Fresh photos of children of Russian celebrities. Grown-up children of Russian stars Singers with children

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What the growing and already adult children of show business stars look like.

Children of Oleg Gazmanov

His own son Rodion (from his first wife Irina Gazmanova) has been famous since childhood. In the late 80s, his sonorous song about the dog “Lucy” was sung in every yard and, they say, only this song could gather entire stadiums of devoted listeners. Rodion graduated with honors from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, tried himself in business, but ultimately chose a career as a singer and musician. He will be 35 years old in July.
Caption for this photo on Oleg Gazmanov’s Instagram: “With Rodion in St. Petersburg. Now we see each other mostly behind the scenes.”
And here is that same stepson Philip. “Well done junior! I listened to my dad, did exercises and exercises - and didn’t notice how the abs appeared ;))),” Oleg boasted.

Philip is currently collaborating without a contract with the St. Petersburg agency Mavrin Models, which Rospotrebnadzor has managed to brand as “gay propaganda.” Evil tongues have already predicted the future of a porn model for the young man, but his stepfather is on his side: “He has such a crazy figure, I’m glad that he takes an example from me. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, he's a great guy. Yes, he takes pictures, and thank God, let him continue to do so.”

Philip with his mother, Marina Muravyova-Gazmanova (Oleg’s current wife). He captioned the photo in English: “Men are what their mothers make them.”

12-year-old Marianna Gazmanova also seems to be trying on the role of a fashion model. Her mother wrote on Instagram: “Red-haired children are special! If they are not allowed to express themselves creatively, then you will get black lips for school, a nose ring, and purple hair! Marianna and I agreed that anything is possible during the shooting and my mother does not monitor the process.”

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov

16-year-old Stefania, or simply Stesha, is an Instagram star (almost 350 thousand subscribers) and a style icon for teenage girls. He studies in the 10th grade of an elite gymnasium near Moscow. I haven’t decided yet about my future profession. At first I was interested in chemistry and wanted to be a doctor, but “my nerves gave way” when I realized that in the name of science I would have to cut up frogs and regularly visit morgues. She is afraid of studying abroad because she is strongly attached to her family and cannot imagine herself living away from home. But he adds that “situations are different.”

In the meantime, they predict a modeling career for her: Stesha has long been on first-name terms with things from famous designers and has gotten the hang of posing like a professional (in the photo with her beloved dad):

Valeria's children

The singer has three children from her ex-husband, producer Alexander Shulgin. The eldest Anna will be 23 years old in June. She graduated from the Shchukin Theater Institute, plays in films and TV series, and also records songs.

In 2015, Anya starred in an erotic photo shoot for Maxim magazine, emphasizing in an interview that she was “already an adult.”
And this was when I was 11 years old:

Quote: “I used to regret that I was born into such a famous family.<...>Now I'm enjoying everything. I like the way I live, who I communicate with, what I do. I already know how to behave in order for fans to perceive me correctly. And if I want to hide something from the public, then no one will know the whole truth.”
Anna with mom:

Valeria’s 21-year-old son Artem has been living and studying in Switzerland for many years. According to his stepfather Joseph Prigozhin, “he wants to become a big businessman.” Referring to him, the media reported that Artem applied for Swiss citizenship and when he finishes his studies (he now has plans for another university and a master’s degree), he will serve in the Swiss army.

Like any Swiss citizen under 25 years of age, Artem will have to go through the so-called recruit school (4 months), after which he will attend mandatory training camps for several more years (usually 3 weeks each) until he serves his full term: 330 days. In addition, every year you will have to pass shooting standards. It will not be possible to “cut down”, even if the recruit is declared unfit: in this case, compulsory civil service awaits him (for example, assistance in fires and emergencies).
Artem (left) with Valeria and younger brother Arseny:

17-year-old Arseny is a pianist, winner of international youth music competitions.

A few months ago, the tabloids wrote that he had quarreled with his family and left home because of his girlfriend, 20-year-old model Anna Sheridan, whom his parents did not approve of. They also wrote that either he left or was expelled from the Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after Chopin. Then he returned to the family; the teenager’s financial problems played an important role in reconciliation with his parents. She does not advertise her relationship with Anna (the photo below is from her Instagram).

