Curd cookies recipe is very tender. Curd cookies or how to make cottage cheese cookies at home - the best recipes

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To make cottage cheese cookies at home, you will need:

  • Soft cottage cheese – 170 g;
  • Margarine (or butter) -160 g;
  • Wheat flour – 280-300 g;
  • Vanilla extract - to taste;
  • Sugar for sprinkling – 80-100 g.

How to bake cottage cheese cookies at home.

Step 1. Mix soft cottage cheese with margarine (or butter) at room temperature, as well as vanilla extract. To mix the curd mass, you can use an immersion blender - the process will be much easier and faster. In addition, the curd dough will be smoother and more uniform. Tip: for cookies, it is better to use soft and fatty cottage cheese so that the dough is homogeneous, without grains. But this is not so important; cottage cheese cookies in any form will be delicious. If vanilla extract is not available, you can use vanillin, vanilla sugar, or other flavoring depending on personal preference.

Step 2. Sift the wheat flour and add it to the curd mass in small portions. You may not need all of it - it depends on the quality of the cottage cheese. The driest cottage cheese will “take” less wheat flour.

Step 3. Knead into a smooth and homogeneous dough that does not stick to your hands. It should not be very tight, but moderately soft. Roll the finished dough into a ball and wrap in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Step 4. Divide the dough into 3-4 parts to make it convenient to work in the future. Roll out a portion of dough into a layer 3-5 mm thick. Use a round cookie cutter (or a thin glass) to cut out the cookie shapes. Gather the excess dough back into a ball.

Step 5. Pour sugar for sprinkling into a separate bowl and dip the prepared dough pieces in it one by one. First, “press” the circle well against the sugar slide so that as much sugar as possible sticks to the surface of the dough.

Step 6. Fold the dough in half, sugar side inward. Then cover one surface again with granulated sugar.

Step 7. Fold the cookie dough in half again with the sugar side facing inward. Roll the top of the cookies in sugar. Do the same with all the blanks.

Step 8. Cover a baking sheet with food paper. Place the cottage cheese cookies on a baking sheet at some distance from each other, sugar side up.

Step 9. Bake cookies in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. Remove the finished cookies from the baking sheet and let them cool.

Step 10. Delicious cottage cheese cookies are ready at home, you can invite everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Curd cookies with chocolate, nuts, fruits and marmalade - what could be better than this dessert on a warm summer evening? How to make the most delicious cottage cheese cookies?

You can make cookies of any shape from curd dough. That’s why children enjoy the cooking process so much. Add several different types of sweet filling - and even the most demanding gourmet will like the dish.

In addition, cottage cheese is a healthy product that young family members must consume. If you can’t persuade them to eat the fermented milk product in its original form, cookies will come to the rescue.

Rules you need to know for making cottage cheese cookies

The whole secret of making the best sweets is in the correct selection and preparation of cottage cheese. A few recommendations in this regard:

  • grainy country cottage cheese will not work, such dough will be difficult to mix, and the taste of the product will overwhelm the other ingredients;
  • Low-fat cookies are also unlikely to be liked by family members, because they will turn out completely tasteless. The minimum fat content of a fermented milk product is 5%;
  • Before cooking, it is recommended to sift the cottage cheese through a sieve. This way the dough will become more homogeneous, and the baked goods will become tender and airy;
  • To avoid drying out the delicacy during baking, place a small tin bowl of water under the baking sheet. It will evaporate in the oven;
  • It is best to bake the dish on special parchment greased with vegetable oil. It is advisable to grease the baking tray itself, and immediately after cooking, remove the baked goods from the sheet of baking paper, otherwise it will stick to the cookies;
  • the dough must necessarily use baking powder or soda slaked with vinegar, otherwise the cookies will be flat;
  • If the recipe contains eggs, then it is preferable to use whites and yolks separately from each other during cooking. Yolks - in the dough, whites - for final dipping.

