Ie and her in adjectives. Spelling nouns

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36. Instead of a suffix -or after sibilants, a suffix is ​​written under stress -yor (-er ): intern, retoucher.

37. Instead of -enka , -enok , -echek after sibilants they are written under stress -onka , -onok , -points: girly O nka, shirt O nka, nag O nka, bear Ónock, wolf Ónock, mouse Ónock, hook O check, mesh O check, circle O check.

38. In female patronymics: Ilyinichna, Lukinichna, Fominichna, Kuzminichna and so on. - before n is written h .

Spelling adjectives

39. In order not to mix plural endings. h. -s , -ies with neuter singular endings -oh , -her , what words should be substituted? and which one? For example: kind oh , syn her , former her (which?); kind s , syn no , former no (which?).

40. To avoid mistakes in endings -th , -them -ohm , -eat , should the words be substituted with what? and about which one? For example: kind th , syn them , former them (which way? - instrumental case); oh good ohm , oh sin eat , about the former eat (about which? - prepositional case).

41. To avoid mistakes in endings -yy , -yuyu -oh , -her , you should substitute the words which? and which one? For example: kind wow , syn yuyu , former wow (which one? - accusative case); kind oh , syn by her , former by her (which one? - instrumental case).

42. Unstressed endings in adjectives are generally written in the same way as stressed ones, except for endings after hissing ones (cf. with nouns - paragraph 21); under emphasis: stranger Ógo, great Ógo, stranger O mu, great O mu; without accent: redhead e th, more e th, redhead e mu, more e mu.

43. In adjectives, the suffix is ​​written after the sibilants under stress -ov- (a penny O new, hedgehog O new, brocade O new, canvas O new), and without accent - the suffix -ev- (plush e vyy, key e vaya water).

Note. You should remember the spelling of the word cheap (cf.: cheaper).

44. In short adjectives, under stress after sibilants it is written O: the food is hot Ó (ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

45. In adjectives on -th , -ya , -ye (fox, fox, fox) in all forms except eminent. and blames. masculine singular cases ( fox), before the end is written b: fox, fox, fox and so on.

46. Diminutive adjectives are formed using suffixes -enk-: blue, plump; after G , To , X possible and -onk- , And -enk-: light And light, wide And wide, quiet And quiet.

47. In the suffix -en- , -yan- forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather n th, sand n th, silver n th except for three words: wood nn th, tin nn th, glass nn th.

48. In adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n , spelled two n : kame nn th, with nn th, length nn th.

Note. From such adjectives it is necessary to distinguish adjectives with one n: young, rosy, pork and so on.

Spelling case endings of adjectives can be checked posing the question Which?, since the endings of the question word and the endings of adjectives coincide. The exception is the masculine nominative singular, where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower), and no accent is written th or -th(old th warrior, sin th handkerchief).

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case it is written -and I or -yaya: new and I syn yaya sweater (which jacket?), and in the neuter gender it is written -oh or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In the plural of all three genders the ending is written -s or -ies: new s syn no scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them(answers the question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers the question which one?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu(answers the question which one?), and in the instrumental - -Ouch or -to her (-oh or -her) (answers the question Which? which one?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admire the new Ouch (-oh) sin to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling at the end of adjectives under stress is written oh no accent is written e, For example: stranger O wow, great O wow, stranger O mu, big O mu; redhead e oh, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(compare with nouns).

After sibilants in adjectives under stress the suffix is ​​written -ov-(penny ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov oh, canvas ov y), and no accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev oh, klu h ev water).

    Note. Something to remember writing a word desh ёв th(cf. cheaper).

In short adjectives under stress after sibilants is written O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -ye(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative cases of singular masculine gender (fox), before graduation is written b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed using a suffix -enk-: syn yenk oh, fat yenk th; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onk th And lay down yenk yay, wide onk th And wide yenk oh, quiet onk th And quiet yenk th.

In the suffix -en-, -yan- forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en oh, silver yang oh, except for three words: tree Jann oh, tin Jann y, glass Jann th.

In adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n, spelled two n: kame nn oh, with nn oh, long nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, sir n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In the suffix -in- forming adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in oh, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n is written in a noun GOST in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In the suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words, spelled two n: division he N oh, revolution he N oh, constitution he N th.

In the suffix -enn- forming adjectives from nouns, two are written n: productions enne oh, celebrations enne oh, related enne oh, straw enne oh, cranberries enne th.

    Note 1. Adjective wind en th written with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , written with two n: without wind enne oh, behind wind enne oh, under wind enne th and so on. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives meaning “with the wind”: wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with the wind), as well as used figuratively: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives meaning “driven by the wind”: wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- the name of the disease is also written: wind yang smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2. In the first stem of compound adjectives two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(mashi station nn aya and tractor), wagon nn o-locomotive park(car park nn y and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then it says one thing n: wave n construction plant(machine construction plant), wagon n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick--nitsa And -ness, formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn y-morning nn IR; society nn y-society nn IR society nn itza-society nn awn; revolutionio nn th-revolution nn awn; production nn y-production nn IR; this nn y-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n y - hemp n ik, sand n y - sand n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4. With two n nouns formed using suffixes are also written -Nick-nitsa from nouns with a stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ir-friend nn itza, mosh n a-moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives with two n, save them in a short form: this nn this thing is the thing nn A.

Before the suffix -sk- letter b written after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of months on ny, ry: December b sk th, November b sk th, Jun b sk th, july b sk th(exception: word January sk th).

In other cases, after n And R before the suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse n sk hey, hero - rich R sk th.

To distinguish suffixes -To- And -sk-, we must remember what with the suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To th - low, narrow To й - narrow), and with the suffix -sk-- relative adjectives, not having a short form(Frenchman sk yy, Kyrgyz sk oh, Circassian sk y).

    Note. From nouns with a stem on k, h And ts relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound ts: kaza To- kaza ts To oh, yeah h-tka ts To oh, no ts- mute ts To th. But in some, mainly bookish, formations sounds To And h do not change and the suffix is ​​used -sk-: Uzbek To-Uzbek To sk yay, Ugli h-coals h sk y, also Pfahl ts-pfal ts sk th.

Adjectives on -yny in short form ends with -en: calmly yny-calm en, it's clear yny-it's sunny en , except worthy yny- worthy in .

    Note. Short form participles honored from the verb honor written according to the general rule: honored en .

Are being written capitalized adjectives, formed from proper names using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Gave ev dictionary, Ivan ov oh childhood, Liz in and the doll, Zhuchk in s puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in a figurative sense, in which lost contact with my own name(Adam ov oh apple, based ov and illness, sissy f ov labor, prokr y hundred bed, etc.).

Are being written lowercase adjectives, formed from people's own names, if adjectives contain a suffix -sk- (T Urgenev sk"Notes of a Hunter" P Ushkin sk y style, l Ermontov sk prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L Omonosov sk no reading, L enin sk and I bonus.

In the Russian language, case endings are characteristic only of complete adjectives, which depend on such grammatical features as gender, number, and case. Short adjectives are never declined by case and have several constant endings. The article provides many accessible examples of adjective endings.

Peculiarities of spelling case endings of adjectives

The spelling of adjective endings depends on the grammatical features of the word - its gender, number, case, and in some cases, lexico-grammatical category.

Word Which helps to determine the ending of an adjective in the simplest way - just select the desired form of the question for the case form of the adjective. The ending of the question will coincide with the ending of the adjective (for adjectives with a solid base, vowels will be written at the endings -s-, -o-, -u- with a soft base and a sizzling base – -i-, -e, – -yu-).

Examples: snowy oh(How oh?) field, in large wow(How wow?) plate, over green th(How them?) meadow.

Important! In Russian, only full adjectives have case endings, short case adjectives are not declined and have only four endings - zero, -a(-i), -o(-e), -s(-i). Examples: light, green A, great O, hot And .

Case endings of full adjectives

The system of endings for adjectives is given in the table with examples.