Children of Larisa Guzeeva

Recently, the actress and TV presenter began to introduce her 16-year-old beautiful daughter Olga Bukharova, whom she affectionately calls Lelka.

The girl herself prefers to be called Lola. Larisa says that she sees her exact copy in her, down to the smallest gestures.

They are similar even in their rebelliousness, and everyone who sees them next to each other notices the external resemblance (the two photos below show Olga’s experiments with makeup):

Larisa also has a son from her first marriage, 25-year-old Georgy Tolordava.
Still from the TV program “While Everyone is Home” visiting Guzeeva, 2009 (George is 18 years old):

And this is last year’s photo of mother and son:

Children of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk The actress and TV star has a daughter and a son from her ex-husband, businessman Dmitry Stryukov.
20-year-old Anna followed in her mother’s footsteps: she is an aspiring actress (starred in the TV series “Closed School”), a TV presenter, and a model. Lives in New York.

Judging by the photo, after 18 years Anna corrected her appearance, in particular, she enlarged her lips. Compare: at 17 years old (left) and after adulthood.

Anastasia’s son Michael is still a schoolboy; he will be 16 in July.

Daughters of Vera Brezhneva

15-year-old Sonya (from her first common-law husband, Ukrainian Vitaly Voichenko) bears the surname of her stepfather Mikhail Kiperman (Brezhneva’s second ex-husband) and calls him dad - “the best and most beloved.”

She studies in two schools - regular and modeling, and as a practice she participates in shows and photo shoots.

Last fall, 14-year-old Sonya and her mother graced the cover of a special issue of OK! magazine dedicated to fashion. They look like twin sisters!

In her marriage to Ukrainian businessman Kiperman, Brezhneva had her second daughter, Sarah. She is already 6 years old, she goes to preparatory class, learns English and Italian, and also takes classes in painting and dancing.

Daughter of Renata Litvinova

The beautiful Ulyana will be 15 years old this summer. She studies at a boarding school a couple of hours drive from Paris, and comes to see her mother in their Parisian apartment on weekends. Travel there and back by train. Speaks four languages: Russian, French, English and Spanish.

As people wisely noted, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. This proverb can also be applied to the children of celebrities - they grow up, following the example of their beautiful and well-groomed mothers and fathers, and from childhood they learn to be stylish. Here are ten of the most fashionable babies and toddlers, whose parents have achieved great success in the domestic show business.

Children of Philip Kirkorov Martin and Alla Victoria

As the happy star father admits, he loves to buy high-quality and sophisticated outfits for his children, so the brother and sister often flaunt clothes from Philipp Plain, Dolce & Gabbana and Ed Hardy. However, Philip continues, kids are growing so quickly that constantly updating their wardrobe with haute couture items becomes an absolutely thankless task. And Kirkorov found a way out of the situation - now he gives children not branded clothing, but gold jewelry for the future.

Son of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya Alexander

Three-year-old Sasha has not only famous parents, but also famous godparents in the persons of Dima Bilan and Yulia Sarkisova. They shower their godson with fashionable outfits; besides, according to Yana’s mother, numerous Evgeniy’s fans and representatives of world brands send clothes as gifts to their son. Alexander has his own room with a bathroom and a dressing room, in which there are children's clothes from Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana and Dior.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina Marusya

Ksenia says that she doesn’t want to raise her daughter to be spoiled - Marusya doesn’t throw tantrums in stores and doesn’t beg for new things. But the mother herself is not averse to walking with her daughter to boutiques in search of clothes in the “family look” style - they both like the same outfits. And most of all, Marusya loves dresses and says that when she grows up, she will certainly become a seamstress.

Anna Sedokova's daughters Alina and Monika

Anna tries to instill in children good taste and a sense of style. According to her, her daughters are growing up differently - the youngest, Monica, loves beautiful girly outfits and is ready to spend a long time choosing the perfect look, and the eldest, Alina, prefers street style. Both have a few basic pieces that can be easily combined to create different looks. In addition, children really love clothes designed by Sedokova herself from her La Story boutique, and they often get something from their mother’s new collection.