The real housewife collects all the other secrets herself while gaining culinary experience. The cooking process is not so complicated, so even a beginner will succeed in the dish.

Homemade cottage cheese cookies

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The most basic recipe for a delicacy from childhood, which does not require special expenses. It is enough to follow simple points.

After preparing the cookies, it is advisable to cool them. When cold, they will not lose their shape and rich taste.

How to make a sweet treat healthier for children? Add some more fermented milk products there. Cookies with sour cream will turn out tender and will melt in your mouth after baking.

Cooking time – 70 minutes

Calories – 512 kcal

  1. Heat butter to room temperature
  2. Sift the cottage cheese, mix with eggs, butter and sour cream. For this recipe, sour cream with a fat content of 30% is best;
  3. Gradually add sifted flour to the mixture and mix;
  4. Pour out the baking powder and almost all the sugar, leave a little for sprinkling;
  5. Place the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour, meanwhile preheat the oven, grease a baking sheet and baking sheet with paper;
  6. Roll out the dough into layers, cut out neat circles using a mold, dip in granulated sugar;
  7. Place on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.

Cold low-fat sour cream will be an excellent accompaniment to a sweet dish.

One of the most delicious shapes that can be given to cookies made from curd dough is pinwheels. They are also called snails, ears, and so on. Cookies are made this way: the finished dough is rolled out into a round layer, which is cut into triangles, like pizza. Then, starting from the round end, it is rolled into a nice roll. To diversify the delicacy, the roll can be filled with something tasty. I offer marmalade, marshmallows and chocolate.

Cooking time – 70 min

Calorie content – ​​525 kcal

  1. Prepare the dough: grind the cottage cheese together with granulated sugar, add sifted flour and melted butter, mix into a homogeneous mass;
  2. Grate the citrus zest or chop it with a sharp knife, add it to the dough and mix;
  3. Add a teaspoon of baking powder;
  4. Cut all types of filling into small cubes about 3 cm long and 0.5 cm thick;
  5. Divide the dough into two parts and roll out two round layers. Spread the filling along the edges in one layer and cut into triangular pieces so that there is a piece of sweetness at the top of each;
  6. Start rolling our pinwheels from the top, enclosing the filling in the dough;
  7. Place the cookies on a greased sheet of parchment, place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for half an hour.

The cookies will turn out sweet and aromatic, so they don’t need any additional sprinkling of granulated sugar in this recipe.

An original version of cottage cheese cookies with cheese and chocolate

The dish prepared according to this recipe differs from previous versions in its richness and complexity of the cooking process. Cheese can be used as a filling or as one of the dough components. If you remove the chocolate, the baked goods will turn out unsweetened and can be eaten as a snack with beer, for example.

Cooking time – 50 minutes

Calories – 472 kcal

  1. Prepare the dough according to the already familiar recipe: grind sugar and cottage cheese, add softened butter and gradually flour;
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the dough;
  3. Add a teaspoon of baking powder, mix everything, form a ball and leave it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes;
  4. Chocolate can be used in different ways to make treats. For example, grate it on a fine grater and sprinkle the finished cookies instead of sugar. Or prepare chocolate glaze by melting the bar in a water bath;
  5. Roll out layers of dough and cut out round cookies;
  6. Place cookies on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes;
  7. Take out the not yet fully cooked dish, sprinkle with chocolate or glaze and put in the oven for another 10 minutes.

These cookies are especially delicious to eat with a cup of hot black coffee.

Finally, an option for those who love sweet pastries for their spicy aroma. Cinnamon is not only a delicious ingredient for a dish, but also a decorative element. Cookies sprinkled with cinnamon powder will look very appetizing.

Cooking time – 40 minutes

Calories – 483 kcal

  1. Prepare the dough: mix cottage cheese and sugar, add a teaspoon of baking powder, add sifted flour and add an egg;
  2. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon into the dough;
  3. Form triangular cookies, sprinkle with remaining sugar and place in the oven for half an hour;
  4. Sprinkle the finished treat with the remaining cinnamon.

