Analysis of the work of Paustov's joy of creativity. From the history of the essay

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How to decide what genre this work of Paustovsky belongs to: is it an essay, an article or an essay? Try to prove for yourself that you have defined its genre as accurately as possible.

The work of Paustovsky “The Joy of Creativity” is an essay, since it combines all the most important features of this genre. It is small in size, free in composition, and conveys the author's impressions from his own specific observations.

What problems, judging by this work, were of particular concern to the writer?

The author identified the problem that worries him already in the title as the problem of creativity. But there are many other problems associated with it that accompany its solution. This is the ability of a person to be happy, and the joy of contemplation, and the joy of working on a book, and the feeling of familiarity with everything that surrounds us. The author, like many of us, is concerned about numerous problems.

What genres could be used to solve these problems? Are there any signs in each specific problem that make it possible to choose a specific genre, or does the choice depend only on desire?

The author is free both in choosing a problem and in choosing a genre. However, when defining a genre, one cannot ignore the nature of the material used and the purpose pursued by the creation of a particular work. So, for example, you cannot use satire when you want to sing a feat, or a novel when you have a desire to tell about a tiny episode that you just watched. So the genre is always associated with the solution of many problems.

Which of the distinguishing features of the essay is most represented in this work:

a) aphorism;

b) emphasized subjectivity;

c) setting for the reproduction of colloquial speech?

The essay “The Joy of Creativity” presents all the features of the genre, but we can assume that it most actively represents subjectivity, the author’s personal position and his attitude to various aspects of creativity precisely in his own destiny.


  • genres of Paustovsky's works
  • Paustovsky joy of creativity
  • what problems, judging by this work, were of particular concern to the writer
  • genre works the joy of creativity
  • the joy of creativity Paustovsky

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IV. Arguments

1) Scientists, psychologists have long argued that music can have different effects on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. General

It is known that the works of Bach increase and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music excites compassion, purifies a person's thoughts and feelings

from the negative. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

2) Can art change a person's life? Actress Vera Alentova recalls such a case. One day she received a letter from an unknown

The woman who told me that she was left alone did not want to live. But, after watching the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", she became a friend.

man: “You won’t believe it, I suddenly saw that people were smiling and they weren’t as bad as I thought all these years. And grass, eye-

It is called green, And the sun is shining... I have recovered, for which I thank you very much.”

Many front-line soldiers talk about the fact that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where chapters from

emy A. Tvardovsky __________ "Vasily Terkin". This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important for the fighters than food.

4) The outstanding Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, talking about his impressions of Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna", said that

The hour that he spent in front of her belongs to the happiest hours of his life, and it seemed to him that this picture was born in a moment of miracle.

The famous children's writer N. Nosov told an incident that happened to him in childhood. One day he missed the train and stayed overnight.

Vat on the forecourt with homeless children. They saw a book in his bag and asked him to read it. Nosov agreed, and the guys, whether

The parents of parental warmth, with bated breath, began to listen to the story of a lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter homeless

Life with its own destiny.

When the Nazis laid siege to Leningrad, the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich had a huge impact on the inhabitants of the city. which, as evidence

There are eyewitnesses, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

7) In the history of literature, a lot of evidence has been preserved related to the stage history of the Undergrowth. It is said that many noble children, having learned

themselves in the image of the loafer Mitrofanushka, experienced a genuine rebirth: they began to study diligently, read a lot and grew up worthy sons


For a long time, a gang operated in Moscow, which was distinguished by particular cruelty. When the criminals were captured, they confessed that their

behavior, their attitude to the world was greatly influenced by the American film "Natural Born Killers", which they watched almost

Every day. They tried to copy the habits of the heroes of this picture in real life.

The artist serves eternity. Today we imagine this or that historical person exactly as it is depicted in art.

Vienna work. Before this truly royal power of the artist, even tyrants trembled. Here is an example from the Renaissance. Young

Michelangelo fulfills the order of the Medici and behaves quite boldly. When one of the Medicis expressed displeasure at the lack of

very similar to the portrait, Michelangelo said: "Do not worry, your Holiness, in a hundred years he will look like you."