Timur Rodriguez's sons Miguel and Daniel

As Timur says, his boys are partial to jackets and even try to choose their own shoes and suits to match them. But there is no cult of clothing in the family - children will not be upset over a stained T-shirt or torn jeans. Sometimes dad himself helps his sons choose a decent look and complements it with his own things - cufflinks, scarves or handkerchiefs from his personal wardrobe.

Son of Anastasia Stotskaya Alexander

Anastasia admits that so far Alexander is not at all interested in fashion. And this is not a man’s business, she adds and says that choosing things together with her son is absolutely impossible. Sasha is very active, he always needs to run somewhere, learn something new, and then his mother forces him to try on new outfits in the store. Therefore, when a child needs new things, dad goes shopping - he is better able to persuade Sasha to try them on. Now the baby’s favorite clothes are soft sports suits.

Children of Inna Zhirkova Dima and Milana

It’s hard for mom Inna to resist buying children’s things, because they are all so stylish and cute! Therefore, her children have a large personal collection. Milana, like a true little lady, happily chooses her dress and shoes and will never wear something that she doesn’t like. But Dima is more accommodating - he obediently wears what his mother bought for him. Inna recently gave birth to her third child, son Daniil, who will inherit a lot of things from his older brother.

Isa Anokhina's son Sam

As Isa said, she will not instill in the boy an excessive love for clothes. The main thing is that the items are made from high-quality natural fabrics that will not cause allergies. But Sam is growing up to be a real gentleman - he always notices his mother’s beautiful outfits and gives her pleasant compliments. By the way, just recently the star gave birth to a second boy - their newborn son was named Elvis.

Aurora's daughter Aurora

Aurora Jr.'s favorite item of clothing is shoes. Her mother says that the baby has shown an interest in dress stilettos since childhood. But the TV presenter buys casual clothes for her daughter that are stylish but inexpensive. The main thing is quality, not brand, she believes, because the child is growing so quickly that there is no point in spending money on haute couture items yet.

Son of Fyodor Fomin Tikhon

Fedor proudly states that his son tries to be like his dad in everything. They go to the same hairdresser together and wear the same style of clothes. Already at the age of four, Tikhon learned to select things, combine them with shoes and create elegant looks. His favorite brand is the same as his dad's - Ralph Lauren.

Children of Russian stars have to get used to increased attention from a very early age, and camera flashes and spotlights are quite a common occurrence for them. Many of them follow in the footsteps of their nationally famous fathers and mothers, others choose their own path.

Children of Oleg Gazmanov

Rodion Gazmanov - this little boy once won our hearts by singing about Lucy. It's hard to believe, but now he is already 35 years old! Rodion tried himself in business, but his genes took their toll: now the young man is engaged in music and, as his famous dad says: “I meet with my son mostly behind the scenes.”

Oleg Gazmanov’s 12-year-old daughter, Marianna, is already trying on the role of a fashion model, actively publishing her photos on Instagram.

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov

Stefania is a real Instagram star and a style icon for modern teenage girls. She is studying in the 10th grade at an elite metropolitan gymnasium, but has not yet thought about her future profession. The desire to become a doctor disappeared when Stesha realized that even in the name of science she would have to dissect frogs and visit morgues. But she refuses to study abroad, because she is strongly attached to her family and simply cannot imagine life without her.

Valeria's children

It is known that the singer has three children. The eldest Anna, who recently turned 24, successfully graduated from theater institute and is now actively acting in TV series and recording her songs. Last year, she took part in a photo shoot for Maxim magazine, emphasizing in an interview with reporters that she “had become quite an adult.”

Artem (21 years old), Valeria's son, is currently studying in Switzerland, wants to become a businessman and serve in the Swiss army.

The singer's youngest son, Arseny (17 years old), plays the piano and is already the winner of many music competitions. Some time ago, information appeared in the press that Arseny left home. The reason for this was his girlfriend, model Anna Sheridan, who was not approved by the young man’s family. However, financial difficulties forced the prodigal son to return under the wing of his mother.

Daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

20-year-old Anna is an aspiring actress and TV presenter. Now she lives in New York and is actively storming American catwalks.