Along with the cinnamon, nuts crushed to a powder will go into the dish.

  • To save cooking time, you can use a frying pan. The cookie recipe remains the same, only you will need to bake it in vegetable oil in a frying pan, frying it on both sides. You should not get carried away with such cookies - their beneficial properties decrease significantly when frying;
  • When buying cottage cheese, you should rely on your own sense of smell. If you think that it has a sour smell, and the color is not very appetizing, you will have to refuse the purchase;
  • Some recipes suggest using butter that has not been softened at room temperature, but rather frozen and grated butter. There is no significant difference in the finished dish;
  • the ingredients indicated in the recipes are enough to prepare about 30 cookies;
  • Do not use rye or pancake flour in cooking. The cookies will not turn out fluffy, and if you use rye flour they will even taste bitter.

Recipes for sweet treats from childhood are often relevant to this day. Their secret is in the simplicity and benefits of the finished product. Curd cookies can be prepared with sour cream, chocolate and fruit filling; this dish is especially well complemented by any nuts. If you want to pamper yourself and your family with something delicious, you should turn to recipes that have been tested by time and thousands of housewives.

Cottage cheese cookies are sure to please all baking lovers. All those who are crazy about cottage cheese will gobble up cottage cheese cookies.

By the way, people who cannot stand the sight and taste of pure cottage cheese and refuse cookies will not be an exception.

I suggest you find out how to make delicious cottage cheese cookies at home yourself; I will present the recipe with photos below.

A short introduction

Egg: chicken eggs; margarine or sl. oil; flour, sugar. I suggest you find out more detailed information by reading the data I presented below.

Before describing the recipes and telling you how to prepare curd liver, I would like to note that cottage cheese is one of the most convenient products in cooking.

It can be used for various purposes, for example, in the confectionery industry; even cakes and sweets are made from cottage cheese, for preparing salty and sweet foods.

The product gives fluffiness, bright taste and delicate texture. These cookies can be prepared even for the holidays.

Do not forget that cottage cheese includes a lot of proteins and valuable vitamins and minerals. My step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese cookies will be very healthy and tasty.

Achieving such a combination with other baking ingredients is sometimes too difficult a task.

The recipes based on cottage cheese that I indicated above will be useful to all those parents whose children do not like it.

Having prepared cottage cheese cookies, you will be surprised with what pleasure they gobble them up on both cheeks.

The recipe combines healthy and tasty! My recipes will delight you not only with this, but also with the ease of preparation, and therefore, in order to pamper your loved ones with homemade cottage cheese cakes, you don’t need to be a great pastry chef at all.

Plus, I always update my blog with useful tips and tricks that will help even novice housewives cope with baking.

But know that cottage cheese cookies also have some rules for working with them. I will dwell on this below.

Food preparation

Cottage cheese has a different structure, depending on the milk on which it was prepared. The digestible type is grained cottage cheese, but the taste is better - fatty.

You can add cottage cheese with minimal fat to your baked goods; this rule is especially appropriate for those who watch their figure and eat right.

Cottage cheese cookies will not harm your diet and will not add extra pounds.

Baking requires fresh cottage cheese. When purchasing a product, pay attention to its color; it can range from snow-white to a light cream shade.

If the cottage cheese is bluish or gray, then most likely it is of poor quality, and therefore it is definitely not worth baking cottage cheese cookies from it.

You can smell it, the smell of fresh cottage cheese is pleasant, not sour and repulsive. Cookies should be tasty, but it’s easy to spoil them with such a product.

I advise you to grate the curd for cookies; in this case, I use a sieve. This way you will get rid of grains in the cookies.

Homemade cottage cheese cookies

A classic recipe for homemade cookies with cottage cheese should not cause any problems for anyone, and it can please the family with very tender and airy, tasty pastries.