Case Singular Plural
Masculine Feminine Neuter gender
I. p. Funny Ouch,

Good th,

Loud th,

Ptich th

Funny and I,

Good and I,

Loud and I,

Ptich ya

Funny oh,

Good her,

Loud oh,

Ptich ye

Funny s,

Good no,

Loud no,

Ptich yi

R. p. Funny Wow,

Good his,

Loud Wow,

Ptich his

Funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich oh

Funny Wow,

Good his,

Loud Wow,

Ptich his

Funny s,

Good their,

Loud their,

Ptich their

D. p. Funny wow,

Good to him,

Loud wow,

Ptich I'm talking to him

Funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich oh

Funny wow,

Good to him,

Loud wow,

Ptich I'm talking to him

Funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

V. p. Funny Ouch/funny Wow,

Good th/good his,

Loud th/loud Wow,

Ptich th/bird his

Funny wow,

Good wow,

Loud wow,

Ptich yu

Funny oh,

Good her,

Loud oh,

Ptich ye

Funny s/funny s,

Good no/good their

Loud no/loud their

Ptich yi/bird their

etc. Funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

Funny Ouch,

Good to her,

Loud Ouch,

Ptich oh

Funny th,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich yim

Funny them,

Good them,

Loud them,

Ptich with them

P. p. Oh funny ohm,

Oh good eat,

What does it mean to decline? Name the parts of speech that are declined.

Declension is a change according to cases. All names are declined: nouns, adjectives, numerals. Only nouns are divided into three declensions, while other names do not have such a division. Pronouns that are also inflected do not have it either.

Let's decline the phrases: winter day, winter weather, winter morning.

I.P. (what?) winter day, winter weather, winter morning

R.P. (what?) winter day, winter weather, winter morning

V.P. (what?) winter day, winter weather, winter morning

D.P. (what?) winter day, winter weather, winter morning

T.P. (what?) on a winter day, winter weather, winter morning

P.P. (about what?) about a winter day, about winter weather, about a winter morning

You noticed that the question suggests the ending of the adjective, but not always accurately. In the question of the nominative and accusative cases, the masculine ending is -ой, and in the words -й, ил-й: which? snowy, winter.

There is also no coincidence when the ending in a word is not preceded by a hard consonant, as in a question, but by a soft one: which one? - winterYUYU; about what? - about winter.

In the endings of the genitive case, masculine and neuter, there are also spelling patterns: in place of the sound (B) the letter (G) is written, and at the end the letter O.

These spellings are unverifiable; you can underline not each one separately, but the entire ending (ogo) (his).

2. Rules for declension of adjectives

1. Adjectives have endings similar to the endings of the question word what: in a good (how?) mood, about an interesting (what?) book, etc.

2. Possessive adjectives in -iy, -ya, -ye, -yi (fox, fox, fox, fox) in all cases, except for the nominative and similar accusative case of the masculine singular, are written with ь: fisherman, fisherman, to the fisherman, fisherman, fisherman, about the fisherman; fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, fishermen, about fishermen. Note 1. Possessive adjectives are formed from nouns using the suffix -j- (iot), the indicator of which in indirect forms is the dividing b. Note 2. Possessive adjectives ending with -й should be distinguished from adjectives with the -chy type recumbent, flammable, in which ь is not written in indirect cases, since they lack the suffix -j-; cf.: recumbent, recumbent, recumbent, recumbent, etc.

3. The adjectives suburban, interurban, suburban change according to the solid variety of declension and are written with the endings -y, -aya, -oe, -e, etc.; the adjectives beskrayny, nonresident are modified according to the soft variety of declension and are written with the endings -й, -я, -е, -и, etc. The forms interurban and nonresident, beskrainy are obsolete and are not currently recommended for use.

4. Adjectives ending in -yny have a short form in the nominative singular masculine case in -yen: sultry - sultry, calm - calm, slender - slender.

3. Training exercises

1. We decline combinations of words: Difficult long journey, difficult long road. I.P. (what?) difficult long journey, difficult long road.