10) In childhood, many of us read the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Athos, Porthos, Aramis, d "Artagnan - these heroes seemed to us the embodiment of

Shchenie nobility and chivalry, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent - the personification of deceit and cruelty. But the image of a novel villain

little resemblance to a real historical figure. After all, it was Richelieu who introduced the words “Frenchman”, “born

on". He forbade duels, believing that young, strong men should shed blood not because of petty quarrels, but for the sake of their homeland. But under

With the novelist's pen, Richelieu acquired a completely different look, and Dumas' invention affects the reader much stronger and brighter than historical truth.

Joy. Chekhov story for children to read

It was twelve o'clock at night.
Mitya Kuldarov, excited, disheveled, flew into his parents' apartment and quickly went into all the rooms. The parents were already in bed. My sister lay in bed and finished reading the last page of the novel. The high school brothers were asleep.
- Where are you from? parents were surprised. - What happened to you?
- Oh, don't ask! I never expected! No, I did not expect! It's… it's even incredible!
Mitya laughed and sat down in an armchair, unable to stand on his feet from happiness.
- It's incredible! You can't imagine! You look!
The sister jumped out of bed and, throwing a blanket over herself, approached her brother. The students woke up.
- What happened to you? You don't have a face!
- It's me with joy, mother! After all, now all of Russia knows me! All! Previously, only you alone knew that there was a collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov in this world, but now all of Russia knows about it! Mother! Oh my God!
Mitya jumped up, ran around all the rooms, and sat down again.
- Yes, what happened? Speak up!
“You live like wild animals, you don’t read newspapers, you don’t pay any attention to publicity, and there are so many wonderful things in newspapers!” If something happens, now everything is known, nothing will hide! How happy I am! Oh my God! After all, only about famous people are printed in newspapers, but here they took it and printed about me!
- What you? Where?
Papa turned pale. Mother looked at the icon and crossed herself. The schoolboys jumped up and, as they were, in only short nightgowns, approached their older brother.
- Yes, sir! They wrote about me! Now all of Russia knows about me! You, mother, hide this number as a keepsake! Let's read sometimes. Look!
Mitya pulled out a number of the newspaper from his pocket, gave it to his father and pointed with his finger at the place circled in blue pencil.
- Read!
Father put on his glasses.
- Read it!
Mother looked at the image and crossed herself. Papa coughed and began to read:
"December 29, at eleven o'clock in the evening, collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov ...
- See, see? Farther!
... collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov, leaving the tailor shop on Malaya Bronnaya, in Kozikhin's house, and being in a state of intoxication ...
- This is me with Semyon Petrovich ... Everything is described to the subtleties! Go on! Farther! Listen!
... and being in a state of intoxication, he slipped and fell under the horse of a cab driver who was standing here, a peasant from vil. Durykina, Yukhnovsky district, Ivan Drotov. The frightened horse, stepping over Kuldarov and dragging the sleigh with the second-guild Moscow merchant Stepan Lukov in it, rushed down the street and was detained by the janitors. Kuldarov, initially unconscious, was taken to the police station and examined by a doctor. The blow he received on the back of the head...
- I'm going to screw it up, papa. Farther! Read on!
... which he received on the back of the head, is classified as a lung. A protocol has been drawn up about the incident. The victim received medical attention...
- They ordered to soak the back of the head with cold water. Have you read now? AND? That's it! Now it's all over Russia! Give it here!
Mitya grabbed the newspaper, folded it and put it in his pocket.
- I'll run to the Makarovs, I'll show them ... I still need to show Ivanitsky, Natalia Ivanovna, Anisim Vasilyich ... I'll run! Farewell!
Mitya put on a cap with a cockade and, triumphant, joyful, ran out into the street.

