between boldness and vulgarity is very easy to break.

In order to don't look ridiculous, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Using too dark shades of powder or foundation.
  2. Using self-tanner.
  3. Using bright blush.
  4. The predominance of too bright flashy colors.
  5. Overly provocative eye makeup.
  6. The predominance of dark colors in makeup.
  7. Incorrectly placed accents.
  8. Applying decorative cosmetics to previously unprepared skin.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is not necessary to be born with a model appearance in order to become a vamp. The ability to choose the right makeup is what will help you create the right desired image so as to attract the attention of others.

But remember that the real femme fatales are those who has his own inner core. And our advice will be happy to help you with this.

You can learn how to create the image of a vamp step by step from the video:

Many girls are beginning to take more and more qualities from a vamp woman. Who are these women, that they talk so much about them and a lot of girls want to be the same. A vamp woman is, firstly, a woman who is self-confident, she is narcissistic, strong, and she is desired by most of the male sex on earth. They are temptresses and seductresses. Vampire women know about their superiority and take advantage of it.

But is everything as wonderful as it sounds? Yes, vamp women are the dream of many men. But, rarely, men do not go further than their dreams. They are afraid of such women, with them they feel weak, insecure and are constantly in fear of losing her. Of course, there is a category of men who are also confident, strong and beautiful, but then the relationship between such a man and a vamp woman ends so quickly that you won’t even notice. Why is that? Probably due to the fact that everyone wants to prove their superiority, everyone wants to subjugate their partner. Well, what else do you want to be like a vamp woman? If yes, then let's take a closer look at what these more mysterious women look like.

Image of a vamp woman

A vamp woman will always have a different style from ordinary girls. Her look will often include expensive and luxurious furs. Clothes are always fitted and in the latest fashion. You will never see dresses on her that are too open or too revealing. Her outfit will be sexy, but in moderation. The vamp woman prefers cooler and darker shades of clothing and makeup. But, the red color will be indispensable in her outfit, which will symbolize passion and emphasize all her advantages.

Vampire woman jewelry

As for this attribute, you will not see jewelry at all or only the most expensive and exquisite ones. She can accessorize her outfit with small earrings, but these earrings will be chic and expensive. Such women do not want to attract men in this way, they do it with their behavior and grace.
Bellew, the vamp, pays a lot of attention. It should only be soft to the touch, lace or silk. It should be remembered by a man, so she takes in the underwear very carefully.

Vamp woman makeup

The makeup of such a femme fatale should be bright, but the word bright means that it is provocative and noticeable, and not flashy and awkward. They make the skin pale and clean, so that red or dark shades of lipstick can be clearly seen against its background.

Hair and hairstyle of a vamp woman

Often such a woman’s hair is dark and straight. They don’t do their hair very often, but if they do, it’s neat, not flashy, and always to show off the thin line of the neck.

Vampire women are unusual women. You can’t just become them in one day. Such women spend years creating an image of themselves as fatal and inaccessible. Not every girl can feel comfortable in this image, because if you want to imitate this image, then you need to give yourself completely to it. Be strong, independent. A vamp woman is also not very loose with her emotions; she will not show in public what is going on inside her. Many vamp women are satisfied with themselves and their lives, they build a career and do not need a family. These are often single women, and they will never destroy the little world they have created. But some people get tired of this image and this life over time. They understand that they want a family, children and a caring husband, and just be an ordinary girl. So, first think carefully about whether you need someone’s written-off image; perhaps it’s still better to remain yourself. Then people will be drawn to you, and life will be happy and calm.

A sharp mind is an integral part of the image of a femme fatale, and you will not be able to become a vamp if you do not upgrade your own intelligence to the “Goddess” level. It is important to remember the following: the image of a superficial woman, “what a charming fool” can also work, but it does not attract men as much as the image of an intellectual. Because you want to conquer a vamp woman, but you don’t need to conquer a silly girl. She must be hidden from polite society. At the same time, the sense of humor should also be at its best, because an intelligent woman who is as serious as a tombstone reminds a man more of a strict teacher than a woman at whose feet one would like to throw his life.

Vampire woman is confident in herself

You know that self-esteem must be adequate: both high and low self-esteem are equally harmful. And if it seems to you that a femme fatale is a young lady with high self-esteem, arrogant and unapproachable, you are deeply mistaken. A vamp woman knows how to create this image. But she evaluates herself completely adequately.