These cottage cheese cookies are delicious and easy to make at home. The curd delicacy will be an excellent addition to breakfast.

To prepare homemade treats you will need an inexpensive set of ingredients and no more than an hour of time, which is very convenient. This is precisely the advantage of cottage cheese dough, which is also beneficial for our body.

The ingredients to bake cookies with cottage cheese are: 250 gr. cottage cheese and so on butter (you can take margarine); 200 gr. soda, quench it with vinegar; 300 gr. flour; 3 chickens eggs; vanilla.

Start preparing cookies with cottage cheese as I indicated step by step:

  1. I take the oil. It must be frozen. I rub it into a bowl of flour. I chop the whole mass with a knife quite finely to crumbs.
  2. I add vanilla and soda, cottage cheese. I stir everything and leave it for about 10 minutes.
  3. I knead and cover with cling film, putting it away for another 10 minutes, only this time in the refrigerator.
  4. I cut the cooled mass into 3 parts and make 3 layers. Then, working with a glass, I cut out circles. Look at the photo how beautiful they come out.
  5. I beat the eggs with a fork. I put sugar in a bowl. I take the cakes and dip them one by one in the egg mixture, then dip them in sugar. I fold them in half and repeat the steps again.
  6. I bake all the cakes with cottage cheese for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. into the oven. If desired, delicious cookies with cottage cheese can be decorated with grated chocolate or powdered sugar.

This recipe does not specify, and therefore I leave this point only at your discretion. Experiment, this will make the cookies even more appetizing in appearance.

Curd pinwheels

Look at the photo to see how delicious the curd dough turntables are. If you think that it is difficult to cook from cottage cheese dough, then you are mistaken.

I will make delicious cottage cheese dough by hand, I won’t even need a blender. Otherwise, it is very easy to lose the desired shape.

The recipe for curd dough for pinwheels does not include the use of chickens. eggs, but add the zest. This provides the product with a very pleasant aroma and taste.

Baking ingredients are simple and inexpensive:

200 gr. cottage cheese, sugar; flour; sl. oils; 1 tsp lemon zest; half tsp soda quenched in citric acid; berry syrup; half st. nuts (they must be chopped first).

Recipe for making a treat with cottage cheese:

  1. I knead the mashed curd, adding sugar. I add grated zest, as well as oil warmed to room temperature. I mix everything and add soda.
  2. I add flour there too. I mix the dough. I also mix the nuts and syrup.
  3. I roll one part of the dough into a large ball and roll it into a layer. I put the nut and syrup mixture on top. Then I advise you to cut it into a couple of strips and roll it into tubes. Watch the video to see how I cope with such manipulation.
  4. I put all the pinwheels in the oven at 180 degrees and bake until the cookies are golden brown.

These delicious cookies will be very crispy and have a very pleasant lemon smell.

Curd cookies with chocolate and cheese

Very tender pastries, I recommend the recipe to all those with a sweet tooth. Surprise your guests with delicious cookies made from cottage cheese dough for your holiday table.

To prepare cottage cheese cookies, you need to take hard, unsalted cheese. You can melt the chocolate and decorate the cottage cheese cookies after cooking, or fill them completely.

For 20 pieces of cottage cheese cookies you need the following components:

100 gr. cottage cheese and cheeses; 150 gr. sl. oils; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 1.5 tbsp. flour (you may need a little more; 150 grams each of sugar and chocolate; half a teaspoon of soda (quench); vegetable oil.

The recipe is simple:

  1. The butter needs to be allowed to melt, only then I mix it with the cottage cheese. I put sugar. I grind the cheese into smaller pieces, mix the soda and flour.
  2. I combine 2 mixtures. I make the curd dough and put it in the cold for 30 minutes.
  3. After some time, I take out the curd dough and divide it into 2 parts. I roll out 5 ml and cut out circles, working with a simple glass. I coat the dough with sugar and egg. I fold it in half and repeat the steps again.
  4. I put the cookies in the oven for 30 minutes, and during this time I melt the chocolate to decorate the baked goods. Use your imagination. You will remember this taste for a long time and, most likely, even gourmets will like it.