The work was done by the teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Yantikovskaya secondary school Terentyeva Lyudmila Mikhailovna Essay is a way to tell about the world through yourself and about yourself with the help of the world. A.A. Elyashevich Essay is a genre of literary criticism, characterized by a free interpretation of a problem. The author of the essay analyzes the chosen problem (literary, aesthetic, philosophical), not caring about the systematic presentation, the reasoning of the conclusions, the generally accepted issue. (Dictionary of literary terms. - M., 1984). An essay is a kind of essay in which the main role is played not by the reproduction of a fact, but by the image of impressions, thoughts, associations. (A short dictionary of literary terms. - M., 1987). History of the term The founder of the essay genre is the French philosopher Michel Montaigne (1533 - 1593). A humanist writer, in 1580 he published his book "Essais", the title of which was translated into Russian as "Experiments". It is from the publication of his "Experiments" in the verbal European culture that this genre exists and exists. It is no coincidence that the essay genre appears in the Renaissance, when the human will, freedom, human dignity, and personal responsibility were affirmed. It is probably quite natural that the essay genre has an individual creator. The essay genre has attracted many thinker writers. In 1697, Francis Bacon created his Essais, and then John Locke (English philosopher), Joseph Addison (English poet, scientist and philosopher), Henry Fielding (English novelist) turned to this genre. They understood the essay as the author's experience in developing a particular problem. Genre Development In the 18th-19th centuries, the essay was one of the leading genres in English and French journalism. The development of essays was promoted in England by J. Addison, Richard Steele, Henry Fielding, in France by Diderot and Voltaire, and in Germany by Lessing and Herder. The essay was the main form of philosophical and aesthetic controversy among romantics and romantic philosophers (H. Heine, R. W. Emerson, G. D. Thoreau). The genre of the essay is deeply rooted in English literature: T. Carlyle, W. Hazlitt, M. Arnold (19th century); M. Beerbom, G. K. Chesterton (XX century). In the 20th century, essay writing is flourishing: major philosophers, prose writers, and poets turned to the essay genre (R. Rolland, B. Shaw, H. Wells, J. Orwell, T. Mann, A. Maurois, J. P. Sartre, N. Hikmet). Essays in Russian Literature The essay genre was not typical for Russian literature. Samples of the essayistic style are found in A.N. Radishchev (“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”), A. I. Herzen (“From the Other Shore”), F. M. Dostoevsky ("The Writer's Diary"). At the beginning of the 20th century, V. I. Ivanov, D. S. Merezhkovsky, Andrey Bely, Lev Shestov, V. V. Rozanov turned to the essay genre, later - Ilya Erenburg, Yuri Olesha, Viktor Shklovsky, Konstantin Paustovsky. Literary and critical assessments of modern critics, as a rule, are embodied in a variety of the essay genre. Essay by K. G. Paustovsky “The Joy of Creativity” The business of an artist is to give birth to joy. (K. Paustovsky) Analysis plan. The author titled his essay "The Joy of Creation". What other feelings, experiences, doubts accompany the work of the writer? Why does Paustovsky put the word "joy" in the title of the work? Justify your point of view. A favorite essay technique is comparison, comparison. Find examples of comparisons in the text. What is their meaning? What types of speech are combined in this text? Is it possible, relying only on the first part of the essay, to guess what will be discussed next? What means of artistic expression used by the author enhance the aesthetic impression of the depth of expression and make the writer's style unforgettable? Make a conclusion about the merits of the essay genre. Features of the essay genre - addressing significant issues; - subjectivity, pronounced position of the author; - lack of a given composition, free form of presentation; - the composition of the essay - the writer walks in circles around a specific topic, in a word weaves lace or a web of narration; - relatively small volume. Features of the language of the essay: - aphoristic, sometimes paradoxical speech; - the use of polemically pointed statements; - emotionality of speech; - mixing of heterogeneous layers of vocabulary; - the use of artistic techniques; - stylistic figures: anaphora, antithesis and others. Task Try to create a fragment of an essay about the school, write that for you the school is a change, friends, subject, lesson, knowledge, teacher. Remember, you need to find an analogy, an association. The main thing is to express your view of the world, to surprise, to make the reader think. Lesson conclusion - What is characteristic of the essay genre? - What is the complexity of this genre? Why is he popular these days? Our school. (Essay for the contest "The Best School of Russia"). Fair teachers, a wise director, attentive librarians, sedate 11th graders and noisy 5th graders… Interesting lessons and fun breaks, magic bells… What is it? It's the fortieth! What is this school? Where does it start? From the director? Yes! Kuznetsova Olga Petrovna - a wonderful soul, a second mother, a strict administrator. In a word, the head of the school. What about the teachers? Masters, professionals, masters - Misheneva S.A., Fedulova N.A., Levicheva L.N., Serova N.A. Creators who captivate students with energy and deep knowledge of the subject on an amazing journey, knowledge of the world and oneself - Vanyushova L.N., Ruleva G.P., Malyuchkov O.V., Pavlenko S.G. Young, smart, inspired, and therefore adored by graduates - Berezina Yu.B., Chebaritsyna E.N., Soshnikova O.A. Everyone in the 40th is knowledgeable, talented, strict, loving and ... definitely loved. Favorite by students! And those who have already graduated from school, and those who are studying. Pupils ... The most different: mischievous and naughty, conscientious and responsible, frivolous and serious. They win prizes in competitions and win in city and regional Olympiads. These are Pikelnik Olga, Spirina Alena, Smirnova Anna, Troegubov Ilya, Agapov Maxim, Makhov Alexander. They adequately confirm their knowledge when passing state exams, determining the place of the school in the top ten schools in the city, gaining the maximum number of points: 100 out of 100 - Alexey Komarov, 99 out of 100 - Andrey Gubichev. They are our graduates. successfully enter universities, work at enterprises. The 40th is strong in traditions: the ritual of initiation into 10th graders, the Day of the Lyceum, the New Year's masquerade ball, the Day of Remembrance of Ruslan Tryanichev, who died on the sunken submarine missile cruiser Kursk. We are together in joy and sorrow. In the 40th, everyone will find something to their liking. This is a house where kind and smart people live. How old is the school? According to what has been achieved - already 12, according to plans, only 12 more!

