Briefly about the story of Turgenev's sparrow. Poem in prose

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We invite you to get acquainted with one interesting work of Ivan Sergeevich, to analyze it. "Sparrow" Turgenev - that's what the text will be discussed. Its genre is not quite usual - a poem in prose. This should be kept in mind when conducting the analysis. Turgenev's "Sparrow" is one of the miniatures in prose created by the author. To begin with, let us note what are the features of these works.

Features of miniatures in Turgenev's prose

Ivan Sergeevich has always been a lyricist at heart, as an analysis of Turgenev's prose shows. "Sparrow" is far from the only proof of this. All miniatures in prose created by the author, one of which is the poem we are interested in, are unusually lyrical. In addition, in these works it is presented above) reflects the deep life philosophy of the author. They teach us to be kinder.

Love is one of the main themes of the miniatures. However, it is not intimate, sensual, but represents an all-conquering force, is the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of happiness and the life of a loved one. As it shows - a work in which a very touching example of love in this sense is presented.

The plot of the poem

The plot of the story is quite simple. Let's briefly outline it, conducting the analysis. "Sparrow" Turgenev begins as follows. Returning from hunting, the main character walks along the alley. Here he sees a chick that has fallen out of the nest.

This chick is still quite weakly fledged. The protagonist's dog smells game. She wants to pounce on the chick. It seems that Turgenev (Sparrow) is preparing a tragic ending for us. wouldn't be so interesting if that were the case. The author uses an unexpected plot move - suddenly an adult sparrow breaks off a branch. He selflessly undertakes to protect his child.

In this work, the author very touchingly and accurately describes the state of a bird that is ready to sacrifice itself in order to save a loved one. The ruffled sparrow decides to attack the big dog, the food is pitiful and desperate. To the protagonist's surprise, his dog backs away in embarrassment.

How the sparrow managed to defeat the dog

Of course, the little bird can't do anything to the big dog. However, the point, apparently, is in her moral, and not physical strength. The dog felt how sacrificial and great the feeling of the bird is. The dog understood that she decided to fight to the very end, protecting the little bird. And the protagonist of the work recalls the dog and leaves with it in high spirits. He once again became convinced that love is an all-conquering force.

The characters of the poem

Let us continue the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev with a characterization of the characters. It features 4 characters: a dog, a human, an adult and a little sparrow. Their introduction into the text is not accidental, each of the images has its own value.


What do we know about a person? This is a hunter who, in fact, is able to kill birds and animals for food. However, he is in awe as he watches the sparrow protect its child. The man is not at all upset that the dog showed weakness and did not fight the bird. On the contrary, he admires the fact that the power of love has won.


As for the dog, in the work it is not just a great threat, but a real personification of fate, fate. Obeying instincts, the dog grabs the game. He doesn't care at all that it's just a little yellow-mouthed chick. A dog for a sparrow is a "huge monster." It seemed that he could not be defeated. However, as we see, the power of love is so great that it can even change fate. This is expressed in the fact that the embarrassed dog moves away from the small bold bird.

little sparrow

The fledgling sparrow from the work is the personification of a helpless creature in need of care. He cannot face the threat, fight the dog, so he just sits still.

adult sparrow

An adult sparrow represents the power of sacrificial all-conquering love. The bird sees how great the threat is, but she still decides to throw a "stone" in front of the dog and thereby protect her child.

in the work

Excitement, inconsistency in presentation, intermittent phrases - all this gives dynamism to what is happening, creates an intensity of feelings. Turgenev emotionally and vividly describes the state of the bird. To do this, he uses a whole series of adjectives (desperate, distorted, disheveled, small, miserable), as well as verbs (shielded, rushed, sacrificed, froze). A small scene, so emotionally and lyrically described by the author, shows the great power of love, which is understandable to everyone and drives all living things. It is stronger than the fear of death.

The relevance of the poem

It was created back in 1878. More than a century has passed since its first publication. However, this work is still published as a separate book for young readers. "Sparrow" and in our days are asked to conduct schoolchildren. It makes not only children think, but also adults. The work ends aphoristically: Turgenev notes that life is kept and moved only by love. These words are true and relevant at all times.

Concluding the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev, we note that Ivan Sergeevich is a great master of the word. He knows how to hook the strings of the human soul, is able to awaken the best aspirations in people. After reading this work, there is a desire to give true love and do good. And the analysis of the poem in Turgenev's prose "Sparrow" allows us to identify its main features that can be missed with a cursory acquaintance with the text.