But this is not all of my recipes for baking from cottage cheese; below will be presented others that are no less entertaining and useful for cooks, which will allow you to have a tasty snack.

Curd and sour cream cookies

Cottage cheese and sour cream cookies will be an excellent breakfast for the whole family. Making cottage cheese cookies is simple, but they will taste delicious, even crunchy in your teeth, and most importantly, satisfying.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. sour cream; 200 gr. flour; 250 gr. cottage cheese; 1 chicken egg; sah. powder; citric acid (pinch); half pack vanillin; half tsp soda; 100 gr. sah. sand, etc. margarine.

Prepare cottage cheese cookies like this:

  1. Sl. I soften the margarine, add the yolk of an egg, ground with sugar. I beat everything with a mixer, put sour cream in the cottage cheese. I mix all the mixtures and add vanillin, flour and soda.
  2. I put the curd dough in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. The curd dough should turn out stiff. Using special molds, I cut the cookies and place them on a baking sheet.
  3. I grease each cookie with egg white, sugar and citric acid. Bake in the oven for about 35 minutes. The delicious curd cookies are ready, so after letting them cool, you can eat them with tea or aromatic coffee!

Curd "ears"

Most likely, you are also familiar with this famous cottage cheese cookie. I know different recipes for making homemade “ears”, but the most suitable for baking cookies, in my opinion, is this one.

The cottage cheese cookies turn out soft and are eaten instantly. But the advantage of cookies is that they are inexpensive. And even a novice cook can make cookies.

Components: 150 gr. sugar and sl. butter (can be replaced with margarine intended for baking); 300 gr. cottage cheese; 230 gr. flour; half tsp baking powder; vanillin and a pinch of salt.

It’s easy to prepare delicious “ears”:

  1. While grinding the cottage cheese, I add oil to it. I do this with a fork.
  2. I add flour, baking powder and salt.
  3. I knead the dough, it should be sticky and very soft. Recipes for “ears” do not prohibit adding flour while rolling. I form cottage cheese cookies by dividing the dough in half. I roll one into a layer, the second I put in the cold. Again, cutting mugs.
  4. I soak sugar and vanillin in a saucer. I dip the cookie dough into sugar and press it. I fold the dough circle inward and dip half of it in sugar again. I do this again until I get a quarter. Watch my video to see how I work with the dough.
  5. I place the cookies with sugar on top of the baking sheet, pressing them down. I bake very tasty cookies in the oven at 180 degrees. until a golden brown crust appears.

My advice to you: watch after 10 minutes, because the cookies can burn quickly. The cookies need to be cooled and only then served with tea. Neither an adult nor a child will refuse such a tasty snack.

Having extensive experience in baking, I bake various cookies from curd dough, and therefore I want to give you the following advice:

  • Before making curd dough, you need to sift the flour. It’s even better to carry out this manipulation several times, so the flour is saturated with oxygen. The structure of the cottage cheese cookies will only get better from this.
  • Cottage cheese cookies should be brushed with a lightly beaten raw egg before going into the oven. But, of course, this is worth doing if the curd cookies do not have other decorations on top.

Cottage cheese cookies are always very tasty and can please all family members, even the most picky in choosing sweets and tries to avoid cottage cheese in its pure form.

That's all, this is where I end the curd recipes for making delicious cookies.

But I promise that on a regular basis we will upload equally interesting recipes for other baked goods, which everyone can quickly cope with.