Daughter of Renata Litvinova

Ulyana is almost 16 years old and studies at a prestigious boarding school, which is located a few hours away from Paris. It is in the Parisian apartment that rare but sincere meetings with my mother, who comes here for the weekend, take place. Ulyana speaks almost perfectly French, English and Spanish.

Children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

The famous couple's children are growing by leaps and bounds, and parents are trying to spend as much time as possible with their beloved children. Despite the “stardom” of the family, Alla Victoria and Harry attend a regular kindergarten and do creative work with great pleasure: they draw, sculpt, design and, of course, sing and dance.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina

Not so long ago, the TV presenter became the mother of the beautiful Thea for the second time, whom she does not show to the general public. But many people know the elder Marusya. A charming girl, accustomed to increased attention, quite modest, but feels great on the catwalk, showing off designer outfits.

Daughter Timati

One and a half year old Alice is a real daddy’s girl, in whose wardrobe there is no place for ruffles and pink blouses: only T-shirts, sneakers, baseball caps and bomber jackets, and dresses are worn only on special occasions.

Daughter of Ivan Urgant

The TV presenter carefully keeps the secrets of his family life and he rarely brings his Nina out into the world, and shares photographs with the general public only once a year - on his daughter’s birthday. No one will argue that she resembles her father like two peas in a pod!

Incredible facts

But just recently we saw them in the arms of their parents.

Celebrity children are forced to be under the spotlight from the moment they are born.

Some of the children follow in their parents' footsteps, creating their own public image.

Others prefer not to attract attention to themselves.

And still others are hard to miss because they are an exact copy of their parents.

Here's how celebrity children have changed over the years.

Children of celebrities (photos)

1. Haley Jade Scott - Eminem's daughter

Haley is the only biological daughter of rapper Eminem and his ex-wife Kim Scott.

Haley, 22, is currently a student studying psychology and entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan.

2.Suri Cruise - daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Suri was born to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in 2006. The 11-year-old girl has quietly grown up and is a big fan of fashion.

3. Maddox Jolie-Pitt is the adopted son of Angelina Jolie

Maddox was born in Cambodia in 2001 and was adopted by Angelina Jolie in 2002.

The 16-year-old recently became an executive producer of his mother's film First They Killed My Father.

4. Jaden and Willow Smith - children of Will Smith

Jaden and Willow Smith were born in 1998 and 2000, respectively. Their parents are famous actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Brother and sister are actors and musicians. Jaden is now 16 years old and has already starred with his father in the film The Pursuit of Happyness, while Willow first appeared in his father's film I Am Legend.

5. Paris Jackson - daughter of Michael Jackson

Paris was born in 1998 and is the daughter of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe.

She has two brothers, Prince and Michael. The 19-year-old works as a model, acts in films and is a well-known activist.

6. Blanket Jackson – son of Michael Jackson

Blanket, also known as Prince Michael Jackson II, is the second son of Michael Jackson, but has rarely been seen in public since his father died in 2009. Now he is 15 years old.

7. Brooklyn Beckham - son of Victoria and David Beckham

Brooklyn is the oldest son of the famous couple and was born in 1999. He has two more brothers and a sister. Although he is only 18 years old, he is already trying himself in the field of photography and shares his photos on Instagram.

8. Apple Martin - daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin

Now the girl of the famous actress and singer is 13 years old.

9. Ava Phillippe - daughter of Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe

Ava is already 18 years old, and she looks exactly like her mother.

Celebrity Children's Names

10. Kaia Gerber - daughter of Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber

Although she is only 16 years old, Kaia followed in her mother's footsteps and became a model, appearing on the catwalk for the first time in 2017.

11. Frances Bean Cobain - daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Frances was born in 1992 into a family of famous rock musicians. Now 25, she is a model and artist, selling her work online and hosting exhibitions.

12. Patrick Schwarzenegger - son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

Arnold Schwarzenegger's son is now 24 years old and also acts in films, appearing in films such as Odnoklassniki 2 and The Moth.