Detailed presentation of "Sparrow" (according to the story of I.S. Turgenev) Centralnaya, 30, tel.: ,

Lesson objectives: to form the skill of recreating the listened text while maintaining the same compositional form and details of the content of the text, to help students gain experience in writing a detailed presentation; to develop the ability to understand the "main idea of ​​the text", "the main facts and their sequence"; learn to draw up a plan that contributes to the full disclosure of the topic of the statement; develop students' speech; prepare students to write a detailed essay

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev () Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born in 1818 in Orel into a noble family. He spent his childhood on the estate of his parents in Spassky-Lutovinovo in the Oryol region. The great Russian writer received a strict upbringing and a deep and versatile education, studying at Moscow University, at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University, at the University of Berlin in Germany. Turgenev began his career in literature with romantic works. He wrote about the beauty of Russian nature, about the people around him, but he did it as "an artist, an artist and a musician" in one person. Turgenev's language is rich and colorful. Ivan Sergeevich not only loved nature, but understood and felt it. In his works, the writer sang the power of love and life.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, plunging from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her very muzzle and, all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped a couple of times in the direction of a toothy open mouth. He rushed to save, he shielded his offspring with himself. But his whole little body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself! What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

Text analysis Determining the type of text - What types of text do you know? -Think about what functional-semantic type the text belongs to? Which of the three types of text prevails in this work? -What type of speech does the author use when the chick appears? What type of speech is presented in the conclusion?

Text analysis - Track what and how the author says? -What words, phrases, sentences does he use to more accurately, vividly and expressively tell about what happened on the alley of the garden? -What is the position of the author? How is it expressed in discourse?

Text analysis - What verbs that indicate the power of a sparrow does the author use? - (jumped, rushed to save, blocked, froze, sacrificed) Conclusion: the old sparrow could stay on a safe branch, but did not sit. And although he himself was very scared, he rushed to save his offspring.

Resources used: Plenkin N.A. Presentation with language parsing of the text: A guide for the teacher. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional –M.: Enlightenment, V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Bednarskaya, N.V. Drozd. Russian language: a collection of tasks. Grade 5 - M.: Bustard, m549x500te464.jpg&ed=1&text=%D0%A4%D0%BE% D1%82%D0%BE%20%D0%BE %D1%82%D0%BA%D 1%80%D1%8B%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0% BF%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1% 8C%20%D0%B E%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1 %87%D1%8C%D0 4. htpp://

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is known as the greatest writer, from whose pen many wonderful stories and essays, novels and poems in prose came out. More than one generation got acquainted with his work, and not only in our country.

The greatest master of the word, Turgenev easily and skillfully clings to different strings of the soul, trying to awaken the best qualities and aspirations of everyone. Turgenev's works are so deep and good that they help a person to discover love, kindness, compassion in himself. That is why the works of the author remain relevant, and continue to enjoy great success and popularity.

The history of the creation of a poem in prose

Ivan Sergeevich turned to prose poems only in the last years of his life. This is a philosophy of thoughts and feelings, this is a summing up of the work done throughout life, this is work on mistakes, this is an appeal to posterity.

As soon as the author had the right moment, he immediately wrote down such unusual poems. Moreover, he wrote on anything, on any piece of paper, as soon as inspiration came. Most of the prose poems were written on small scraps of paper, which he then neatly and carefully folded into his dark briefcase. This is how the material was collected.

The date of writing the prose Turgenev's poem "Sparrow" is 1878, and the first listener is Mikhail Matveyevich Stasyulevich, editor of the journal "Bulletin of Europe" and a friend of the author. After listening to an interesting sketch, Mikhail Matveyevich was surprised by the depth of the plot of such a small poem, its expressiveness and deep meaning. Then a friend invited the already well-known author to print his creations. But the writer was against it, because he believed that many of his prose poems still had a personal and even intimate character.

Later, Stasyulevich was able to convince Ivan Sergeevich to put his notes in order and submit them for publication, for printing. Therefore, very soon, in 1882, in the New Year's Eve issue of one of the popular and sought-after magazines at that time, Vestnik Evropy, the poem Sparrow was published along with other essays. In total, Turgenev selected 51 works for publication.

The rest, which revealed some moments from the life of the author himself, was published a little later. The date of their publication is called approximately 1930-1931. So the reader's world became aware of another thirty-one prose poems by Turgenev. These poetic miniatures were met with great animation and were so fond of the reader that they were translated into other languages.

I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she slowed down her steps and began to creep, as if sensing game in front of her.

I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellow around the beak and down on the head. He fell from the nest (the wind shook the birches of the alley strongly) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading his barely sprouting wings.

My dog ​​was slowly approaching him, when suddenly, plunging from a nearby tree, an old black-breasted sparrow fell like a stone in front of her very muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped twice in the direction of a toothy open mouth.

He rushed to save, he shielded his offspring with himself ... but his whole little body trembled with horror, his voice grew wild and hoarse, he froze, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away... Apparently, he also recognized this power.

I hurried to call the embarrassed dog away - and withdrew, reverent.

Yes; do not laugh. I was in awe of that little heroic bird, of its love impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only it, only love keeps and moves life.