R.P. (what?) a difficult long journey, a difficult long journey

V.p. (what?) a difficult long journey, a difficult long journey

D.p. (what?) on a difficult long way, on a difficult long way

T.P. (what?) along a difficult long-distance path, along a difficult long-distance road

P.P. (about what?) about a difficult long journey, about a difficult long journey

2. Working with text. Fill in the missing letters.

1) Lonely snowflakes occasionally fell from the cloudy…..high….sky.

Sky (what?) cloudy, high

2) The ground is clean... white... covered with a tablecloth.

A tablecloth (what kind?) clean, white.

3) Here’s an old man….a stump has his fluffy…furs…hat pulled down on his forehead.

The stump is (what?) old. A hat (what kind?) fluffy, fur. Memo“How to recognize letters in unstressed endings of adjectives?” 1. Find the noun on which the adjective depends. 2. Put a question to the adjective in the form required by the noun. 3. Find out the letter by the stressed ending in the question. (Be aware of possible inconsistencies)

1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baykova T.A. Russian language 4: Academic book/Textbook.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O. Russian language 4: Ballas.

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: VITA_PRESS.

1. Culture of written speech ().

1. Fill out the table by entering the correct endings of adjectives.

light... stripe

on the top floor

early... morning

white... birch tree

for the evening train

blue... light

beyond the blue... sea

cheerful... with songs

winter weather

tall... building

smart... person

brave... to the partisans

black... cloud

lower... shelf

in a new... house

good... student

on a snowy road

on fragile... ice

in warm... fur coats

2) Copy the text, changing the endings of adjectives according to the meaning, highlight them, indicate the case. Tall, century-old pines with red, mighty trunks stood in a gloomy army. They are tightly closed at the top with green tops. In the damp corners, green grasses stretched with tall stems.

3) A) Make up sentences with the words - green leaves, dense trees, clear streams in the genitive and prepositional cases. B) Sort the adjectives according to their composition.

4) *Make a descriptive text on a free topic, using various adjectives with various case endings.

Unstressed case endings of adjectives are written in the same way as stressed ones, except for masculine adjectives in the nominative case.

In order to correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective, you need to find in the sentence the noun to which this adjective refers and determine its gender and case. Then remember the ending of the adjective in this case. Next, compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question it answers.

The woodpecker treated himself to tasty spruce cones . → treated himself(how?) cones TP, cones(which ones?) delicious mi .

Masculine adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases answer what question? and have the endings -й, -й.

Masculine: Which? -Ouch, th, -th:dashing Ouch , brave th , great th

Neuter gender: which? -oh, -her: white oh , syn her

Example: There was a funny clown at the circus . → was(Who?) clown IP, clown(Which ?) brave y. m.r. IP

Genitive case answer the question which one? and have endings -Wow, -his: near him, cheerful .

Seryozha called his beloved puppy called(whom?) puppy RP, puppy(which one?) love Wow . m.r. RP

Masculine and neuter adjectives in dative case answer the question (which one?) and have endings -oh, -to him: handsome wow , near to him .

We arrived at a beautiful building . → we arrived(for what?) to the building DP, building(which one?) handsome wow . s.r. DP

Adjective masculine and neuter in instrumental case answer the question (what?) have an ending -th, -them: good them , cheerful th .

The plane was flying over a huge city . → flew over(how?) city TP, city(which?) huge th . m.r. TP

Adjective masculine and neuter in prepositional case answer the question (about which one?) and have endings -ohm, -eat:oh cheerful ohm ,oh neighbor eat .

I talked about my favorite writer . → told(about whom?) about the writer PP, writer(which one?) love ohm m.r. PP

Feminine adjectives in genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases, answer the questions what? and have endings -Ouch, -to her. handsome Ouch , senior to her.

She was a fun girl . → was(by whom?) girl TP, girl(Which ?) cheerful Ouch . w.r. TP

IN instrumental case there may still be endings -oh, -by her.

Feminine adjectives in accusative case answer what question? and have endings - wow, -yuyu.

They went to an evening disco . → Went(where? for what?) to the disco VP, disco(which one?) evening yuyu . w.r. VP

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