13. Scott Eastwood - son of Clint Eastwood

Scott was born to famous actor Clint Eastwood and flight attendant Jacqueline Reeves. He has 6 other brothers and sisters. The 31-year-old actor looks very similar to his father and has starred in films such as “Fast and Furious 8” and “Pacific Rim 2.”

14. Zoe Kravitz - daughter of singer Lenny Kravitz and actress Lisa Bonet

Zoe was born in 1988 and is now 28 years old. She plays music, acts in films and works as a model.

15. Colin Hanks - son of Tom Hanks and Samantha Lewis

Colin, who is practically a copy of his father, is 39 years old and is considered an accomplished actor.

16. Mamie Gummer - daughter of Meryl Streep

Mamie was born in 1983 to a famous actress and sculptor. 34-year-old Mamie is very similar to her mother and also became an actress.

17. Rumer Willis - daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

Rumer was born in 1988 and is the oldest daughter of famous actors. She is now 29 years old and also acts in films.

18. Brandon Thomas Lee and Dylan Jagger Lee - sons of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson has two sons Brandon, 21, and Dylan, 20, who is a model.

19. Dylan Brosnan - son of Pierce Brosnan

The famous actor has 5 children. Dylan is now 21 years old and his mother is actress and journalist Keely Shay Smith.

Children of Russian celebrities

20. Arkhip Glushko - son of Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan

The 16-year-old son of singer Natasha Koroleva and Sergei Glushko (Tarzan) lives in Miami and is very similar to his father.

21. Stefania Malikova - daughter of Dmitry Malikov

17-year-old Stefania, the daughter of Dmitry and Elena Malikov, has achieved considerable success as a model.

22. Anna Shulgina - daughter of Valeria

The daughter of singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin, 24 years old. She starred in TV series, worked as a TV show host and recorded several songs.

23. Olga Bukharova - daughter of Larisa Guzeeva

The 18-year-old daughter of the actress is very similar to her mother both in appearance and in character. Olga enjoys gymnastics and dancing.

Fathers and mothers, especially if their social status is high enough, seem to be competing: who will give their child the most pretentious name. We invite you to read about the names that Russian stars give to their children.

Timati became the father of a girl named Alisa in 2014. The girl’s mother is the second vice-miss of Russia, model Alena Shishkova. The couple did not meet for a long time, but the fruit of this love was a child. Timati takes a noticeable part in the girl’s life even after breaking up with her mother.

Zhanna Friske - son Plato

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son, Plato, in 2013 from her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev. Before this, her numerous novels did not result in childbearing. The happiness of motherhood was overshadowed by a serious illness - brain cancer, from which Friske died in June 2015.

Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to a son in the fall of 2016 from her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan. Despite the fact that she previously spoke sharply negatively about motherhood, Sobchak decided to give birth. In an interview with Dmitry Bykov, she said that she chose the name for the child in honor of Tolstoy’s favorite character, Platon Karataev.

Evelina Bledans raised her son Kolya, but in 2011, in her second marriage, she decided to have another pregnancy. The boy was expected to have Down syndrome, but Bledans still decided to give birth. The editors of uznayvsyo.rf note that in Russia there is no special social integration program for children with this diagnosis, however, Evelina Bledans personally does a lot to ensure that attitudes towards “sunny children” change.

In Natasha Koroleva’s first marriage to Igor Nikolaev, there were no children, but from the stripper Sergei Glushko, performing under the pseudonym “Tarzan,” she became pregnant on the very first night. A son named Arkhip was born in February 2002, but the couple legalized their relationship only a year and a half later.

The first beauty of the Russian-language pop scene, Vera Brezhneva, is the mother of two daughters. She gave birth to the eldest, Sonya, in 2001 from her common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko. In October 2009, their youngest daughter Sarah was born. The editors of the site clarify that the girl received her Jewish name at the insistence of her husband, businessman Mikhail Kiperman. Brezhneva's third husband was producer Konstantin Meladze. There are no children in this marriage yet.

Former participant of the TV show “Dom-2” Victoria Bonya lived in a civil marriage for several years with the son of Irish millionaire Alex Smurfit and in this couple gave birth to a girl who received the magnificent name Angelina Letizia. The girl was born in 2012, and her mother separated from the girl’s father at the beginning of 2017.