In the courtyard of the Pozhalostina estate there is a small bathhouse, to which the museum caretaker led us. And - again Paustovsky, again - Paustovsky, because Solotcha is thoroughly saturated with his amazing prose with its morning fogs over the old woman of the Oka, with the quiet noise of pines steamed in the sun and desperate cock-cat battles for a place under the Solotchi sun. While we are considering the three tiny rooms in which Paustovsky lived, let's look into the time span of the life of Konstantin Georgievich, the main theme of which was Solotcha.

Paustovsky's acquaintance with Meshchera began with a study of a piece of a map in which bread was wrapped in a bakery. One of the writer's favorite pastimes was the study of maps and reading directions. Forgetting about bread, Konstantin Georgievich plunged into the map, on which the sea of ​​​​forests was temptingly green: “I looked at the map, trying to find a familiar city or railway on it, in order to determine where this region was located ... But there were no trains, no roads , except for a barely noticeable narrow-gauge railway that stretched along the edge of the forests. Finally, I came across the familiar name "Oka". This means that this region lay somewhere nearby, not far from Moscow. So on the map I discovered the Meshchera region. It stretched from Ryazan almost to Vladimir.

Here is what Paustovsky says about this small bathhouse: “The small house where I live in Meshchera deserves a description. This is a former bathhouse, a log hut, lined with gray boarding. The house stands in a dense garden, but for some reason it is fenced off from the garden by a high palisade. This palisade is a trap for village cats who love fish."

There are three tiny rooms in the bathhouse. To the right - a living room, with a trestle bed for sleeping, a table - on which - books and a manuscript of Konstantin Georgievich. On the wall - above the table - a shelf with Paustovsky's books.

Just a tiny kitchen.

"I go to an empty bathhouse, boil tea. A cricket starts its song on the stove. It sings very loudly and does not pay attention to either my steps or the clinking of cups."

In the room on the left, there is an exposition dedicated to the life of Paustovsky in Solotch, which I did not photograph, except for this photograph, in which Konstantin Georgievich is next to Fraerman. All further photos illustrating the story are taken from the Internet.