My video recipe

To make delicious curd cookie dough, you need to know a few little tricks:

1. The curd product should not be lean. Even while on a diet, you can afford to make cottage cheese cookies, the recipe with photo of which you liked, taking a product with 2-7% fat content;

2. Before cooking, the cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve, even if there are no lumps in the mixture. This way the product will be enriched with air and the baked goods will turn out much fluffier;

3. To revive sour cottage cheese into homemade cottage cheese cookies, the recipe for which came to mind, pour the mixture with fresh milk, leave everything for 1-2 hours (longer if possible) and then squeeze the cottage cheese through cheesecloth - it is fresh and fragrant again;

4. Cottage cheese is a product that can be combined with almost any spice: vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom - you can take family favorite flavorings and get a new ideal result every time;

5. Curd cookie dough does not contain grains;

6. If the recipe for cottage cheese cookies lacks the main product, you can add just a little grated or crumbled soft cheese such as Adyghe.

We suggest making cookies from cottage cheese, the dough recipe of which resembles shortbread. Crispy on the outside and flaky on the inside, this delicacy will never stay in your bowl. Here are the ingredients needed for the cottage cheese cookie recipe:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Sweet cream butter - 125 gr.;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp;
  • Flour - 180-250 gr.

To make the very tasty cottage cheese cookies, the recipe for which we offer, turn out amazingly tasty, add a drop of vanilla essence or a little vanilla sugar. How to cook shortbread curd cookies: recipe with photos step by step:

1. Soften the butter, mix in a bowl with grated cottage cheese;

2. Add salt, sugar and mix well;

3. Then add baking powder. You can take soda, pre-quenched with vinegar or lemon juice;

4. Then add flour, but in very small portions, constantly kneading the dough to get not only aromatic cottage cheese cookies, but also very tasty ones, your family will like the recipe.

Once the mixture is homogeneous and slightly sticky, place the dough ball in a bowl, cover with film and place in the freezer for 15 minutes. Then take out the dough, roll it out, cut into rectangles and bake in an oven heated to 180 C for 15-20 minutes. If you want originality, roll a large juicy roll into a roll (you can add poppy seeds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds inside), cut into strips and bake as well. When served, this dessert will create a sensation, and you will be rightfully proud that you baked such cottage cheese cookies, the recipe with photos of which will decorate your cookbook.

Cake made from cookies and cottage cheese without baking

An absolutely amazing cake filled with cottage cheese can become a lifesaver when guests literally “fell on their heads.”

It’s easy to make a no-bake cake from cookies and cottage cheese; you just use whatever ingredients you have in the refrigerator, and the result is always great. And to make a cookie and cottage cheese cake, you need the following ingredients:

  • A pack of regular cookies - 200 gr.;
  • A pack of chocolate cookies - 200 gr.;
  • A pack of cottage cheese 2-5% fat - 180-200 g;
  • Sour cream 15% fat - 100 - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

It is very good to add fresh or canned berries and fruits to a cake filled with cottage cheese. You can flavor the cake with raisins, nuts, candied fruits or instead of sugar

take condensed milk, slightly reducing the amount of sour cream. So, let’s prepare a no-bake cake from cookies and cottage cheese:

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with sugar and sour cream;

2. Place a layer of light cookies on cling film and spread with curd mixture;

3. Place a layer of dark cookies and press lightly. Then spread with cottage cheese and continue adding layers until the cookies are gone.

Fruits and berries are added to the curd filling, so the cake made from cookies and cottage cheese will turn out much tastier! As soon as you have finished assembling the cake, wrap the dessert in film, slightly pressing it on the sides and top, put it in the cold for half an hour to an hour and you can serve the dessert on the table. The advantage of a cake filled with cottage cheese is that it can be of any shape, supplemented with any products and allows for a lot of cooking options. For example, it works well if the last layer is berries mixed with cottage cheese and filled with jelly. Try and experiment - you will succeed.

Triangle cottage cheese cookies

Curd triangle cookies - a simple recipe for your favorite delicacy. It is also called ears, for the shape it gives to baked goods.