Dmitry Malikov became a father in 2000 and gave his daughter the unusual name Stefania. By 2017, the daughter had grown up and began to try herself as a model - first in her father’s videos, and then in the professional community. In addition, the girl has already taken her first steps in her design career.

TV presenter Tina Kandelaki gave birth to two children a little over a year apart - quickly, like everything she does. Weathered Melania and Leonty became the fruit of Tina’s love with the aspiring artist and businessman Andrei Kondrakhin. The marriage, which took place in 1997, ended in divorce, but the children regularly see their father.

Mikhail Galustyan - daughters Estella and Elina

Surprisingly, showman Mikhail Galustyan is an obstetrician-gynecologist by profession. In his specialty, he never worked a day, having started playing KVN while still at the institute. And he was not present at the birth of his wife Victoria either. The family has two daughters - Estella and Elina.

Sergey Zhukov – daughter Veronica, sons Angel and Miron

In the first marriage of Sergei Zhukov, frontman of the legendary group “Hands Up!” daughter Alexandra was born, in 2017 she turned 16 years old. In 2005, Zhukov married for the second time the former vocalist of the group “Slivki” and this couple showed considerable imagination in naming their newborn children: the eldest daughter received the name Veronica, and the younger sons even received the names Angel (that is, angel) and Miron.

Sergey Shnurov – Seraphim and Apollo

Married to Matilda, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, has no children, but from previous marriages he has a fully grown daughter and son. Daughter Seraphim entered the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University, and son Apollo (who was named in honor of the Silver Age poet Grigoriev) turned 17 in 2017.

The scandalous family of figure skater Marina Anisina and outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda has two children, both with unusual names. In 2009, Marina gave birth to a son, who was named Mick Angel Christ, and in 2010, a daughter, Eva-Vlada.

Alsou – Daughters Safina and Mikella, son Raphael

People's Artist of Tatarstan Alsou, after a magnificent wedding with businessman Yan Abramov, began to give birth to his children. Two daughters, Safina and Mikella, were born within two years of each other - in 2006 and 2008, and in 2016 Alsou gave birth to a long-awaited boy named Rafael in an Israeli clinic.

Philip Kirkorov never revealed the name of the surrogate mothers who gave birth to his two children. For a long time there were rumors that the son Alexander of his ward Anastasia Stotskaya was surprisingly similar to Kirkorov’s son Martin. It is only known that the children were born with an interval of 8 months, and the daughter Alla Victoria received a double name in honor of Alla Pugacheva and Philip’s mother.

Alla Pugacheva also gave birth to younger children with the help of a surrogate mother. But genetically, the children of her and her husband Maxim Galkin are relatives: two decades ago, Alla Borisovna froze her eggs. The children were born in 2013, when their older sister Kristina Orbakaite was already 42 years old.

Keti Topuria - daughter Olivia

Keti Topuria (full name - Ketevan), vocalist of the group "A-Studio", gave birth to a daughter, Olivia, from businessman Lev Geykhman, with whom she lived for 4 years before marriage. In 2017, rumors appeared that the singer was cheating on her husband with

Anna Khilkevich - daughter Arianna

The star of the television series "Univer", actress Anna Khilkevich, told the details of her pregnancy and motherhood on the pages of her blog on Instagram. It is not surprising that she had to fend off numerous advisers who “knew better” how she should feed, rock, develop and even name her daughter. Anna Khilkevich gave her daughter the name Arianna.

In 2012, TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova gave birth to a son from her partner, actor Guram Bablishvili, who was named Solomon. Despite the fact that the actress’s husband is an ethnic Georgian, the couple gave their son a Jewish name.

Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda gave birth to a daughter in 2011 from her husband, and part-time choreographer Andrei Tsar. The girl was named Evangelina. During the first years of the child's life, Loboda preferred to hide her daughter from the press, and first showed her to the public in 2015.

All these children of Russian stars are still small, and it is unknown how their lives will turn out in the future. The only thing we can say with certainty is that growing up in rich and famous families has a strong influence on a person’s character. The editors of the site invite you to read about Western stars who escaped from the shadow of their parents' fame.
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