Well, now in detail, in chronological order, let's go through the Solotchi period of Paustovsky's life.
In the second half of August, early September, Paustovsky ended up in Solotch, where he arrived from the north by train: Moscow - Vladimir - pos. Tuma, and then on a narrow-gauge railway on the train "times of Stephenson" to Solotcha. He settled in a house (now Revolutsii Street, 74) at the “centuries”, a rural dressmaker Maria Mikhailovna Kostina. Thus began the Meshchersky, the most fruitful period in the life and work of K.G. Paustovsky.
“The first summer in Solotch (recalls Paustovsky’s son Vadim) we did not live in Pozhalostin’s house (his father only looked at him), but nearby, at the lonely old woman Maria Mikhailovna. They occupied an outbuilding in one room in the depths of the site. Maria Mikhailovna was very religious, had some kind of "organizational" relationship with the Solotchi church - either she performed the duties of a headman (if this is permissible for a woman), or she was a member of the church council. In any case, the teenage ringers, who did not recognize outsiders on the bell tower, obeyed her unquestioningly. Thanks to this, my father and I visited the bell tower of the Solotchi church on the day of the big holiday. It was Trinity.
High worn steps led to the bell tower (the bell tower of the Kazan Church was blown up in 1941 and restored in 2004). I was cowardly and afraid to stumble. My father joked with me, recalled how he himself, as a teenager, ran in Kyiv along the same steep stairs in churches. This happened during the Easter weeks, when high school students, like everyone else, were allowed to ring all the bells without hindrance.

“After Meshchera, I began to write differently - simpler, more restrained, began to avoid catchy things and understood the power and poetry of the most unpretentious souls and the most seemingly nondescript things ...” (from the “Book of Wanderings”).

Already in 1931, in the April issue of the Gorky magazine “Our Achievements”, Paustovsky’s essay “Meshchersky Territory” was published, where for the first time he writes about Meshchera, Solotch, about the house of Pozhalostin and about the famous Solotchi artists-“bogomazes”.
“… One night I woke up with a strange feeling. I thought I went deaf in my sleep. I lay with my eyes closed, listened for a long time, and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but simply that there had been an extraordinary silence outside the walls of the house. Such silence is called "dead". The rain died, the wind died, the wind died
noisy, restless garden. It was only heard how the cat snuffles in a dream ... "The story" Farewell to Summer "
Konstantin Paustovsky. 1930s

1932 Autumn.
The second visit to Solotcha with his wife and son Vadim. He settled in the bathhouse of the estate of the engraver I.P. Pity. He wrote here the story "Copper Boards" (about the legacy of the engraver), the story "The Fate of Charles Lonsevil" and the essay "Onega Plant".
“September 9, 1932, Solotcha. Fraerman
Reuben, dear! ... There are wonderful days. Everything turns yellow. The pitiful garden, willows, grasses, algae, and even the eyes of thieving cats exude a special autumn yellowness. Autumn has entered Solotcha and, it seems, firmly ... Everything is in the cobweb and in the sun. Calmness, which was not even in summer - the floats stand as if enchanted - and the thinnest bite is visible.
K. G. Paustovsky with his son Vadim. 1932

Constantly in the summer-autumn period, Paustovsky lives with a friend - the writer R.I. Fraerman in Meshchera, in the Solotchinskaya estate of Pozhalostin (the heirs preferred to sell the estate to Paustovsky in 1943)). The house in Solotcha went to the new owners with all the contents - carved furniture, an artist's workshop with engraving machines and an archive stored in a special basement, which turned out to be a real treasury. There were sketches of many works of the academician, books with dedicatory inscriptions of his friends-contemporaries and, most importantly, correspondence with Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Perhaps acquaintance with this repository prompted Ruvim Isaevich and Konstantin Georgievich to the idea of ​​​​transferring some of their archives to Solotcha in the ill-fated 1937, and first of all, what could attract the unkind attention of art critics from the Lubyanka. And the letters of Maxim Gorky and Alexander Fadeev, Boris Pilnyak and Yevgeny Tarle, Lev Kuleshov and many other equally well-known figures of culture and science were added to Turgenev's. There was hope that here, in the rural wilderness, they would be safer. Perhaps this would have happened if the unforeseen had not happened. This was already after the war. The hunt for rootless cosmopolitans subsided, the breezes of the notorious thaw blew deceptive warmth, and fellow writers began to think about returning the archives to their Moscow apartments. That memorable summer, business delayed them in the capital. And at that time the following happened in Solotch. Local teenagers made a tunnel out of the garden and entered the basement of the house. They dug through everything there, but did not find anything worthwhile and, in order to cover their tracks, they set fire to all this paper junk. The archive burned to the ground...

During these years, he created a cycle of Meshchera stories - the book "Summer Days", the stories "Lenka from the Small Lake", "Australian from the Pilevo Station", "Second Homeland", "The Zuev Family", the stories "Isaac Levitan" and "Meshcherskaya side", stories "Glass Master" and "Old Boat".