A vamp woman always looks appropriate

The popularized image of a vamp woman - a curvy, bright brunette in a revealing dress and high heels - has nothing to do with reality. A vamp woman can look like anything, but there is a nuance: she always looks appropriate. Everywhere. Some people believe that this is a rare gift, but in fact it can be learned if you put in some effort. And there is absolutely no need to hire a style consultant: once you immerse yourself in the topic completely, you will understand that creating the perfect image is not as difficult as it seems at first. Provided, of course, that everything is in order with the previous point. If not, take care of your self-esteem first.

A vamp woman knows how to listen

People love to talk. People love to talk even more about themselves and their loved ones. But few people like to listen to this, because any listener wants to quickly tell that everything is the same for him (his beloved, yeah), or, on the contrary, completely different. That is, there are very few good listeners, and this, frankly speaking, saves us. Because a person who knows how to listen to us automatically seems to us like someone who can be trusted with the most intimate things. This is exactly what a femme fatale can do.


Vampire woman can talk

More precisely, she knows how to say exactly what they want to hear from her, and so that no one would guess about it. She is a subtle psychologist, a person who knows how to completely subjugate a person with one phrase and do with him what you want. Because that’s it, he already believes her unconditionally. This is more difficult to learn. But it's possible. Especially if you have already learned to listen to people.

A vamp woman is a skilled manipulator

Actually, it is enough to learn to listen correctly and speak correctly in order to successfully manipulate anyone. But in order to become a real femme fatale, you will have to seriously immerse yourself in the world of psychological literature. A real femme fatale did not do this, of course, but only because she was used to carefully observing people and analyzing their words, actions and even emotions. This path is a little more difficult. Because it’s unlikely that you really want to know everything about people. So it’s better to read the works of Eric Berne, William James, and old Freud, of course, where without him. To start.

A vamp woman knows how to give in

Yes, the femme fatale is not at all the virgin who always achieves what she wants. This is a woman who knows how to give in. Do you know why? Because she has absolutely no intention of achieving anything: no, no, big deal! And this easy attitude attracts people to her like a magnet. Because everyone wants to be needed by someone. And when people realize that a vamp woman doesn’t really need them, they immediately need to hand them themselves to her on a silver platter. With all the giblets. Do you dare?

A vamp woman knows how to say “No”

Many women have certain problems with this word: what if I offend you with a refusal? What if I end up hurting myself? What if something didn’t work out, huh? A vamp woman has no doubts and is not shy. No means no.

The vamp woman is frank

There is no topic that the femme fatale cannot speak frankly about. Moreover, mind you, frankness in her case is not at all an open mind: for her there are simply no taboo topics. But, since most people have these very taboo topics, it seems to them that it was for them that the femme fatale lifted the veil of the most intimate. A very simple trick. The main thing is not to blush or stumble over “forbidden” words.

A vamp woman knows how to be herself

Always. In any situation. In any environment and alone with yourself too. And this is the most difficult skill. But, if you master the previous 9, you will cope.

A vamp's style in a woman's clothing can say a lot about her owner. Such a bright, sexy and luxurious image will not suit every representative of the fairer sex. Only very charismatic and spectacular ladies can afford this style. Such women are called vamps.

The history of this style of clothing begins in Hollywood at the beginning of the twentieth century, when movie star Theda Bara decided to make her image unforgettable by starting to brightly line her eyes and lips, and dress provocatively and sexy. Soon this trend was supported by many other celebrities, and then by simple girls with a bright appearance.

Who can be called a vamp woman?

Bright and sexy, charismatic and memorable, these women drive many men crazy. The appearance of these girls is similar to each other: white and delicate skin, always black hair, glowing eyes and passionate red lips. But it is not only appearance that determines whether a person belongs to a given style. In fact, to be a vamp woman you need not only externally, but also from the inside, this energy must come from the girl and be part of her. A vamp woman has a certain set of qualities and abilities that are an integral part of her.

First of all, all vamp women are incredibly self-confident and this confidence is absolutely unshakable and is transmitted to everyone around them. Such persons are always one hundred percent confident in their beauty, charm and ability to communicate with people. They know how to prove they are right and defend their opinions.

The second distinguishing feature is determination. Such girls clearly know what they want and go towards their goal, gradually choosing the road and filtering the methods they need and those they don’t need.