Turgenev's plot is quite simple and common. The main character returns home from hunting. He walks along a small and neat alley, where his dog discovers a small, just tiny chick, which lies right on the path. It becomes clear that this bird has fallen out of its nest, and since the chick is very unintelligent, then, accordingly, he himself cannot return to his nest.

The hero begins to examine this chick, which has barely fledged. But for a dog that is guided by instincts, this chick is a game. And hunting habits require her to respond accordingly. And here the author becomes a witness of a real heroic deed. An adult sparrow, which had previously sat on a branch and just watched, rushes at the dog bravely and courageously, risking his life.

An adult bird protects its baby from an attacking hunting dog. He squeaks desperately, plaintively, not intending to give up. Of course, his size is quite small compared to the dog, but his desire to save his own child was so strong that the sparrow wins this unequal fight. And the dog, feeling the strength and will of a small bird, begins to retreat embarrassed and guilty. Apparently, the dog nevertheless felt from the sparrow his great desire to live on his own and save his cub, which is why it was not physical strength that won, but moral strength.

The finale of Turgenev's poem is neither sad nor tragic, as might be expected. The hero of the work recalls the dog and leaves with it in a good mood. He is convinced that love can conquer everything in the world and overcome any barriers and obstacles.

Characteristics of the characters of the poem in the prose "Sparrow"

In Turgenev's prose poem, a special role is played by heroes whose actions and feelings complement the plot. According to the plot, there are only four characters:

➥ Dog.
➥ Man.
➥ Adult sparrow.
➥ Small and defenseless chick.

Each character appears in Turgenev's story is not accidental, as it carries its own value for understanding the content. Man is a hunter who seems to have no pity for the birds and animals that he kills almost every day. But still, when he sees the battle of a sparrow with a huge dog, he is touched by this scene. He is not upset at all because his dog did not come out victorious in this fight, on the contrary, he is delighted that the power of love could win.

In the image of a dog, the author showed not just the instincts of the animal world. This is a real fateful fate, which is a huge threat. Since a man's dog is a hunting dog, he immediately smelled the smell of game and was ready to grab it. The animal cannot be interested in the fact that the creature in front of it is small and defenseless. The author tells the reader that the chick sees the dog as a huge monster.

Perceiving the dog through the eyes of a chick, the reader understands for a moment that this fate cannot be defeated, but it turns out that love can still do anything. And this is perfectly visible in the scene when the dog begins to move away from the chick. And very embarrassed of his defeat.

The helpless sparrow chick is the personification of a creature that needs protection and cannot stand up for itself. Therefore, while the fight between an adult sparrow and a dog is going on, he sits motionless and frightened. But his protector - an adult sparrow carries an unusual power of love that can defeat everything in the world. Despite the fact that the threat in the form of a dog is strong and huge, he loves his baby so much that he is ready to die himself, fighting for him.

Analysis of the poem

The plot of the work begins at the moment when the dog sensed the game and stopped in the middle of the alley, not far from the chick. When she begins to creep up, the author leads the reader to the fact that something should happen soon. The culmination of the whole work is the scene of a fight between an adult sparrow and a huge dog.

The denouement comes at the moment when the hunter recalls the confused and still not fully understanding dog in order to leave with it, recognizing the victory of the adult sparrow.

The small scene described by the author is a lyrical and emotional work. The idea of ​​life and true love is embedded in this miniature. After all, the life of any creature can be interrupted every minute. And love is a feeling that is higher than the fear of death.

The hero, returning with the hunting dog Trezor, saw a small yellow-mouthed chick sitting on the road. The wind blew through the crowns, bending the trees to the ground. The little sparrow fell out of the nest. The dog, seeing the sparrow, trotted towards it. Then an adult black-breasted sparrow fell off the branch in a whirlwind, he began to attack the dog. A sparrow hopped on the path in front of him, frantically feeding and protecting the chick. The dog backed away under the pressure of the bird, and the hero realized that love for his children is much stronger than fear of death.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Sparrow Turgenev

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Summary Sparrow Turgenev

Genre: story

Ivan Sergeevich is famous for the exemplary Russian language in his works, but the summary of the story "Sparrow" for the reader's diary catches the plot.


The author was walking along the path after hunting with his dog. They saw a chick - a sparrow - fall from a tree. It was a very small chick - not yet feathered and could not fly. The dog began to approach with interest, but he was stopped by the cry of an adult sparrow. He flew to the ground and covered the baby with himself. It was evident how frightened he was, but still courageously chirped and squeaked and flapped his wings, driving the enemy away from his child. Through his eyes, the dog seemed like a gigantic monster, but he was ready to selflessly die protecting the baby. Trezor hesitated, and then stepped back, apparently shocked by the courage of the small bird. The author called the dog away and, also amazed, left along another road.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Children are our wealth, our continuation, in children we live after death, in their hearts and memories. Without children, life is empty and dead end. The instinct of procreation and the maternal instinct make both people and animals fight to the last for children, and love for them and deeds for them are worthy of all honors.

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