Friends come to Paustovsky in Solotcha - A.P. Gaidar, A.I. Roskin, G.P. Storm, K.M. Simonov.

On the gate of the house we will see a shield with a schematic map of the area. This is the famous Paustovsky trail. It was Paustovsky who laid his famous “path” in these places - a route for hiking.

For some reason, Paustovsky settled his friends Arkady Gaidar and Reuben Fraerman, who came to visit, in a bathhouse, but Gaidar was not offended and even planted an apple tree in the garden and along the way wrote the story “The Fate of the Drummer” and the story “Chuk and Gek”. Somewhere in Solotch, in the hollow of an old tree, the "Gaidar's treasure" is probably stored - a sealed bottle in which the writer's appeal to his descendants is enclosed. The "hoard" has not yet been found.

Marries the artist Valeria Vladimirovna Navashina (nee Valishevskaya)
September 17, 1936 Valeria Valishevskaya.
“... Outwardly, we live beautifully. Reuben is cheerful and calm, although he complains of a bad conscience - he does not work at all. It’s wonderful, Reuben… I hear how detachments of planes are moving towards Moscow over the forests—it’s already the second night. About forty planes passed yesterday afternoon. At night, the rumble of planes is very strange, Reuben is worried and thinks that this is a constriction of forces before the war ..».
K. G. Paustovsky with Valeria Vladimirovna. Solotcha. Late 1930s ..

Solotcha<3 или 4>July 1936 to S.M. Navashin
“... For the tenth day there has been such a scorching heat that all of us, and especially the old women, have begun to dilute the brains - it is impossible to write or read. It remains only to fish, swim and drink cold borzhom (it is sold here in a pharmacy). The forests beyond Laskovo are burning, the trees in the garden are drying up, and I, on the sly from the old women, water them with water from the well (the old women feel sorry for the water more than the trees). Little by little, the fish is “catching”, but from the heat it has completely lost its mind and pecks as if half asleep - rarely and sluggishly. The rubber boat turned out to be wonderful, and Ruvim Isaevich, probably, will not see it anymore, like his own back, because I will buy it from him by force ... ”(The old women are the mistresses of the house where K. Paustovsky lived. One of them is the daughter artist-engraver I.P. Pozhalostin).

K.G. Paustovsky and V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya. Solotcha. Late 1930s

13/IX to Sergei Navashin “... Matryona Dove. smokes the caught fish for Moscow, I work and "study" the wonderful autumn. The old women lay down for the winter and do not show up at all. Lombards wear sheepskin coats and felt boots. The garden is full of worms and yellow leaves. ..”
K.G. Paustovsky on the Prorva near Solotcha. 1937. Photo from the archive of V.K. Paustovsky.

In 1939, a small poetic story by the writer "Meshcherskaya side" was published - the best work of Paustovsky about his beloved land.
“After Gus-Khrustalny, at the quiet Tuma station, I changed to a narrow-gauge train. It was a Stephenson train. The locomotive, resembling a samovar, whistled like a child's falsetto. The locomotive had an offensive nickname: "gelding". He really looked like an old gelding. At the curves, he groaned and stopped. Passengers went out to smoke. Forest silence stood around the panting "gelding". The smell of wild cloves, heated by the sun, filled the carriages. Passengers with things sat on the platforms - things did not fit into the car. Occasionally, on the way, sacks, baskets, carpenter's saws began to fly out from the site onto the canvas, and their owner, often a rather ancient old woman, jumped out for things. Inexperienced passengers were frightened, while experienced passengers, twisting the goat's legs and spitting, explained that this was the most convenient way to disembark from the train closer to their village. The narrow-gauge railway in the Meshchersky forests is the most leisurely railway in the Union.
K.G. Paustovsky in Solotch. At his favorite "locomotive-samovar" on the narrow-gauge railway Ryazan - Tuma. Late 1930s