The next advantage of vamp women is the ability to look beautiful and bright always and everywhere. These ladies know how to choose their clothes wisely and create organic and sexy looks. They are well aware of all the features of their body and know how to emphasize their advantages, hiding flaws that they do not particularly recognize. Vampires can easily apply beautiful makeup and do their hair themselves. They know how to deftly handle cosmetics and look perfect always and everywhere. Every person knows the secrets of beauty and often uses them to create an even better image.

Luxurious and chic girls attract the appropriate life. They visit only expensive restaurants and the most fashionable cafes or clubs. Their life is pure pleasure and luxury. Such people often go to expensive beauty salons, where they receive the best care for their face, body and hair. These ladies also buy clothes in expensive stores and branded boutiques.

Vampire girls, in addition to determination, also have determination. Such women know how to make the right decisions, which they follow further. In addition to all of the above, this type of girl has very concise and good speech. They know how to tell and interest the interlocutor, as well as remain in the center of attention and discussion.

Real vamp women know how to feel the fine line that runs between sexuality and vulgarity. Not many people are capable of this. Vampires know how to remain provocative at the same time, but at the same time not look too vulgar.


Vampire women adhere to a certain style of clothing in order to better and more emphasize the advantages of their figure.

So, the most important item in every vampire’s wardrobe, naturally, is a dress. First of all, it is worth considering the fact that such women have only tight-fitting dresses hanging in their closets that tightly fit all the curves of the figure. The length can be varied: be it a mini, midi or floor-length evening dress, it will always emphasize the rounded hips and appetizing shape of its owner. In case the length of the dress does not reveal graceful legs and does not show off their slenderness, they still find a way to show off their body. Many people deliberately buy dresses with a long neckline, which exposes one leg when moving, others prefer a deep neckline or bare shoulders, and some prefer a neckline that reveals the back.

The colors of the dresses of these people are usually also sexy and flashy.

A must-have is a little black dress, which will reveal slender legs and will be relevant always and everywhere. Bright red dresses are a favorite wardrobe item; the color here speaks for itself and always makes a girl stand out from the crowd. Many people prefer dresses in fuchsia, purple, emerald or bright blue shades, which are sure to catch the eye. Well, just in case, every vamp woman has a dress with animal prints, usually leopard. Sexy colors can say a lot about the style of the wearer. It gives the owner an even more predatory appearance.

Of course, there are calmer, pastel colors that look very gentle even on such bright girls. The most popular materials for vamp dresses are lace, satin and silk.

When buying a skirt or trousers, vampires also follow their main rule - to fit the curves of the body as much as possible in order to give the image greater sexuality. Tapered classic trousers or a pencil skirt at the waist look incredibly beautiful and catchy on such girls. The favorite length of vamp girls is mini, which perfectly emphasizes long legs and shows them to the world. If the length of the skirt is slightly below the knee, then there are necessarily slits, and not necessarily only on the sides, they can be located both in the front and in the back. The front cutout is especially sexy.

Vampire women choose blouses from translucent fabrics, with a slightly airy style, as they look more beautiful with a skirt or trousers at the waist. Many girls try to buy blouses with deep necklines or open shoulders to emphasize the fragility of their physique and add a little sophistication to their sexy look. As for tops, they must be tight-fitting, possibly strapless.

The top choice for vamp women in the winter season is necessarily fur products. The more expensive and brighter they are, the better. This shows others their status and capabilities.


The vampire's shoes should also be as sexy as possible and must have thin stilettos or high heels. Shoes can be either closed classic pumps with a pointed toe, or with a small cutout that reveals the tip of the foot. Some girls prefer shoes with a small platform in the front; such shoes, combined with a miniskirt, lengthen their legs even more.

Which animal of all the variety of our smaller brothers created by nature do you like best? Which of them enchants you with their swift run or smooth flight, soaring in the streams of elusive wind on thin and translucent wings? Do you prefer cute fluffy cats or vampire bats that are scary with their appearance and nocturnal lifestyle? If the second option resonated in your passionate heart with a couple of extra beats, then, undoubtedly, image of a vamp woman, rulers of the night creatures, you will like. But what is it vamp style in clothes and how to create it in our age of digital technology and social networks, we, the site, will tell you.

The history of the appearance of the vamp style in the world

The undisputed leader among all vampires known to the world was the incredibly seductive Count Dracula, created by the writer Bram Stoker in 1897, and before that, legends about night bloodsuckers were found in all cultures of our beautiful and, in general, friendly planet.