In general, it is best to prepare dessert with children; they happily sprinkle the molds with sugar, rejoice at the opportunity to make all sorts of different things from soft dough, and then eat the cookies with great pleasure. So, let’s prepare cottage cheese cookies, a simple recipe for abalone, ingredients:

  • 400 gr. fat pureed cottage cheese;
  • 200 gr. soft butter (can be replaced with very good margarine);
  • 300 gr. sifted wheat flour;
  • 10 gr. baking powder;
  • 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Making triangle cottage cheese cookies is quick and easy. You will need a bowl, a blender, baking paper and an oven preheated to 210 C. So, cottage cheese triangle cookies, recipe:

1. Cut the butter into pieces and melt in the microwave or oven;

2. Mix cottage cheese with butter and puree with a blender;

3. Add flour and baking powder to the curd triangles. Add flour in portions, since the recipe allows for both increasing and decreasing the amount of flour in cottage cheese triangle cookies;

4. Now put the dough in the refrigerator for an hour so that the butter freezes and you get a good tasty dough for triangle cottage cheese cookies.

All that remains is to take out the dough after the allotted time and start shaping the cookies themselves, how to do this:

1. Roll out very large;

2. Cut out round pieces with a glass;

3. Sprinkle with sugar, fold in half, press;

4. Sprinkle with sugar again and roll again, press;

5. Sprinkle with sugar and place cottage cheese triangles on a baking sheet.

Sugar can be sprinkled only on top or as you like. Mix sugar with cinnamon or vanilla very well, you get cottage cheese ear cookies, the recipe with photos of which is not a shame to post on your blog. These simple cottage cheese triangle cookies are made in literally minutes (not counting the standing time), and the taste of the dessert is incomparable. And don't worry if the cookies don't rise - that's normal, you did everything right.

If cottage cheese is a frequent guest on your table, you will definitely want to prepare cottage cheese cookies for tea. After all, it often happens that we do not have time to use this product. And he begins to lose taste. In order not to throw away cottage cheese, I suggest you use its leftovers to make delicious soft cookies.

The recipe is very simple. Kneading the dough takes very little time. Therefore, this option will certainly appeal to those housewives who cannot stand at the stove for a long time. In half an hour you will have a pile of delicious homemade cakes on your table for tea. So, I present to your attention a recipe for cottage cheese cookies with a photo.

Recipe information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 30 min.

Number of servings: 30-35 .


  • flour – 200 g
  • sugar – 4 tbsp.
  • cottage cheese – 200 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
  • butter – 100 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Cooking method:

  1. The butter should be very soft. Therefore, we take it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature. I heated the oil in the microwave just a little bit. The result was an oily mass, but not a liquid. Place the butter in a bowl and stir.
  2. Add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, mix everything thoroughly.

  3. Place the cottage cheese and mash it with a fork until smooth.

  4. Beat in one chicken egg and stir.

  5. All that remains is to add flour. To do this, mix it with one teaspoon of baking powder. Then sift through a sieve. Mix the dough.

  6. This is the kind of tender dough we got. All that remains is to bake delicious homemade cottage cheese cookies from it.

  7. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. In the meantime, let's form the cookies. Roll out the dough on a floured surface. Cut out shapes with a mold. You can use a regular glass or shot glass.

  8. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour or cover it with parchment. Lay out the cookie dough. Place in a preheated oven to bake for 15-20 minutes.

  9. When the curd cookies are slightly browned, you can remove them.

  10. Place the cookies in a deep bowl and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  11. As you can see, the recipe for cottage cheese cookies is incredibly simple. The products are tender and soft.

On a note:

  • Do not use cottage cheese that is too wet, as it will add more flour. This means the dough will be dense and the cookies will be hard.
  • Do not overcook the curd cookies in the oven so that they do not lose their softness.
  • The surface of the cookies can be coated with sugar or chocolate glaze.
  • You can also use ready-made curd mass to make cookies. Then you can add less sugar.

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