In the last pre-war year, he wrote the second book of stories about Solotch, Residents of the Old House, and the play Lieutenant Lermontov.
Solotcha 24/IX-<19>40 V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya
“... We arrived very calmly, - even the bus from Ryazan, which had not run for several days, left just on the day of our arrival. Funtik was looking for you all the time on the road, and in Solotch he immediately recognized everything, began to dig the ground with a growl with his hind legs, arranged races in the garden, and went to bed himself in his old place by the stove ... The house and the estate are spacious, clean and such the silence that my first day was ringing in my ears all the time. Nasturtium blooms very luxuriantly, all sunflowers and purslane blossomed. The arbor in the garden has become completely purple with autumn grapes. The days are extraordinary - golden and quiet. The cranes were already flying yesterday. The old women rejoiced at our arrival and, it seems, sincerely, Al<ександра>Yves<ановна>even gave us her samovar. She is very flattered by the fact that in the local newspaper there was, it turns out, a note that we lived in her house in the summer ... An ancient beggar monk came. He told me in a whisper that he was a "temporary beggar", but he dreamed of becoming an "underground priest", although he had already spent five years in exile for this ... they celebrated the patronal feast for three days and all Solotcha got drunk ... "

1 Oct<ября> <19>40 Solotcha V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya
"...It's very quiet here and it's very lonely at times. I'm working, Al<ександра>You<ильевна>(unidentified person) reads a lot (Al<ександра>Yves<ановна>dragged her terrible historical novels, an appendix to the newspaper "Light"). Al<ександра>You<ильевна лечит Полину от бородавок каким-то знахарским способом - приказала ей натирать бородавки обрывками старой кожи от обуви, если такой обрывок случайно попадется на дороге. И потом обязательно класть обрывок на то же место на дороге. Полина охала и ахала от восхищенья..."

Work as a TASS correspondent on the Southern Front, in October evacuation with his family to Alma-Ata.

In February he returned to Moscow. In late March - early April, he goes with R. Fraerman to Solotcha, where, at the suggestion of the last owner A.I. Pozhalostina issued documents for the ownership of the house and the estate. Wrote the stories "Road Talk" and "Buker Man". He began working on the novel "Smoke of the Fatherland".
Vadim Paustovsky recalls: “In May 1943, my father and I saw each other in Moscow - both returned almost simultaneously from the evacuation. Two months later we met already in Solotch (I came there for the summer holidays). The war also left its mark on Solotcha, whom I had not seen for several years. The meadows were deserted. In place of some familiar trees gaping craters from aerial bombs. Father, who arrived a few weeks earlier, told how he went out into the garden at night and listened to the roar of German bombers flying to Gorky. Returning, they dropped bombs wherever they had to.

17 / VIII-43 From Solotchi to S.M. Navashin
"... Seryachek, - I can’t think of writing you a long letter, but I need to write about a lot - farming takes all the time, and the idea of ​​​​the leisurely rural life is nonsense. You have to hurry all the time, and there is not enough time. Now there is a very large crop of tomatoes , he breaks the bushes, and for two days I had to put up sticks and tie everything up again. In our room everything is littered with tomatoes - there are hundreds of them. Tomorrow we are going with Zvera (Valeria Vladimirovna Navashina-Paustovskaya's home name) to Tuma for a cow - this is a rather complicated undertaking. The chickens are growing. They are completely tame, running in droves after Zvera and me, flying up on their shoulders and even on their heads..."

Solotcha 30/IX-<19>45 V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya
“... Solotcha looks much more impoverished than with us - in general, it’s very good that we didn’t stay here. The house is very neglected, no gardens at F<раерманов>no, they planted some potatoes. I saw Semyon-deaf. He talks like we just met yesterday. The village news is the same - yesterday Madyuk was sent to a lunatic asylum, a pharmacist's pig died, and so on. etc...F<раерман>a little philosophical. He lives upstairs on the mezzanine. I bought kerosene, our glass lamp is burning on my table. I bought dried mushrooms, but they are expensive. And in general, prices (except for milk and vegetables) are not at all so cheap here. ... And now a small black kitten lives in the house - very quiet, but for some reason he always keeps his tail straight up ... I put a wonderful bouquet of autumn leaves, beet leaves (purple) and violets (they are still blooming) in my room - according to the animal example ... "

1948 Winter-spring.
He worked in Solotch on The Tale of the Forests, which was published in the issues of Ogonyok under the title Overcoming Time. In August with R.I. Fraerman and his son G.P. Tushkan traveled deep into Meshchera, to the forest cordon No. 273 of forester A.D. Zheltova, on the river Pra. He described this journey in the story "Cordon" 273 ".
In the essay "Reuben Fraerman" Paustovsky wrote: "It is impossible to remember and count how many nights we spent with Fraerman either in tents, or in huts, or in haylofts, or simply on the ground on the banks of the Meshchorsky lakes and rivers, in forest thickets, how many all sorts of cases - sometimes dangerous, sometimes tragic, sometimes funny - how many stories and fables we heard, what riches of the national language we touched, how many disputes and laughter and autumn nights, when it was especially easy to write in a log house, where on the walls with transparent drops resin petrified of dark gold..."