The night is full of secrets and dangers, horror and romance, love and worship, and often, all these sometimes incompatible concepts are mixed with each other into a burning and intoxicating cocktail, whose name is vamp woman. It was these feelings that Hollywood played on at the beginning of the twentieth century, giving all lovers of mysticism the image of the first female vamp - Theda Bara.

Use your imagination and imagine 1910. A dark cinema, a crackling projector and a black and white film, the main character of which is a pale woman with a passionate gaze of thickly black-lined eyes, straight hair as black as night, pale skin and bright lips, behind which were hidden no less impressive sharp fangs, ready to to plunge into the muscular neck of the next enchanted admirer.

Needless to say, all men and women were captivated by this image, which made the vamp style of clothing and the very image of a vamp woman attractive and popular. Of course, Ted Bara immediately created an incredibly mysterious biography, with an Italian father and a French actress mother. But the legend about Teda’s birth in the shadow of an Egyptian pyramid added great romance to her image. We will now shudder at such unsanitary conditions, and we will sympathize with the entire family of the famous vampire, and not admire the mysticism of her birth.

However, at that time, the job was done and very successfully, Teda starred in more than 40 films on a vampire theme, and grateful fans created hundreds of “Secret Societies”, powdering their plump cheeks with a healthy blush with an incredible amount of white, creating a mysterious pallor.

And then off we go, since 1930 the light began to go out various sequels and variations on the theme of Dracula and his descendants, the bloody count turned out to be incredibly prolific, his sons and daughters regularly terrified the black and white screen, bewitching the viewer with their pallor and passion.

The image of a vamp woman did not leave the screen, attracting cute young girls with her confidence, fatal mystery and success with men. The echoes of these mystical passions have survived all the actors who gave birth to them, and we still see some elements of the vamp style in the clothes and makeup of celebrities and on the world's catwalks.

Vamp style in clothing and the image of a woman

Style and image reflect the inner world and perception of ourselves in the society around us. Therefore, when choosing a vamp style, you should look inside yourself and understand who you really are and whether the image of a vamp woman really suits you.

To determine this, Let's look at the main features of the vamp style in clothing and image, this will help with the choice of clothes and accessories suitable for a stylish and fatal vampire.

The image of a vamp woman

A vamp woman is a woman who is confident in herself, her beauty, uniqueness, passion and unpredictability, determination and sexuality. She is not afraid of anything or anyone, because she herself represents a real threat to everyone, men and women, who prevents her from getting what she wants. After all, a vamp woman knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it, and therefore she moves quickly towards her goal, avoiding all obstacles thanks to her intuition, How bat.

However, the image of a vamp woman does not accept any haste or fussiness in movements, words, actions and thoughts. She is graceful and provocative at the same time, and this is facilitated by her clothes and accessories, chosen with great taste and knowledge of the matter. Are you like that? If yes, then read on 😉

Vampire woman clothes

The vamp style in clothing is created from contrasts and love for them, everything is subordinated to only one– attract attention and arouse insatiable interest and attraction to the bearer of the image. Therefore, sexuality and brightness border on refined taste and luxurious appearance. Tight dresses, crazy cleavage, sexy and luxurious lingerie, lace stockings and high stiletto heels on chic shoes - this is a vamp-style woman going hunting.

An emphasis on a thin and fragile waist in the form of a wide belt or a narrow sparkling belt is required, attracting the attention of all men and causing envy among women. After all, they are not so confident in themselves as to be so seductive, mysterious and luxurious at the same time.

Clothes must have b bright and natural colors - black, dark burgundy, bright red. And the preferred colors are leopard and tiger, that is, they attract attention.

Vamp style makeup

Makeup completes the image of a vamp woman, Here the emphasis is on the lips and eyes, emphasizing their unnatural brightness on a pale face. Makeup in the vamp style allows for the combination of two catchy elements - eyes and lips, this adds unpredictability to the image. The eyes should be outlined with a black contour pencil and the line should extend well beyond the outer boundaries of the eyelid, visually enlarging the eyes.

But the lips should be sexy - bright and rich lipstick colors, red, dark red, burgundy or dark burgundy and always with a rich shine.

The vamp style will not be complete if the manicure does not match the color of the lips; this is an important touch.

Bright and juicy lips, dark eyes and a passionate look from under black eyelashes, long pointed nails of a bright shade attract attention and literally scream about the self-confidence of their owner, into whose hands any man dreams of falling, at least once in his life - that’s what it is vamp style.

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