25/VIII-<19>48 V.V. Navashina-Paustovskaya

Moved to the mezzanine - it's very quiet and clean. I get up early, set up the samovar myself, tidy up, do everything myself, and for some reason I really like it. The house is empty and dead silent, and without the usual tenants, it has become much more pleasant. All the windows are wide open, all the mustiness has already weathered. Every time I bring flowers from the meadows (different), and all my tables are lined with bouquets. I'm only afraid that I'll forget how to speak - there is absolutely no one to talk to, except for Arisha. She brings me dinner in the morning, washes the dishes and tells me all the Solotchi news (they robbed the post office, took away the fireproof box in their hands, on this occasion there was a search at the Samarskiye last night and all of Solotchi was disheveled). Today the head of the local IT department came to me - he is new here, he decided to take the initiative and therefore arranges a museum dedicated to me in Solotch (!?). It would be stupid if it wasn't so funny.

Marries actress of the Moscow Chamber Theater Tatyana Alekseevna Evteeva
He writes the latest Meshchera stories - “In the Depths of Russia”, “Notes of Ivan Malyavin”, “Warrior”, “Newcomer from the South”, “Inflow Grass”, “Treasure”. Finishes work on the second book of "The Tale of Life" ("Restless Youth").
Vadim Paustovsky recalls: “Before leaving Solotcha, he wrote to me: “Solotcha has deteriorated very badly, it is all crowded with summer residents, cars rush along the main street continuously, as in Moscow, and there are almost no fish.”
KG Paustovsky fishing. Prorva. 1950 From the archive of V.S. Fraerman

July 13, 1950
In Solotch, Paustovsky and his wife Tatyana Alekseevna had a son, Alyosha. Writes a series of articles "Letters from the Ryazan village."
K.G. Paustovsky with his son Alyosha.

Solotcha 14/9, 50 Solotcha
“... It is very quiet here now and, despite the rains, it is very good. Flowers bloom luxuriantly. Those asters that you planted near poppies have picked up buds and are about to bloom, the garden is already autumn, covered with yellow leaves, damp and deserted. Our news is rural. Arisha took the motley kitten, and it was immediately stolen from her. Grandmother Tanya took the gray cat to her in a bag, but the next day he returned and said that he was not going to go anywhere. I have now begun to work a lot (in the bathhouse) and therefore rarely go to the meadows ... "
K. G. Paustovsky with his stepdaughter Galina Arbuzova. Solotcha. 1953. Photo by T.A. Paustovskaya.
From the archive of G.A. Arbuzova

Summer 1954
The last time he lives in the estate of Pozhalostina.
K.G. Paustovsky. Solotcha. In the office of I.P. Pozhalostin's house. Early 1950s Photo by S.A. Kuzmitskaya

The last time Konstantin Georgievich came to Solotcha was two years before his death. This was in August 1966. Despite feeling unwell and having bouts of illness (he suffered from bronchial asthma), Paustovsky agreed to come to Solotcha to participate in the filming of the documentary film The Road to the Black Lake. Persistent filmmakers persuaded Paustovsky to make a film about his life in Meshchera. The disease did not allow him, as before, to make long trips, but Konstantin Georgievich fished with pleasure on Staritsa. The life-giving and transparent air of Solotchi had a beneficial effect on Paustovsky. He dreamed of permanently settling in Solotcha, building a dacha here, but these dreams did not come true ... A short time after Paustovsky's death, his wife Tatyana Alekseevna Paustovskaya arrived in Solotcha and dug up a rosehip bush with a clod of Meshchera land in the meadows. She planted this bush with turf on the grave of Paustovsky.

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